SPORT AT WhatWouldlhey onto it Loser sy RICKFRASEI Examiner Sports Editor There was plent activity on the locals rta scene over the weekend most noticeable the de cision of Barrie SevenUps to name Clarence Smith to replace Paul Mega as coach ofthe intermediate entry tn the Georgian Bay Hockey league The story appears elsewhere on the go but some of thecornmcnts flying couldnt be men oned there WHAT THE HELL does the executive want asked an angry caller this morning SevenUps had five wins in our games before that loss in Bradford Friday night And who isnt losing to Bradford Id hate to see what theyd say to coach who was losing Smith will probably remember his debut as coach or defeat at the hands of Bradford Saturday night SevenUps lost apnir of weekend contests to Bradford they blew three twogoal leads hiday night finally losing 75 then got hammered Saturday night Moe Galand wrecked the SevenUK Frida night He scored four goals three in the rd pe od lie picked up two more Saturday night also an assist Galandls having ball against the Seven Ups in five games he has scored 11 oals He pulled off two foungoal performances agains the locals and per haps the SevenUps will now try giving the guy more attention when he gets around the Barrie net It was great game Friday but no contest Sat urday as Expressmen rompad to oneasy victory ANUIHER ITEM oflnterest was Dom Amos great eightgoai erformance Friday night against Beeton in Georg on Bay Junior Hockey League game at Beeton Amos also had an assist in the clubs 152 victory and its not hard to realize why thisyoung fellow is leading the league in scoring talked with Amos Saturday morning and con gratulated him on his spectacular performance Nat uralIy he was pleased but his reply was My linemates did all the work Perhaps his mates did work hard But theres no need to he so modest ills llnemates didnt put the puck behind the opposing goaltender for him It was certainly great test an tanother taste of success being enjoyed this season by the Al Shaw chuclscoached team They have 10 victories and one do feat to date and youll have fine opportunity to see them in action Frida night when they host Oriilia the club threatening their lead BACK TO the SevenUps New coach Smith will lead his charges into fourgame series against second place Colllngwood Shipbuilders starting tomorrow night at the Arena here Nights are proving so successful at the gate for SevenUps that they have another one planned for to morrow night Its Ladles Night and all escorted lad ies will be admitted free Despite the loss Friday night SevenUps should see another good turnout tomorrow ni ht It was tlne hockey Itswould have been better tb Barrie victory at least tie but from the fans We talked with they were pleased with the brand of hockey dis played SevenUps have their work cut out for them Their fourthplace position is being threatened by Oril ha and theyre hopping for success against Colllng woo mks Scoring Races Loop Standings Following are the standings Orlllla 1d andscoringleadersinthe Geor Collingwood it also Bay Intermediate and Meatord 13 Junior hockey leagues Penetang ll 10 12 Boston ii INTERMEDIATE mAGUE sunning Scoring Race gglafldéordooa126i Don Amos Be 26 16 42 3W AlnnMicks0r2l lit 88 £2de Conrad Malooey Ba 12 to at hob Clayton Pa 15 11 Id Drillia 310 Tinwark Me 24 Scoring Race Carter Me ll 31 garryï¬lgmegd 411 to Moe Galand Br 21 ii 35 WE er ll 15 l9 Blake inglis Br 29 Phil Williams Ba 10 lil Don Gibson BL 25 Archie Rankin 0r 10 1s um gums 74 Abbreviations Ba Barrie Cal Gardner Or 11 11 22 Collinewtrorl MiMirllond Br Stan Thoririgtan Br 11 22 Bradford Me Mentord 0r Bd Dorian Ml 11 10217 Ofmifl Nick Kennedy 0r 10 11 21 DohCosburnBr ii in 21 Red McLean Mi ll 20 AbbreviationsB Barrie Colllngwood Mi Midland Br lBradford MriMesford Orti al JUNIOR Lennon Standings 10 zo fiategaaiiy Conrail Boosted by two goals in the flneliii seconds Cor Roy als continued their ascen the OlavvaHulland Distrl unior HockeyLeagueSuniiay Omaha and St lnilishoth reg istered double vlctorlas over the weekend and the Kniyits lead over the Braves remained at nine points in the