Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Feb 1964, p. 4

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my mawmflm myW an Whfipwmmflrvvvwfqnw 17 yy rimhanuM prwaymrw vlvrul wwmumvm 4r HEPOHTEROM on casein in Traffic Building Over London if The Morris Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Willa Gull Manner MONDAY FEBRUARY ll Pm Wllll Publisher New Trend Is Evident In Diplomacy Of World There may be danger that recent min or troubles In Zanzibar Cuba Pena ma or elsewheremay distract public at tention in Canada and the United States from far more significant developments on the world scene The most productive diplomacy of the past year has been the achievement of the late President Kennedy and his suc cessor tn the quiet and gradual lm rove ment of relations between the nited States and the Soviet Union Here is an area where relations are slowly normalizing not through shrewd and spectacular policy victories on either side or through agile treatymaking but slowly and unspectaculariy because changed world conditions permit the normalization unilateral holddown on the arms budget here decision to estab lish New York Moscow air link there these are the small indications which sug gest the improvement in the mental cli mate What has produced this era of oppor tunity To some careful analysts it is in part the direct result of the Cuba missile con frontation After that Muscovlte back down that realization by Moscow that missile blackmail was not effective policy against the United States and Indeed was downright toolbardy whole series of assum tlons had to be revised in the Kleml Policies In the Congo or the Middle East which might depend on Mos cows military threats lost their attrac tiveness Adventurism shed some of its glamour Thereby the road was made easier for Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev to march toward reorientlng his domestic economyso as eventualy to produce farm fertilizers and more consumer goods and cope with the falling economic growth rate Washington planners have believed this growth rate was declining for some time though only recentl did the Central Intelligence Agency pu llcly ex use its surprising figures luscow of course also was involved In its tremendous quarrel with Peking and has been deeply discommoded at Prem ier Chou Enlais recent tour of an Afric an area which Stalin used to think would ultimately join in natural allegiance with the USSlt DOWN MEMORY LANE 35 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Jan 31 1020 Reads Committee asked Simcoe County Coun cil for $200000 this year Reeve Hal Creswicke met provisional directors of cooperative ork packing plant ro bsed to estab In Barrie Presi ent osepb Little of Shelburne said it was surego if town met requests Town was asked to buy site on Innisfil St ad jacent to railway tracks beside Tiffln St Treasurer Hairy Coleman said Coun ty Council was blameless for rising tax rate due to increases set for Justice Moe thers Allowances Childrens Aid etc Provincial election was looming Barrie Colts made it three straight with 43 win at Meaford on goals by Jae Saso and Blondy Wiles Skip Hinds and his Orillla rink won primary event at Barrie Bospiel beating Sully Meredith in final In Town League hockey YMCA beat St Vincents 32 on goals by Don Biogg and Eddie Hagan Underhills shoe fac tory beat Charlie Lowers Capitals 30 on goals by Jack Kennedy Lou Vair and Les Wiles Professional Men beat Bank ers 32 For the Pros the scorers were Ken Houghton with two and Harold Guest Dick Powell and Fred Anderton scored for Bankers Capitol Theatre featured Bob Alsop at the Wurlitzer org an New Dreamland had John Gilbert in Masks of the Devil and comedy Should Women Drivel Albert Bry son and Sons Barrie bakers now have branches in Oriiiia Midland and Coiling wood Mr and Mrs John Brunton of Allandale celebrated golden weddin Mr Brunton who emigrated from Scot land and is still active in hardware busi ness recalls when most of Ward Six was swamp land Collier Street United Church added 71 new members last year Rev Black presided for annual con gregational meeting Hon Drury of Crown Hill former Premier of Ont ario appointed to Federal Farm Loan Board Large attendance at St Marys Parish Hall for play Will The Wisp staged by Cathohc Young People Cast in cluded Mary Desjardine Anthony Saso Eric Murphy Edna Perry Frank Mclnnis Gilbert Carpenter William llipkiii Gladys Raymond and Norman Osborne dance was held after OTHER EDITORS VIEWS PISTOL PACKERS Christian Science Monitor When the FBI dragnet was thrown out around Lake Tahoe for the abductors of Frank Sinatra Jr did you notice what the authorities quickly dredged up Within few hours after the kidnap ping police corraled the suspects within 20 miles of the site all of whom were cleared in the case but were held in con nection with other felonies The authorities found 14 loaded guns