rg lflryyinflmyl maru new MP plasma aossars commons vx lbis rs smallest thing ever to happen In insert Doesnt the indlvgduai have any ri Is any more ï¬derman Roberta had returned The Ward member recov ered fmm recent Illness and hportlng new moustache came in like the March lion He pounded the desk slammed his right ï¬st tote his left hand and protested vehemently But it did do good Council last night refused to table motion to rescue the northeast corner of Grove and anfieid streets The land is being rezoned to allow Kllma Construction to erect tounit apartment bulld ins BEAR RESIDENTS Alderman Hoberts had reques ted the dcciainn be tabled until councils next regular meeting to allow residents in the area to voice their opinions He promised delegation would approach council tn we test this infringement of their rights The residents ti not want such large dwelling he said People across the road do not want someone look ing into their bedroom Iheresidcnta must be con atdered first and the developer second When council refused to table his motion he exploded He protested that councillors were only interested in gas Italians and apartment buildingslhis notion leaves the will of the people to the mercy of the plan ning board he said Tiris only requires two weeks la the voter so email he cant he represented Mayor Cooke instructed the alderman that the residents do have chance to voice their complaints The motion must come before council as bylaw and be re viewed at coping hearing be fnre becoming effective The by law could come before council at the next session Councrl in voting for the mo Ilon expressed the opinion that Bayffold street would soon be fentirely commercial zone Memhera felt the apartment building would be an asset to the area Alderman Emma said he feared gas station would be erected on the property it the area becomes commercial lcoornnarrvu Alderman Morrow oom mented that few developers were Allows Firm Eréc Apartment Building rovide part of the land to Bay iieid and Grove atreeta could be widened to accommodate extra traffic Alderman Hersey cau lioned council while smiling the tabling motion He cit had an obligation to support estnthshed boning bylns in principle and fed He said these town had been carefully drawn up and that home buyer is aware of these lawa when he invests 810000 to $5000 In home The property owners lovcst meat must be protected he said tie warned that the prece dent of running for one dev doper would bring more re quests ot the same type Alderman Roberts in corn meatlng after the meeting said he will spearhead public pro test to repeal the motion rump REQUESTr The lGirna request is the third made by the company The company has promised to pro vide plenty of parking for the The world is in hopeless situation Even Canada is tn serious trouble as far as morality is concerned poii tical party leader warned yea telday Robert Thompson leader of the Social Credit Party was speaking at the monthly lunch eon ol the Christian Business mens Committee at Barrie Celt tral United Church Cyprus the Congo Panama Cuba and China were among countries Mr Thompson brought under fire where mor ality was involved stressing the importance of laymen leadership he said What the world needs are lea dera men of convictions Mr Thompson told of attend lng the presidents breakfast in Washington in February at which Dr Billy Graham the evangelist was the speaker this Is proof that men in high places are realizing the impor tance of making personal con tact with Christ be common ted pastor wanted me to go in the ministry he said but not being sure of my convic tions consulted seminary sa willing to cooperate as Klima The company had agreed to Compiled by Flynn TODAYS STOCK PRICES professor who told me not to 10 93 Dunlop St Barrie height of sleet serum auteur Thestruc irriio will have maximum wvy kmwwWwvfvrwflvrqvrv No driveway will be penult ted on Baylleid street No parks fng lot wIllbe Grove ar tmum oi to foot from the sent road The lot co more than 40000 square feet It ill bordered by Hayfield Grove and taunt streets Kllma originally wantedvdo apart This requestwsa turned dowmbecauu ltwas too high for the residential area build 5unft live storey meat building according to the Planing AIao too much removal be too valved it was felt ings and 50 unita it some problems Tells CBMC World In Need 0t More Men Of Conviction When