Central Pro liessionnl Hockey League stand ngs Omaha dumped Minneapolis Bruins lint Saturday undeasz defeate St Paul hangarstl Sund pushthelr total to so Braves edged the rs +2 Saturday and whipped Cincinnati Wings 74 Sunday to show it points Minneapolistwlth at points has allm onepoint margin over St Paul The Winds are into an emptynet to produce aopolats back ofthe hangars victory thatmovedOoro AwlnfoitheB Clo it clnoati at wouldenable threepolni edge overSt no oolsaaodwlched goal twecne pair obart gill Ont el also and than than 1Ward tired Montreal Canadians deicnse man Jennflaudc lranhiny kicks away shot on goal With BRADFORD Chalk up an men vlcto th showed Friday iim°$nn°yne same team all the way miiiih took over the coaching duties Saturday moving from team manager to coach when Paul Mega decided to leave rather then change positions with Smith at the request oi the club executive Expressmen had lost about everything their own way Setur goal fell behind 21 but had 51 margin by the end at the as Barrie was to come for life reminder of the game Bradford scored three goals without reply in the second period and added three more be fore SevenUps notched their fi nal seal in the third REGISTER GOALS Ed Hazlett and Moe Gnland each scored twice for the win ners with singles going to Stan lhorningten Don Gibson liwex nllza Bloke luglia and Richard son Gerry McBride Bob Garner and Bill Abbott were the Barrie snipers The loss left SevenUps still two points ahead of fifthplace 0rlllia lenlcrs But their ad vantage is fading Going into four olnt edge and two games inliapnd Terriers dumped Col points on Barrie and the Seven Ups have only played one less game and they open fourgame series with Collingwood starting tomorrow night at the Arena in Barrie Ed Haslett startedi Bradford on their victory march Satur day scoring on rebound shot at 247 Sevenlips looked like they tough struggle when McBride in tercepted passout and drilled high shot into the short side at 922 and BobGarner finished off play with Jess Weller and Sandy Air at 26 to give Sev eanps of lead REOMNLEAD Knights anoin NinePoint Lefctd ran Esposllo counted on ecv and seal lllslinse rail Expressrnao wasted little time regainingtha lead as lhnrning ton laying on his back on the ice swung his stick at loose Claude Lamereturned from v7 Mootreatdaoadiena of the Ne tionsl Hockey League to Omaha Saturday and scored the 80 ahead goal in the Knightsvlc tory over the Bruins Defence nrao Bob Well opened the scar ing for the league leaders in the first period Moe Bartoll was the lone oget the puck by omahsa Ernie wakcly Eric Sntcllife spentdt mlil nice in the penalty box Sunday bntvmanaged enough ice time to score two goals in the Braves73trlumpii over the 0M hapless Wings Al Caron tired signal for the Brnvesvto run his leagueleadlniz total to other win for Bradford Express Mel lrvlnee powerhouse entry in the Georgian Bay intermed lato Amiloom league humb led Barrio SevenUps so here Saturday night ior their 13th in 15 starts this season They ave one loss and one tie SevenUps under new coach Clarence Smith were well off lost 75 but gave VFW enrtonghbattie day night They scored the first ï¬rstiperlod This was as close Rinks Are Named For Competition the weekends play tbeyhad might give Bradford another gh v1 his skate to help goalie Uiarlle liodgeipMcctmgIlnslDelrolt Red Wings In gains that night puck and caught the corner on George Cucullck That was at 15 At 1053 Gibsons allot Cucuilcks stick Goals Kwaanlisaliaciett his man and Blake lnglls in the second period put Bradford ahead 62 in the third Moe Goland con tinued his high scoring ways against Barrie by one log two goals behind Cncu ck chard son added another and Hill Air bolt tired Barrleo final goal It from the ieit aide went under TilliMItillY iiSSiSTS coarseness noose Detroits Alex Delveechln not is bchlodhernblny Detroit scored twice in first period Espressmen Fast Easy Win Over SevenUps change places with Smith than the dam er Bennett stated Megcr decided to step out rather than on other position with the did Meger former National line key manner with Montreal