Itll IlGlfl Mr out lira Harold Rey holds at Unllia tintth Mr IM Mn Milton Ream on Whi am Mrandltrslclhompm oi St Jean Quebec and ltrs Lem oi Mom and flats at Mr and Mrs Wright Thuradorn Vinllon It the borne or Mr and Mrs latte on imitation were llr and Mrs it Bob er and Mr and Mrs lie lbomp won and totally oi Barrie illle Brenda Letts oi Peterbomurh and Phil Bradley oi Rouyn Quebec Heucban who ha been patient in Alltsloo hospltll was moved thede to St Ml ehaeis Hospital Toronto Mrs Choate oi anonto apart iew days during the past week with her brother Glories Hammell Miss Joan Baycmil oi lbn onto visited relatives in ion on iireaday Mr and Mrs Halslentl are spending week with rela lives in Tomato Mrs Cole and Mr and Mrs than were lineal oi Mr and Mrs ilntheryhl Alliston on Chr mas Mr and Mrs Cnmplln apent the past week with rela Eilrlves inhramplon and Thorn Misses Frances and Jeanne hicDermoll of Oshawa spent the Christmas holiday with their parente Mr and Mn Bert McDemiolt Mr and him Harvey visited with relativu in Allis ton Wednesday Mrs Wiggins was guest at lhe home or Mr and llirs Fred Corrixan oi Alliston on Uhrislrnas Day Mr and Mrs Harold Rey nolds oi 0rillla visited the lore mar5 parents Mr and Mrs Milton Reynolds durinrthe holiday Mr and illra Bill McAdam Bohr Dr am am an plalotbe between Mina Gwen Wray Mia Mollie lrwln bliss Carol Ellison Mica Margaret Bell and Min Belly bin Roblnaon apent the Christ mas holiday atrtbo home their par la Mra eorge Ferguson la vie itan with her con and daugh terlolavv Mr and hired Roger Reynolds oi Tomato Mr and Mfluhh Pomeroy oi Ottawa are spending the both day at the home oi Miss Aida Robinson Selby Dobha and Mrs lllchlaa tar and iamlly spent Grristmar Day with relatives in Tomato and Weston souls sauna TELEVISION PROGRAMS extended time lint in bed aulier mu Wlcu mm ll earlBea Dropay and edema mean the woetblog Edam la the word commnly in use now but 211ng la atlll beard occulotr Edema is an abnormal Iml mutation oli grid in thenbody especially Ella was derived imm the word hydropa irom hydor water Causes vary but at the town the list in iaulty circulation oi the blood and this includes heart disease it than can pump quite an an abould the circulation sullen Kidney ialluro also can cause edema and so conglanduiar dia turbabcea Some women haven great deal at edema just before menstnrallon The use oi alemid drug con cnuso edema too Some older people as their circulation slows down either because or blood vessel teacher atlon or some heart deficiency or both notice that their ankles get thick and pally This in edema The circulation isnt brisk enough to carry all or the fluids in the tissues back to tho heart tango and kidneys tor pu rliicatlon Edema may be noticeable but not so soon as rule in the other extremities Hands and arms it likewise can be present in the abdomen and in the tla men at the lungs Patients who have to spend imm this accumulation oi fluid in the back and buttocks Grav ity naturally lets the fluid gather in the lower part oi the Daily Iho leetlega and ankles it you are upright and thebaclt it you are lying down Treatments ior edema vary Diuretic which encourage the iridneya to expel moro urinal are helpiui with women having edema at menstrual time canheiplho condition by drinking at much water Thin in serious emr llr body still need reuoncblo daily lntaka oi water to help clear away the waster that accumulate Dear Dr MolnuzShouid one use the name pair or rubber gicvea for washing dish well an other houaehoid chores including painting The point ll labelled do not talta intor hallySLrli Theres no danger ilyou wach the gloves will soap and water between dlileront choreiuat youd wash your hand liter painting and beioro doing lba dishes Note to Mrs Gold containing gold have not been nails or injection oi chemical discarded an an arthran treat ment They help coma patienta not others Whether to oontlnua them or resort to aspirin in aomcihiitg that can be decided in your case only by you and your phyalclan SHIPS lN LOCK The maximum length of ahip that can be accommodated by the St Lawrence Seaway locks It 730 teat DONALD DUCK mmnru muwmmammmmw occrbula ARGENTtMluMoaey rmsz rMiI werwseujws Ianlllfllllllult Monond ram RAPPELER Windham RENco Etn Lolttior rar Mauvarsaaa DRTopml CKVR calamariannals DNDAY BICSIWKR 730 Pattlc ll oo rnl Ltvtnn wane