mumsme ms mn vir mom1 tweenmm MWWV we wian vv manyswam mu mt MW mumsum amrmwmmm up sullivan Fined $200 By President Of NHL MONTREAL CPI Paul dent Ciarmce Wit oi the National Hockey league an nounced as has lncd coach lied Sullivan or New York Rangers tor encouraging lOICDDI during game In Montreal Doc 12 between Rangers and Monte real Canadiens Campbell In his statement said also that there was dec laration oi immtntily by Sulli van to one at his players to the eliect that the player persona ally would not have to pay any automatic ï¬ne Campbell related the Incident that Involved player Henri RI chard oi Montreal and Vic Itad iield at New York who engaged in brieI stickswinging duel lnr which they were peetalized The altercation was renewed In the penalty box In the torso oi iistieulis Both players were given misconduct penalties which exhausted the balance oi the playing time and both relt tired irom the game in subsequent dressing room Interview reported In two New York Rangers coach lied Sullivan reported to have stated that he told Had Iield that if he got another shot at the guy In the penalty box to take it and not to worry about the aulonietic misconduct line MADE STATEMENTS lily investigation shows that there is no doubt that state monts ol the kind were made branutmnmmu WMSultivaaeaetcodh while In the penalty hos an also contends that the reluence lo the aulomattc line being taken care of was never communicated to Hadlietd at any time but was simply In expression at his personal senti ments or satisiIcIIon at the time at Hadltelda actions In delmda logmbinucll In the pensltyhox lg Regardless oi the exact words used by Sullivan In the Interview or the Impression he wished to convey am satis lled that be was quoted sub ataotlaily correctly and there is ilttie or no dIllerence In the text oi the quotes In the two papers Both aspects ol the quotalt tions the scours uneat oi Iurther violence and declar ation oi humanity t1 the cum oi the norrnal disciplinary el lect oi the automatic line clearly contravene the leagues bylaws CLUB IA LIABLE Furthermore any action on the part ol anyiolliciai ol the club to ollaet the slice oi such line would make the responi siblo parties and the club Ilseli Sees Canqdct In Battle for omwa CPI Secretary mnnager Gordon Jokes at the Canadian Amateur Hockey As soelallon said Thursday night that he believes Czechoslovakia Canada and the delendins champion United States will light it out lor second place In the Olympic hockey matches be ginning ne nTonIh Adhill Iuttes accompanying the Czech national team on Its lI game Canadian tour made the prediction alter watching the Czechs akate to or win over Ottawalvlontagnards or the ot tawa St Lawrence Senior leagueAbout 65110 packed the auditorium to see thegame lhe Czechs now have won four lost two and lied three in their tour which resumes to night in Sudbury against the Canadian national team 1le wind up their Canadian appean ances Sunday In Maple Leai Gardens against Sweden fTheres not much diiterence between the Canadian Ameri can and Czech teams Jukes said But the Russians look like the best club now The CAHA oliiciai also said the Ottawa game was one of the roughest the Czechs have played In Canada Hetereea Gordon Pranschkc and Percy Shore called to minor penalties 11 ol them to the Czechs SCORES TWICE Chunky right winger Viasti mil Dubnlk tdyear veteran among the most Impressive oi the visiting team He scored two goals drawing Ottawa goalie Bob Mongeon outol his act lor his that and then tiring 21s Ing shot over Mongeona thoui tier tar his second Right winger Stanisiav Pryi also scored twice Hla lirst bounced to oil skate but the second was hard wrist drive that lound the tar corner at the Ottawa net VaciavNedomanskyand Mir uslav Vlach were the other Czech scorers Ottawa goals were scored by Rally