ALLISION MAYOR John Darling lscatedt is pictured with newcomers to Alliston ALLISTON Stall Dissat lslaciinn was voiced at Monday nights council meeting at the current practice at allowing gas pipeline excavations along town streets throughout the year Board at Works chairman Benttie sought review at the town bylaw on laying gas mains to make trenching illegal in the winter time The Public Utilities Commission has an agreement that no trenching on town streets will be done be tween November and April he pointed out Why cant the Pm coonsrowu Stall are tuugi aiding clergyman at the Cooks town council inaugural meeills Tuesday evening was Rev Howard rector ct St Johns Anglican Church here Those receiving the oath oi cities were Reeve lra Wilson and Councillors Norman Hroley Eldon Netiiy Jack Edaey and tonic Monkman Alter hearing the hydro sec retarys report le Mrs Russ regulnr meeting No motions werepasscd to provide water payments WATER BILLS terring 01000 tmmlhe tax ac count to the water account for payment at the $37m quarterly payment to the Ontario Water Resources Commission The other authorized moving $5000 trom the tax account to the water account to go to the bank towards repayment ot loan Councillor Louis Monicman olr jetted to these translers claim ing it was case of robbing Peter to pay Paul So did the rest of council but could see no alternative As linance chairman Norman Broley pointed out The fault lies in the original payment thv 1952 to Feb land The revenue tor it should have come tram 1902 income not lrom less Thats why were leeling the pinch now Revenue tor repayment ot the water debt comes tmm trontage charges to householders iualng villagewater and lrorn live rnllls at 1063 tax roll $3300 Quarterly payments on the wa ter debt extend over 30year period Mr Eroley reminded council As time goes on and the vil lage expands the revenue from both sources is likely to increase Theretore Mr Broley contend ed meeting the payments should he easier trout now on in the tirat lull year since the village water system went into operation ttdviilagezresh dents have subscribed to the service Reeve Ire Wilson told council Another diillcnlty belore coun oil was unpaid tans taxesat tecting the water revenue from the tlvemili allocation ell Caldwell council started its One motion provided tor trans 1y council Standing trom lclt are Reeve George theme and Councillors Oak Gray and Alliston Seeks Gas Main Review same policy be applied to gas main excavations Reeva George MeCagucs sug gestion wa accepted more aentatlve ot the Consumers Gas Co will he invited to council meeting where the topic could be discussed Then otter hear ing the gas companys views it any amendments scent neces aary they can be drawn up Mr Beattlo also gained ap proval at another motion He wants council to get ruling mm the town solicitor on who can be excluded tram council kstowriionncilmFor1984J Takes Oiiice lit Inaugural unpaid lass taxes is 514300 Mr Broicy estimated it this he thought about 50000 would apply to the water allocation PREPARE LIST He asked clerk Jack Coulte to go through the tax roll and pre pare an accurate llgure tor the next meeting Mr Coutts said the tormat tor the 1063 tax bills was not designed to ltemite tor each water subscriber the as mount at his taxes set aside or water installation charges As result to get the tiguro sought by Mr Eroley he would have to tigura out each ot the 140 subscribers accounts separate tbtal estimated income lor 196 from commercial and res idential taxes is $439 council was toldSo far about 313000 oi this has been received Mr Coutts said Turning to general accounts council authorized payment ot 6350 tor December bills Another payment authorized was the amount required to cov er the second hall at the 19nd tire area payment trom the tax Fred Stasink Allistan oouni cll held its inaugural meeting Monday night Examiner Pholt to meetings during committee at the whole sessions He conten ded that newspaper representa tives should be barred tram these in the past reporters have been allowed to sit in on committee at the whole mccr committee at the whole on be approved by council while dis cussionsihy the committee in session are regarded as conti dcnilal la third motion Allistnns annual tro donation to the St John Ambulance head ottice was approved lags Decisions reached by the published alter the decisions re wavermm mm1av mummvw plantrte ALLISTON Stall Both snow plows are now back in ac tloa amniocentesis Harvey Moore told council