SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS CRAIGHURST nuts Clinton hir and hirs Reynolds and iamily at Barrie were recent Visitors with Sir and him An thur Snider Knox Presbyterian Church held their annual meeting at the home at Air and Mrs Thomas Dunn Saturday evening Jon All business matters were in good shape and the evening end ed with pot luck supper Air and Mrs Lewis Corr spent Saturday at Big Bay Point Allan Sintna was home tmm Chalk River tor the weekend TELEVISION PROGRAMS Norman Baldwin or tomato was home or theweeheod Miss Craig at Barrie la visit ing Air and lira lluCrlll hliss Betty Gaston oi ibroato was home ourlog the weekend RUGBY By MRS JOHNSTON 110pr YOUNG MEN Allan Johnson was guest at the annual meeting and banquet oi the Canadian Hemiord Ar aociatioa la Guelph Saturdnyl where he was hanouredior haw tag the Grand Champion Here lord Steer la the Queens lqu cwva CHANNEL enrol THURIDAT JANUARY Mr Fly Popeyaa Pall Hlnle Dmio Yflll Boar Tomhxtone Ttrrttory Newa Weather sports Dr Klidm Thl Lucy Show The Serial The Hull SM Hanna City CBC TV News Weather sports News Thriller FRIDAY JANUARY 21 Test Falter 1000 National Sthooll 1030 Elle Helene 1005 Nurlery School Romper Room Popeyel Party Noonday Report Movie iNIVrr Look Each Pauwnm Scerlet Hill TI 10 Nearly Glont Mtatrroura Rah hay Popeyea Party Rauio Dania Huolrlabany Hound 21 app02 88383838 31599d 3518383 000 Topper 030 Naval Wermar 5905 700 Wagon lrlltt Country Hoedowa Daiendaro am Tha Unlouchahidl CDC TV News Weather Sports NM anll Another Part oi the rim IATURIJAY autumn is 110 Test Pattern 116 In France 11 Hawhrya 1141 Wrestling Lea Golden Tee 200 CBC Gall 100 Cross Canada Curllnl 400 Rowllnl and Forest Maser 50nuu Bunny and Teen Time and nipuoru 700 thva Eilihilllu 130 Zero one 000 To Tell The hath no NHL Hocth 101 Juliette 10 Sports Unlimited 1100 cnc TV News 1110 Wulher NIII apart 11r0 ttnvle My Wild Irish Roi 1000 1100 11 1110 CFTO CHANNEl TORONTO THUREIMY JANUARY 11 400 hilrkey noun Club 410 ol Hear too Channel Theatre Dink Vhlal aso Sports Weather Nawa Danna herd no Outer Limits Have you or has someone you know just moved to now home Your Welcome Wagon Hoateaa will call with gifts and friondly greetinga tram the cnm munity ooo U0 To Tell The Truth woo Zero one and Jack Parr 1010 Sports Hot Seat 1100 CTV National Newa no no ports on and Banquet 1110 Flam Horton Hour I110 Dotlllaa ratrhanhs Present FRIDAY JANUARY Md incnr ann Morning Report no Hosannaaar Haalth Club 910 Min HEIIII 030 Playtlmo with Unela Hubby 1100 Morning tiagaxina 1100 Nonnday Report 1710 Io ve LMEY 100 December arlnr 01 Hanna The hlllilnnllrl All star Thealn Heres lanolinl At You People in Conlilot Mickey Moll Club Kiddo Channel Nine Theatr tnlsht Hons lions News sports Weatherarld std Ltrt This Great Adventura nh at Word Andy Grilllth leek Benny lets Sin But Gunamohe on National News Metro rum Sparta heel and Bollwa Plem arrton Show oowotas Fllrhanh Praannts Death Volley Dayr SATURDAY JANUARY 15 1000 illan 1030 Clflotm 1150 African Illlfll 1100 Glenoannon mo wish You Wm Hen 100 Channel Nine Theltri The Jitterhunt 700 Teleiillll rmk Meet 330 Vreatllnl 410 Golden 445 Punch and Johnny 500 Hl llme 600 Wazoo Tnln iarnto MOPhlhlefl 010 Saturday Nllllt anll 10 rm won Love 1000 The Breaking Point 1100 CTV Now 1115 mun Final 1110 Anawortnl Sorvlra CARRIERMISS YOU it your carrier haa not arrived by p111 plem phone 7282433 And Copy Will lie Delivered To Your Roma THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEYTAXI DRIVEYOURSELF cans MID TRUCKS eaaln Tomato Edward Johnson and Don hideod were also pro seotatthemedinl Several young pie oi the commonly oil the Junior Farmers annual meeting and banquet in Guthrie Community Hall Hero Allan Johnson was honoured lxain when horeoniv ed Junior Farmers pin for having one at the three cams represent Simooe County which toolr top honours in the Queens Guineas Toronto He also rewind sterling silver teaspoon as did Bob htdhope for judging In Barrie Congrat ulations to these young people and many othera who work in the Junior Farmers and 4H Rugby Group at the Federa tion or Agriculture will meet It ay evening Jan at 015 at the home oi lit and Mrs Edward Johnson Everyone is welcome Mrs 01th has had two student teachers this past week they have been staying with Mr and Mrs Clarita Home East dealer Both aides vulnerable NORTH 01000 0K1 AK6 wear noon gunman Hotca 010 010 01001 SOUTH EJsru one ihohtddtug South West Pass do Pass Dhla Openingieadnine of