in their baggage California law makes it felony for an exconvict to be pack ing gun But Governor Brown wants to amend the states gun laws to restrict juveniles and persons mentally unfit from having guns too As longtime state authority general Mr Brown was concerned over how eas ily criininais could obtain guns Some weeks before what happened in Dallas Governor Brown had brought up the need to tighten gun controls in Calif ornia He said that one thing which had made it difficult to enacta reasonably effec tive gun law was the resistance encount ered from the powerful gun lobby PRESTIGE SALARIES NECESSARY Quebec ChronicleTelegraph Barely week after the Canadian Broadcastlng Corporations spending came under firevin Parliament the fed eral government announces that it has raised the salary of the CBC president Alphonse Ouiinet Raiscd in this instance is bit of an understatement Tire salary has actually The Barrie Examiner Authorized on second class mail Poll Office Department OILIVII Iodtor payment of ports in cub nouns and statutory Holiday excepted Informs watercolour VIEWI Wilson General alums mussels lumping suitor annoy WILSON Advertising Itilnller MURRAY mun Amnnnlhbt MICHAEL nonunion Circulation Manger Subscriptlnn sidau yuLv corfilie By all in Ontario than your use or own Jim three months use month Outaidc Ontario no Can anim pouenlrms moo daily by curler ass weekly been doubledfrom $20000 year toa cool $40000 and Mr Ouimet presum ably wouidnt have to do thing more than he had been doing when his salary was $20000 year No one grudges Mr Ouimet his pay increase But it is time somebody spoke up against the increasing tendency to pay prestige salaries which have no re lation at all to the actual responsibilities of the jobs concerned ROBBING PETER St Thomas TimesJoumai The $500 bonus for winterbuilt hom es according to recent reports is suc ceeding in its stated objective of stimul ating employment in the construction in dustry during the slack winter season With applications for the bonus still flow ingin it would appear that over 30000 housing units will go up by the deadline next March 31 Yet there is also nagging suspicion that this winter spurt in home building rrhayl in effect he robbing Peter to pay an The market for new homes in Canada is definitelylirnited The $500 bonus to the first owners may persuade some pros pective buyers to build now instead of waiting until next summer but it will not likely ersuade the man who was not in the mar of for house to acquire one As far as unemployment is concerned the bonus scheme should more properly be considered palliative rather than cure COMMON SENTIMENTS Sherbrooke Record Homeland however far removed in history and distance always exerts an al most irresistible attraction on its sons anddaugbters ft is therefore perfectly natural for the FrenchCanadian and the Frenchman to sharesome common senti merits especially in times of chdnges It should be remembered though that the process applies to others iuCanada too with other homelands VParlaoraphically Speaking never trial to figure ears the It Hm HOOD munou Britain sets in Into Inenofchooitnthc sky unless steps are taken in the immediate future to relieve the concentration of air traffic leaving Ind coming Info on dont Heathrow Airport the chief airport which handles tral flc going to and coming from all parts of the world as well the main domestic sir routes The statistics for the var rose showed that during the year eiaoooo passengers number greater that the entire popula tionof the Greater London area passed through this Iirport This was almost exactly double the number of passengers using the airport in 1959 it represent ed an increase of is per cent over the figures for rest And It makes certain an tnmcepebie Saith The Ants Pending Further Clarification Ill Continue Along My Usual Course OTTAWA REPORT Pearson Is Ora Hy PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA Mike has been spending an anonymous week in the sun In Florida no douht rejoicing that between cottage cafeteria and cabins he was no longer trailed and touted by his wellwishers in the press corps This was welcome change after his two recent ventures abroad made under his more formal title as prime minister of Canada In Paris and in Washington he had been built up but good by the presSand had had memberraising few days gathering up the bricks dropped around him by his builderuppers It was flattering to our na tlouol ego to hear that Prime Minister Pearson would act as honest broker between French President dc Gsulle and US President Lyndnn Johnson ROLE DVERPLAYED With less protocol than colic that first brick came rocketing back to Ottawa It was made clear that an honest broker might serve purpose in bring ing together two strangers wblch do Gordie and Johnson are not Despite erroneous press reports to the contrary they had met and talked in Wash ington