Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jan 1964, p. 4

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mrmwumm Published by Newman teBayneIdMBmmurto WKlallpPONifiu TUESDAY JANUARY III awnstanchion ahgad Keep Fools on The Roads Some Are Summer Drivers In China years ago missionary ob served coolies crossing an old rope bridge spanning deep gorge The ropes of the bridge were worn and frayed and looked Weak so the missionary asked Arent you afraid the rope will break No said one of the coolies Why not asked the missionary Because it never has wasthe reply Ihere are many motorists on the road who operate on this philosophy Some of them come under the category of summer drivers These are the people who speed into intersectionsand appw their brakes at the last moment In sum mer they usually get away with it but when streets are sliplplfry the find themselves in trouble ey usual react with hurt surprise when they becothm volved in an accident through their own carelessness The only way to educate many driv era is through the courts There need be no sympathy for the driver who does not drille according to road conditions The careless driver has no re ard for weather and road conditions ow of traffic or children on the streets He is the ty who speeds through intersec tions locks edestrian crosswalks and follows the var ahead through traffic signals that have turned red The value of strict police supervision is shown by the results of Christmas and New Years spot checks of cars in many Four Goals For Safety in an address to members of the Can adian Highway Safety Council thtieiJZo lymlectedcirairman JohnAtkinson of Toronto made some suggestions that are worthy of study He ro used four goals which he hoped wou stressed dui lng his twoyear term of office Mr Atkinson pro osed periodic re examination of all dr vers Because driver is capable of drivin today it does not necessarily follow at he will be either physically fit or mentally cap able of driving five years hence nor can we be sure he has kept abreast of the changes in the law literally millions of drivers in North America are out of date with current driving laws and regulations Periodic reexamination is the only method of as surlng the majority of drivers are quali fied to drive Urgin mandatory reexamination of all vehic es he said While we are un ableto pinpoint the fact that mechanical failure causes accidents there is grow larger cities there was marked de crease In the number of accidents The Hamilton Spectator aug eata that every day shouldbe tentlal ectlon day for motorists til it wont be costly solution in Canada alone It is esti mated that 0100000000 year would befineeded to hire 20000 extra traffic po ce Howeverthe Spectator believes the cost would beworth it if present spot cheats records could be maintained main on their toes if theyknew police min on their toes if they know olice vigilance would be on the verge nag ing all year long We think it would ftheamazlngly clean accident record of Connecticutwherevigilance is yeanlong proves this especially if there were pain ul lpenalties for faulty cars as well as for fun ty drivers It is ridiculous to stream that in creasing police vigilance verging on han assment deprives us of some of our hardwon freedoms Sillyfool drivers should be constantly reminded that there is really nothing In any bill of rights that guarantees anyone the freedom to de prive others of life health and property Only fathead could argue that selfish and irresponsible boob in Toonerville car has as much right on highway as citizen who obeys the rules all the my log belief this is at least contributory ni Iodicrinspectionaisfi per cent necessity if we are to eliminate this factor as possible cause of accl dentsll The issuance of drivers licence should be privilege and not ti ht he continued One of the qua fica tions for this privilege should be an agreement to undergo proper chemical tests when re nested by the roper au thorities Agan accident sta tics show that in socially unacceptable number of accidents admission of alcohol intake is often made even though the driver may not appear to be drunk Training for all before the granting of an operators licence it person with bad driving habits or poor knowledge of driving regulations cannot possibly teach another person to drive properly yet this is how most drivers are taught Again driving is privilege not right and we should not permit unqualified peo le to drive powerful and complex mac lnes without proper training OTHER canons VIEWS INSTANT POLITICS Winnipeg Tribune This enforced enfranchlsement could get Canada into trouble After all 18 yearrolds are still infants before the law They can be spanked and banged but they cant drink or get credit cards with out dads signature now With dado socialist and jun or reactionary they get into politicalan fiment and junior kills dads vote Dad en cuts off the weekly allowance and ends up in court charged with illegal threats under theElections Act That could mean jail And junlor who put him there wont be old enough to sign the hall papers JUVENILE cams rare Regina leaderPost If too many people continue to worry more about sins and privileges ofprlv acy rather than the rising juvenile crime rate thetroublewill continue to mount Eve iety gets the trouble it deserves ly when it makes no effort to situation Fear of posurc lays heavy hand of restraintupon awouldbe law violator Publicity has always been part ofthe pun ishment of mayonadult crime Is it not time the me remedy should berecon The Barrie Examiner Iacond oiarr mall apartment Ottawa nd torp of peatara in sub paltyi Sundays