raver mummymwwwwmmmeWWWMWWWTW WWW Wwm pame Barrie Examiner Ads GetIIriThegWays Out or The Way 7232414 ANNOUNCEMENTS measure For Flowers PROPERTY FORSALE MlLLER Cell BEZZANTS PHOTO REALTOR 19 COLLIER ST PA M247 mlbllt ARK EDEN NURSING HOME MR PROPERTY OWNER it you are thinking of selling Built for this work Acoommo datlooe for bed and up patterns your home in the shortest time possible at the best prion put enorem tion sALn ROGERS CONNELL PHONE 7286569 Sntr hitter With Our Photo Filed FIRST CLASS INDUSTRIAL 0R COMMERCIAL BLDG AT JUNCTION OF HWYS 26 It 27 IIIIDHURST til$oo And this prontient location alone In worth this money Highway frontage In 270 by depth of aoa Buildingis brand new bricklacerl cinder block 50 32 completely Insulated and with Advaucedmign electsloath heated floors sectionaily controlled Built as small manufacturing plant but easily adaptable ior any where good densllyroi highway traffic ARTICLESIIovSAIE FARMERSMARKET mm uvgmcx Menuhin role in in Dione ICIIII III ID 11 mm IANOI 11 four buo en two Holdalls AISMAD MINI Telephone was 40 puntlion General Bradford of Electric More at small tdetn ntrtumnn teo Goethe Wood name high chat and reach it not tul llle ulna weeks old rotr very good condition tee Stin lredlng welt Telephone borne pueity wauu intmm hem simmers until some altr us rt Hardware mul ARTICLES WANTED wANno if mootr table Telephone mettle WANlln Comer China Cabinet good condition Tot one Kn Em rams treat ESTATE RENTALS MORTGAGE APARTMENT FOR RENT IMMEDIATE no mutton apart lsi 2nd mlgmï¬u lilorlglagembogna Anywhere no Telephone oNn nutoas NEW LOW RATES gm ï¬lm LII MM 51 IMO Putin lr you NEED HONEY were ermine light 10 consolidate GIN mem we MOVElTYOURSELF Cali mortgage rolling on one turnermenu OAny worthwhile cause RentATruck 1361411 new wub warnno Potted Hereford buttr unlceebtn In Not nocemrtlyt regirtlred Telphone mm Harold Swill for further Inlnh motion REGISTERED Hunter Brood In an lllly and thorougbbnd than oughly nddie trained And quieL Alto dyemoid registered stand Write or Phone We Mortgaga Funding WIT summons evlslon Reasonable rates Cali El Owners must sell Male and female good food tel Stroud O9R4 it before the largest number of PATIENTS ARE GUESTS at BURTON LODGE NURSING HOME 2thour individual care in happy atmosphere WHOSE Barri 7250939 BIRTHS PROUD PARENTS THE NEWS oi the Blessed Evtslt can be announced to your friends and relatives for only $l50 Just telephone till2414 KRAEZEWBKI At the Rani Victoria Hospital on blondy Jan tiary iii 19 to Mr and hire Ill Krlexbwnhl In Napier Stretf Barrie dauhier Pamelb Joy COMING EVENTS DANCE Saturday Jan 25 Dancing 12 CHURCHILL COIIIMUNITY HALL Old time and modern music MUSIC PHILS COUNTRY BOYS ADMISSION 75c EACH Snack Bar buyers This we can doCall Rita Scandrett GROCERY STORE and three bedroom living quarters $7000 full asking price if you have been looking for low monthly payments plus way to sup piemorlt yottr husbands to come then we suggest you get the complete details on this lit tle money maker by calling Emory Miller EVENINGS CALL2 ntrA SCANDnm rtetree PERCY mun mmo measure swAlN meets ltAltL MARSHALL tweett malty atlLLnlt rteest llembm of name and District Nell Estate notrd HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY Photo MLS Realtors Victoria and Greylrust Co Mortgage Funds Available BRAND new av GEORGEl George Davies is the builder of the two bungalows and the one baloney on Otttlwny Ave nue Maximum NllA mcrt as ges all services pllid tor the builder Courteous sales men to bring you the key and conduct your tour We also would like to show you the beautiful side splitlevel with $li 32 us Living room kitchen with oil furnace located at lot limits Priced at $14400 Carries kitchen bedrooms fully established by Sprlrgl T0 SETTLE 3BEDRO0M BRICK COIIAGE 500 Handymnns imself or for rental complete redecornting throughout equipped with forc todnte plumbing Now