told the pastor what had done he cried went to see him again not very long ago when he was 90 years of age and he cried again and said Total was wrang Mr Thompson concluded by saying he got involved in poli tics through the press thought this was not my piece but found man were needed in high places with testimony with Jesus Christ Born and raised in lnniafalt Alta Mr Thompson has spok en in members of the CBMC throughout the world including Australia and New Zealaird He was introduced to the meet Ing by Keith Wood vicHhair than of CBMC Chairman for the evening was It ll McFad den The weather just wont coop crate with the weatherman Earlier forecast for degree Tuesday just didnt pan out It doesnt look like the mercury will get anywhere close in that mark And the overnight tow waa lower than predicted too it was down to 20 degrees overnight and at that point at 740 today By 1130 the mercury had reach ed the3s mark still not too much to crow about Mondays high was at Overnight iovarcdicted this morning is 20 with high tor Wednesday expected to be ill Oneconsoiattou is that the mnnarasana startoo to Die em arts Mae Pow no mo asrunr ra Dona round 1r Mamy lug rose Algorna Steel aver Dona Stores 17 Noranda lZIa Aluminium use horn Tar rev Nor one NG Alberta Dist 110 Falranhrldge Mil Moore Corp Ali Alherta Gu 3W tit Lake Tape 21 Meta Pore Va Argua 13 Wplflaa rev Paella rm 11v Arm red lttlt Hordes Fame 13 runs Pills an Atlantic Suasa sass Hawk Elddatey Pu Bemy 15V vau or alone nil nnrn on It Power Corn 19 Bank at N5 57 Red Bay Min Va Qua Nat Gal Ball leL In human lay up lloyal Bank 11 Brazilian 11o Imp Tobacco no sum Funds it tars on 1W Huskyoll 9A Slutpr mammalian orr arrange nu CdnlmkaCnu 01 In Am We Steel ol Can It can smr It rurune rosnom Bl ltW urn 96 Inter Nickel it Tran Can Can Camera Inter Utilities W1 Trm Mt ï¬cheucru it lutervmv ltpa mu Fin Calgary rmr Jockey crua Texaco cou rsruasnr mom ma Union an 21 Con Paper sou my 1W Walker new two ions can lita melana UH Weston about Bridle it Zenith amenvu lath 0o CM Gunner 170 Northlate 430 ersu Holttngar goes openne an nurses are usury Provo ran Camp Clrlh L50 Kerr 730 mo Algeria Quin Esp Gan 1M Labrador Sits Sliver Miller lCIIItIl 10 Lake nulaurt ass sherrit 11 Era Del lilo 7J Leneomt ii steep Rock no random ii ith it thlt on iii an $13 Ma Manson 119 united Kane Deer non 50 Hornand to Witiroy 151 Deniaon gt New Essen th Wiltsey lIA sOeco Vs Nurmstala ass thdhll as Gtantjx Ills nowaortas rmw son amen dueï¬llll down 35 roan rarer3 nurses mourn CP Churnrng we butter print prices furore anged today Bu pnces Caneda first ado Ontario tenderoble 51 nontenderable smartr oft mania light tradlogr western half nominal prrcea showed atrengthdoday to moderately active opening trade Vouth Wrnnl xchange Aggressive overseas flux was in evidence Other grains moved rregu larty Further rm arose amvn annexe Bali Tel nuarnn Day warrant mu Mtss Walkers luautuneup Il Ruth up 11 moron down as some annmlxcnarvon Golda down 1d Metal up 13 Oils up 07 winds will decrease by this evclt nlna synopsis Northern Ontario will be alfected by minor storm tonight and tomorrow This disturbance now is moving through the Dakotas and snow with it will likely spread into the western regions of the dis trict tonight and through the rest gr the northern regiona Wednes ay bake St Clair Windsor Marnly cloudy Wednesday Winds decreasing to light on evening Lennie Niagara LakeOnA tam southern Lake Huron London Hamilton Moinly cloudy Wednesday Winds do the second request also tur ned down Involvedtwo halide posed the ltedonlhs fronts The butldtngwillbesethachanstn boardr and was cow ered and lnsutfctent area was available for parking and snow The traffic generated would great for the streets in MR5 LINDELL GIVES To Back The Scoutgrorip ln Mldhurst is to bareformed it will be sponsored hy the local legion Several meetings have been held with ditrict council reor ganization policies and several scooters have volunteered to run the new group HOCKEY GAME Assistant scoutmaster John Tracy ol Grenfel reported that his scouts have ceased hockey games for the season The last game was played on Kempen felt Bray against Shanty Boy Scouts and Grcnfel gained close decision but poor ice cl ditlons spoiled the game QUEEN SCOUTS The amount Queens Scout re Billlillll liltlill WEATHER Just One Consolation Winds Will Be Light Toronto Wednesday