after the funeral of President Kennedy long be fore Mr Pearson paid his for mal visits to their countries Their dialogue is already in train it just happens to ex press two irreconcifed view points Our prime minister himself alsoouickly rebuffed that re port by his formal commentzx would he very reluctant in deed to act as broker Mr Pearsons visit to Paris was red carpeted headlined and successful But it produced so little of substance that the press filled space by reporting that the American ambassa dor to Paris gave Mr Pearson is rough and rude working over because he hadnt talkad de Gaulle out of recognizing Red China That one cruder ovarplayed the role of third countrys ambassador as well as the ro sponsibility resting on Mr Pearsons shoulders overburdened by his embarrass ing friends US sources said with reason that the sturywas so obviously untrue as to be unworthy of denial Mr Pearson for part contented himself with ing that he re membered speaking with his old friend Ambassador Bohleo at the crowded reception Canadian embassywh notavery good rough and rude Thenvcame th report that Mr Pearson MP for Canadas largest uranlurn mining com munity had negotiated the sale of uranium to France The prime minister told cabinet meeting on his return that iherehsd been no air lw tows lathe Soto dg if PPP teiul ForAnonymous Week ministers office today was au thorized by the prime minister to deny reports appearing In the press to the effect that Mr Pearson may Invite President Johnson and President de Geulie to visit Ottawa after the French presidents forthcoming visit to Mexico The prime minlt isters office wishes to state categorically that there is no foundation for the story Finally came the punch line on the visit to Washington There not even straw could be found so no bricks could he fashioned The prime min lster received here reported Canadian writer from the US capital the traditional welcome which is accorded to AT THE LIBRAR ihepolice chiefs of bansna re pubiics HISTORY Feb 1961 Fire swept through the Centre Block of the Parlia ment Buildings in Ottawa 48 years ago todayin 1916 iron doors in the commun icating corridor between the Library of Parliament and the Centre Block saved the library Rebuilding began immediately after the fire and the main structure was finished in 1920 lassThe Canadian gov enimcut surrendered Con federate raiderv Bennett Burley to the US govern meni isso The French Ne Iionel Assembly approved eclal powers for Presl ent de Gaulle to deal with the Algerian crisis Hurricane Hazel Is Recalled In Great Canadian Disasters ay Frank mm This is one of the must fee cinsting books of its kind and should provide rewarding read ing for people of all ages who enjoy true adventure and hu man interest stories In it the author Frank Rasky grad uate of the University of Tor onto has intimately portrayed the drama that unfolded in the form of heroism horror grief mystery and comedy during Canadas 10 most shocking dis asters which have occurred with in the last 60 Years This is highly concentrated book and one that to be fully appreciated should be read at more leisurely speed By in Ierviewing thousands of surviv or of and eyewitnesses to these disasters he has captured all the excitement and color usually missed by the more prosaic newsreporters and In more in be commended for his exhhust ive research than his style of writing Because the reader Ismade aware tbstfhe himself could eds Iiy heye been one ollhe victims in any one of these disasters or could be Involved in the next disaster to strike it makes him take second look at himself and ask hhnself how he would react under similar circumstenov es The 10 disasters covered elude such well known events as th Frank Slide where mollutalllfislde buried the town ofFrank the sinking of the Empress of Ireland the Rec gins tornado the Halifax ex plosion where shiplnad of ex plosives blew up to kill 20001 fields near Beelon Numerous accounts like the one descrlir iog how recluse near OriIIia was found drowned clutching the only friend he had pet tibbit make the book more than mere record listen linker BIBLE THOUGHT If ye be rcproncbcd for the ppm of Christ honor are ya Peter 414 No one needs to be hesitant about his faith in Jesus Christ residents and Hurricane Hazel Perhapsbecause it covers Hurricane Hazel which spiced death and destruction right into Simcoe County ms book is of more thanpaising interest to readers at the Barrie Library ltdescribes how Dutch fam4 llyincluding 12 children were at frame when it as Imp away angry wa ingrBiadtord Marsh onlyto be ad when the bpiisegroundcd rut lllghwey 400 itdeicnbes how five others bent flood their South Viet Nams cw strongman Maj Gen Nguyen inwned Kbanh presses hands ove eye fact that this great concentra tion of traffic at inndoni ccn tral airport will simply become unbearable for one airport to bundle Difficulties at the