Andersen and Casino Secours The Czechs had little trouble handling Ottawa leaders at their own league At one time in the second period Monliea had twoman advantage but were unable to score illoiiburg Sanders lire iitis Iirnold Palmer LOS ANGELES AP Bob liosburg and Doug Sanders shot Individual live under par soa Thursday while lavored All nold Palmer bad lot 79 In aciuding lhreenvarpar eight in the proam prelude to the cannot Los Angeies Open goll tournament Rosburg toured the Ranehu Goll Club par 363511 course in 3630 and Sanders made the trip in 3531 Palmer had not played since Nov 12 when he dida televi sion show and admittedly needs Turns In 79 weather does to them In the out our days Missing trim the Iieid Thurs day were two oi Palmers lead Ing adversaries Jack Nicklaus and South Airicas Gary Player Player Is In Florida But the lieid is stocked with other outstanding pros Includ Ing US Open champion Julius Boros Doros has captured his share at major events but never them Angeles Iixture Internationalhockeywaa Whileth In these dream Aatha result at brawl dun inlasamcintlorooionecr between Chicago Black Hawks and mom Maple Lealt coach Dilly Iieay oi the Hawks and general managercoach Punch lmlach ol Ibrontoosrera each Slaugmllorlaithu to con ayera Last October may and gen eral manager Tommy Ivan at Chicago drew linesIvan sooo and Ray Simas the alter rnath oi game misconduct gently to Hawk delencernan owle Young Ivan was lined ior going Into the olltelalsroom and may ior stalling tactics Name ChICdgo Players lo Team NEW YORK AP Chicago Biack Hawks placed lour play ers htciuding goal scoring leader Bobby Hull on Theme ctated Press National Hockey League Athtar team tor the ï¬rst hall ol the 106w season Thursday Ican Bellvenu veteran Mont real centre was named the most valuable player and Jacques Laperrlere the Cana diens young dalenccman was chosen the outstanding rookie Goalie Glenn Hall dclenee man Pierre Photo and right winger lien Wharram were the other Black Hawks picked lor the AilStars Delenceman Tim Horton oi Toronto Maple Iealsand Deli vean rounded out the sixman squad selected on pertainlance through games as at Jan Named to the second team were goalie Charlie Hodge and tell winger Dave Baton oi Mont and Al MacNeil and centre Stan Life deiencemen Elmer Vaako Iilrltflltliiicagomdrtghr winger Andy Datbgato oi New York Rangers Runnersup in MVP consider ation were Ctdcagop Hall and Detroits Gordie llowe Deieace man Terry Harper and tell winger John Ferguson at the Ca nadiom delenceman Hob Mc Cord oi Boston and Pit Martin Detroit centre trailed Lapcr rim or rookie honors The league ttseil selects All Stare and trophy winners eonw ally with one vote or hockey writers and broadcasters In each at the leagues six cities taken after the lirst halt ol the season and another based on games in the second hall oi the season Players receiving the highest total points in the two parts oi balloting are the linai winners The olllciai ballots lor the seasons first hallwill be come piled In the NIIllshlontreal oi fiee next week Leaders will re ceive 31000 and runnereup 65110 The Associated Press select ing an AllStar team lor the lirat time made Its choices on 4hrbasiroidetoiledeonsuitar tions with the coaches and man agers ol the six NHL teams crown Clinched By Wheat Kings WINNIPEC CPlig Brandon Wheat Kinga missed record In the Manitoba Junior Hockey League by two days when they clinched the leagues regular season title Thursday nights Coach Ron Maxwulla unda ieated club clinched Its iIith consecutive title with 1M drubbing oi St Doniiaoo Canav diens In the standings Wheat Kings have to points on 21 victories and one tte while secondplace Fort Frances Royals with only nine of on games remaining have at points Tharecordia held by another Wheat King club the Memorial Cup finalist edition