Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jan 1964, p. 6

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DIAMOND ANNWERSARY celebrarris Mrand lire Will Robertson an shown above with Mr Robertsons sister EyeningOPenHouse Celebration Marks Diamond Wedding Mr and Mrs Will Robertson of In Essa Road attribute their long wedded life to having had good health alwaya trying to see eye to eye on everything and being considerate of one on other The oath wedding anniversary celebrnnts were honored guests at an Open House celebration held at Essa Road Presbyterian Church last evening and friends and relatives came from miles mund to extend congratulat one The couple grew up in the Community of Knack and alien ded the some public school there The bride is the former Marg ery Ness daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Alex Sandy tires of Knock The bridegroom is the son of the late Mr and Mrs llfanmitnttedmn of Knock The late Rev Rose officiated They were married at the home of the brides parents on Jan 1904 The bride will cele brate her 90th birthday on May it and the bridegroom will be or on Aug 24 Torton HONEYMOON Following threeday honey moon trip to Toronto the couple took up residence on the bride grooms farm in Knodr where they dirt gencrai farming for 18 years Fortyone years ago Mr and Mrs Robertson moved to their present home of Essa Road which the bridegroom had plan bed and built himself During his farming years Mr Robert son had planned and supervised the building of eight barns in the area Mr Robertson is atiii keenly interested in the building busi ness although he is no longer active in it There is big difference in building today in comparison to or yeara ago he remarked CHURCH MEMBERS rbe celebranta are both mem bers oi the church where they celebrated this special occasion Mrs Robertson Joined Essa Rood Presbyterian Church 50 years ago and la former mem ber of the Ladies Aid of the church Mr Robertson has been an elder for appmxtmataly so years lie Joined the Stroud Presbyterian Church 71 years ago and transferred his mem bership when he moved to Al landaie Wallace Robertson of Elm velo was master of ceremonies for the evening and read the many congratulatory messages received by the couple Including telegrams from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth Prime Minis ter Lester Pearson Premier John Roberts and scroll from Privincial Secretary John Yar em TBA POUREITS Presiding at the tea table were Mrs Wes Dobaon sistcr of the bridegroom Mrs Robert McBride sister oi the bride Mrs William Ness the brides aiaterlnlew Mrs lack 0a borne the brides niece Mrs Cliarles Rogers dear friend of the celebrants Tee hostesses were Mrs Jim McKeir Toronto Mrs Frank Powell Midland Mrs Herb Coad Aurora Mra Wallace Robertson Elmvaie Mrs John Kneeshew Giiiord Mrs Ae lhor Cooper Cooketowo Mrs Albert Groae Mrs Jim Webb Iflfrs Fred Elilotaon all of Bar Miss Patrida Elliotson was in charge of the guest book Outotcity guests were pro sent from krlurnbrn Ohio North Bay GravenhuretWood atocir Toronto Elmvale Mid land Glliord Stroud Churchill Holly Thornton Aurora and Cooketown Refreshments were in charge oi the Womens Auxiliary of the church under the couvenorahip of Mrs Robert Scruton Mrs WesJDobsoo right as the oelebraois admire the wedding cake made by lire Dobsou The in table wae adorned with white caodi encircled with tiny lurk Sweet been rosarbirs Robertson is wearing carriage oi pink roses gift or the bride groom Examiner Photo Mrs Cochrane Heads WMS BAXTER Special Mrs Norris Cochraue was reelected prEaIdent of the Baxter Ladies Aid and Womens ltllsslonu so ciety for rest Other offeera reelected following the Decem ber meeting were Mrs Charles Marshall vice president Miss Irene Denney secretary and Mrs Bruce Edger asaistant secretary The rest of the roar executive includes Mrs treasurer LA Mra ary treasurer WMS Mre Edgar pianist Mr derson membership Mrs CauleerrsTC areh committee west at Henderson Mrs udd sick committee east side Mrs Mooney Mrs Edgar Mrs Rather lunch committee Mrs Henderson Mrs rtuddick auditors Mrs Bruce Edgar was up pointed by Mrs Cochrane to conduct the election of officers There were to members and three home helpers at the De cember