Heathrow Airport have multiplied not lone because of the Increase In volume of passenger traffic In the last four or live yearsthc entry into the air passenger field of huge Jet aircraft capable of carrying as many as 140 or more passcngers on each has created serious pmblts not only for the airport author ities but also for travellers No matter how carefully flights may be scheduled it Is not possible to estimate the ex act time of landing of on air craft with so many factors of weather and wind conditions in be considered Thus It frequent ly happens that several of these large jet airliners arrive with in few minutes of each other age personnel and cause delays which while they not Wgflg In moat If the average It takes minutes from the time scorers dimnblrk until they In ter the airport rotunda ELEMENT OF SAFETY 0f even greater Importance however are the elenienu of safety whldi ore endangered by the overcrowding ollraflle on single airport no matter bow efficiently If is operated ilho Heethmw Airport Ia Ichuwi edited to have about the most efficient system of traffic eon not to be found anywhere to die world There is however real danger that In spite of all the advantages of electronic and mechanical aids to safety the men responsible for guiding the aircraft lo and out of the airport will he overburdened NEW AIRPORT NEEDED ilccause of all these factors clear case can be made out for the establishment of another maior airport in tendon Even provided the plans now being made to double the copacily of the airport at Gatwick are car ried out they are not nearly ambitious enough to meet the crisis which lies ahead as sure ly as day follows night tendonhss In reality become an International crossroad ole the world It must have airport facilities which will enable it to hold that position and it must have them soon Becauseunless there is action In this direction immediately the chaos to the skies and on the ground will be source of great danger to all who travel by air INTERPRETING THE NEWS Suspect Deep Involvement In Politics Of South Viet Rain The war In South Viet Nam seems to have turned Into neverending conccr rooted in policies of world powers re mote from the local culture and feeding on the exhaustion and torture of population that has seen no surcease from battle for almost two decades Once more the Saigon regime has been toppled this time by young erId commander much admired by American officials While the United States pro fesses to have been surprised by this latest coup the initial mild reaction in Washington ap pears to indicate there is more to US involvement than offi cials cure to disclose American money supports the South Vietnamese army sup plies it and feeds it American troops transport bolster and advise the field forces And American intelligence is re ported to be operating both on the military and political fronts in that warplagued country it would be difficult there fore to Ignore the Moscow claim that the American band was as deep in this coup as it was in the one last November that removed Diem who had become repugnant to the Budd hists and an embarrassment to Washington ALLEGE rim The present American argu ment Is that the generals who overthrew the Diem family had not pursued the waragainst the Viet Cong with great dili gence and had instead re cently plotted with representa tives of French President de Gaulle to end the war through acceptance of neutrality for kins autumn semis his news conference Iii Saigon boIh South and Noitli Viet Nam It was to this allegedly criti cal necd of preventing neutraln ism that the new dictator flat Geo Nguyen llbanh Immedi ately addressed himself as be seized control over the main leaders of the previous junta Now the US feels the war against the Viet Cong may soon be pursued with greater dilis gence though how tlils can be done in view of the internal dis cord that undoubtedly results from the coup is not made clear It would take no clair voyant tosuggest that If the us is determined brld South Viet Nam for the West it may have to increase US intervention and that may bring greater Intervention from the other side Three days before the latest coup Defence Secretary Robert McNamara reported that the Vietnamese situation was grave Aday later he sugc gested the gravity had been ex aggerated and that he hsdheen encouraged by recent opera lions 0n the third day the Pentagon reported the Viet Cong bad Hopped up their oplt eratioos sharply and that ces uslties were heavy ELUSTRATES CONFUSION The confusion that has fol lowed US policy in South Viet Nam ls Illustrated by the Wash ington Post cartoon showing men watching tape coming out of Pentagon computer The tape reads The situation in Viet Nam hss deteriorated but we are encouraged today and it can get much worse Maybe its in code sug gests one of the men watching the tape

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