Pattyolguhwc By JAY BECKER Mo Popeyaa Party and Ben cmy coo llIuin Dual Front Pm Galilean aao Chuyennn rooo Noamrum irrvriiln5dii Ills hichv Em Sletten decided to overtll the 5m1oll Don alum mo Greetlau from Gov mam Neither aide vulnerable club bid with notnrrnp in tho TAUDlSIWuHoid Garry lllooro lil5 Weather New Sport not unreaaunahla hope that hi nonvec To no filth till ltltit°n atom partner wauld amide him with 33 Ed raw Country Johanna 1109 either spade or club clapper Hf giggfllgggul WIDNIIDAY Muller as in which case he would probably mo na nono cï¬maflnmlml 10 mingle to take at least teven Gnu Ellen hï¬lhgr P5eran unitary school 0i comma simple avercall oi ream aura Ill 5313 $13 cm dining mien oxen onto Wight cm or causes vr msa snow any wawoan wrr NEE 3531 mm not resist the more ilavoriul You TNQAS 9ng key WORE wean THAT mm Fm CPIAM mm 50331309 man of WWI ohiliirihha 159113qu Bowling933M it marlEu mm gamma othermore he was no enchanted pave aLuE GowN FORGOTTEN My Favnrttl arena rm to by tho bid that he Iluclr by hil Id BllllMIl 333 schliiinm tune Nwaï¬aixa gï¬qm mingle Damnation had aoorxsn Sadthll LI no Frllehrlll Giant Pearl Weathnahl 5DONl mm IM deVEIDP IMO In LES CANADIENS Illillemlell Run Bowl Canal 00 Fireball XL 430 Popual Party 500 Raul Dania lno Guumaka lino Naru Weather SportI 100 Hewesev lied hirer Jamboree Ferry Nun Featlval CEO New Weather arena Now Sm Benedict CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO MONDAY Dacenranrc to too Hideaway Funflma lilnkey Moan Club Kiddo in Hunt Btiltn News Weltbelt Sparta Farmers Dauztrter The Great Advantun McHaicl NIVY Phil Silvera show on no Im Chance 1000 Dr Klldlrl 1100 CW National New iiil Fit It uin Platre auto Ind mm WIHDAY DICEMIIR 51 Mt tom and Iterator Report Homemaker Hall Club 010 hill Helen Playtim with Uncle lobby Morolnl Mlllllfll Noonflar Report Kiddo Kartonru number BflflI or House can they in Millionaire Heroa inoklar At You gigpta in fluid aura mm ht ckeleouaa Club Kiddo IN Due hr min Opening leadhing of spades The urge to live dangerously la characteristic bound to bring grief in the player who cannot curb it at the hridga table The team which eventually represented France in the 1962 world championahrp participated in long series at trial malchea to determine the composition at the toarn Hero is one of the hand irom those matches Though ltby no means reflects the hue skill oi the six players on the team ll does serve as an example of thaGaiiic spirit At one table Tintner and Slelten were playing North South againal their eventual teammates Theron and Des Irouaaeaux outstanding success ior Staten Booth Wfl alnca Went led first the king and then low apade liter which East cashed seven club lricka and returned anode the out bottle was lhat Stelien newer took trick and went down seven l300 pointal East Went could have made tive spades it is true but that would have coma to only 450 points The two other membera oi the French team Gheaiem and Ba cherich altiing EarlWench diiicrent table did not tare well either when they played the hand Gheatem opened the bidding on the East hand with gam bllng bid at three otrump which everybody paste South collected nix diamond lriclta and the ace ofhearta and the nut come was that Gheatem went down threaziorla poor more Tomorrow Double trouble BLONDIE ALLTHEI EAM pcAKevuu weary Welcome Wagon cola 532 gmnnw TAan WA$JU5T Imtuthoarrivaioieaeh at am wam GONGTOMAKEUPHRSr Hllswaergrurn SlrtlNG HERE nawbabywitlutrlendly iï¬smhmm DAILY cmsswom lHlSTlMEISHltLWAttnLt Misc ME eail7wilhiahanhathf 53 gituandconlntulatlona imageill Hour pm oithelntitocommunity thrlngI 4Contna qvah to some Atlanta and Dannatr 33° EVHHlflll in Film Barton aw may attend gt anauM no it an wu nflgï¬ucymdNBrhlzh illeport mam cBmmnr Emerita than my 138thtenlor Pomona 281mm llfl at 21am om mmqnmwltrm again ammo ihivn i$itilt gymu may YearALndnnav Vlasporta no amew 39351 am mm Woodland 3923 ear vor Iaï¬irnrpihn Monte nl ILGruda nameswcunrvounweuv averynawbabyrnyour 1mm My Ichlld mum auglr hawng wvoswoav FOR tIIIINGIEGARDENSINMIWï¬IRI no negate In angular physician oldewaya roanm undo 14 tFKtlDtlsallTUF atrium nuance aornauumaaaaenucnaononarm at QUESW manual elect oarom II VI echool cumin hhwmwr in boo Van om lily lavoryttorliartlaa Maura 3$$3 IIIIE Annulment eéflï¬ï¬lllflflfl uaaalnanna an Ego 332 5va 433 flfllfllï¬ï¬‚fl