Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Mar 1964, p. 3

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vlt 4H3 myy MMM 141 fllr cwflflmwmm time rm iv or Mivx 7e filthnae or Changi ecnntques it Of cl roiio seytaatiptsyiotrytomoetaoeisiidrdraow Oaklwwinsrt Ptlslie School last beotlrat night it Marleen principal un you em norm on With illustrltlons on black King Edward Public School to ML board be dealt with commuta kat 10 will win worst thing yoobocsn do is try VI Moriarty Ind associative em as properm Michidder Approach um By In liliustutim heshewed arr Maelng said to 1m thatmdoesnotmunnothipg the Russia launched mu lb Angleth period toumd the Horses Still Alive so complete mmwcauudiuiw tbenewbuiidlngwillnotbeeony es iot one extra year would pitted thhyear more than bridge the up and Unless Intiha moon is liloWJll to wastruct the whole lied cuts will have to be building said InIdejt certain Ireas oi the building said Russ Davey see The no campaign raised 50000 towards the project Mr Davey explained that it another 50M was raised only summer to extend deal more than the Sputnik mm lie relerted to no besiminr oi sepsra WI Ire mud when Ivcblld shindig mm more to not would you he lost II proud llthey said cow borse doe drIir sad so onittwouldbeiustasmua It was Willow thought that gymnasium would be Into the building but this om THE usso in the United Stiles they needed H000 mathematicians In What society demands our education system will reliect he said Techniques Ire changing so npidly and we are unlocking more oi the mind so that the student ls capable oi more air uterus sale We need better ctmieulum and we need to help our teachers in more training so they can teach better curriculum Wehopeio have our teachers suiiiciently acquainted with the new pro gram which is optional that ingful III explained hove theidesdoi oet is ensured by start era lie said the marilpulattoo oi oblectestthewlyltllesisth cnrciIHor the youngster And this Is one the leItureI oi the new program that is im mat INCORRECT lie said one or dis lectures at math is that we must be precise We have taum things that were incorrect and we Ira lind mus Book Display book nuisan l000 boots in ouditcrium ol Oakley Pnk like mantis the school said the put Coon display on on by the CardiacBook Cfllnd theBIrrie Public School Board Mr Law said this gives all teachers in the city and count Whollyme two club rooms and Milli area would have to be multicod third club room and games room would have to go om oi the plans he said it sonly matter at tew weeks beiore tenders will be called corn nous it we have to wait two years beiore we get these rooms the cost oi having them built onto the new building will be iar added now Mr Davey li less then the Iudltcrlinn more than it they were included in rejected due tothe cost We have iew 0lnnulums Irormd town we can use or the time being said hir Davey Harry Armstrong unipolar committee member appealed In eoriler meeting or the board gt that anyone wanting to helpthe clelr this hurdle shouldnt run the risk at being missed Just mail me ortbeY and well be right on the job Mr Davey explained there was membership oi more an 700 persons in and around Barrie He said Wenty two coirr panics Ire represented and this keeps those interested well up on available materials for school use Some oi the representatives oi book publishers ran into the storm between here and ior onto and were unshie to make it The majority oi them did arrive and the displaywss corr will be introduced in the III oi It said msthemstica ls rally study oi patterns Webegln with the concrete and into movs to the IbstrICt Mr hiseleIn warned parents with preschool children not to lug out today thIt wawere taught things they In iindlng out now are incorrect Art exunple oi this is when we tdl child that you can not subtract from the child later learns thst you up ruhtnct item lcfigiiflgwfiwlflfimrnam and lirlen Dole Book Display in Oakley Park Sets Good Pace rliht oi Copp Clark Publish Rtncbart and Winston oi our in costs hold books at mm ideal Easter seal campaign Shows $129221 Already No new members have loht ed the Kiwanis Club at Barrie At the wckcly dinner nteetlngln Community House Lloyd Am ErnestVallter CA was intro strong insurance adjuster wee lntrbduced by Jack Slessor and duced by Walter Stecliley ehIlr man oi membership committee Dr George leggctt announced Mondaynlght that 00 returns had been received by the club trim the Easter Seal campaign tor crippled children with re celpts at $1292 Ross Stephens past president reminded members that tlte LI dies Night would he held Sea turday evening It the Ditioere Mess RCA Station Edgar There would be dancing to or chestra Ind bullet lunch at midnight OFFICIAL VISIT Murray Anderson ol ion onlo liloor Kiwanis division oiiicisl visit to lieutenant governor paid his the dub on March lie was Introduced by Ross Stephens and