meeting which was pre ceded bya chicken supper The meeting was opened by the pres ident Mrs Norrie Cochraoe The scripture reading from Luke Chapter was read reap poneively The secretarys re port was given and roll call taken The offering of the LA and WMS was received Happy birthday was lung to three memberawho had De cember birthdays Several urem hera staged Christmas play iet piano and accordion sel ection was played by Mrs Gauley poem on new years resolutions was read by Mrs Gauley Handling SiedDogs Is Job For Adults FORT CHIPEWYAN Alta CPlA coroners jury asked Monday that children under it years oi age be prohibited from handling sled dogs The recommendation was made after an inquest in the weekend death of Eugene Tuc caro ll of Fort Chipewyan lie and Lorne Yanik 15 were ex ercising five large sled dog when Eugene fell in front of the pack and was attacked and lured The ilrccaro boy suffered ex treme head injuries loss of blood and his body was badly torn An RCMP conatable had to shoot allfive dogs before he could reach the boy It was the first such fatality in Alberta MONTREAL CPCoiradian readytowear fashion forming and aummerJada rapgeamfrom tailored blazerstyle suits and coats to slim fulllength evening skirts and spottawear in riotous colors and designs The returnto the natural atl houatte was the feature of the National Collection of Unldnem bel Fashions presented Friday to fashion writers from all to viuceafTheahotmiaponsored bytha international LadiesGar meats Workers Union was held on St Helenavislaori siteof tlreVlotll Montrealworlds fatr The word iaeblon experts are using todescrtbe new look arm killed The latter was not in mmvmmrulrwnfls MmmawMW my Wm Daily skin Core akesLittle Tim reworao In El as we ri Es at its 93 Family Plans TORONTO CPIThe new tary oi the Planned Parenthood Arsoclrtion of Toronto lava that the organlntiona first year root was disappointing one The organisation said airs George Cadbury was unable to charter rpm the prone clef government was unable to advertise and was severely re stricted to its operations Audible was dcapitethefect that fire associations executive is lopbeavy with Anglican and UnitedChurch ministers rel bia professors and doctors the secretary said in an interview Mrs Cadbury said the Crimi nal Coda of Canada makes it an offence to offer to sell adver flee publish an advertisement of have ferrule or disposal of any means instructions modb cinea drug or articleintended or represented as method oi preventing conception or our tug abortion or miscarriage BILL PENDING She said hill is pending be fore the House oi Commons to have the worda preventing con ception or removedrrrom the section oi the Criminal Code Mrs Cadbury said the law makes the Planned Parenthood Annotation unable to do more then bring public attention to the question of family planning We have telephone service for anyone who wants birth con Montcalmcontinued dont advise or suggest anything but refer them to doctors who might help them The association did not sup port any particular method of birth control but felt that every individual should have the right to information on the rubiatd MW rail $5 32 as at 525$ 33 ii aklniatopmouafaeecmru andaltinafiufiywarmrnllk bath for abmrthaliaubour After more than week of ricbbolldaytareadiathlgbln and low In calories is essential for getting back Into shape Mill Stevie Eaercl ug lavalso amust Wdhmmowdfl or even no or is minutes day aid reild oi holiday tension Trioat women think they ak ercisoranough networking around the house but theres big difference between house work and brisk armowing lug deepbreathing walk This is the simplest type of exercise known and Canadian women just dont do enough of RELIEVE TENSION Beauty experts at Elisabeth Arden recommend that woman have body massage or steam bath for relief oi tendon if pos Lible Eveieeu Doilery beauty rultaot at Chatelaine highly COO reoommeuda the miracle mornings or miracle mailn eeatwoorthreehour be ty treatments including massages manicuree pedicum offered by many sal onr The idea of having someone wait on ou and fun over you is ea ally reiuvenrdug for women aaya Miss Dollery LManeroman have never treated themselves to mani cure or facial and they ahauid Having completely