WV uvrmavrVAXfBPMMWWN Local Weather Mainly cloudy tonlflit Ind to marrow 147w ttnifllt is High tomorrow 35 For cornplet summary turn to page two NotMoru Than 7e Per Copyi1 Pipe Break Doom Renew Charge WASHINGTON AP Negtb President Johnson has met iiations aimed at peaceful so this accusation With declara lution of the USPansma dis lion that us troops faced by putr havc collapsed and Pan sniper fire and mob nation ra ama charging aggression hos pelted aggression rather than called for an emergency meot committed it log of hemisphere foreign min Riots in the Canal Zone led isters to In rupture in USPanams re ltligiiel Moreno Panamas lam Th inter Amman ambassador to the Organization PM Cumml9th of American States delivered it the 0A5 has been trying to me note from his government which dull the dispute This effort included the conference request tailed to torture Wednesday and the renewed charge of ag Pray Wm me CREME gressinn to 015 Secretary Gcn Fwd Wired ernl Jose lilora wrtb Democratic and Republi llnlilted General Moves searched for it dignified solu tion to the controversy but on fortunately and in spite of the good offices of the interAmeri can Ponce Committee and our willingness we have achieved no success by Panama Foreign Minister Galileo Solis in which he said The Republic of Panama has been the victim of on unpro voked armed attack against its territory and civil population made by the armed forces oi the United States of America stationed in the Canal Zone TORONTO CF The due tors and the insurance compan ies who advised the Ontario government on medical insur ance legislation at private meet can con sionnl loaders Mor Said Moreno We have gm Icon hold up on delivering the The note included one at Jun Urge Change In Medicare GENERALS DUONG Van in command oi the South Viol itiinh Le Van Kim and Tran Wmmm which apparently was over month The hearing lasted Va Dnni mm ML WW thmwn by bloodless coup em in Saigon yesterday note while this session was un der way Panama has remained firm on its demand that the United States pledge it will sign new treaty to replace the 1901 agree ment whldr gave it rights to the canal in etuity At tirslimlh United States re fused to mention the canal in any agreement to talk Later it agreed to seek with Panama concrete solutions of oil prolr lems dividing both countries lncloding those deriving irom the existence oi the Pansmr Canal hours The OMA said persons receiv ing govemmeut subsidies under gather July 63 were topthree was taken by South Vietnamese The top officer Dunng Van apparently remains in power but possibly as little more than iigurehead The other two were prime targets in the coup against proFrcnch elements in the junta accord ing to early reports from Sai gun Man second from right is unidentified AP Virephotol Swiltly In Bloodless Coup SAIGON AP int Gen Nguyen Khanh nycanoid army corps commander be came virtual dictator of South trl Viet Nam today in swift bloodless crop He pledged to smash the Communists and the traitors who advocate neu tralism new council of generals look shape to help him in run ning the country and the US backed war against Communist guerrillas tRculcrs news agency rL ported from Bangkok Thailand is Saigon radio announcement that the Vietnamese govenr mcnt had broken relations with France The radio said the action Council of Notables However the announcement came sev eral hours after the coup and it was presumed the break hail been decided by Khnnhs new ruling group Khanh dissolved the old gon generals oi tllni reglme in tall Three of them were Charged with plotting with France to ncu nlze South Vlcl Nomi French President do Gaulle has advo cated neutralization of both North and South Viet Nam The fate of hintGen Duong Van Mirth chairman of tho Junta that had ruled Viet Nam since the destruction of Frost dent Ngo Dinh Diems regime ast Nov was uncertain iiinh was not arrested with the other generals and there was possibility he would be kept on as technical chief of state The premier of the provi sional civilian government Nguyen Ngon Tim was ousted and sent hock to private life He was not arrested The top three generals under itiinh were held They are tits Gen lran Van Don defence minister Dons brotherinlaw MaiGen Le Van Kim armed forces chief of staff and Maj cn Ton That Dioh interior ornment and clapped four key minister the bill should be identified as mg aIyEar agiEIIItookda Inuit Emil tn the doctors treating ma amngraa emits estedtheDMA Wednesday and proposed some sh gs nuld administer the plan for Wr amendments those receivingloll subsidy of Return The Ontario Medical Associa dc mama 0W gt and me Canadian Hm schedule oiIfees should not be insurance Association repre mm Fs 51 GUELPH Canadian senting enterprises consulted hy Wm mm mm under standard medical plans in hlhmig b231 under the act BERLIN ReuterslThe bad cation by intruding into Com sians probably suspected the praised the governments deci The menial mam Fill ms °r the me Farm Is as General Electric Company Um Ed held Wednesday suspended LONDON AP President aid the British preserving the II III II munist air space Inlane Plaid beIenIhainIiIul nflvlza about 220 daystill workers un Johnson informed the British truce there nncc companies said the aged officers kilod in av when run an ra it ran as notwwrtstlliwldl and wow be anemone Now both London and Wash tllncxt Monday charging they Mlmi may v5 They said warnings to the troops will take part in an lfl lngton face the task of persuad rhmugh my Mums ed grouped in separate pools for East 6951113 W111 be handtzd plane to stay away from Com mm return the Jobs ternationul pcacokeéping force ingnrcbhishnp Maknrlos the mm would mevv VB rialsalluring purposes under the bank tonight Ursv Willi 531d inexcusabiy mm munist air space were radioed after litholl milk for cyprus subject to satisfac bearded Cypriot prestdent to 5mm help in buying 5155ch not The insurer would be re heiE W13 mm gins an unarmed 81F clearly on frequencies theRus Union officials however untied ay maximum rem SB bum carded ImrvaI The bodies Will he returned tory