vacant now and judge for yoursth wmflunlly income rel edair gas furnace nowyour opportunity to get ESTATE WEST END BARRIE to fix lot good little home for ttrn What is chiefly needed is as tth broom house is already heavyduty wiring and up immediate possession See it 160 CLAPPERTON STREET 900 With lust $1500 down and very movement terns ssly clean bloom family home in excellent Lott close in downtown schools and bus route by trltougtl Lilla spacious house is like now lnsld artl large and bright orced air all heating Is New vaca EVENING MacArthur7250637 Rogemmisat hero is spot mldoltiial loca Ncwly decorated and all rooms Only to years old it is equipped with unory tubs and many illimmediate pos1esslunl Photo MLS other conveniences CALL Mrs Norino Rogers7th Councilmalts IIEIIBER BAHltsh AND DISTRICT HTML STATE BOARD SMITH HIGH ST CAMPBELL PHOTO MLS 7260241 REALTOR Res 7284389 MORTGAGE FUNDS AVAILABLE BRAND NEW BUNGALOW $9700 bedrooms and or bath Full basement 60 by 200 just outside of city Call today for or appointment ROSE STREET for 596 show you this home PITpcr month Living room and pc bath immediate possession Let lumber Ontario tie Brohn AnocintlrotE men neurotic mom avail able Any Amount to Me or pending the type of arty No nor or hidden Contact her Canon at it Coo Ion Rui bulb Phone Mix evenings and holidays Mitt Win will if you own rut ante property we will tell ï¬rst or second mortgage on iL At low nimple tntlrest up to or its refill and arrange low monthly paymente mended our it run Or or will renew oa buy your pro tent moium cub Ho bon uses no premiums no hidden charges Corby Realhtatl Dunlap Emit But TilNIB RENTALS OFFICES STORES RENT rnnarion office Ice lubleuv All serviceo lnclud Decorate to null Central location in HOUSES FOR RENT TWO BEDROOM lion II but all Ind modern faculties Agipr 50 Sunnldalo Road Barrie alter rm SEVEN LARGE Room Home for rent on heated Apnea bath Cicbn lovely grounds clone to bur and schools Available February or 15 Ttlnpilonl 7785430 BIX ROOM llollte centrll loca tion formerly Gnrnetl iiobhles Available February Seen by are polnunent only Telephone no 259 between pm and Jun BEDROOM wigtnriled cottage propane hitrim rlrt stove dyer left In Possession February CIDAI POI wanted to buy APARTMENTS WANTED lneu eouple fot larch Stave BOOM RENT my annual to Tim ruaneuxn hnumkoeplnl new room for relnt near Isolliutlilop in New Area lt for yï¬wï¬fnrï¬lï¬ hmm couple Available immediately ROOM AND BOARD In control It ONI BIDIOOM modern flitfilm ed apartment required by bus and nirigeretnr Mint be mt rel Write box 17 Barrie Imam MRI ROOMS TO LET marine noon tor noncon trat location Ieinphonl 7mm 1le ROOM Ioi ML Cen tnl location Telephone 71 for further information OT cation nil nirntsb La erred Aphly at hi Lunlo Dal Apartment If Itnnu runninnnn ltoonlotta with ttigorntnr and stove Central feit gme 1M to Maple Avenue Telephone homo after pm PARTLY mlmed Apartment with refrigerator and stove Pris vale entrance Prefer without children Available for oeelmancy immediately htepbone 11W for further informntion ROOM 8t BOARD cation Gentiernln preferred At Silyner Telephon millet ARTICLES FOR SALE SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Contact wlllgbtoe gahm OAtllIo hlephonn warnan BIN clean empty wooden gimp telephone Daneltln nlllt arkt It mom Highest prices Small animals removed free PHONE BARRIE PA $1261 NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH $1130 No CHARGE it bounn day dm walk WHITE POPLAR White Poplar For Crates formerly Bradford Lumber no 110 ltxqturt Men PM FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Paid for dead crippled cattle and horses For lost service Collect or ask for RR Formead Ontario License No most Niclr Montague Prop WANTED 1000 cores BRADFORD wool PRODUCTS LTD and Crate Co ltd bred gelding broken for and die or hamul lend Folential tamper Telephone moral eve hinge 7154031 