Monday night Crews were scheduled to remove snow trom Victoria St that night he said throughout December town Postal Increases Come Under Fire OTTAWA OP planned April increase in postal rates on advertising matter came un der tire Tuesday tram the Print ing and Graphic Arts indus tr cs ncss out at Canada and should industries Association said in brlcl presented to Deputy Poet masterGenerel Hlltson lhe incrcnsecoluld drive burl be revoked the Graphic Arts Both lllliston Units as was Snow Removal SaidBest Ever employees kept pace with the onslaught or snow by using both thcmdcr and town truck with plow attachment Working in unison the plow cleared the middle of the streets and the grader did the edges That way we gotcleaner streets tastcrrpubiic works chairman ii Beattia explain ed Since we started using the two vehicles we havent had nearly the plleup oi snow as to the other years The truck was out oi commis sion briefly recently attet breakdown Mr Moore obtain ed used rearend assembly tor 515 which said has work ed line since Installat While admitting truck was bit light tor snow plowing Mr Eccltle doubted the breakdown could be blamed en tirely on the trucks use for snow removal He thought it was possibly just llulte town on Jean encased WRNE WHITESIDE BABY BONUS TEHRAN AP Empress Farah has presented 5600 baby bonus to Irans mother at the year She produced in children in 23 years at marriage WELCOME NEWCOMERS so ALLrsrou coursed JOHN TAYLOR FlrwgewWVWMWVIWWWW mun amen Pearson Replies To Dieis Remark oneness calPrime llltnla ter Pearson said lttesday he has autographed lot at booksta his He was commenting at grass conference on remark OppoSitlon teader Dielen baker in Vancouver Monday that the Liberal prime minister had recently autographed sew esal copies at Peter New mans biography ot Mr Dietcn baker Renegade in Power flhe Dleienbalrer Years What more conllrmation could you ask ot the Liberal Dietenbaker said hitPearson said that it Mr Dietenbaker really behaves that would hope tor his sake he could llnd more conclusiva evi dcncc than this Mr Pearson said he bade signed the books in Toronto tor lite but he didntreccll thereby endorsing tbdr contents hacking tor the booki Mr some students who stuck copies in item at him during recent EVELLEi visit and salted tor his auto graph htr Newman commented on the Dlelenbaker statement say ing it was preposterous ab 1sittrdity andl Mr automaker ad apparent no erway discredltlng his book CREATING CllY ltl estimated that by that the population at new city being created in Northern ire land by Joining Larson and Portadown will be redone BAY CIIY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK tiesutltul Samples MALIBU account other payments ap proved include $75141 to Innis lll Township toicover tax ar rears the county levy cl 42501 the Essa Township school area trustee levy at $1037 and the debenture pay ment tor the Essa school area at some tea Morden RE Alliston was hired by mkstown as can ine control oliiccr and pound keeper withuauthority to carry out the villages recently ro vised dog bylaw Council terminated its agree ment withwalter towe Brad lord the race dog catcher Mr Monicas contract became et tective Jan ol the Essa Township snow re moval service being used this winter tor the tirst time were voiced by council Cooksth is paying so per hour tor this ser vice Tc lormatize the snow remov al agreement with the township letter wasauthorlzed to the Essa Township road supervisor Louis lruu that the township snow plow come into the vii lose to plow the streets when the plow is on duty at this cor The approximate total ot the Sp gt Washington Aiken nod we In doe group her at the township Compliments on the cttlclency Stalcsd galldn and head ot the gran or the 115 Houseis representative Cornelius Gai iagne Dem NJL Several tor ministers alsowill be in 55 SERIES First year out and winner already And these two SuperSportmodcis areGheveiiee ï¬nestFrontbttcket seats and your choice of the optionalathextracost floormounted Powerglide or 4Speed SynchroMeah transmission All in an elegant Setting of deeptwist carpeting and vinyl upholstery in your favorite of seven colors Pick from wide range of standard and highperformance engines by Chevrolet One of the things youll likenest aboutit is 11 model untied starts models You can add your Although its good foot surprisingly spacious and caconeeasssriesa cranes moon eoooa seats smnouwmostf Chevollea 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