Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Feb 1964, p. 1

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urnvwwrrwnuagrvwymmrwawm mu was narrate names sarrmoar reanqu not TruckfRolls Owe Contents ramp which marks the split ol Spewing loss Trsiimohile tractor trailer went out oi control and lack boiled over an embank rnent last night The truck driven by William Dirk Van Ooyen ior Trans tmvincioi Freight Carriers was travelling north on in highway The accident occurred at 16 ohm one tenth of mile north of Willow Creek Bridge on the Barrie Youth Passes Course In Survival Officer Cadet Boswell 2t son oI Mr and Mrs Boswell oi torsley St Barrie has graduated from the winter bush and arctic course at the BCAFr Survival Training School at Nemeo Alte OC Boswell now undergoing training as pilot Joined the RCA last April The School teaches aircrew and other personnel who in em ergency may need to know the techniques at survival in unin habited and isolated areas Its classroom is the grest nut doors at Jarvis Lake Alta where training In the bush is given under both summer and winter conditions and st Iicso luie Bay on Cornwallis Island NWT where arctic survival Is taught highways 11 and toll the truck cheered off so guard rails as It rolled on its side enct slld along the bank It came to rest on its side and slid along the beat it came to rest on its side with its tab at the top of the hill wheels in the air The mutants of the truck bound for north sh Ontario stores were spewed overthe beak and bottom at the hill Tire cargo included drugs floor wax peanut butter and lckles Ontario Provincial Poice say no charges have been laid The driver was not injured LONGEVITY TIPS CHEW TOBACCO ORILLIA CPI Water and tobacco era the secret at long liie according to Wil liam Lyle 101 today one my long llia to eating lots drinking water and chewing tobacco he said Friday and added word of advice to young people Dont get married until youre 110 Mr Lyle who has eight children it grandchildren and live great grand children retired as rait road worker at the ageol so and chopped his own firewood until he was 93 TORONTO STOCK EXCHANG Compiled by Flynn ti Dunlap St Barrio Bilttsllclil summery for the week endina January 11 foot AVIMGI lit Average Stock Yields Banks lit Proterred and SINK Common industries In Mining TillIII Year Ago 20 HS 115 Jan 4111 H1 99 36 BULLETIN BRIEFS The Algornn Steel Corporation Ltd The Company reports that for the fiscal year ended De cember at lost preliminary nct earnings amounted to 370000 or $447 per share as compared with $21059000 or $564 per share in the roar lis cal year Net sales for the 1963 ltscal ycar amounted to $201 721000 as compared with slid oasooo tor the pravious irscai year Argus Corporation Limited hicDaugald Vlcc Presi dent of Argus Corp Ltd has bean elected Chairman oi the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors Mr Mc Dougald has been Director and amcmber of the Executive oi the company for many years He is also Chairman oi Domin lon Stores Ltd Chairman and President olCrown Trust Co and Director of British Col umbia Forest Products Ltd Canadian imperial Bank oi Com merce Canadian Breweries Ltd Dominion Torv and Chemical Co General Bakeries Ltd Hoi linger Consolidated Gold Mines Ltd iron Ora Co oi Canada Labrador Mining and Explora tion Co MasseyFerguson Ltd and many other companies Coamns imperial MIIIsLIrnIt ed The Company declared regular quarterly dividend oi 175 cents plusan extra of 10 cents both payable February 14 rear to shareholders at record January it 19114 No extra was paid by Cosmos Imperial Mills in the toss yaar Canadian General investments declared quarterly dividend of it cents payable April 15 1964 to shareholders of record March 31 icon The Company paid 35 cents in each of the two pre ceding quarterben extra oi 10 cents waapaid in April 1963 whcln the quarterly raid wasvtii can Jockey Club Limited The Jockey Club declared aquarier 1y dividend oi 31 cents per common share payable March to 1964 to shareholders of rec ord February 211 19541 The Com pany previouslyypaid cents quarterly Argus Corporation Limited Tayloriresident ofVArl gus Corporation told the annual meeting that his company ex pected to earn at least to cents per Class andcommon sbare in the 19nd fiscal year Net income lor the fiscal yaa cnded November do than wadgt $1344967 or 38 reentsper Class CYand common share Mr Taylor said net asset value per Class and common share as oflanuary it litanyas $1456 up from $1 69 at No vemherdo Limited The Company reports that tor the fiscal year ended November 30 toss out earnings amounted to trauma or $301 per share as compared with 5759311111 or $2711 per share in the 1952 fiscal year Dominion ring Company Lissrltcd Net earnings troto op erations and revenue from in