PASTURE WANTED PABTURI will look Ucuim in or LAND wanted to renL liter tented Bend pan Box Illrrln Exam AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE roor YOUR OWN HORN Get that new car now with r5 lowcost liieinsured SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA WILLY Jeep wheel drive snow play and hydraulloa Very good condition Apply Roy Hatt tngn Guthrie or telephone lii On 1950 INTERNATIONAL RI combine atlon dump four thumb Jewel cylinder hoist snow plow could be mounted on it Telephone 715 57 MHBOR Ridenu tdoor hard tn VI motor automatic trlnl ulon in beautiful red and white with matehtnd interior 3533 wtlh no down hiephonl MINI Ill CLIEV Shiloh Wllan IIX cer tnder Itandald transmission Lio eased for IBM in good condition Phone 7756652 Evenings 7756740 COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES MotelNew modern ctntraily located good year around business Fish and Chip BusinessReasonably priced good turnover BARRIE Modern Equipment ilonrlcuurunAL SOCIETY ROBERTSON bedrooms and lovely tarntly room at 40 hlclrose Avue split level with attached gar tso month Telephone trestle Little Lake SEVEN ROOM brick home for But offer tale It Telephone NM PLYMOUTH Belveden Illnl BUS TOUR I964 iCE FOLLIES Maple Leaf Gardens WEDNESDAY JAN 29 Bus leaves Wellington Hotel pm afternoon free time home by midnight lUtAlttmlss For details and to reserve phone Mrs Archer mm or MingE Etherlngton ills1558 Three Men Die In Explosion MIAMI Fla AP Three men were blown to bits and tons of heavy machinery wrecked Wednesday when large quan tity of dynamite exploded at rock quarry northwest ot htt arm The blast rocked other induer trial operations in lheyicinity andsent shock wave thund ming across Miami Residents as far as hiscayna Bay and Miami Beach approx imately is miles from the blast site felt or heard the explosion mans sltne possibly be longing to one of Ihe victim was found in road quarter mile away Frank JSalicha Mauie in dustries lice president said drill rig was being set up to put charges in the ground when the concentration in the truck was detonated The cause was unknown Maule identified the dead as Charles Watson 33 foreman Dock Smith 60 and William Green 21 The three were the only man in the immediate area Beverage Rooms Get Atmosphere 0RONi0iCP The On thrill Hotel and Motel Associa tion was told here Wednesday that uniformed waiters extra service and light meals have glven several beverage rooms cocktail lounge atmosphere During the 19505 consumption of beer dropped from as gai tons per capila to 54 and wages andspcnding on goods and services rose about 50 per cent Emea Kneisai oi Belleville said The beverage room now In frequented by white collar workers whose tastes have im proved with the lobhe said Slidhury hotel manager DavldVCaswcii told the meetl log his company tries to create tt cocktail lounge atmosphere in its beverage rooms and hot pim is served in same We ï¬nd they need that sec ond or third beer just to put out the fire he said aunts MONTREAL CP are moving into that stimulants age is located at 47 Steel Call 7256453 anytime Got in under the linebeat the additional sales tax by calling this num ber now7266453 $11000 We know of nothing compara file in comfortappearance and location If you need good fivaroom brick house better drive out and see this one to day Heating costs are low We are offering you home where you can enjoy living Call Sam Steele lid7091 for your so pointmerlt to see 7205485 728415 7232176 7231957 TIMI 72 715be1 Curly Kioostermalt Gloria KDSSIIX Margaret Moore Dorie Nutlycombe Mlltllvtd Moore Sun Steele Wilml BlflWllI till BAYFIELD ST 7266453 ANYTIME Plenty of FREE nifstrttnt puking nvnillble insult NELLES iraort hlLS autumn 79 BAYFIELDST JA SHELS once shownrims NORAH itAlRESlebl in TELEPHONE DAY on NlGBI inan Laugh7757 Del Crin instill toe Longtinsmusta Country Storewith living quarters and gas