Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jan 1964, p. 4

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on own Examiner mmmflq We wax rnrw mmmwmmufiv IT Published by Canadian Newspapers United is owned Street Barrie Ontario womanhood VBWIIINGIRIIW rounsnav sham at am ran Setbctck For Soviet Myth About No Color Prejudice Any leader at the local national or international level who adopts smug bolierthanthouattltude is bound to be In trouble sooner or later Prime Minister Nehru of india had this experience For along time he was held up as high example of neutralism But then number of incidents occurred to cloud this picture One of them was the Indian invasion of Portuguese Goa another was the continuing tensions wrth Pakistan over the disputed Kashmir area Finally there was the Chinese in vaslon of Northern India last year All these events tended to discount the abil tty of Mr Nehru as peacemaker Recently the Russians discovered that they too were not aloof from problems that beset the rest of the world Tins time it was race problem As the New York Times points out The Soviet government is understand ably furious at the propaganda damage inflicted upon it by the African student protest demonstration in Red uare Some of the fury came throng on mistakably in the official Tass statement warning the African students that they must respect Soviet law or leave the Soviet Union and declaring that the disturbance of public order in the streets of Moscow is strongly resent ed by the Soviet people Even stron er language must have been used nd the scenes to denounce the African stu dents who publicly battled with Soviet police compared discrimination in More cow with that in Alabama and generally destroyed the myth thrl there are no problems of racial prejudice in the Sov et Union The world may never learn the full truth about how the Ghanaian student whose death set off the disturbances actually died lint discontent among African students in the Soviet Union must have been great to trigger demon stration in which hundreds of Africans battled Soviet ollcel In the ast oscow has always adopts de holerthanthou attitude towards racial problems and conflicts in the non Communist world pointing the finger of shame as though nothing of the sort could ever happen in the Soviet Union For public consumption Moscow insists that its present troubles were whip ed up by the West Premier Khrushc ev and his colleagues know better Per haps they now understand that the meet ing of peoples of different colors and different cultures can too easily lead to friction whether in Moscowor in Ala hams Gallant But Pointless Whatever Mr Diefenbakers support ers may say about the leadership ques tion the rift and the doubt that exists in the partys ranks is sufficient to have caused Egan Chambers the PCs na tional president to poll influential con servatives in order to determine if and how they wish the leadership question raised at the partys annual meeting Many observers are agreed that Mr Chambers action is gallant but point less gesture If as Mr Chambers has proven to everyones satisfaction suf ficlent doubt exists about Mr Dlefen bakers continued leadership tomerit the taking of poll then this surely is clear indication that such doubt can not be dispelledby anything short of fullfledged leadership convention DOWN MEMORY LANE Banie Northern Advance Ian 19 1899 Farmers institute meeting in Bar rie Town Hall poorly attended due to inclement weather Ernest Drury pro sided One of speakers School Inspee for Morgan stressed that high school education was overdone with three times too many secondary schools in Ontario George Johnson of Kem enfelt had an arm broken while work ng in the bush The military stores of No Company 35th Battalion Sim c0e Foresters were transferred from charge of Major McPhee to Major Alex Cowan During past year fos ter homes were secured for Childrens Aid Society which had dozen active members at 50c membership fee Col lection taken at union prayer meetings amounted to $1420 Thirtytwo vag rants were removed from jail to the county house of refuge at Beeton on special car attached to AllandaieIIamib ton passenger train Thomas re ceived letter from brother Thom as who had been missing for months He had beenfworklng for the Yukon Lumber Company where the mercury fellas low as 55 below zero They have CHAOTIC SOCIETY Winnipeg Tribune One of the most difficult undertakings of revolutionaries on the success of their cause is to harness their zeal to con structive enterprise There is nothing new in this but in our day we have seen VNas ser finally settle down as contrast to Sukarno who cant andBen Bella who Seems to be following the Sukarno pat tern Ben Bella inherited chaotic society