Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jan 1964, p. 5

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vwmmmm an Imu 0R0 TOWNSHIP Council held Iia Inaugural meeting at the township oiiice Monday Township otticiais seen hero areback row imm ieitr Ross thinis road superintendent Councillors Ken Gilchrist Wal lace Key and Allan Melissa and assessor italics Front row irom lrltr Elmer Sheisweil deprty rccvu George hiatKay reeva Mrs repute Budget Estimates Alliston Council Told ALLISTON istsit Mayor John Darling issued call to the late council to get right to work preparing budget estimates so that the iinance chairman ltcave George McCague can bring in his budget on time ilalyor Darling suggested dead no oi Fun to tor budget estimates This deadline was ex tended to the end oi February ioiiowingthoio meeting under the new amalga mated committee setup arrang ed Monday night Make your estimates compre hensive Mr Darling adv red the committee chairman You will have to look to the iuiure especially in relation to our gar bage disposal needs additional assistance needed by the Stav enson Memorial Hospital and in annexation prospects He urged the entire council to think out these problems now to have ideas and solutions ready when they are needed Two bylaws were passedone to provide for mailing is no lines to Alliston ratepayers and one tovlppolnt town oitleiaiss those appointed were Stuart to tha Alliston Public Li brary Board ior 19846566 Han vey Moore raappotnted as weed inspector ior 1994 Boles reappointed as chlci oi the Al liston iirs brigade ior not Mr Bayes will have his annual in cremant boosted irom 8200 to 5150 this year Councillor John Taylor returns to the Alliston Memorial Common Centre Board ior loos Serving with him will be councillor Fred Stasiuk Representatives tor the Geor gian Bay Development Associa tionwiiLbuametLaLthsJaL 20 meeting oi council Councillor Frank Mlsenar said he was will log to serve in this cqraclty again second representative is needed irom the Alllsion Chamber oi Commerce Committee accounts passed tor payment were sanitation Alta as police smut tire $5610 property 525 weliare $73870 and finance undid and board oi works $155620 The iinonco accmmt was hidit in Dclt cember irom the annual pay ment Allistan to tho Banting Memosat High School tor its share oi the schools expenses While passing the account oi the legal ilrrn representing the town at court at revision sitv tings this tall Councillor Bost tie auggested along with itseva George McCagua that the agree ment with town solicitor John Bowermsn be renegotlnted Mr insucunni neurone Councils Begin Work Of 1964 iNNlBFiL STROUD Staff lnnisiil Township council ior 1964 held its Inaugural meeting Monday morning at the township build ing here Her leopard Wart minister of Tihomton and Holly United Churciiu was the oiii ciattng clergyman at the care monies Clerk it Grok administer ed the oath of oiiice to Reeve Joe ibchranc and to Dequ Reeve Campbe and to councillor at Eben Sawyer andAlian Todd The inaugural dinner was held at Holly United Church ommtttees pained Mondmt lire roadsW Cowbell and Allan Todd education and parksEben Sawyeraod it Lackie weiiarc and thenR Lackie and Eben Sawyer tin ance Allan Todd and Campbell In each oi these committees the iirst named is the chairman ESSA airmen Jami the in inaugural meeting here Mon day in the township oiiice Essa Township Council had its din has served in the township oiiice by womens group irom Baxter Presbyteriantmrcb all leliis Angus va his blessing to the new council Assessor Norman Cross wwas among those attending Sworn into oiiice for twoyear terms werai Heave Sanlord Page Deputy Reeve George Davis and Counclhors Eugene Smith Stewart Dermottand lane Stall Oro Township also held its inaugural meeting Monday morning in thetowar drip oiiice with the January meeting allowing to the ailer on council sworn in by Clark ludhope includes vHeeve George Mocliay Deputy Reeve Elmer Shoiewaii and Counctii iors Ken Gilchrist Whilsce Key and Allan McLean new councillors took oiiice with Alliston council Monday night at its inaugural New mayor is John Darling who was move last year incoming roevo is George Mchgue and new councillors are Fred Stasluls and Oak Gray Rationing to Alliston council are Deputy Reeve Ralph Hun ter and Councillors Frank Mis ener Dr Jean Pitcher John Thylor and Heattie Rev Schwaim admin istrator at St Pauls Roman Coldsan Church was the parti cipating clergyman Clerktree stirrer Whiteside adnrlnls tered the oath oi oiiice Conunitteo chatnnon forth are iinance George McCague police FlrankMisener 5301M tion Haiph Hunter town pro petty Dr Jean Pitcher ilre Oak Grayiboatd oi works Beattle welfarE Fred Sta aiuk andparks John Taylor Twobranch committees were formed each consisting oi chairmen of fourfconunittoea esc branch committees will meet on monthly basin The brands committee at sanitation property board of works and parks will meet on the second nodal While the amalgama ed corrunitteeuoi iinanoe pol too tire and weltare will meet on the iourth Monday iroiori WEDNESDAY JAN8ili BTABTINGAispm 5JACKlt6i flsaooroo Microntutti Hworman could not represent the town at court at revision because he was hired by tour ratepoycrs lodging op eats gainst their asscsamen litr McCa not the goahcad irom