arrangements on details accept the international contin Lraft that accidentally strayed Siam 39 know WW0 claimeti the men had not re iums into these pools for per 0115 and proposed changes to sons designated as high risks WW Emmi informed sources said the gt iakarios has shown over thedemarcation line be in Pittsburgh where he was fused to work and were sus New de was MI SoIlar it at the West Berlin end of the tween west and East Ger on the campaign trail Wednas pended Without being given veyed by UISI Ambassador DBI no Sign thgt he IiioulId Hï¬IIre with appqmm qu those 55 and Hg autobahn to West Gennany many day night Senator Barry Goid Chance to get back on the job vid Bruce Cowman carved ope oack ng ram os gpehgd wag lgunï¬miucel 911 indeed to he highcost IIIIIsIIIIIIII demanded us mass In water thep Aria Itolrl press plant statement issued by 59mm Duncan Sandy this can for his stand 63 as traded 3215 gamma The 1911318 mm may of conference The first question personnel manager Thomas Kremlin mIImiIIg IIA DIPmIRll calmmoot issued by that comes to my mind is what Weaver said the men who were less as news agency Saw mm ï¬ngzgï¬iï¬ï¬g gmnï¬uwigglï¬esgzgsimmgs was training plans doing over the malnassemhly boy were it came as the Sovret Union 01 is trainer about 60 miles tn the shearing down or the air ers 9W 10 to ny said the government of suspended until that am Mon stepped up its denunciation of Cyprus had inlonned the Soviet we Commit Em GIIIIIIIIIIIIY and the killing at these ritory when youre not supposed day when they fallcdto return plans to move soldiers from the government that there is now IIHEII II Med to heed IIIIIIIIIIIIg mend to be than you can expect things to their working stations alter ï¬nned States and some other serious danger of aggression ll tm countries to rus to ainst llls signals The note acalsed the Meanwhile n5 Air Force ol mm that he oak SM its military oi gross pmvo tlcers here suggested the Rus vrcronla CF Attorney at which Healhmsn was Ggierai Robert Bonner Wednes vieted blamed the attornczy day ordered new investigation general for the situation into the 1960 slaying of 1n He said he knows of no other yearold Vernon DWI Dana OIIIEIIIBC paper case hired in legal history Mr Bonner said police will SAYSIMHERS KNOW interview Charles Murray ithis first interview since his Heathman in Essondalc Mental confinement Heathman now ï¬nd About ill Hospital to determine what 49Isaid he knows who did the histamine out serum Will Wight to attach to state killing and so do the people of ED bad to School next month in me hit Healhman that he Vernon The commission ad an nounced earlier that it will open unique language school early two pilot programs designed to in Feiuuary in 1ng Hull knows who killed the boy Of his confession to the news promo ibflmgflhm and Que MI 55 Anytime anybody says he paper Heathman said mmm 3me mu knows who murdered somebody vents half of them English speaking and half French was dnink most of the govmmmL We take note of it the attor time was hungry and was The Civil Service Commission spem boygeneral said broke announced Wednesday that 32 he public administration Heathman wastwice found ld have told The Sun any government officials earning course will last itwoeks while guilty of the slaying but won thingfor Issoo or less Looking $11300 year or more will the bilingual course will rim t2 subsequent appeal He was com back on it my only regret is leave their Ottawa desks Fell weeks mittcd to Essoodale after he the deep hurt caused the boys 10 to attend an unprecedented The mods in Ca told Vancouver newspaper in mother public administration corona in PM and Hun be 1962 he wasIln fact the killer Mr Manson said Heathmanln Carleton Place town 30 miles an Why gopeghIhe later repudiated the release was inevitable southwest of the capital germgsflmék in engine it 55011 Now in 45 the present pilIot courses work mm dflgymfna gygvegg out satisfactorily government cleared byn medicaldrosrd and sources said is to be released shortly after The public administration being held or 21 months Séugtfntfyfll aitï¬nd lectalres ms WNW an lscussmns gun lay mhzrb launder also disclosed law oscph Thomas his de PM Wm Canada To Recognize Mongolia ris exam my pp qifomffgmflyffé arrows on Canada has decided to give diplomatic recdg all with the Emwale mww union to Mongolia the bufler state of 000000 persons between board or two medical doctor Elmira and communist Cbinait was learned today It is undac Plans Vs that Heathman was fit for re mad that recognition is being given because Mongolia mum lease on Probation ber of the United Nations informaan said the move likely will To Beth lie cullde criticism be interpreted as prelude to Canadian recognition of Red Chins enmmmil WIde Idem Kgï¬ggale AHMrs John and attacks by opposition part II plans to visit West is hi our and its Launches Moon Probe Ranger Win ealtil program PM mounting the for comment on CAPE KENNEDY Fla AP press offtcs of the West Bortln The cameraladen Ranger Vi statement by tom yum apaoecrait was rocketed toward the moon today on mission to mm Manson niVpneouygr may and relay to earth more than soon pictures of the lunar run No other details of the visit docking the release plans My face livers given too press otflca liontor said arsonlodge is snld matrimony had lien man at many opinionat lowest Berlin Mayor lily Banner on Harlow Boys PourGasOnSloveFire TookS Brannon gt had linen oiearnii under an ap preas her grattttldo for the high esteemto which IiIieeIlIilliers held thalalo pretlI IN many West Berliners hold Kendedy with lung PM hi or eolally warm regard alter pm his valt totha dividedniy up that meeting liontannin ltr Juno room otttti bildtu ltttll an Instant ditched by on KiltKLAND thnicriéscameri ental lloaltli but tool The night fire in which ilvamemhera of art reflected the best ed when two til it the or ï¬rst tit Jury was told Wednesday one family were killed Itnrt boys poured gasoline on stove Testimony was heard thedoatha ofIMrr Erlioe Nord and her four children who died all tli destroyed theirbome at Seseklollra 320 miles 110th it