pump COTTOITI block building 26 by EB ate rs with modern living quarters lip Charies Head17am Mts Loreen RicoOra eons llemnel of sum and District Rut Elicia Board WELL nd WILLSON Photo MLS Realtors COMPLETE MORTGAGE SERVICE Up to 80 npntnlsuu value interest rates tau 113 DUNLOP ST ï¬stula or 72mm CK WILLSON Twink HOWARD Nilltltls Jul5163 EV EVENINGS CALL MARG TARBUSHIZGtiili DEED ATKINSON 72ft 979d NORM SHELSWELLTZStili ERElI SHELSWELLOro ISRS JOHN VHITE7289770l GARVEY Real Estate Broker RR BARRIE 7284952 SPLITLEVEL 7261405 Custombuilt eight rooms fire placts garage fully landscaped Price 321500 Minimum down ERIC DEWSNAP 7253368 LE5 POPE ed ruoro MLS nanuron 45A DUNLOP ST ALSO enornhrlns FOR RENT 7266481 Member hint and District Real saute none CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone motto 93 DunlopSt let and Jun mortgages arranged on low monthly payments We will buy your mortgages MABEL MARSHALL viiism will JERMEY norm WIB HARRIS 723150 BILL SUTHERLAND Strand SERIA Keith Marshall REAL earsrs naoann 7282552 to cLArrmroN sit banana two may rteoilrt Memher of nant and outline Real Estate Board srouu AGENCIES LID be present Ilt 1nd St or ill payment $5000 Telephone 72th M97 or 14Weldon Croscenl Owner translorred MODERN ROME two bedrooms for sale llrte llvtngroomnnd kitchcn bath upstaifl unfinish nnce uwn pressure system Telo phone at mutt ADVERTISING Cilfllfled lavme Ind loti eelvetl by pub Clnssllled which must New ad preceding day CLASSIFIED Cub Dilcbutit Eat if within PM In ma insertion for one Three consecutive 1m ward osartlens Me wold per insertion additional Gilll1 inseven dhll untreth resolute tained BLIND LETTER BOX REPLIES lniemnetlolt regarding Invention using nttnn Letter aha Numben Infill R11 tte Inch 3d Le Boxes word ERROR on donNanN All pll Suitablnlnr three rooms nip CLASSlFlED TELEPHONE 7232414 for these pal mutt be re 75 pnl tier lioattun with the exce tion or in by 1200 noon at web MIMMUM onentrtsnvo ny per word per or two onyx ilIt insertion tab 51 consecutive Insertions it Der total $432 107 not will with feet to men on when Rnpliel is held strictly condo nu1y to days after publication IPECIAL NOTICES Birth and lover 25 word he Vern men an per word extr require hirldl recheck SMALL FOUR Room Bungalow IhlKll lot full bllomutfull bent cri attached garage East end near Ichoole and shopping plm Telephone 72606 after p111 lNSURANCE MOVING Dont forget to trollsler your iNSURANCE and it you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSONS 113 Dunlop Se 7251801 Movers MOVING For acomplete moving service safer and easier calir COOKE CARTAGE C7 STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIEDVAN LINES 7251863 no ANNE sr AGENT FINANCIAL preceotnl menu Certificates 0R SYEAR TERM $i00 MINIMUM AND UP STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Toronto Barrie 372 Bay St 35 Dunlop St EMHdlli 795 MONEY ro LOAN NEED Cnmmgrzvants be per word onto ltnuln charge use bathhouse eiaolor up to to pl OX word In Munortnm unum pt TlL PAY DAY ItCosis ASKA For inhuman Al itifl vn rent it mile north at altneslng on Highway zn All cmtVettIcnuey newly decorated Apply iii Park er telephone Minesing Jlt FIVE ROOM Bungtow two belle gt rooms living room dlntng room bathroom finished rccrelilon room all heated Available now Telephone Cnohtown Wild Aft er pm wnnreo T0 RENT trousa on Groundwat Duplex required by llnfllri for OPP Constable and wife Two bed rooms flange and basement pm erred Telephone Home before pm TWO 0R TNRBB bedroom house required by young couple with three small children for February occupancy Central location are tuned References Please address miles to 60x 63 The Barrio Ex nmlner Harrie out APARTMENTS FOR RENT BRIGHT two room furnished artment Hedsllilrl mom and itteltcn with stove and refrigera tnr Ittittils Telephone 71H Apply in burton Avenue fflltEB ROOM apartment ftiilllshe and heated Adult onIyt Apr 