vestments tor the fiscal year ended October or 1963 amount cd tie$111521 or 30 cents per share as compared with de iiclt of 840411 or it cents per share In the 1062 fiscal year For the roar fiscal year profit from the sale of fixed assets and investments amounted to 86191 as compared with 31 019014 in the preceding fiscal year Inaddition cosh received by Dominion Bridge from the sale of its 624 per cent interest in the Dominion Engineering Works in the 1962 fiscal year amounted to 31171306 John Lebattr Limited The Comparw reports that tor the six months ended October at less net earnings amounted to $3121000 or 71 cents per share as compared with $2905000 or o7cents per share for the com parable 1962 period The sales volume at John banana in Can ads for the first half of their current fiscal year was 117 per cent above last year com pared with is brewing industry gain of ti per cent Cansolidated Pnper Cor ra tion Limited The Companrre ports preliminary net earnings torthe fiscal year ended ile cernber or 1963 amounted to 5159627d3 or $270 per share as compared with $16517n70 or $280 per share in the 1962 its cal year Total sales in the 1963 fiscal year amounted to $116 77BBii as compared with 3116 season for the lm fiscal year Hiram Waikcrs Goods Anti Warts leiicd Tha pany reports that for the first quarter ended November 30 19a net earningsamounted to $9650148 or $112 per share as compared with 59321146 or $108 for the 1962 1st quarter The Company re aria earni in US funds E3 Great LakeaPsper Com Limitedlt was reported ring in Fort William Ontarln that Great Lakes Paper lsexpectod to announce to the near future an expansion at iaciiitles involv ing irrafi mill at cost in excess at 525000 Barrie City Police are in vestlgattng hit and run ac cident which left gas pump IA toyenr old Barrie girl mis sing since January ho been located to Lee Angeles Californ io Barrie City Police told the Examiner this morning they had received telegram saying that Katherine Curran of 110 Mary Street Barrie would return Monday Mrs Curran the girls mother says her daughter is well and sale and will be flying back Police and the girls parents thanked the Examiner tor the as damaged at Hoovers EsauI Station on Bayilcid Street The accident was reported at slstanca given in publicizing the disappearance The search tor Miss Curran began when she lallcd to return trom school on Ian When po licc checked it was found that she had not attended school that dny note from her was dincovur ed Into that oiternoon saying that aim was going away for few days and would call name in day or two Barrie Student Is Top Speaker Diane Huxtabio Barrio North Collegiate student won top hon ors last night In the lmpromn to division of public spank ing contest for secondary schools of Simcoe County Tire compctition in which six high schools participated was held in the auditorium of Park Street Collegiath Orlllla Winner in the division ior pre pared spcechas was Heather Kav tarynyck oi OrllIla District Cot leglate Vocational instituteilnth nyck will take part in thong lortal finals later in February probably at Orangevillc Second and third prize win ners respectively were Im promptu Heather Clarke Bant ing Memorial High School At llston and Ellen iloran St James High SchoolColgon prepared Martin Stellar Esr rle North and John Donnelly Stlames Colgan dent of that area lot it years She has been correspondent for two years Mrs Dune more says she enloya trying new recipes and interior do corating She is an active worker in th Womens inw Etitllt Miss Huxtahle and Miss Kaiary snlps 19 cents Milo turnips ions 19 cents pkg cabbage Apples included Macs and Spys at 65 cents with La Salie at 45 pies tarta cookies brownies tion worth 2000000 by in commentator Mrs Cecil Dunsmors Crown llill correspondent ior The Examiner has been aresl As winner of the prepare sppccb Miss Katarynycir wo presented with the King Mem orlal Trophy by Mrs George Cameron Strand secretarytree surar oi the Simcoe County Trus tees and Ratepayers Associa tion sponsor of the contest other contestants received prize money ranging from $10 to Chairman was Don Beatty o1 Siroud FARM PRICES FANIIIERS MARKET There was good market this morning with produce selling fairly well Eggs were oifercd at 35 cents small 40 cents for med 45ccnts large and 50 cents dozen for extra large Pickles included dill sauerkraut and pickled peppers at 35 cents jar with pickled red cabbage 89 cents Potatoes remained steady at 40 cents has or $175 bag Carrots 15 cents pkg beets 15 cents at par til 15 cents each Lonkingon for 15 cents Celeryle cents bunch with hearts for 25 cents Rhubarb 75 cents lb cents Fresh baking included braad etc Knitted goods in eluded baby sets sane rugs $1 each Mra Lililcrap MINING COPPER nawcopper mine at Pala hora in South