Most of the trained personnel under the French colonial regime had fledor had been murdered Only about 40 per cent ofthe experienced farm managers re mained andthe have also finally been removed throug land nationalism This The Barrie Examiner Authorized Mound elm mu continent atom at or partm In nun ststotory Halloyr exclpted mourn wants Publisher were wraabn Gaunt MInIIor ninermnaon Muulng Editor Marta was AdnrtinngManhnr nonnar mas Aennunllnl arsenals nemesis Circmltnra Manm Subscription nu dlliy by uninei an wlekly also start new To By mil in ontutn II MIX manual 2d nadir an Cath treat OTHER rations VIEWS humanmise that disarmed honest citizen would he an open invitation to criminals But The Seven hours of daylight and 11 hours of sun Whisky was Stir drink and $8 per bottle flour $120 barrel bacon $1 pound wages and board $75 per month Bylaw carried at Barrie municipal elections that after this year Town Council consist of mayor and six coun cillors but on third reading it was killed in council meeting by to School trustees in Vespra decide dto give teach ers raise in salary Dominionlllotel at Angus sold to Shields of To ronto John Ledster of Rngb elected president Oro Sorts of Temper ance Mr Quirk sold his mill at Eden vale to Mr Carterof Fessertoo Ash Warnica of Painswick lost his house by fire Young folk at Bond Head began attending classes in elocution and phy sical culture Annual oyster supper well attended at Knock Grange Hall Speers of Ivy returned to School of Pedagogy Hamilton Midland Board Trunk to run loop line railway from of Trade passed motion to asktGrand point between Aliandale and Coiling wood to give the town direct connection with Toronto instead of via Orillla and Barrie move to take the land was made in des peration because of widespread unem ployment Unless steps are taken quickl this whole area of North Africa coud be come an economic desert to match the nearby Sahara There can beno profit to anybody ortb oUNs FOR SELFDEFENCE Ottawa Journal In an editorial Nov 20 The roman supported the imposition of long sen tence on man caught carrying con cealed weapon and said those who have hand guns to which they have no right should turn them over to the police or face severe penalties number of readers have suggested lolrrnal idldnot suggest that those who keep properly registered weapons in their homes or carry wea ons they have permit to carry be learned The suggestion was that those who refuse to abandon an illegal wea ons should it cnught be sterolypunis ed As for the theory thatan armed ci zenry deters crime thatis debatable How often doesone hear that an attempt ed arm ry was foiled because the intendedvictlm wnssrlhed What doeslha en often is thatcriminaia ro ride in el th portedto th gunwas otreg nor their Vrom to dmit railroads subpoena noun woo ding says Mr RELORD RND RETURN THEIR TIRE OTTAWA REPORT Discounts Criticism 0i Socred Tactics rarities monouson OTTAWA It is only the death rattle of dying politl ciani This was the laughing an swer of Thompson Social Credit lender when asked his comment upon Mr Dlefen bakers criticism ol the Social Crediters voting pattern in Parliament By his choice of words Bob Thompson was im plying his conviction that Mr Diefenbakera political days are numbered through the last two sessions at Parliament Bob Thompson has consistently voted in manner to give Canada stable government provided only that the government would govern Hlaphilnsophy is that Can9 ado is best served bylta MPs engaging in legislative action on Parliament Hill rather than in partisan wrangling on the hustlngs year ago he ex pounded this ln the House am convinced he said that it Is the responsibility of all of usin this House to give the government the authority and the money to carry on the nations public affairs It must however be recognized that this policy is based on the premise that the government would pro vide clearcut policies and an propriate legislation CRUTCH FOR TORIES lt wasthat sense of national reEpobslbllity whidr led Rob Thompson and his followers to support the Dieienbaker gov jar3 our filth general election in eight years Tile very fact that our 26th Parliament now is prepar ing for its second session sug goals that an election will not be necessitated this year by defeat of the Pearson minority government Foralthough this is the third House at Mice ties which the voters have re turned inthe last four electit this Is the first in which orily government has carried through one whole session rooar IN HISTORY Jan In The first mnior soa battle between the Allies and Jon anese in the Second World War took place in Maeassar Strait 22 years ago today ln 1942 US and Dutch air and sea forccs sank or dam nged nt lenst 27 Japanese transports