thanked by Neil MacDonald Mr Anderson gave an outstanding address on Femoral Service the Kiwanis loternatloaaltheme for 1964 Freedom Call to special ieature oi the meet ing was the presentation oi mammoth travelling convention gavel by Jim Greeohalgh oi the Kiwanis Kempenielt Bay club to president MIdslem ot the Barrte club Thlssavel which originated in Detroit the ineltluh oi Atwoodbid tr the City Development Coma mitten will make tull oi the needs andposeihle ices tions oi public predictions in the downtown am The General Govuduuhrt Comma will insider the flvisiflnlltyof removal oi ov signs on streets with View to comm contortsinus only ties ellcd through Michigan into Sault Ste Marie Ontario Hid vie Sudhury and North Bay had landed in Barrie attire Kem penieit Bay club Among dinner guests were Bill Kastner liill Hinton and Don Allan oi Kempanielt Bay club Chip Young ot lbronto Rev Donald Ind Robert Sarteant oi Barr Guest speaker March was Dr Scott oi Barrie dir edor oi the Simone County Health Unit DEATHS itbronte Jim Brown 73 system newspaper man who worked inlrtswapa pers irt Vancouver Calgary and lbronto alter entering hospital with stomach ailment Petnhroke Ont liar vey 75 veteran wireless opera tqr who said he copied the iirst message tom the sinking li taste In 1911 New Haven Conn Alex ander Petninkevltch ea Yale University ecologist and one or the worlds greatest autltoritles on spiders Nstntiord Ont Theodore Parker er Liberal candidate for truth in the rats federal election and an independent eacdldatsin 195e Calgary Joseph Smith Mc Pherson so pioneer oi the Canadian motion picture busi will Sou loading and unloading are teltit is un Mahdi tot II mm new bunch pass Iswfu latins that domino or iii miscarried P0 without TI Kl sidered klService was held at the Stee ii for Mrs Allred Atkinson who died in Royal Victoria Hospital on Monday March She was in her 75th year Rev Gard iner Skelly minister or Collier Street United Church oi which she was an active member oi ilciatcd Pallbearers were Nor man Synnott Samuel Steele and tour nephews Norris Ormlstoti Gilbert Ormlston it Ornitston and Karl Falstrem interment was It Barrie ilnlon Cemetery Mrs Atkinson who was pre deceased live years by her bus snd was Rankin daughter the late James wile Elisa Jane Boyd at Parry occupation she had been nail ilner and dress designer prior to her marriage in Noon to 1925 She hadresided its Parry Sound Regina North Battlflcrd Saskatoon and lnronto More coming to Barrie almost 20 years agofwhero her hilshdttdWElinlb Canadian General Electric Her caidence was at too Owen St Mrs church worlrcr She had been member of the Methodist Chiirch later United irointhe age 31 leryears She was always av Ihle with her talentsto assist which she was member in every community in which she livedin Ontario and Saskatch ewan Sin had been member of the WMS and WA of Collier Streeullnited Sb mainber of the Arts sodCraits WCCfiSI meet this evnning in the committee rooms oi City Hall beginning at 730 11 is expected move will he ms to the committee tor the late to appoint replacemeiit may up cannery MRS ATKINSON Funeral Home Mouth born Annie Myrtle and his rid on March 221893 by tirinson was always ohm was an active Recreation Group ls Meeting Today Barrie Recreation Committee KEN CATHERS lett prin etpu ot Prince ot Wales Pub lie School Brian Dale oi Vote Top Citizen Netti Wednesday Judging ior Barries Citizen at the Year will take place at the Royal Canadian legion ltsli next Wednesday starting at 015 plli An outstanding citizen who has contributed muchbo the pro gress attire city isdrresented the William IlVWright Memorial Trophy Last years winner was Doll principal oi Ilillorest Pub ltc School Copp Clark Publishing 00 and Law principal at Oakley Paris PirbiicSbhiiol Vespra Group Hoots Speaker in future ottnegriuoi oom rnuutty was the ooncom of the Monday meeting at thoVespra Township Federation Partoi the program was de voted to the farm tortim broad cast MBA at Work Ken Graham OntarioFedera titre of Agriculture iialdman spoke on the Agricultural Rural Development Association pro gram ros th rural community discuss mathematics book at Book Display in Oakley Park school yesterday Ex aminer Photos Charge Motorist litter Collision Barrie city police say charges have been held against Walter Durmofconceasion Vesprn iollowing an accident yesterday the mishap on Dunlap SL wast of Anne occurred atl25 pm when Dunns vehiclarcnl lined with car driven by Wil liam Parrot 102 Cumberland St Barrie Damogetc the two cars was estirnatadat 5550 According to Aid Smith there was iurther increase in building permit values tor Fen ruary as well as iurther gain tor the year iodate This Is excluding the non assessable classification Increesi over February 1063 is $478091 This years total is 3572930 compared with mass in lm Value of the permits increased as iollows $102000 for new dwelling