on gm newWMHMnmwnnwtmmm mm 0mm riorooainaaca sass Pakistanis nearer Through Discussion lhla the second In up tea at uttch ea the cup entire movement Pakistan as acea by Floyd Grubaa feeser associate director oi tae Shem County Recreation and fieneatly Service Mr Grteabach served as tieoper ative Education Adviser to the Bayermelt at Pakistan far no year In this article ha flannel the Cooperative Cal lega a1 KeiharL When Floyd Griesbach arnv ed at Kotbari he realized he had his work cut out for him tie also began to realize year would be tonifiicient for all he wanted to do But there was no time to sit around and worry about It Ev cry minute counted The college had been set in wilderness It would have been Jungle ordinarily Mr Grips bach explained But the till lagers cut the itrush once or twice year using the coarser material tor cooking and the rest for cattle iced The Academy for Rural De velopment had been developed as Ford Foundation project to experiment and Introduce new methods for the villagers so they could learn to do things themselves portion of their building wee then allotted to the copper atlve College and campus crosa the road rpm the college was building to be used tor teacher training ad further building was bel erected sa LThis little muskrat trapped 1in skylight outside the home 01 Raoul Galilpaeu 158 Tor onta Stbares his teeth at the photographer as his picture iia taken Hedumpisi in the skylight last Saturday after MrGa1lipeau drove Into his drIVeway The muskrat soar mnustn All Aabaatoa root Dir 5m 5311 use Pow Rte arse lAhitfbl 11V Darn Found 15 Massey 17V Alganra Steel 55 Dons Stores 17 Noranda Va Aluminium 35 Dana TI 17 NET Ont NG We Albdm Dllt 170 Falconhrldg 59 Moore Corp Wlh Alberta on 11 114 Gt lake Papa any Morn Fore es Argus 12 ng Gas lota acids Feb 11 Arm Pid Wa Harder Farina cod no pa Its Aulttllv SUIQX 17 Hawk Elddeley dla Plll Harley Illa are of Mono as Home Oil 11 Power corp shit Bank in NS 10 and Gay Min Que Nat an Bell lIl 55 Hudaona Hay Va Royal Bank nraatiian 150 Imp Tobaeea 181 saiada loudv llii IA Oil it Husky Oil 11 stmowaa was cdn Aviation 1W4 Imp Oil Va Shell 1351 Ednlniplkcolr W6 Ind Accept 15 Steel of Can llis C511 1°14 inland NG ToriDom Bl CPE 37 Inter Nickel i6 Trans Cast 35 Cam Va Inter Uttlttlnl Train Mt lbw mantel Lillg intemov Pipe Trad Tip 11 Calgary Power Wis Jockey Club 310 Tulle HS con Minksm Elli Labatt ll Union Gas 2M Ikelliid tall Dana aridu ion Zenith sso MINING Bath Copper Gunnor Northsate Lao Iithia Holllauer Operrilaka nor Bralora Keeley Provo 11 Kerr ntaAirora ms Cd Labrador Silver Mlllar mm mu also Britilalllt Sherrttflfl ncou Eieen oek coo yams Lorado iTrlbll Cuaco Marltiiriu United OII guilloï¬m United Kano venison mum HOLDSIolitsylifi any who passed the window was roniivssrocr PRICES Compiled by Flynn Dunlap St Barrie vocational school The attire protect corered 117 Surrounding the campus were in villages The nearest city Camilla In about eight hail from the college and to almost three times the sire of Barrie Aa Cooperative Education Ads visor Mr Griesbachs main lob was to reorganize the colic He also became associate cipal and did some formal tea citing Postgraduates undergraduate and refresher ccuraes were of iercd Sublccta included princi ples and history of imperatives practices and procedures of co operatives auditing rural eclt onomlcs accounting and book keeping and businesamanage meot Lectures were normally one hour fdr each gublectwlth some field work in the home villages DESCRIBE1 IIlSTOItY Describing the history at the cooperative movement in Pak islan Mr Criesbacb said They had had aocaiied Mp since 190ibilt unfortunaton situation had developed where local villages received govern ment grants they knew theyd never have to octum Of mum this practically defeats the whole purpose of coups Cooperative Institute was created in 1949 but by 1960 the government decided cooper ative college was needed lav stead because the low salary they offered could not attract foreign prlocl II represent ative was sent rom Pak also to higtind and Etnath years 31W One oi the first probienia the log Mr Gricsbaeh In the poor teaching methods used at Iha college Idodcrn facilities had been establlahed In the building incliidlag as cllasrooins three storey library cafeteria audi torium and residence tor as bout trlldees LEARN EASIER Iurer to use his period oi par ticular topic with little or no rctatIo to the rest of the pro Mr Grleahach laid Even in Canada we have tendency to depend too much on lecturing but people without formal education learn easier through discussion experiment Ing end demonstration Mr Grleshach then establish ed regular staIf meelings and worked out Iormuia of del egating some responsibility from the principal to the staff This was an entirely new conce them since Pakistani til system whereby the hen man takes on all the responsibility and does everything himself normal working day for Mr Grierbech meant lot of talk las It was usually one discussion altar another from one commit tee meeting to another or with Individuals Mr Grleabacli re lated lhen much time waa spent in studying re orla writ log