and warships rotsThe last spike was driven at Basque 80 completing the Canadian Northern Railway transcon tinental line between Que bee and Vancouver list Venezuelan dice lator Peru Jlmlnez was overthrown in bloody re volt that claimed more titan 100 lives LIBRARY FILMS The following films are avail able at the Barrie Public Ll braryr Arctfo Outpost An outpost commilnlty in the Arctic and the men and women who look alter the health and welfare ol the scattered Eahlrms Asphalt Lake This film shows Pitch Lake at La Brea Trinidad andihe work at the lakeside Certllied For Seed color Ihe processlrom planting to shipping of good seed potatoes Cblirmakrr And The Boy Ernest Hart craftsman oi the Margaree Valley Cape Breton Island is shown at work on one of his mnchprized chairs Fire In lbwa The reason for many domestic lira that occur annually Grelthkea St Lawrence crnmont through the fall of 1962 It wasth failure of the Dielenhaker mom to meet the premise that caused the Social Crediters to withdraw that support and hence to bring about thefflil oftheDiefenIan baker government rough the first session of the esent Par liament Bob Thompson and his party have voted toaupport the Pearson government just as they did for Mr Dielenbaker previously The reactions have been in terestlng Mr did not criti cize Bob Thompson when he was enioying Social Credit sup port but now he Wmnglyvns serfs thatthe SocialCredilrs son stresses that there has been no alliance merely publicaspir ited action to enable the Liberal government albeit ina minor it position inlihe Commons to govern the country Recently it has seemed that the renegade Caouettisls the breakaway group of Quebec Social Credit ers are prepared to carry some of this load of responsb biilty Bob Thompson says he is very relieved that it no longer rests on his shoulders alone Meanwhile the Social Credit support for the Liberalspwblch has frustrated Mr Ds hopes for yet another election has come in for criticism This vot ing practice is form of bonds which may lead to marrlag Certainly Mr Thompson never wanted to wed Mr politically although be bundled with him2for months As for marrying the new poo so allmam poohpoohs the reflection and an as merely idyln voting alliance livrng things continually atrng lowlands Holgor Nellsen Method Of Artificial Rrspiration Kings illuslck The Royal Millhry School of Music at airman Terrarium En Legendary Judge British judge who brought law and or der to the gold mining camps of British Columbia Mllllool Of CItI Tea tea growlh and history up to the Boston Tea Party color The alory of frozen continent of Antarctica Atomic Alert Civil defense methods of dealing with an tomic attack Climates Of North Anterlu What the climateis and new It influences the lileof the region Foreign Language The method Montreal Public school uses to help immigrant children learn English Indian Canormen The tour ney of two Indians carrying sup plies from the trading post to the camping place of the band London Scene crosssee lion of London The loons Necklace color An Indian legend of how the loan got his neckbnnd Papna And New Guinea oolor Present day develop ments in Pnpuaand New Guin ea Price Of Fire Firefighting Rythmclic Animation art ists endow the subject of arith metic with lively humour as numerals indulge in unpr dentedantics Tone Rondo Tomorrow color Nigeria today isrwn through theme of three Ni gerianstndcnts lbusing Forest Decid foreat la arcommunity gling for survival Festival In Puerto Rico Rico features Maureen Forres ter as guest soloist Fishing Across Canada col or story or the fishing village of Puban on the send weat tip of Nova Scotia The Rolyhnd color study of the geography history and literature of ancient Poles ne Germany of today Learn To Swim Tho Livinglsiobe Alf old Eskimo legend about the carving oftha imageol spirit to bring food to hungry camp Reaching For The Stars Optical and Radio Astronomy atl ltiount Stromlo Observatory near Canberra Australia Speed The Plough factual cannon covering Iix hundrEd years of agricultural evolution The Story or PeterAnd The Potterl col Patar learn all about thovart of potterymake belch Tasmania Tapestry trav elogue of Tasmania Varley pureralternated erlck varley Guardian pull of the GroupolSevoa Antarctic Cleaning color This niuslcal festival in Puerto Introducing Germany The Prime Minister rules some Preiident Lyndon Johnson with PRESIDENT or non Humaroma roll Pearson lett ofCanada pie hadrons QUEENS PARK Rumors Prominent About Tax Boosts Dy DON MAIN mRONlOml ll botMd of roman about tax increues these days And it probably will stay that way until the hndnl ia brought down next month At time of writing the gov aroment is still making up lta mind on the tax ebng It will