liquid lunch of iuicea oueor two days week is very refreshing and especially good for women try ing to keep their Weight dowli rays Mire Dollery carom Crew Sponsor Education OTTAWA an AI ll Outfit as am E3 so 5i ii cs gs mourners Change Of Tor Nervous too would spotless house and to meat bathe table when Fr comes home at night But bow Many of the sol company were on the trace tittawa based at Halifax when the girl was first adopted under the plan to feel When the Ottawa went to the out coast in race bar com pany brought the roses Koote nay cart and transferred inanna with them Now theyll be able to follow her prom all through college no it will cert Kootenay $500 year instead of the too In nually under the Foster to Plan blfttho sailoraieaithat every may is well spent THE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY JANUARY ll PigeonHole Unsolved Problems Advises Merry Women Mayor NEW WESTMINSTER 50 CPIMotto of merry mayor Deal with the problems you can and pigeonhole the rest People who ooncem them selves too much about yesterday and tomorrow develop into real werriers rays lier Wood if cant solve problem today pigeonhole it for hours days or weeks as long as neces sary The philosophy has kept Mayor Wood or with face of youth save for view laughter liner and with remarkable ti ro RESIDE IN BARBIE Essa Road Presbyterian formed the setting for the December weddingoi Miss tomatne iyeon and Larry Carter Rev Bell officiated at the ceremony The bride lathe daughter of Coats and suits in traditional spring colorswhite pink yel lowaud blue came in unit woois with some in mo pecially popular were its coats Lines were straight with little or no waist definition few had belted fronts with straight backs Seamfng was simple eeam months back midway between shoulder and waist hinted at an empress line annavas vanv Sleeves led trombone at all as to teand contention bles to hell shapedelbow length nurnbaranitlr cape lookiofnllliipzfll Tired pieeva wasdpopular Several lyltaliored collars on in sbadesoil pink blue blareriook Mr and Mrs Tyson of Rose St The bridegroom is the son of Carter Gowan St and the late Mrs Carter The newlyweds will make their home in Barrie Photo By Me Cowper NdlurdlSiihoueiie in Spring EqshTOn Prettieva fuslacketa ranged from the blazer style with two toiour small squarepocltcls audieome one With braided armour favorite Sherlock Holmes cape which cametnwafatrto three quarter lengths The hounde tootb tweed war popular fab tie for these cape suite Eveningweer ramaina1almple andchlc Floor leogtb tube chiffon gowua ha matchingaclouke Raincoata worn with use white rubber boots and white leather bats were in paatei skirts The Iateaveleasv coat or and yellow you mrtfimand muttm appetite for endeavor She was New Westminstera first woman alderman its first woman mayor andas oi Jan the first woman president of the Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities She has good health good humor and good looks from the top of her long hair waved bark softly into French roll to the figs of her ailrn highheeled cos aaurrr odours have never recognized that there is any difference between men and women in public of fice she says it is question of ability not sex Mayor Wood has taken few lessons on life from husband Jack assistant city electrician end formal itar athlete to rev aral sports but she says she owes her most profitable habits to her stockbuyer father the late Torn Hanna who emigrated from Ireland and homestaaded at MlnitonaeMan Trouble and tension couldnt get seat at the dinner table vgvlhfn Beth Wood was little it was upset about some thing my father would say Now Beth youre just going to put that problem away in pigeon bole When the meet over when weve had some good talk and laughter you can take it out and look at it again it wont seem nearly as serl eus It works tine she says We have men old battles in council But they are all iorgot Fashion Platters Slim Whistlines rodouro OFFVivian wu cox fashion editor of Style and Chatelaine womens magazines predicted Monday that by the and oi the year waists will be backand we will bavasbape sea or gt Miss Wilcox speaking at the parting of the Garment Sales manOntario Market Week here said tool was the and presence year fashion