mainly cloudy Winds decreasingto light this evening Northern Lake Huron south ern Georgian Bay Haliburton Wednesday mainly cloudy Winds decreasing to light this evening Northern Georgian Bay Tim agami Cochrone North Bay Sudbury Wednesday with perihdS oi iightsnnw Winds light tonight becoming southerly 15 to as on day White River Algoma Becom iog cloudy this evening with oc casional itgirt snow late tonight and Wednesday Winds south erly is to 25 on Wednesday shifting to northeasterly r15 dur ingthe élterooon Low tonight high Wednesday Windsor 25 42 St Thomas 25 40 gn aaaorr pHoNss rucuracsucr moses 256481 7784131 7285951 Midhurst Legion Wednes rrv suave VJZJILIMM 30th PiNT OF BLOOD Scouts cognition ceremony will be held at Whitby Ali district Queens Scouts who qualiï¬ed between March 1963 and Feb 19 secs are eligible to attend To ensure that on eligible scouts miss tha ceremony scooters are reduce ted to complete application forms immediately COURSE Thirty acouta have registered for the scouters training course to be held Satulday at Trinity Parish Hall 10 pm The District Scout Council will hold its monthly meeting March 1a All groups are requested to send representative An Apple Day meeting will be held at the end of the council meet rng London 20 as Kitchener 20 as Is 35 l5 35 20 so 20 40 an 38 Peterhorough so as Trenton 15 35 Hillside 10 35 Muskoka 15 as Noth My lit 32 Sudhury 11 so Earlton 15 so Sault Ste ltia 20 81 Kapuskaaing 10 28 White River 20 28 EimveieItink Is Deieated TORONTO CWA Bellevllla rink skipped by Mac Whrte won the Ontario mixed curling championshipat nearby Thom hiil Monday night The rtnis composed oi Agne Benn Ron Benn Heather White and Mr White defeated Morris ChristioofOweir Sound 111 Turner of Elmvale 72 and Charles llaakett of tendon Ont 95 masts crossing to light this evening iheWhite rinkradvauces to thé Canadian final here March ll Dymond Sixty live years old Mrs Priscilla Undell gave her 30th we at Eagle Blood rest ey and complained The doctors will only let me give one more pint alter this they say im too old Mm Lindetl told the nurse standing beside her it really latoobadyouknowJamwre could go on giving pints of glad least until peas special in test by lied Cross doctor to minute before could give this He said could give one more pint sfter this but that it muatbe the last hey are afraid it ml attest health LOCAL GENERAL GUEBT SPEAKER Guest speaker at the next meeting of rrle Camera Club row he Alfred Mitch ener oi Coulngwood Mr MILh eoer is well known for taking photographs of nature He will show slides at the meeting In the Library Hail commasclug at elgbt oclock FREE ENTERPRISE to welcoming Robert lhamp Ion national Social Credit lends er to the city yesterday Mayor Cooke mentioned the stu cipies of free enterprise advo cated by Dr Thompson and said Tire growth of this com munity has been due to free enterprise rnrs novnmvunrvr Willard Khrzie yesterday nc used the government of Increas ing taxes to kill incentive Speak log to an area Social Credit gathering at Embassy Hall Mr Kinlle said it seems to me that the government uses this means of taxingthe people more to kill incentive Mr Klnzio was Socred candidate in the last federal election NVH To Receive $1971012Crant Barrier Royal Victoria Hos pltal will receive grant of $1971012 for capital construc tion it was announced by On tario Health Minister in addition the hospital has received progress payments previously authorized and re ported in the amounts of 319 71012 and 842530 Total capital construction grants to Ontario general hos pltals reached tspossarao this year ProKrcss payments totalled Goddamn Other hospitals in the area receiving grants are as follows General and Marine Hospital Cotllngwood morass Ortllla Soidiers Memorial Hospital 59 54760 The Stevenson Memorial Hospital Allistou $13462960 and York county Hospital New market stunned Progress payments were alsb received by St Andrews Hos pital Midland in the amount am Undell was one of people who voltmterod to give pints of blood at the clinic held in Trinity Anglican Chmh ital Three hundred and I7 plots were some Conntreating on the turnout clinic organiser Mrs Mao uod iuvtiat are M5 peep were stag gored when too responded This means that thntultrst dirt or the year we slightly ahesd at our quota At one also many people wet there was queue stretching from the basement where the