53 John St or telephone 72L GIGS UNFLIRNISHEDI room lpllrtmcllt with stove refrigerator and win dow duper rnodcrn self sontptnnd central location Adults only Telephult oIZHMl 175 FOUR ROOIII UpprDtlplcx newly dMolbted Heat water and hydro included working couple nrelerrrd or couple with one nblld Telephone 7156325 liter iler HEATED modern unfurnished two bedroom nltlrtnlcnt in Strand Available February in Rustinhie rent Telephone Strnud to After pnt 1111 FURNISHED ltoomr with bath new opposite arena 565 per month Also large one room furnished apartment 010 weekly Telephone TWP ot HAW CENTRAL Loou nl Unfurnished two bedroom talent reticen talned heat and water ltlpllird Telephone Home or evening mam res ironsnut Nicely cleansed Wt iIII eo Mm hummentl downtown Dunlap street Mbdbm appliances cable TV font for one or two odolte7mthbi even Inu 7250931 WEED heated IPIlf meant for rent ban nelirutu walk go from downtown No children or pets please Silthontlliy Niall enter and stove available Tate M787 NFURNIEEBD two bedroom leHaanulned Igtper apartment Llllitlen paid Welt Blrrll near or and schools Parking No phone 71mm or apply meets SinetNortb ATTRACTIVE bedroom unfurn lahed apartment Large living room kitchen and thmpiece bath Heat and hydro included Allnndnlediatrict Telephone 776 037 no two to en Heftiterator Ind stove included Washing IB Hillel Otfvntreet parking Scenic view al Kempenfelt Bay Teln ptlone 1252907 MODERN TWO Bedroom Apart maote Steve and refrfler to floitTi Heat not all ten ce pave par east end close to plus and bile Telephone 72533 men man noon flitcontained In funttrttnd Inlrtmentior rent Pri vnte bath Heat and hydro My ate entrance Adults onlyAvail chi immediately Telephone no l25 mu nnnaoom Apartment in duplexkornb laundryzfbdliubl and private entrance lLInlumlsh cd 15 per mm Available lin medlnteiy bi Napier StreetTele phone moms otter 5pm tmm niorvth Includes bent gnawbydrou Muesli district Telephone mummi further the formation annntltuhr Allartmentl lintlt Strut now renting bedroom Lb ieuo soundprnol ela trean nilfer aud nnil Al boar pumps guaranteed for parts and service free for onevur Phone truck Reta Winter telephone 715 97 21an ztozu cotnef lbï¬vml in Angus PHONE 4495595 PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner NOW 48 HR SERVICE if you WWIL like to have prlnts of any news pictures taken by our stall photogra phers please call at our Busi nest Office We are scy we cannot accept phone orde GLOSSY PRINTS 125 8x I0 I50 plus tax CLEARANCE TV Sets $35 up also Vacuum Cleaners 20 and up Limited qtiantity Repairs to all makes of TV ses andvacuum cleaners ADVANCE TV AND VACUUM SERVICE TZHMS ti hlulnastelStlcct OA tIa Farm Supplies Service THURS JANUARY 30 Phone for reservation before 176 BURTON AVE CASH TRADE TERMS an alumnus tour years old 12foot sellpropelled tioner Sacriï¬ce price Phone Ben zooosouAnll anus of Mind Hay Telephone 7284351 FEED OATS gt 72016 FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Case New Holland David Brown Realty Farm Equipment Come with us to THE FARM AND INDUSTRIAL SHOW in Toronto Bus leaves 981 am returns at pm ALL FOR $150 INCLUDING ADMISSION Jan 27 7232373 no mindl 7760301 been seen GRAIN WANTED Telephvltb HOMBLIIE aner for llln Al condition Used ieu than 50 ALPALPA MAY for Sale bated 1000 bales Telephone Coohtowrl Moth your local pump man up mm VBUBBKE STAMPS AMINIIHDEHIII name rANln pumped try the Brian ed VIoI Bungalowth Calibre BIN nersiephnna moot emnnn January sale literallqu hours Telephone Nasser rnrtura rnurtmk lupe Recor dnr model 200 Telephones Mantra tar rurtner Information shun allAmfor Elle Butch stove and window st or the heat offer Telephone minor Geno RR Bantu Han Burn tor sale plywood construction Best off Tales phnlte resent Iltu tnr further information PEOPLE lrqtlIlfltI RIWIIIghI load Health Products contact Robert Ley at 1150750 for further information SPECIAL