counc to center with Mr Bowerman procuring now rumor CHICAGO AP boy mistakenly reared as girl ior is years has reached manhood and now is ll or Dr James Barrett Brown oi St touts who perionned constructtva surgery when the patient reached is years of ago says he knows oi no similar ease in which the pa tientiater became parent Writing in the current med ical journal Surge Gyna coingy and Obstetr or Dr Brown at the Washington Uni varsity plastic surgery serv gt Merv Sanderson secretary inaugural guest Lloyd Lather by iilPi tor Simcoe East itrdhope clerktread lNNISlIl NOTE monstrous aromas ashram 1964 rownsnrr COUNCILS ESSA TOWNSHIP council and employees arepictured hero ioltowing the inaugural so Follow nus On His Waysouth at nos Snow that came at us irom the Gulf oi Mexico wayiaid us in the mountains oi Georgia on route south Wevhad heard on the radio that snowstorm was covering the south but we had the idea that perhaps we were mommawouldhi We had routed our loamy to visit iriends in the north part at Georgia This we plight have done on straight line sotrth irom Ohio and Route 7a which had been our course but see ing the Great Smokies marked onotlre map we iait it might be rough going We veered south and back east and this put us in the path oi the storm We had got into What we thought were mountains They were steep and crooked and the road signs looked like the lrisbmana abillsieagh How ever the big trucks were with us and that seemed to give teeiingoi Wily ice gives this account The intent had the outward appearance oi girl and dressed and lived as girl ior 13 years At that age however the patienta no no at ieclings and personal ieciinga prompted medicai conauita tion study at the chromosomes estate male identification Surgery consisted oi cor recting maiionnatton oi an anatomic structure more in male than male in appear ance The patient married and lit years after the operation be iame the talker at baby upatients shed snow came again and our car Camp Houseiire Kills Children KENDRA CmPolice said Monday two children died in Saturday night tire that raced through bush camp house while the parents were absent Allan Barry Parsons and his brother Brian Mark six months died at the Ontario Minnesota Pulp and Paper Com panys camp 55 miles northeas of here Seven others auiieringirom burns were taken to hospitatin this northwestern Ontario town and all put two onieriaraons children were later released Pollce said llamas sngulied the house whenone oi the Par sons children tipped over scan at gasoline believed used ior lamp fuel The ghsoiine ran across the floor and under propane reirigerator where tt was hello in the week and perhaps will it was one oi these that brought us to stop The big vehicle had jackknlied across the road on hill and closed the way Vehicles acmunuiated on both sides oi the stranded truck and curious drivers tilled both ism ot the hlmway truck driver in the line ahead oi us told us there were no mo tels ior milesvahead and ad isod us to turn back to the nearest one to miles away the iirst time we have over retrac ed our course on account oi weather was on New Years Eve when we backtrackod to the small town at aratsworth Georgia it was quiet New Years Eve but the TV was good com pany Snow turned to rain dur ing the night By morning was covered by Vbreakiast time However the ternporatoro rose somewhat Then we heard tightening newsoi broken ptr wer lines and oi people being stranded and workman trgung to remove cars irom ditches This made us Just stay put un til plows cleared the snow item the highway Balers noon the roads were again passable and we started back over the mountains Our gland whom wring Icailzg it one were peas that we had made it Tirey had autiered an ice storm which was worse than we had to con tend with our car did splen did job in tin iirst snowstorm and we were proud to be lead ing in the parade oi those brav ing the mountain roads alter the stem our reception has been so warm in this mountain townoi Toccoa Georgiathat we have instiet Florida wait ior us We will be writing iromthare early aNp PIANO 1T our HanMoroerorrr noonaecomn soon NIHEIVTWNII have direct connection esth iiabed with home news by then This second snow storm oi the season came up through country where natives had new or seen the white stuii botore Usually they point in the direo WWW it had kept it back homo This time they asked us it it was the some as Canadian snow it was heavier and stick ier we tell and we would on visa anyone who encounters snowstorm in the Georgia hills to hots up until it is over Critical Book Hit By Diet VANCOUVER CF Oppo sition Leader lohn Distenhakar aatdMonday boot criticising his Conservative iedersl govsrn ment waithaakadbythsiihersi party He said at press contcreocs Liberal Prime Minister Pearson recently autographed several copies at Henegade la Bower by Peter Newman What more eontirmatlon could you ask at tha Liberal backing tor the bookl Mr Distenbairer saldthe book has become discredited and public reaction to it was the rev yerse oi what the Liberals hoped or The ConservatiVs is brushed aside speculation that his leadership would undergo more test at the partys an nual meeting in tawa next month tie said he was not concerned with reports that his leadership would be at stake expect there will be