reports and writliig memos Nothing moves there without memo he added rueiuiiy About six miles from the col logo In another setal buildings closely connected with the Co operative College and the lic ademy This Is the Thane Train lag centre In operation or bout five years and correspond ing to the work carried on in our county offices such as the ag ricultural representative health county library elc ENCOURAGING WWIminim was one of the encouraging things happening In the east Mr Grleabaeh enthused The linlland iunlpiog at anyone at first thought to be rahirl but animal control oilicer lIo hert Hallett who arrived lat er to take the animal away said that Mr Muskrat was not rabid Mr Hallett returned the moskrat to its natural habitat creek Examiner photo aiati of the Academy bad recog nized that foreign aid seldom getsto the villages and the Academy and the College were helping to counteract this weekly training program was set up for the villagers and one representative trom each at the 131 villagesattcnd They never thought oi edu cating the villages Mr Grier iiach explained fbut always of educating one or two and read ing them back The trouble was that with an education the vii lager did not always want to go back However the training centre has achieved much success and three more were began last year Plans call forth to be built ncxtycar 100 within five years and 400 ultimately Eln three years those villager belonging to the Thane Training Centrehavc saved about om ilitoMr Griesbach laidiAnd they recently turned down an of fer at government grant be cause they didntineed It CHANGE LIFE The cooperative movement has changed the life oi the vii lager the last few years par tlculariy in his farming methods Economically the coop has meant materpmsperity and efficiency for the villager and has proved to be the best or ganlzation for the village to be long to Mr Grlcsbncb discusses these developments tomorrowas he takes closer look at village cooperative The pattern was for lee ma anoro ahows themo dern barna erected on the col lege campus Although ditto ent rpm those in Canada this it lit till thm rnarsnuvc run bricka for the new Cooperative Col legs at Koibari are group of Pakistani and professor from the school The college Forecnsis issued by theiTur onto weather office at 530 am Synopsis storm centre will move eastward across Georgian Bay during the day giving some snow to central and Northern Ontario and probably few scattered showers or anowflur ries in southern sections at the province Considerable cloudin ess with temperatures on the mild side is the iorccast for southern regions Tuesday Lake St Clair Lake Erie Ni agara southern Lake 11uroo Lake Ontario Windsor London Hamilton Toronto few scab tered showers or anowflurries Variable cloudlness Tuesday continuing mild lialihurton northern Lake Huron Georgian Bay Algoma North Bay sudbury Main1y cloudy tticsday With not much change in temperature Winds wesivls Tuesday Tlmagaml White River Coch rape Mainly cloudy with occa sional periods of iiï¬hi snow and EiiTHEii ï¬m is cryrirom the bamboocovered ltttllelntan Is nomially use eceusa of the hot humid climate the was part oi the building lions ing the Academy for Rural Development FordFaunda tilinjloiect Its purpose was to train Pakistanis to carry Tuesday Not imuchlchnnga in temperature Winds southeast 15 Tuesday forecast Temperatures Lowsntonight highs Tuesday Windsor 2a to St Thorn ill in London 25 37 Kitchener 25 as IllountFores 25 15 Wiogham 25 35 Hamilton on as St Catliarinea at 35 Toronto 30 33 Peterborough 20 15 Trenton 10 35 Kilialoe 15 no Muskoka 20 in North Bay 20 30 Sunbury 20 no Eariton 20 Sault SIG Marie 20 SD Kapuskaslng 18 White River TRY EXAMINER WitNii ADS yPHONE FA 62414 CREDIT FOR loop 1000 zsno youthscarve it on 1964 Tiler You can save considerany on yourtairea focthls yearbymaldngi payments in advance ofgdue date February 9a1 1967 1914 19 to 240 buildiag la lcit open as ranch as possible The roof Iaa pro tection against the monsoon rains common to thla part at the world out new methods in the copp crattve program who wauid lll turn teach others in their Village the more efficient and practical methods Photos By Floyd Grlcsbach SEVEN DENTISTS EDMONTON tCPl Alberta Dental Society records show that of the provinces 160 reglo Icred dentists only seven are women This compares with an 10 per cent ratio in favor of women dentists in Lithuania Latvia and Finland and 10 per cent in Russia III Anne streeta shocp andiamb prices were ammmm Crashes Cduse Anasndduatatlarkaldadrin andlarkatreotruultedinan dimatedmdamageatiozis attanpting to old an auto driven by El William Reed 33 31 Blake St At 1131 pm the same day cardriven by Janet Collum oi RR Barrie collided with car driven by James Ieph Helicrv nan 31 of in Ann ltd Cam Borden after lieflerilanracco log to Barrie Police failed to Ito at red light at Ditnlop Ileifernan was westbound on Dimiop street while the Collum car was going south on Anne street itlth PRICES FRODUCE TORONTO CF Churning Crcim and butter prliitpricesI were unchanged today Butter prices Canada first grade Ontario tcndarnble 51 52 nontenderabie