cyclathat went through waletleaa chernlsea litres arrdahlita Here are some other other turbine means Dresses will be softer aided hyblouslngnriiled or draw atring uecklinea andufiounced ing feature of ansem lee for the jacket will be Megatinguiah young adult while dreu will ha weariugtdreaaee with pirate sum andwhitawill athe major domination for little tweedrrrrn dedus combine Piaatica tron or eforra ti cau with four little hill and an invalid nsothanlniawun take care on And then therea the Maintain andlamoan knit and one Laat nigisi to drop everything and flour white shirt for Frankie wear to his lodge meeting lie called me disorganized altv wit yelled it so loudly in mm the children heard him lm nervous wreck and cant even find time to take tron ouiillur pills Please ma SKIN AND IONIC Dear stint This advice is for Prankz litre woman to come in at too when we sit down alter wirds and have coffee Her notions about politics and rumor alsoro back in dad Dad always said No matter what you do remember you owe part of your life to your common it is privilege to live in free country Mayor Wood la retiring thia yearafter to years in public office because aha believer someone has to step off at the top to make way for young pet pie at the bottom Her husband iolnr her in re tirement six months later and they hope reestablish small farm in the Fraser Valley iii be able to do lot of reading again she says And study Japanese And sawits ages since made myself dress And perhan Ill go back to playing the am And Ill take pictureslm a5 millimetre addict you know And may do bit of writ ing And then there are the grandchildren Leiroy WI Plan Variety Night LEFROY Special The la dies of the Lelroy Womens ln stitute will meet in befroy Hall Jan it at fora pm Tire motto An aim in tile is the only turn tuna worth finding The roll call to be auawerad by wish on Friday Jan to in Lefroy Hall at our MAKE ELECTRI tillliillii tlnnsoi blue and yellow Plow rand lithe will be polpular Also there is the variety nidht neutran chThIcHEAnuoupooMAmucEumr sscuuoamnwmclfi lack for to years and share an aparb meat with my mother usually bowl Saturday and Sunday afternoon with friend but last Friday onus on the roar of the momentl decided logooveraodbowlafewilnea myself My mother mlly hew up should no able girl goesalone la place that has lounge and relir poor dont drink In fact haieihesmelloitbceiuttind am uoiouugerelther if get bowling alleya bolti these llama girls would get picked up in theatres in restaurants or ball parka Will you please aefiie thief denote Dear lennle tiryeanold woman who wishes to go bowi log on Friday evening doesnt need to check with her mother do feel however that it maker at deal more unai to go bow log with friend ra wbmar wtwvawrwflwmg mmmmrl amp iher than alone You not only protect yourself from gossip but you have more fun raouav Lenora Dear Ann LondonerIm working girl who just barely manager to aupport myself make good salary but the eort of living in this citle akyvhlgh and every penny counts Two coworkers in thia office are nickel and dilating to death One gal lives near me and we take the same bus to work Mae last week she eats ed me to pay her bus fare and did ow iti never ace ihrotbergirlieacoif break nwoeb she never has change or she is flat broke Her favorite line la lll buy more tomorrow have also ught cigarettes for her and chipped in for shower gift when abe didnt have the money Please tell me what to do Most cant bring self to eat person to pay be quarter or to route it see patb Thank youPoorhouae here Come Dear Poorboure There firla have learned to outiumhls out guts and outsmart you They will continue to take advantage of you so long as you allow it Adopt new phrase Sor ry cant afford it lire the phrase whenever you are asked to buy coifeepny bus fare chip in for gift or what have you Practice in front of tha mirror until the words come easily Before long theyll get the message PERMANENTS by Appointment only 550 Others Iran in use All Iliarrrpatta bone with SOFT WATER svssaeaurv sooner Ian AIlIrrdaIl HAIRCUTS 5100 Phone mean larber my in Connection GOT CHILLY ROOM ADDING ROOM YOUR COMFORT COMPLETE WITH CHT stilliiltl nested

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