oi 19411749 Under the Wheat King banner lot the iirst timethe name had been changed Irom like on the eve ol that seasnn 15 years ago ahrandon captured the pen nant New Years Day won or so That edition which bowed to Montreal Royals In an eight game Memorial Cup llnai won 17 o1 30 during the regular sea son At one stage that season Brandon put tpgether 10 straight victories and settled 171 goals In to games allowing 74 In 12 games this year the Wheat Kings have scored 167 goals and allowed to Giordeilo Named Fighter OI Year MIAMI BEACH AF Joey Giordeiic newlycrowned mid dleweight champion was named by the World Boxing Association ghuraday as Its Boxer oi the ear Gtardciio who dethroned Dick Tiger ol Nigeria Dec in molar upset won the annual award over heaVyweight cham pion Sonny Liston and hantaro weight champ Eder Jolre who tied tor second two Tomato lighters were listed In the WBA rankings George Chuvan was rated as the No contender In the heavyweight divisioh and Peters Schmidt was No it amorig the Junior middleweight challen gers PREFINISHED PREFINISHED Champagne Venetian START THE NEWYEA notrjuow aroseu sAtes TAX INCREASES T0 sentence ACT NOW AND SAVE CHERRY WALLBOARD Authentic cherry wood grain ing to sparkling bright col our true thatadda iigbtncsa to any room goes with any decor Random grooved CHERRY WALLBOARD rich subtle combination oi antique and hearthslde coi ouring give Venetian Cherry wood gralnlng an extra col our depth that is attractively are WITH SAVINGS centric viau srnarrino ABDL IslIlpee or levhlpcs Recommended resins smarter it EIIING wTILE and preiinislted ready to in stall Just put it up and en ioy it 495 to to It sbeeta only 05 and $465 each delivered Room note of 25 sheets or more delivered 19 use each each dellvered rd in YOU raccoon Stepbyetep photoillustrated book nowrohoIr KITS let on how to build one room Elna many more Ideas and piano bcip Yours lor the asking at Beaver Rec Room Lots oi as street or more delivered Ari Soto lxa $410 us can MAHOGANY DOORS 540 aoxsa ato Iitx6 rowan are FREE nauvanv JBATIK MAHOGANY PREFINISHED PANELS Each panel matched and se lected to give you uniiorrn mahogany random Vgrooved wall Satin smooth linish ready to Install An except ional panelling for any room pleasant and warm Vgroov ed random width prelt ltotshcd ready to Install 10 to sheets 31 and 85 SATINCOTE CEILING TILE satin semigloss white Ilia ol unliorrn quality and col our Special tongue and grooving ior last accurate Installation lit2 Sq Ft MICRO ACCOUSIICAL Satlucote tile with more than 1000 sound absorbing micro perforations per sq it Decorattvavaad accoun g°ii as till2 Cash and Carry so at CEILING PANELS Preilnlshed Ablllbi qual ity easy to Install ver per panel 320 HOME OWNERS popular Beaver Feature This sturdy dxilO deep 89vhlgh bench is built for nesscr ooons Only 99 Panels II 11 Panels aeaveatumaeas conraacr DIVISION caiiHéiovoii wtihvour 529 Housetime of rugged PARTITION SIIIDS 2x47h 39c 2x4en RESIIICRETE MASONRY PAINIl concrete Hardener ends dust log waterproois basement floors Approximately one sq it coverage 990 MASONRY SURFACE F11 LER Just brush It on lor colourful watcrprooi wall 750 an it coverage 1150 per pail UTILITY HARDBOARD sheets 15 sheets or more dalivarcd Similar Low smaller quantities MAHOGANY PIYWOOD its sheets 98 each PREFINISHED UITRAWAII Scandla Java Ieak Walnut New Improved Sheetrock in excellent woodgrotaed pat terns wills random plank groovlng No warp no shrink lug no splinter and tire ra aIatant Good vaiuol 295 ANY ouausm nauvennn It Panels 28 Panels Prices on 149 each ANY QUANTITY DELIVERED won BENCH nonnow SPECIAL aerviceSmooIh plank construction Semipro ss semhied 5° Reg Price 1495 panels or more dellve POPLAR Jigsaws Approved Utility Grade ion 24 sheets delivered HOMEIMPIIOVEMENT PROBLEMS race ssrtMAres nonownPAvMENT no