Sills52 oft 11ng light trading western 52h taomirialt SOYBEANS maniac tCP Soybeans 8295 busth to dealers Ioh country shipping point LIVESTOCK TORONTO CFlTidiliill on all classes and grades of slaugh ter cattle was active at steady prices at the Ontario pubic atockyards today Veal call prices were steady Hog prices were lower and firm Slaughter cattle 17M Chnlco steers 212250 with fancy feed lot ateera uzsso goodim medium 105111 common 15 1t choice heifers risen good 204150 medium 1719 com mnmwu tings 2325 good 2128 good cowa 1516 medium 1115 cau ncrs and cutters 101150 good heavy bologna bulls lit20 com man and medium 1MB Replacement cattle 300 Good light slackers 1124 medium and common 1W Calves 459 Choice veaiars til 33 with sales to 38 good shits medium 2549 commonrllti boners 1520 Hogs 675 Grade at Tur onto 25702710 currently selling at 2015 Sheep and lambs 503 Good handywelght lambs 13 per hun drodwelght bucks discounted at $1 per hundradweight common and medium 1621 sheep 310 GRAIN WINNIPEG GP Firmness in United States grains was re flected here in moderately ac tive opening trade on the Win nlpeg Grain Exchange today Heavy Damage Ten minutes later an artist atatlcbmldandhiulcntu causedanestlmaledeush ugnheoaurdflvmbyï¬hl Scandrett 21 tiAllIdll mid collided with car driven by tarry Bradley ll oi llama Cracem Scendrett was album on McDonald and Bradley was poï¬hbtgdd on Mulcaater Polici as rgea were pending this accider At ass pm Saturday Rota John StillM or an aim struck the right rear fdee of car driven by Gordon Andrew Spencer 5511 Wellington St Spencer was southbound on Owen Sutton was eastbound on McDonald alrch Damage waa estimated at $515 School Board Reiums Chairman liev Rosettis has been re elected chairman of the Barrie Separate School Board for the second term Also elected at the nomination meeting were seven other members of the Board The meeting was held at SL hlarya Separate School Replacing George Vanoispen and Dr Joseph Alkens for 19 will be Russ Hinds and Jack sage All other members Ivnra returned Iim Clyno remaina as board secretary Construction plans for food call Iona fourroom addition to St John Vinnncy school In the III Inndale district The school presently ourroom building has had large increase in student enrolment the last few years Next meeting of the Board will he held Feb Further changes and improvements to the four separate schools In barrio will be announced throughout in year See Manpower 0n Ianuary 15 Professor James Miincrof the Faculty of Law University of Toronto will be guest speaker at Winter Employment meet ing to be held in the Club Room of the Canadian General Electric plant Jan 15 The outstanding film Invest ment In Manpower ivili lit showmme will be man to monitor the film which deals as the title suggests with the best use at manpower Pickles oi the Winter Employment Committee said iinai arrangements for the meet ing have not been made but it is hoped to have man from the National Employment Service to answer questions from Induaw triallsts and others who are in tercstcd Tonoriro INVESTMENT COMPANY orrsns NEW CONVENIEN No swirl of tr and Absolutely no bankahla Loans are availablefor ate rrow that you $3900 at the end of their term The showuare based on our second rate of per month or 12 per admin Check nor year pianwlth the Loan Plan olfered by your bank fllldrllld dittorcocels only pennies Also we will give youup to 11 years to repay at thlesame low rate All our loans can be paid in lull at ony time and every payment made reduces the balance at yourioanThe cost ioriour service is 519900 which is deducted from the money payable to youThla amount includes log ol tee disbursements and appraisal fee Absolutely nocahjimlsslohs are charged comPlEiG this handy couponand mail it to ESTATESGENERAL INVESTMENTS 25 Adelaide Street Went Toronto Ohtarto CORPORATION Li formation 1m Amountrooiitred lstorvcnd Mortgage Address of property to be mortgaged emu Telephone Number Amount of it is only necessary that you own employed Yourm tough at this value of your home For dilemma it home in vaiilcdidy 15000 It can be mortgaged for $1200 110 ot $15000 is $12000 This rn ana even it you already have mortgage for 9000 you can obtain an additional loan for Here are few examples oiour repay mepiplansz gt All loans are calculated to be paid in lull Youwiiig vou stir UNDER No daaicnnou is strictly coniidentlalandisdscd by our oflicn sorrow lat 2nd mortgage loans tor $l600 $25th or even $llQOO arranged from the privacy pi your own home No mbarraaalng personal interviews lativu or your employer security is required any rasspn your own home even if it Amount ar mortgage loan 3mm 51600 5109 as mortgage Personal $2500 82711 55 9000 23 so 17 as 50011105 to $5000 issue no snow issue 132 42000 sale 44 31000 25154 istjo toast 11266 p000 26462 11811 11520 1283 11316 103i WAY To is not fully paid forivand amount ofreontlils Payment am iyrnglyra ions turn an aim 2510 cans 2014 on saw am am 2501 25 4011 sass nah so In randomness or 6790 scar last so 1100 6138 save rs norm earn 50 00 onto 109i so hard onsa asia 9919 raccoon WITH TlIIS open on In may consider or In 1m