BALE nt ZlIncil picture tuba instilled In your home DIILI installation Telephone 7153587 or REBEL VACUUM Cleaner and Floor PD trhari on rate 101le month of January Call singer Sewing Cen ire Barrie 7737950 earns new and rebuilt also Safe light opened and paired Com tions changed LockingSafe Workr Owen Sound FR 110 CCMTIIBE SKATES for WIII ankle lupporta white one pair Ill Porn one nelson in good condition Telephone MIME Alto lull RANGE 30 inch Frittldatre it hi cutting 171 other mapln drop leaf Also double well ItaInIeaa steel sink with faucets Timurtor on arncn HEAAB 55000 BTU will treat dz room sect three montiu antto 3114 sell for 350 Tain gllloztn 7261w7 for limiter tofu mutton nor QllAulY beef Trent quar tetl hind garters hie lh Free delivery Cut and wrap ll athletes teeny ea on Ir lanolin WATER PUMPI for Ilia Iqlll M70 btntlow And deep well water Ken Winter TilWM It Barrie Machines all after made to order Dependable service last promt delivery Contact The Examiner Commerelnl Printing Service id Hayfield street Barrie venom most modern equipment any whereonly L5 Now equipped with 10 gallon dilpttlli tan BEE MBINGER WINNII at yourtocni centrecsacb hl 111 yearn of Singer inert mottohim Models for linehinrtn slew TOP QUALITY ï¬rst Ind Iecbhd Gilt Alfalfa tiny for late lele Pfian SUbudlllRIL More and more poultrymcn are choosing DEKALB Putnam Started ready to lay and day old chicks Order now for early order discount For service or help on your ponitry problems call Craig Hunter TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS POULTRY at CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS CRAIG HUNTER roomy FARM tun amour PHONE 71 PHONE 7234414 fBU SINESS ourc alx engine custom radio in Arctin white with cuntruling rod inter ior Local one owner car Deap lreltl tiran with 10 down Tntnpbunl norm ma FORD Feirinne eoo ibur daor brrdtop automatic transmission custom ndin two tone need In white with mntchtne interior are tread whitewnll tires it down and $41 per month Tlllphona 72409 llae DODGE custom Royal four oohr Ieilnn tritona in color autoj matte transmission power btnebv Lug our new whitequ time At th low low price of 875 with $25 riown Telephone HIT79H 1357 PONTIACaIaul dbtn ledlli ndfo Dicelicnt condition wut accept trade No down plymmt quired Payments can be arranged or cub Notone Telephone rtsolss ask for bill NEE CAR WEURANOET Bil logs for prelcrred driven Wu insure any driver lIglnlInu or an or circumstances Full even an Eenttey in Cm ll Collier St Phone new 19S CHEVROLET upnssengor IIIh lion wagon low mileage VJ nutv omntle radln power stecrlnl nib vcr blue In AI lhlpe Will lily ance to suit your budget Tel5 Phone Milli 19f FALCON tour door deluxe upon in gleaming red with matching interior 170 rental inch LllKIIiB whitewall lire Indy snow tires fellows Local one owner car 31MB with 107 OOWD Telephone rtetoil rERSONALS coMlvtliIlNG to Toronto west end and long Branch heave barrla area up Leave Toronto 30 pm Telephone name alter pm mcDMn IAx Hcltlrlu prepared Kidd Accountant 232 Duny lop Street West Telephone no but day or evening tuna WANTED from Churchill to TorontoFluid Avenue and Kilo haying Churchill It 515 should arrive at me Toiephonn Lelroy lull DRIVE OUR New and Late model enn tree of charge to Vancouver Calvary Edmonton Regina thw nipeg and Florida Toronto Drive Awey service Lansing Ltd sine Yonga 5tfolonto BA Mint SERVIC lorry TELEPHONE PAR2414 Ask about Low Rates by Month or Year Home IMPROVEMENTS ROOFING ALUMIN SIDIN UM WINDOWS ORNAMENTAL INSULATION DOORS AND AWNINGS IRON WORKS FOR EMERGENCY REPAIRS Free Estimates and Call MODERN HOME IMPROVEMENTS BOX Iii BARRIE INSULATION Hock Wool Blowing Method lNSULAlION Freo Estimates OGuaranteed COIT MUIR Alrtite institutional PHONE MINEING 211 NURSERV SCHOOL SWOODLAND Nursery ERCZY Convenient Terms vzsleai PRINTING Timely Rentinder CHECK your supply of PRINTING And Slimmer Camp For