clubs Lets say youre playing this bond at six hearts doubled and West leads club Your possible lasers without seeing the East West cards are heart dia mond and club Naturally you hope to lose only the heart trick in which case you would make the slant and score 1660 points For this to be possible cer tain conditions have In exist and the best thing to do is to play on the assumption that the opposing cards are an divided that tin coatract can be made it is not important that the dis tribution required to make the ACROSS Laugh boisteroust Followa 11 Snyinga or Justin 12 Moham medals nymph on Plan 115 Rodent 16 Insect 17 Fuel Mums tive voto 12 Whip marina Narrow inlet geoL Eliouclilng ï¬Bureau 7Exclama lion Slaubtlo emanation 93eaeech location listrang Wind 19 ielcgrapna 20 Tennis top one 21 bump in themiddie 22Axtlla 231errnlt 25 Portion of curvedline akin Sally Oneottha NEWTOR ROBINSON IyMRLLLLEESON Mr and Mn ond Cobain visited Hrs Milton Charlies la Brampton Thursdny HmAllanSmitholoualala no week with her no timdhm Deana air and Mn Dean of Toronto lpent 58 turday with Mrs Meson Mr Ind 1111 Allan Ward and son of Huntsville were weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Al tan Houghtaa LADY ELDER The United Church held their annual meeting in the Sufldu School morn Monday eveolol with good attendance Alter delicious lupper business was attended to th various oiiicea and committees were selected and reports irons the diiiereot branches were lead and adop led it is pleasure to report Mrs Lloyd Cohorn is appointed new elder Mn Unborn it the llrat lady to hold that responv sibio otiioa In lhia church Mr and Itira Doug Harvey and family at ihmntn vlritedl hire Houghtoa Saturday conrnncr BRIDGE By JAY BECKER slam is unlikely to aidwhat is important In that you as sume its existence because that is the only hope you have or bringing home the contract So to begin with you assume that the diamonds are divided tz Next since there is appar ently natural club loser you start to think at ways and means oi saving the club trick and the conclusion you are bound to come to is that this can occur only tlEast can be med eventually to lead club Accordingly you win the nine of clubs with the king and mi spade Then you cash lheAK oi diamonda noting with some satisfaction that the opponents each follow suit Having passEd this major hurdle you now have to hope that East was dealt tho loneace of hearts and only two diamonds You lead diamond lo the lead heart and East not an xious to rult discards spade Now you make your bid for lame and fortune by leading heart and luckily East is Ioro ed to win it with the singleton one That ends matters since East is now bound to eithor return club permitting the jack to score or else return spade which gives you roll and dis card and allows you to escape the club loser Tomorrow Response to an DAILY cnosswono overooii 26no ploy fllGutded 20ltuat worthi am 3100 game Aillaw lIn tree 341nooiu smutmm sshmend 366mm played 1mm horse back otcrimnan 1LilIi fluid Ehrlisz maniacs 30Aroot éegernhlo our aatray 13 iintah bogether 45th ll queen you could alternatively JULIET JONES DONALD DUCK AUTOMOTIVE LES CANAPI ENS BLONDI snare pMA was v7sfave4Wl€r T7V GOOD DEAL MORE AT 75 BRADFORD ST TEL 2205971 I550 FIRM WoltlEwSERPIDRE wwwrurovltr ausawvosow MAVBE THIS LINIMENT WILL EASE MV MIFF MUSCLEB mo vomitmum FATHER who MY names Llcsta REVOKEO mirth tauWK Lmamwmo manureownme wussvow Ion Mm ml WAY JANUARY El WG11 OWN WHY THEYSAYSHES 60le TOMARRY HIM ONLY amuse Hes want MILLION PHmI ONLY MARRIED DAI dill TRADERS PLAN FOR EVERY SALE cwavstrn noose VALIANT DODGE raucus dowseweuomoone uv PEHMIS Pow vetoe omow DE RADIHON ET crosslutmhuaaig ouuosow um mums orrrsroksmce reservatnrnmvoteusm m1 coMMchEKAvEL wows snnunmumummonmmn WSW immunit oaANoMA SMELL mma rua klND MV AUNT USESv Aron suns BEEN WORKiNREALHARD HE HASNI HEARD ABOUT lTVZT ZAillflin EllfllfAHIIII ill We tau TELEPHONE column presents another in the rv sonnet sinus mm llST 1003 ROM FAR AWAY COME TIIE RINGING OF AN ALARM BELL vowwouooocmt PLACFILI SEED Emmi tillEA uaontroov undo WITH TANKS own class 0F F0065 oA laminating report on Ihot vast myatorlnua inner spacer the eaaDramotio flint soouanoas live action and animation about tides waves and cumin marina Ilia the ocean floor important new undersea developments Dont miss lhia enlightening and entertaining program Ila rlcii experientiain whole runny will enioy BUZ SAWYER lt Mumm Médvlmtitd 000 pun nu 10pm CHANNEL 40111665 SKEETER