vote oi confidence in the party leadership That is customary at annual meetings The February meeting is not leadership con ventlon er Dlaienbaker arrived here at the start of twoweek vaea tion and spanking trip SPECTACULAR FIRE NEW YORK AP lire destroyed Hudson River pier Mondayand the windwhipped blaze spread brietiy to two other pisra betore it was checked Smoke and tiames mushroomod in spectacu iatiashlon high above Manhat attracting attention itor ian milesaround There were no injuries reported No ships burned As in past years the regular Saturday night dance wiiinot held during the month at January warcu non outt Nectarine parents renauaaw Midi0 Tickets Ava Jackson Grill Mo wanmrawu remmm mfivvwlp IIIm meeting at Baxter Front row irom leit Bell clerk George Davis deputy resve Senate Committee Resumes in Case 0i Baker Soon WASHINGTON AP The Senate ruiu committee may resume betore the weeks end public hearings on the bullpen aiiairl at Robert Baktir ior mer secretary to the Senates Democratic malority The titles committee headed it Senator ti Everett Jordon orth Carolina Democrat is ex ploring whether Baker or others on the Senate payroll engaged ii on dutifuw it was disclosed Monday night that Bakers iormer secretary in the Senate Carole Tyler is working ior him again this time in his law oiiice Ernest Tucker Bakers also clots in the Washington iirm told reporter that iormcr beauty contest winner is em pioysdaa Bakers secretary in the oiiice He insisted however he didnt know howliong shed been at her new post For while Miss Tyler and another Capitol Hill secretary had lived in Washington town bouts owned by Halter Miss Tyler is expected to be questioned by the rules commit tee as to what she may know about business in teresis Rules committee sources said public hearings in the Baker in vsstlgation may resume late this week it enough committee members are in the city The group has heldoniy one public session up to how this was Dec 17 when Mrs Gertrude Novalr testtiied that Baker oitsn had handed her thousands oi dollars ior deposit in bank account in not and early seas Shs said she did not know where he got the money Her late husband Aitred No valt was one oi Bakers hu ainess partners INVENTE MIRROR WEYBRIDGE England OF new type at glassieaa mirror has been invented by the aero nauticai research department at the British Aircraft Corporation Reeve Saniord Page and lien Hughes Essa Thwnehip police chiei Back row irom lett Councillors Eugene Smith Stelt iN 1941 United WASHlNGmN tCPt State department documents disclose that in 1341 Canada ottered to join the Pan American Union but was rebttiied by the United States The documents part oi dip lomatic papers made Public by thrdepartmentrdonortndl lust why the US discouraged Canadas entry but Dr Charles Fanwlck one at the greatest uvrrg authorities on Latin Amerlcan aliairs said in re cent interview the late Cordell Hull then state secretary telt Canada should not get member ship because Canada was member oi the Commonwealth was strongly opposed to Hulls viewsat that time and snstated said the oayearoid ienwlck iormer director at law for the Organisation oi Ameri can Statel and now consultant to that body was the US delegate to several oi the inter American oonierences and saw no reason why Canada could not serve in the Commonwealth as wall as in the regional organi zation But Hull did not agree Fenwlck added that it Is his reooiledlon that the Dominican govarnment had initiated augv gestions at that time that Can ada be invited to Join and that it was toiiowing this suggestion that the Canadian government altered to loin However the Dominican government was not the only one that wanted Canada in the Pan American Union There were others irom Latin America who were anxious to have Can ada come to mainly in order to provide check against the power oi the United States in Latin niiairs Fenwick added The state departmentducu meme show that on Dec 18 litii the late Sumner Welles then undersecretary oi state dent Franklin Roosevelt summarizing rsation Welles had with Canadian its only some at an inch thick but shattanprooi not with raw charge dattalres Hume Wrong wart Dermot and Kenneth Blanchard and road superin tendent bouts lruax Exam iner photos States Snubbed Canada The memorandum said Can ada expressed desire to par ticlpato in the consultative meeting at the Pan American ioreign ministers to be held at Rio de Janeiro on Jan 15 too but was inlermed this would be impossible FenwickaaiHhrUdrattituda on Canadian participation un derwent change liter the Sec ond World War with the dovei opment oi the resent Organiser tion oi Am can States oi which the Pan American Union is the headquarters University Looks for Principal orrawa tCPl tiie Liner College parttlme univer sity tor trade unionists is look ing tor iullilma principal This move In the eyes oi the college registrar Max Swerdlow is giant step toward the day when thelniant Labor College will move out at its borrowed summer quarters in Montreal and into its own buildingrwith its own lulltime staif He said in an interview that the need for permanent col lege principal developed for iaatcr than expected when the college first openedits doors last year lMPERIiii NOW sent memorandum to Ptvt

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