Airlos is er pooled to have annual pro CAR INSURANCE human wev NEW TWIST T0 HITANNIth 1281 am today the fire de partment was called to wash down the gasoline spilled by the mishap Missing Barrie Girl Found In Los Angeles She was last seen wearing carrot lino bleak and white check Shade five feet tall weighs 10 pounds and has grey eyes brown hair and light complexion Her mother says she could easily pass for it or 19 Mrs Curran reported that tho girl had little money with her Thats wifit Im worried about she as put out about no house keeping money and told her to use some or It it she needed money but she didnt take it with her She did take some lswallery with her thgh aha said Mrs Curran described her daughter as very Intelligent girl who speaks German and French as well as English Mrs Curran first thought that her daughter may have gone to Winnipeg where she has tricnds She never liked Barrie lira htrran stated Although she was wellliked at school also missed her Manitoba friends Katherines father is Flight Lieutenant in the RCAF landscapes Ha showing sevara no cos Him Initiator Tn aloha no minor to Boyd Victoria Hospital at are one today foiiunlng an accident itdmltted were Jennifer Emma is of Parkside Drive Barrie and Claire Talon ll of RR Midhurst Hospital oiilclsls report the girls are in satisfactory condi tion 11 girls were are in car driven hyiteaneth Thor omd to Albert Street Barrie lie ucsped cohort The mishap occurred on Cod rington Street Nodetsils have been released some remorse Mn Dherrnsrei of Thron to forrnerty at New Delhi in die will rpeslr lolersry Hall at oclock tonight under the auspices oi the Behela oi Bah rte The Debate erea World re ii one group Mrs Dhermarsj speak on the topic Hindu stan and will show lltnu Ed May Barrio industrial commissioner has accepted the general managershlp oi the Midwestern Ontario Develop ment Association an organis ation concerned with industrial development Mr May will sue ceed Edward Goebel of Hespeier who died suddenly recently it is believed Mr our headquarters will be in Stratford He has been Barrie industrial commissioner for more than two years VEIIICULAII REVENUES Motor tr registration leesaod motor fuel taxes pro vided 55000000 of provincial governments revenues in tent Workman Hamid Torrie of Burton Avenue Barrie tire pares steel reinforcing for cement tonne ior Barrie new police fire and men Arbitration Said Desirable TORONTO CPIThe Ontario section of the Canadian Bar As sociation said Friday the press srvatlonol life makes compul sory arbitration oi labormuns sgement disputes in hospitals desirable Tho associations views were made known in brief to threcmnn government commlt icc studying the advisability of compulsory arbitration in hos pital disputes The Building Service Employ ces Union tCLCl suggested ear lier that the committee might consider recommending iegisla tion that would give the gov ernment discretionary power in Impose arbitration Earlier Friday brief rum in rooms IN smnorucr City Police raisin OPP TZBMBI Fire Dept tinstat Hospital 7285951 Ambulance 721142528 shows or CANADA are pleased to announce 1VGALLERYSHOWINGOF ORIGINAL cannons intentionsno Mort arson T0 SAT sea rrH Mr Bowman travels coast to coast painting the Canadian scene and is pri morily recognized for his outstanding is including in this appealing scotcapes This leyour oppoilunity to Ipslreirese An original Oil On An EATONS Budget Account weirwtsawnmexrMwnn mm vhle sewageW you WWH1 up BUILDING latrltea building Caitrletor Ken Kenn of It and Kennedy ontrmors Ltd says the building should be completed by middrute 1h amlner Photo group of Hamilton hospital unions ralected compulsory er hltrallpn The brief eeid collee livo bargaining Iaila only when the hospital management is re actionnry end the snswer to the problem Is enlightened hospital boards and enough money at their disposal to im prove wages and working con ditions The Bar Association brief proposed legislation to provide tor the use at Iovernrnenh paid mediator to be chosen by the parties it negotiations end in deadlock Compulsory erv hltrollon by threeman board of arbitrators would follow It mediation falls The committees public hear ings ended Friday aoviua rack HAhtiLTON tCPl the tray ailing toilet bowl was whisked discreetly back to tho Ilicltina for University campus by one Friday in time to be presented to the winning girls team in boys versus girls snowball game Teams of pushcrs man aged to get the bowl wheeled through Burlington Ookvlilo Gnit Stratiord Ingers soil and TIIIIEIIIIHTIIHINTEMW lice in Slmcoe soiled thus traffic hctnrd Thursday night exuratrtowsrecrnrr Liihographadreproduhtiensvintuit colouroforlginaloils by CWBowrnan Regular 1495Exhibiiion Specialuithis weak onlylench

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