Can on Snow Valley on one will begin sixweek program or instruction arr school 1urng Sahiuday enuary Snow Valley liesorta Mldhurst This program was run last Barrie McBride one year under the name of Barrie Barrie Gainin Ski Club This years course Waller Air than will follow the same pattern as Bradford ihomlngton in previous years ingllat thrill Bradfordreihson Fellini tors PenaltieaJCoshuru Kwornllu Second Period Bradford Kwamltu Gibson Inglis Bild Bradford Haslett Bradford 13 lnglia Cosburo Galeodt 1324 The dost is 500 per child $200 for membership ln the ski club and $300 for the ln structlon and tow or the dura tion of the course Bones will leave the post of fice at Owen and Collier streets 13 at nine oclock and will leave shrine To lioIdBWéeli Program For School Children imltl extra forms Didnt Quit says EitjCoochPaul Meger PAUL MEGEI ndlans as surprised dlst pointed and unhappy Snow Valley at too pim Ella Iilanoportntlon costs We urn The deadline for registration has been extended until 900 pm Tuesday Jan Regis tration towns and information sheets are available at the principals office of any oi the itsWdht dry is often forms must be turned to at 24 Queen Street before 900 pm ioesday January lnthaeveartoflocatcliyoi may be available at the above address on Moody and rum 491M Cucullck showed signs of threeweak layoli in the first two periods but he had to be sharp lathe third to stop Bradford from rimnlng their total into double dorm He was bombed withï¬ soon in the libel no minutes only five less than Bao rle fired at Berry Smith in the whole game SUMMARY First Period Bradford iliaslell Hessard Nicholas 241 Ladlea rinks have been nam legylor oompevtllsign an thel Gil My Xe derubway ninth Barrios curling Cl Mon antlon admit were as mo altornoons and lhiesday and Friday afternoons skip viceslilp second and lead as allows Monday and hand Mornings Wyn Spring main inane innate ï¬ndloy Stall Clark June WeotlIte unore Blown litters Moore Balboa Crown norm aw on Dorothy Ste onaon loonlI Mono tattle lIAIb Butte these on mam Josie Hunter it Sylvir Craig Mann Illli Jenn Poliook Betty MacDon Hagan Smith Elm Bun btdgc Nixon Jane Nansen nines henna Mortal 5th gins Brianna Jackson may Helen lduoo Bcien Nwhn Hui would Dorothy 8m loom Homer Vera Thomp Dolly Nelson Lilly Webb Spun List 5cutila Brennan lean Norris Miriam from No dlno Craniiald Stood MIrg Jack Janette hi Selma khuun oIn Neahiu Iftor Jan ll 17lan Lauett BI Naler Gertrude Northwey any Mon Crook ihohna WIutbtcr Helen dlyoniy Liter Gray noon woods on Motletfltk imam hour him Peacock Gina Bunny The list oi rinks in inner oi oi Luanda Parker Helen Nood IIon dogwood Friday to gain two born they Livingston nominee Eh Mandel no saunay ariemoonr Comm 812 in Bradford Richardson 1109 11 Bradford inland Hazlett Cosburn ltitl in Barrie Abbott Stoddart Smith Belb Glynn Nada VIiIIil llta id 11 Jean Shirley Campoï¬li SW at Scottie fly LI IlirtIm Janette late John Nubltt liter JlIn er Iago SIIW NV hardwolhii can he garner the Rangers to their do only Pen ities and Inglis Elwle Third Period Bradford Geland Penalty Kwasnltna Shots on goal tario Hockey Association Junior By Barrie 11 11 than series cllt to eight points so By Bradrord 15 13 53 result of Sunday action alumnae NIag Lloyd not Bartram Merton Arm mono Connie Merriam Ryan 30 MIN Irlonusylephenl whim Fern Campbell Dorie Dewy in Mary Hamilton Stella Hope Am Dummy comflliiiiouioiu Ethel in million Colpltt Lerrie WIlll Barb Earstr Mouton reprogram atrial Dov dine Onofle flimsy htrrg Jock Toronto Maritime Who on pear to have hit midseason snag had their lead over Moot real Junior Canadians in the on 1084 The Marlboro blew to lead and watched as Kitchener Rang ers climbed to surprising 65 tie in Kitchener Meanwhile the Canndleoa carved out 71 homeico victory over liornllton Red Wings The tie hit Toronto with 51 points while Montreal has is In other action stCatharlnea Black Hawks dumped the third plncc Peterborough Pete ea in St Catherine and Oshawa Gen erals downed Niagara Falls Flynn in in Bowmanville third place with to points four up on the Flyers The Black Hewka win