clinic is room upstairs But everyone was patient and heard no grumbling at all Nineteen people had to be Right To granted permission to speakl City Council last night renov ed the shackln which pre vented ills Warship from atab tog his position on any sublect during discussion Alderman Smithhcnair man of the general government committee which sponsored the change said the action would save much time it will allow the mayor to give ahnple statement without forcing hhrr to leave the chair Previously the mayor had to leave the chair to spealr onany aubfcct Now Mr Cooke wfli step down only If he wishes to enter into the debate Councll agreed to pay the an nual membership fees aim to the Ontario Tratiic Conference an association for the improve ment of traffic conditions and lraltfc solely to the municipal ities at Ontario Aid Newton traffic supervisor James Lowe and assistant engineer nuat convention in London April 2729 sanitary sewer and water main will be constructed under the Local lrnprovement Act on Letillo SL from thugond of Ihe existing water main and theeird oi the sewer It will he cant struetad this spring and will terminate at the farm of llristow in the newlyannexed area Srrfticicntly signed pell tions have been received for both utttities Fred Churchill was appointed weed inspector for Barrio at salary of $500 forthe season The purchase of two hande Lite balls for the protection at traffic policerrreu was authorized The belts whichvcost $9350 each have battery operated light bulbs which plated at officer at night and in fog Council recommended the parking bylaw be changed to permit free Wednesday often of $4750 Stevenson Memorial andYork County Hospital New market $5998880 Alarmws rtorrx urwkoufrur PARAMETTESI astral was authorized to ptmhase VICKS roauutaii sohrurxiairrrs noon parking in metered areas The public works conunittec held into the Sunday School Mayor Is Given Mayor Cooke bu been Glenn Shugg will attend the an Target ser By Clinic turned away because of various blood deï¬ciencies Members of service clubs In Barrie were out in force cons petlng for the blood Donor Tro phy which will be presented to the club with the highest per centage of members who at tended the clinic The mulls will be unorrnesd later The clinic wu ataiied by S1 people Eleven were paid help ers from Toronto the remain der volunteers Refreshments were served by members of tho Canadian Cancer Society Hanhrlabidn gave out plot of blood at the clinic All had been schooled since the It war it Cooper of Midhtfll gave his Both pint Speak Mayor Cooke who spoke from the floor on the motion said the position of mayor called tora president and not mere chair men of meeting He aeida mayor coins be checked by council if the privilege of speak in trorn the chair was abused Aldemwn Newton aird Roberta opposed the pro Mai Mr Newton felt the mayor when he leaves the chair does so only with good reason This he said ahowa the respect he has for his office the mayor is more highly esteemed or this be said All commended Mr Cooke for the way be has conducted coun cil during his tenure COUNCIL BRIEFS used tandem drive truck for the trade tree at cost of $4000 OBITUIIBY ostaaucrmn Funeral aervloe for Donald Jackson Gallsugber it of Al Halon was held Mania from ihomaa Merci Home in Allia too Burial was in Allistnn tia lon Cemetery Mr Gatlaugher died March in Toronto General Hospital of heart ailment Born lnAlllston the son of Mrond Mrs It Gallauahcr hewas agrocer Justice of the Peace and clerk at the corut for Eighth Division He was member of the Un ited Church and belonged to the Allistnn Curling Club He took great interest in hodrey base ball and lacrosse He is survived by brother Ray of lied Water Altar and two sisters Mrs Gordon Eid well Hilda Shanty Bay and Aims of Alliston iyw brothers times and Ralph and sister Mrs Syd nay wright Beatrice prede ceased hlrn Out oltown mourners attends ed the funeral from Red Water Dunnvllle Oshawa tendon Mi mica Tomato Beaten Walkeh ton lettingwood Barrie Shanty Savings this weer at run These SPECIAL PRICES Good UntltSaturday March it Shampoo with Dermal Fresh pugJyth nominate ens sar it 15° floor moduli orror0r trouro irritant Itll9 469 looapluaflia extra arxarsrtrzrlri rm sun ALLANDALE nouns rer catnwsu pirach they Edgar amt Bolton Loo ass 199 69 TED raptors wt uuw4H awnorthr var we infernal miter Blood Donors Surpass