permits and $111000 ior industrial pernilta It decrease was recorded Ior residential permitI 87500 and or commercial permits siesta lermtts and their values ior February iollow RESIDENTIAL New Duplex Triples or Apart ments Harrison for so Donald St 0ne permit valued at $$i000 Conversions ll Stewart for to threats St One permit valued at 81000 Repairs and altcrations Mrs McCutcheon tor 117 In nislil Sti Martin or 45 San ford St NBiacktiall lor 29 Napier Dr Benton for 94 Blake Scott ior Vine St Logear ior 79 Blake St Six pcrmitsyalued at 3354 Big Producer Laying ligain The hen that laid tbegolden egg tor Jim Fare about month ago is back at work Mr Fare of Anton Mills said the Barred Rock iowl startr ed producing about week ago and production isuatiilexcep tlonal While no nitounce eggs have been coming Mr Fate said the fowl is producing an egg had three yolks plus an other complete egg inside its shell Mr Fare has not opened thesmalleregg but says it looks good He doesnt feel hell get too many more double yolks irnm this biddty It only lays short while then gets list and lazy he said thing billdbllhle yolks The big Additions halts Potato or so Collier St One permit valued It $4000 Repairs and citerations Ough or so Dunlap St Ed Hardy Motors ior 109 Bradford St Two permits valued at $3500 INDUSTRIAL Additions Moldex IAd for int Vespre St One permit vsl ued at $2000 Miscellaneous and non ult sessable Continental inn tor 321 Duniop StW Delaney Boat Lines lot Bayiicld st Harrie District Collegiate school board or Barrie Central Collegiste Bradford St City ot Barrio tar as Collier st Rays Simone Mo tors for so Tliiirr St Five per mite valuEd at 5151160 There was total at all mite issued in February tied at moron MONTHLY COMPARISON No new dwelling permits is sued tn February 1963 one in root at $4000 an increase oi 554000 Eight other residential penulta issued in Febniary rats at 111 300 sovan others iniiine at 8500 decrease of $300 Six communist permits issued in Eehnrary 1963 at 13 titres in rose at 37500 do crease at 55195 No indiistrial permits issued in February 1963 one in 190i at $1000 an increase at $2000 Six miscellaneous and nonas sessable permits issued in Feb ruary 196 at $1355 five in lies at $151160 an increase at $149805 Nasty permits issued in Feb ruaryiaos at mini 17 in past an increase of $198810 Capping ceremony AtitVH Today thlrtysiir student nurses will receive their caps and Nightm Kale lamps in capping cere many in the Laidlnw Residence today Miss Lillian McKinnon direts bar or the 3131001 oi numlllsg said are isp one capp pere mony year and todays class at so is about average itipu prior house 1991 Centen hill it sinus or an ee in rie member at hrmnerace ado bylaw to change the names study the NorwichPian or Penal meet to Napier aim pm for we imdlemhvgdhek shower th busln as we $3 mm mm Mondayolght it will need threequarters vote on the third reading and the Court analog board yet The owner may sehwfh Entire Parcel without consult ing the hoardboweiier Association of Simcoe County and is withdrawn memberbt the Rebekah lodge Survivingare one son Lloyd It oi Minot North Dakota two stepsone Louis and Roger Atkinson oi Ibronio twosisters Mrs Aileen Dawson oi Regina Indrllttlsehiuriai Rankin ottfor onto She3waa1prodcceased by twosiaters Mrs Ella Gilberter Due tothe braille situation It un the foot Baytield street tbs Bayileld street boat loading camp will he closed to public useintliesirmmar charge will hemadeiior the use oi the boat loading ramp It the Marina Iharates will hetsi so stander one launching and one loading on the same dategtb $5 iore seasons rateiior one host and to $10 for commercial host tor season Snow gates tor the citys snowplows were voted downat the recommendation olfhthe en gineers deoastmen gates bevelled formdilmpraoticalhy larger old Coimcii speed to allow the Public Works Committee to discuss withtiie hustle School Board the Mibliltycieiectlng school boards by words rath than generdvow Accounts of $27955313 tor February warsflspprovedgior syment CollilnliEIlCd to per Victorian Order01 Nor hondiehweliase oases in Elly ty Court judges approval be foteheoimung law Aid ii fixacliarenprotarted the chang Regina and Mrs Laura Ornat Iton oi Parry Sound oi Penetaug lie thought thohistory otilie street do served wandered Aid Emma said the change clarity the street situa tion andend contusionbeoween Reusing street and Pensions uisbens road 50019 $1M Wm allotted by ide for tbepurchase of Iroaderader the present fladerre not capableot per tannrns the heavy my road lobe thanre Will Ipply toriotir loant under the Munlci Worn itseletanneAct fills museum construct and i° mve 0e6tilfor reconstruction connecting tor storm construction and $124 CRIPPLED Clll artsrt Pittman raster 94556 torthe construction at rfli Collegiate ry TCA boastv rDa one fr uent daily flight

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