enabled them to dry close to within one point of Nii ogaraFolir The General took fivepolnt lead over Hamilton in the race for the final playoff position Kitchanrer holds down the cal lar spot with it Three goals by winger John Beechey in the second period I12 NI Mull 11 Down Gertrude back other Kitchener son an worms Av some noon or Cook Ruth Mosley uilian do our oyco Sea mm ma snot Iota Illeth unzmulr Ruth iAIadne Webb Marl Wool Verdi Wailwtn leode Wilson eu kenrein mantel Wolfen don IdlltIri Jackson Btu Sclndrott nun Steghanaon oolr other lune spanner once one it Mora Ann Smith II Peg woodger Wln Toy 11 Pearl Dangerfield TraubVl Simmons Helen Mary Livinllioll mornings Ei leen Noralt WMDMVII dlno Crlnfleld Etroud Janette Mu Selma mil ï¬aï¬gtuiylflï¬r Ill In tr Thelma Northwoy dayonlr deyAfternonne Associdtion with stubs and eachcheciue 0nd cuts and younnomerlmprlnted on one cheque quickly identify your business to your customers are bound Seeourvnew 36 page cheoue cotoloéuc and chohse the cheque style that sultsyour business Arequlrem your rayouairs aANii taro MAIN er Av QUEEN voonrcwii convince dreams MODERN VAN LINES armor mam ll Nowovcillohic Magnetic ink Encoded Cheqoies which meet alths pecificotlons of The Conod heques lnxo handsome long we ring vl our asaasssrirarivs viiii depictisso in on 0N vou PRINTINGSER Morlies Tie Jr Hobs In Victory post Chuck Goddard of Peter lien Lnidlaw showed the way With mu effort Scoring singles wereDennls Hull Joe Graham Ereernan Bob McAlpine Chuck Kelly Hodge Jim Paterson Dale Wat son and Ron Naud clicked for the lasers Pctcrborough remitted in Klsh awe victory with two goall while Bobby Orr and Gee Vail an Shock and sin to accounted for Flyus awe playing host to Monirealin Bowmanville and Kitchener vis hing St Gatherin MAGNETIC INK ENCODED cnaouss SINESS use urn aumimrow movmnma7 mmn warmsum 1ney told me that come oi were felt they would change in metres said New hum was of the opinion that the players must have had animal and made thadect But this isnt the use he continued tIikcd with one at the players today and he said be was surprised when inform ed oi the change He said he couldnt understand it that he didnt hear any Lompiahlog Apparently one or two of the players were doing the crying they didnt say to niI No hockey player is at big lttakeeefull teamandacoadt to win hockey games Mcger said when first inform ed he felt he dldnl want to hold the boys back ii this ll what they wlntad But this apparently Isnt the can It all and lm going to go down in the rink thresday night and tell the boys didnt quit on them he said LACK 0PPRIILHCE Hagar said he felt the Seven Upshed potential to win their share of games in the league think It should be pointed out though that we never had practice with the full club there since the start of the aon TbLi doesnt help coach lknow lni not the greatest coach never will be lli lnitrite mlstalres as long Ill V0 How could get power play going when someone was always missing It the practiccel The out of town players cant practice where they are and the rest of the boys here Meger etalcd Mcgar noticeably upset over the situation said he fell like driving to Bradlord Saturday night and telling the pinyan then he didnt quit but decided Ixalnat it lm gang to lcti them all know Tuesday night though he said goals went to Randy Legge and Winter Trevor Fahey Ron El iiah°nll°ii as were are tilted to Pete $enilrowskllina Memory and Wayne Carleton flamingo Hobart countfï¬ pave way the Canadians Single goals came hem Jacques umolre Andre Boudrlae Yvao Conn noyer Bob Charlebole and Bob Lernieoauiteal Missions and Sandy Snow enameled for Barn The Hawks tired three goals borough in one minute and 45 seconds to clinch the victory be fore the 15minute mark aodKen Ron Buchanan led the Osh iired one apiece Captain ldsworthy lticsday night action hubs ian Bankers ge ed ck Thachertoes nyl cover only il 95 fora nccuiiocii our Itiiilit ue quickcoiling Alt164mm now can pay for it Idlt in manhours ï¬lth iiit glide on Immature Sa automatic clutch Takes bars to aaowogmi Ii For floatIonI node cculldcliAild Rosalie Ontario