and dtatutory Iron skaoptad kahunan when rain vie ii wlin Manlgcr What hop and sidered with respect to petty juvenile crimes These too if unabated can some day grow to serious proportions BABYBONUS VOTERS Port Arthur NewsChronicle Sometimes progressive ideas can overt lap to the point of absurdity When the federal plan to ay baby bonuses to young people over it still in school goes into effect and when the re duction of the federal voting age to 18 becomes law we are going to have many people drawing baby bonuses while going to tltie polls to help choose the govern men Somehow or other it seemsridiculoua VANISHING WELSH Peterborough Examiner The council for Wales and Monmouthv shire is hoping that the British will estab lish permanent board withthe solar function of preserving the Welsh tongue Sixty year ago half thepopulstlon of Welsh Wales pnd Monmouthshlre country which is Englisbb statute and or by inclination coud speak the Welsh languagel 1051 the number had dropped to ird by 1001 to less than uarter in another 40 years it is feared at Welsh wiilhea language for scholars aovaarinn avMAlL St Thomas TimesJournal Why do ourniail carriers plod along their routes carryin loads of advortisln folders along with oidinary mail pariicug larly at this time of year enrosure that when theip Mw L7 Christmasll white collar workers and pen lusrssuoarriiam Hardships Force Miners newcomer uron rims England CF Coal miners tend to be radical in politics but tlcirleraJorloyaltytoth their villages and pits This is cited as poignant featuroof the modemlzatinnol the English Northeast where many thousands of miners are being uprooted under the pres sures of economic hardship and change The miners arerebels in pol idea but theyre the deepest dycd conservatives when it comes to moving says Sid Chaplin spokesman for the na tionalired coal industry However reluctant miners are being forcedto move becauiaot dwindlingcoai markets it elor urea and shift In one opera tions from the Pennine hills to coastal collicrles BORE DEEPER The pit operators have been boring deeper and deeper under the North Sea In recent years tapping thicker and richer coal seamsalong the lines of Can adaaCape Breton mines In some cases the coat face is ill miles from the entry shall meaning the tunnel trav ela more than two miles under the sen nearly as far as the Cape Breton operation Huge floating drilling rigs tons to the known reserves of the Northeast coalticlda which have been worked for 000 years and are sold to be the oldest in world But the coal industry presents bual sorry picture compared with the days when carrying coats to Newcastle became byword As long ago as 1015 the coal trade employed400 ablpa out of this port The Northeast mines which save work to 149000 men in IPGInow chiploy only100000 and 0000 jobs vanished in the last year One official said an other 15000 will go in the next four years MANY TRANSFEBRED Lord itobens national coal board chairman reports that more than 0000 men have been transferred from the Northeast to Wales and the English Mid lands other thousands have moved from the Penalties to the coastal minor but recruiting of youths has practically ceased at present All but token share of Brits alna export market was wiped out in the postwar year be cause the coal was needed for home expansion but It an strikes hopeful note for future exports He says Already this year we have pushed up our exports by more have added many millions ofth an 50 per cent to about 7000 000 tons Westernhurope alone Manitoba Becir Now Fair Game WINNIPEG CPlThe Manl toha government has crossed the black bear off its list of pros tected animals He will be fair game for hunters and rappers this year iducktWitney natural resources minister said in an nouncing the mom that in some areas of the province bears are becoming nuisance The bearwas put on the pro tected list by an orderincouncll more than three years ago Huntlng was allowed inonly three predator control areas Previously anyone with trap or gun could hunt bear Malabar provincial game director says the protec tion served as crackdown on ttraflic in bear cubs They had been caught dadsold to pet shops or as commercial nitrate tiona Now an Increase has been noted and hours have been bothering both troopers and aumrnernhoma wellern In some cases they haveeatcn ibeavera from traps upset trap and made general nuisances of themselves along the traplines At summer resorts for ex ample in the Whitesheil area of eastern Manitoba they have be come problem Mr Witney aye Theon after garbage es laliy Indry years when the berry crop Irthin In their nor mal haunts ntpiilo rovlnclal Mr Matcher aaya bear pelt may bring about 00 He figures some will probablyend up as hats for British Guards regi meula The hunting season will be in effect only before thatourist season begins with the length of the season depending on the ray nxarruvnlt wanr nos PHONE mom To Leave Home Friends can take more than 00000000 tons year from abroad and we intend to take bllfigeLhita uancss as nesa farther afield as far afield as Japan Meanwhile the British govern ment and local authorities are striving to diversify industry In the Northeast to revive the econ omy and provide employment USE SLAG HEAIS The slag heaps of abandoned coal miner ave sometimes been used for highway material and sometimes burntover and planted under trees In one ironic instance rosa bushes wera planted While theolder folk icnd3to cling to their traditional vil lages the younger men want their cars and their television sets and will not stay unless they can get these things said one official It is necessary to be