ourstosrmanc IN sharpening up His eight came on the 13th when he hit three trees and sand trap and over chipped the pin getting on the green Roshurg and Sanders each coiieeted $462ior their indlvld ual scores Hosburg got an ad ditional5401 and Sanders $350 Sandy KouldxNdrrted Male Athlete Ongvleqr Masons Home improvement Representative more top their team scores Opinion was divided on the condition oi greens damaged by ndals Sunday night Many said they would have to wait to see WIiatrtlte trailic fonddtho Ontario Junior API 12 4111110113 Montreal 20 116210041 Pelerborgh 15 t1 Ed huh iagara Falls it so 4107 115 35 1313412512529 IB 111 135 20 Hamilton 613 5111011211 llcitoner ill so 154 II Thursdays Results Oshawa Hamilton itehcner Peterborough Catharinead Montreal undaya Games Hamilton at Montieal eterbornugh at St Catharines iagara Fallsiat Oshawa aronto at Kitchener Central eaaionai DI III 207511219044 runeiis iots 5136111131 1715 111 1013 1415 714013735 tittcltmntl 520 ill 11915 Thursdays Itestilt Cincinnati 23 ronlghta la tDniaha Oiflnltl Oshawa Maury Wills won NEW YORK AP Sandy Kouiax Brooklyn boy who didnt really make good until the Dodgers moved west was named Male Athlete of the Year lor toe today in The Associated Press yenrend poll cappinga long list ol honors for his amaz Ing plteblnglcats Koulax leftheader reputed to throw baseball laster than anyone In the major leagues led Los Angeles Dodgers to the National League pennant wln ning 25 games andthen won two more In their iourigame sweep oi the World Series against NewYorlr Yankees Previously he had been selected as the National leagues moat valuable player and had won the Cy Young Award aathe top ma jor league Itcher In recogntlon of his selection as Male Athlete of the Year Koulaxv will be presented The Associated Press Eagles Trashy ttheChicagoBaseball Writer Dinner Jan 12 Another or speedater trophy last year In the voting by sportswrit era and broadcasters lathe AP poll Koulax outdlatanc two oi the top quarterbacks or 1m lootbaii Mason AlIttlc ioi them New York Giants and Roger Stoubaclt of sons some Sandys arnrwas ilratdn 93 13141 be at Tittle who It received 22 In point scoring on alZd basis Koalaans an easy winner with M1 points to Tittlea 1711 Stauhaehiwaa dis tant third with at points During the regular National League season oulax com plied 255 won lostredord look the league earnedrun title lor theaceond straight year with 188 average and struck out no batsmen to break his own National League record In the World Serieshe strong arrned the Yankees into submis sion In the hat game atrlk Ing out 15 lor another record and won the Iourth and final giame With eight more strike outs All this came onithe heels oi printed 1962 season when circulatory ailment numbed the index linger on his leltrhand In midrseason and hecwaa unable to pitch again until late Sepv had For Commasclaim Industrial Photos Passport clortraits season and tooth leagues pitchers with 1M earnednut average and struck out216 Kouiax born In Brooklyn Dec an 1935 came to the Dodgers lrom the University or thnem nali in 1955 Known then as strongarmed young thrower Sandywon nine and lost into three seasons in Brooklyn Alter the Dodgers moved to in Angelea in 1856 he began to learn the art oi pitching and bym1 he was recognized as one at the garnas real stars apiteher who not only had speed lbutnlsooontroi and curve That wig on gave on oiwviiar andiannod 289 tor the broke last aao 71 Noun TOWING popular servica available to Barrie end District Beav er will handle all your rcmadeii workOne atop service covers planning1 mater our subtrades and listening Monsanrtr ing and improvement Ial 1n unornn up Sheets 78° amarlon Vinvtirue Armstrong quality vlnyh as bestos tile oi lasting beauty lot housatlme ol hard wear New colour and pattern selec lion Desert Sand Honey