make And even when these are da cldad though there will prob ably be leaks it wont be known for certain what the changes are until the budget speech One sure field In which there will be increases is In honor prices This has been decided on But the amount of the boosts hasnt been settled it looks as though they may go up from cents to more than dollar Iona at or bottle depending on the brand Seer prices it is said will stay where they are other increases being widely talked about are in gasoline and cigarettes One argument against heart ing taxes on these two llama la that for the resentment they would breed they would return relatively unimportant revenue Each cent added to gas tax would bring in about 3000000 year inrrnrarrruc in news Cabinet Shuliie Is Mixture Oi Politics Good Business OTTAWA CPIPrime Minis ter Pearsons cabinet shuffle is seen as mixture of politics and good business management life changes he outlined in ministerial rasponslbilllles rep resent the most sweeping re forms in government organiza tion since the Second World War lllr Pearson told reporters he supports the idea that there should be large representa llva cabinet employing more MP in ministerial responsibil ities ands small executive group within the cabinet Such system is used in the United Kingdom What may be the start of this system was his announcement that nine cabinet committees are being set up to deal with various aspects of government business Each committee would have chairman but Mr Pearson wouldlnot say if the committee chairmen would themselves meet as committee Mr Pearson said he does not think thisayslem will reduce the number of cabinet meet lngs but it will speed up gov ernment business MAKE RECOMMENDATION Matters requiring cabinet da crsion would be brought up by the minister concerned to the appropriate committee of cabl net where recommendation would befhraahed out for full cabinet action In movmg Transport Minister George Mcllraiih from his heavy department to the new post of president of the treasury board Mr Pearson not only strengthens the board in pres tlge but makes Mr Mcllralth as MP for Ottawa West more prominent figure in local Ottawa affairs Replacing him in the trans port department with State Sec retary Pickersgill will fibrin more admtparllaroenaiiletimefim ml was ryynvawu nounpawns on new rearn Incest tax in cigarettes would bring in about 325 Against Ihln one cent on roles tax would mean more than $60 moon And it wouldnt bring any more and probably leg complaint POLICE COMMISSIONER One of the major momenta or this realm will be over the Ontario Police Commission The government has some hope that it may be pulling the rug from under some of this through the man it in naming as the new commissioner At time of writing this an polotmcnt has not been In nuanced But the man has been re lecled And it is said be Is not standing incidentally 0PP Commie rloner Eric Slllt 90 Is wean log new badge oI rank It is crossed tlpstaver In laurel wreath Ind topped by crown Mr Silk found we have been following US patterns in our badges For aforcc administering liriilsh justice he thought this was nol proper So he switched to the crossed slaves which is the traditional British Insignia tary hand in the piloting of con tentious railway legislation through the next session of Par lrament Recommendations of the Mac Pherson royal commission on lrnnsporhlion are expected to be embodied in legislation next session Mr Mellraith matte ulons lawyer has drafted much of the legislation but it Is be lieved Mr Plckeragill can dis play more finessein getting it through the Commons Succeeding Mr Plokersglll as the governments House leader is Guy anreau former dep uty minister of Justice and im migration minister since last April His talent as legal draughlsman has kept him in touch with progress of impor rant legislation through the Commons As parliamentary taciicinn Mr Favreau lacks Mr Pickers gills experience but he in the kind of politician who is willing to sacrifice partisan considera hour to parliamentary progress The two new ministers in the CommonsMaurice Sauve and Yvon Dupuisare both young men with considerable records in the Liberal party in Quebec ilfr Sauves principal record has beéo madeln smellI liberal philosophy and organization Mr Dupnis as fiery orator In the Senate Ross Mao dunald former Speaker of the Commons and solicitorgen oral in the previous Liberal gov ernment of Louis St Laurent is retiring from the government leadership which he has occu pied with quiet flexibility stair rnooear Grow to grace and In tho knowledgeof our Lord and Snv inrLleaua Chain 11 Peter 318 One does not suddenly become foil grown itually it takes

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