able to tell the young people emotion is no more than year away he added Thcn you can hold them Be cause once away they wont come back TODAY iN HISTORY dammit The newly formed United States of America 175 years ago todayIn 1700 unanimonsly chose George Washington as the first president Washington who had ledthe people to vic tory in the war of independ ence and helped get the constitution ratified was elected bythe federal con atitutlonal conventioou He served two terms retiring in 1791 He died in 1709 1m Commercial tele phone aervicc waa inaugu rated between New York and London lest Fire In Atlantic City NJ destroyed four hotels on the mucus board WW awry rrunmmvmu mevwl REPORT FROM 0x Most Peg Income Tax Oo Vouchers their employer moat pay in mine in on them Mr Justice Pennyculk was on the bush hearing up la made by Dr Douglas disagre search manager of Associated Lead Manufacturers and John AM0rgltl the chief cost an countant oi the firm iheir ap peal took the form of test case which could affect hundreds of thousands of people They had received 030 gift vouchera iorA cog wttnz300 other Ilonera of the firm covnns SEVEN YEAR The Income tax commissioner had ruled that the recipients of these gift vouchers were liable for income tax on them And this did not apply only to the vouchers received this year but also to those which had been handed out to these employees and pensioners for the part uv on years For Dr haidler and Mr Mor gan It wll argued that the vouchers were not rewlrda for specialty good work and that Chrilirnnl presents may ta reward for servicesi noiw thatanding the fact that they orrlve with an expression of human or social loadill The management of Associax ted Lead Manufacturers had thil comment to male on the iudgca ruling Via are very much dlaappolncy ted with the courts decision An Informal doclalon is taken each year on the form of the gin and for the pastanumber of years it hoabeena silhouettedWe shall have to wait and lee whatP appem next year The Tax Commissionera cuI on gift like this rather take the gilt off the gingerbread It means to some people that they only get about twothirda of the amount of the gift The question now arises as to whether the Inland Revenue De panment will enforce Its claim to the tax payable on these vou chers and backdatethc claim for seven years The department la silent on this point spokesman said We never discuss tax lil llca of individual taxpayer M°ngoiia Hit Economically Finds Red China Is Thugherh The Mongolian Peoples men between Siberia on tho north and Chloe on the south Ia randy visited by western reporters The Aa eoctatcd Pree uporter who filed the following diapateb went in from India trav cilial via the Soviet Union HENRY KRAMER ULAN anon Mongolia AriThe moduli insimm Russia to Red Grins which passes through Mongolia car ries little traffic these days From the window of the main hotel in than Baler capital oi tho Mongolian Peoples Reputr llc one can see and hearonly two or three trains day In few days recently the hus aian medium trucks passed through on flatcars but little else was going to China Untltabout six months ago some so freight trains day came throughacoording to one observer living here Chinese payments to Mongo lia for transit traffic were major prop under the economy of Co mmunlat run Mongolia Now Mongolia is suffering eco nomicaily as result ofthe dis pluto between china and1tur as With Mongolia support tog Russia in the dispute China has been tough rather than helpful toward this former ml nesa possession In addition to the decline in rail traffic there is uncertainty whether China will continue to help with one nomic development here is unonnropinnrao With population of only 1000000 Mongolia Ia underpopv utated and has dependedupon Chinese laborers for construe tion of economic development projects financed by aid from Communist countries From speak of 12000 lin ported Chinese laborers the number was down to 0000 when they were withdrawnlast au iumn ahead of the normal win gr suspension of outdoor bulld Mongolian officials seem aort rers re urn the spring Mongolia has been under the wing of Ituaala since I001 It emerged an accepted Interi national entlt In fact when It Mood the Unit Nations Mongolia had to work at friendship with Until last Decent be ltloogoa Moomile border with Chinq was In dispute sronao rosary Tbcn Felting summoned th Mongolian premier and Copi munlst party boss Yumzhagln iaedcnbal to sign border treaty 0fiiciala here say thatV of 17000 square kilometres in dispute Mongolia got H000 The border has yet to be marked Chinese statements indicate desire to reclaim some Siberian regions east of Mongolia that Russian expansion incorporated centuries ago basic Chlnese reason for wanting to move Into Siberia or Mongolia could be the pressure of population in Chinb Inner Mongolia thepartof China hon erlng this country on the soth and cast has been heavily colo nizedby Chinese Outer Mon golla has an average of fewer than two persons square mile Until its fall in 1011 the Manchu dynasty of China claimed full legal authority over Outer Mongolia and exer cised loose control China was trying to rcaasert its control whenetha foundations of the modern Communist Mongolian state weiclald by Mongolian ragtime and Russiantroopa in BIBLE reorient heholdrJ have abuser iniquity to pass from thee and will clothe theewltha change of nfmcanZechlrillr Thetranstorming grace of God can completely change human habits until everything about on person diatea acomplela now her corned whetherthe Ltilngao la HoleoMblicrrllodefnfldFbo

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