ï¬ver Nam11Wymmrvwmmwmlwflimwvfl rivrmrmm m1wm wrm rmmwwVau mm rwm mum my daddy 003 your ourcurlt ondollilreinentil Powékpenple wish you and yours PRIME MINISTER and Mrs tcr Dr and Mrs Walter Mr Pearsons knee to David Lester Pearson pay Christa Hannah standing at rear 20 months and on the floor In mas visit to the Toronto home In front oi Dr iisnnah ore root at Mr and Mrs Pean oi their soninlaw and daugh Paul and Barbara On son is Robin The Pearson Make Christmas scream musk Give To Ne Fan DQY Wit POWER Perrect GRAIN Liz ilnd Richard ronoum CPIPrime ltlin Mrs Dieienhakera daughter militant Tailor Richard Burton gave out later Pearson toured wrth mll by iormer marriageand lions oi Canadians imm coast her grandchildren and Mr gmï¬w this poor children at this to west In making Christmas Dleienbakers brother Elmer Film HIRE Wednesday and or ROUND iamin day joined in the iamin gathering 59 ml had but male The prime minister and hire The Conservative leader was Fitment When asked about END RUMP ea son in Toronto ior tho hol the only party chieitain spend mm mm by bar has day spent the day visiting ing Christmas In the capital bith Editidlo Fisher SQUARE members oi their lmm ae PL as familytheirsoninzlnw and Frigï¬gstwohï¬ghgdumaflm Please do not rpoii my 5ka daughter Dr and Mrs Walter fly Christmas ad gay cheery Chrlst irimiï¬iisiiiiiitiii WHY their b1sstoneanu Miss Taylor arrks to divorce In the m1 Fisher so she can marry Bur Vaughan Pearson mm mm ton who was dlvmced last week Hmzhpï¬gggnhgvegmatmtl Em mï¬eméylzï¬ byvhi wm Sybil The state Swiit llranri shanhiesaSnsoired We have theiineataelection oi Entitlivenweetllirmd diam meats hy Fisher were in denial ova Grade Eiihiiiie°°d Slit iiif Displaying unprecedttflted is grander room that Miss PICNIC 399 TURKEY BACON 20 moth dimmer Bar will titlieuriltilumi ooiiiriiieiiiiiriiiniiihi FINEST QUALITY Ai LOWEST onions to re and Pa opening slim stac oi presents stowed under Elimin fflhefhflldhï¬gm shopny an BeeiCello m°éi°£shi3hiciion mica PeierPower or or it near Apart from picturetaking alliteniost Cixhtioot cedar moo concemus No up BALL mxms on interlude no oiiiclal business Christh tree Unsuan they not money in opinion up the di lb new non naE ansr vnnrerr ck 11 Christ voroe Eamon the Christmas Day pro lLCSIIELer as an Burton with Elizabeth stand yum mm mm Emu But this was diiiereni sort inept hk side during the dlstri aEtsï¬iiiflipgmehfuï¬Ã© berhrietmua Lyndon John button oi grits to aboutm nhil POWER GRADE day posed ior newspaper and son has been president tor dren repeated television pictures and dined tie more than month now All WEChll sayia whatwevn And even on this specinldily saidvhoiore Thalia were hope Ttï¬hieï¬fm in in it was dliiicult or him to get fui oi being ahla to marry in mm man today away imm the weight oi new mdennunry perhaps around DELIVERED and heavy responsibilities the 15th or the 23th But we FRESH DAILY DOZ oiiAWA tCPlhe Dieien Until little alter midnight cant he sure of anything bakers spent quiet Christmas on Christmas Eve he pored Then both brushed aside lure in suburban ltockelllieh Park ï¬ver lpisptnshthat arethprepgrlng ltlher disguaalontedoiutlhelr privata Village at Stornoway ole im oat an ves an evo emselves to position leaders oiiiciai reai the week in Chancellor Ludwil making Christmas merry tor the THREE DIAMONDMANDAVEIN SAVE 40 POWER SALAD Erhard oi West Germany poor who olatnored about them ORANGES DRESSI BRlGHTS FANCY Sonia Bulgaria Reuters States Fnria Geneva and Vi ligence service whleh continu lormor Balearian Communist enna nusly organizes hostile activity SAVE 66 4802 our Film the WM NEW The indictment published in and espionaeeaSaiost socialist CHEE5Ev SPECIALS FROZEN FOOD WWIIV 1m lessen Hristov Georgiev Bulgarian mm ald countries includtns hulgarta gt3 4m munga with and Beauty Aid specials went on trial before the su Georgrgvrcnnmm at withtha aim of preventing their Kw new gt ORANGE JUICE preme Court here today ac inuyluvggugauon ramming torward development Chensc $29 ner on Duo Ila cusedoi spying ior seven yearl men Septembm ms PLAYBOY PM Marathons Bromosahzer 88¢ WM 595 it deseribedjhim aaamost Georgiev was alleged to have litiflihitm GREEN BEANS Georgiey 56 was alleged to malicious enemy and traitor of kept me foreign bank 33 than aw Anlcin are zoo have redeived about $200000 for our people politically and mor wum sand to have dorm at 39 in Table grins 69¢ betraying political economic ally corrupted to the marrow moral lineman Wm may gt and military state secrets to Georzieva arrest the indrot wpmenvpuppnning aevorai nib American intelligence agents meat sold unveiled the mm at the um mm in whom he met in the United lnal activity of the gramin and him ihelndictmentaaid Georgiev joined the USintelilgence serv Strong Sales Pitch Needed iiidd°liiiilftigltlti oaeupa oavnacouna or To Get in Chemical Mart sitiitruatttatnaet He ailegodtygave intormation MONTREAL GP Three technical knowhow is an im at meetings with v8 seentl chemical sales execution agree pnrtant part at the sales pack in New York hotels and apart that strongdrales lpitnh Wotlillti gcet Exportertshmuai help set up manta charge Cnna na be oi oriea ere eountrier in $350000000 market ior chemi exchange iorraw material oon luiglisihgï¬fgdcmffl $015 cala inLatin America tracts gum Wampum much Canadian producers have to We are planning to estate may mama1 mm in get oii their youknowwhata liah paint industry some aluminum with his mtg visit these countries and are where in Latin America to whats happeningthere said manufacture paintwith vinyl Goidon hlacdougall man acetate base said Mr Mac ï¬nder mm mm user foreign sales for Shawini dougall IW Gem Dump Ana gen Chemicals Ltd tomako in eltcllange tor then ma 01 the on my AdoliMontaaroii viceprest fiveyear contractrio supply the gem Agency about this the glent nt theD marketh rial vtnyl acetate indictmentmd ii vision omar emcas Heine hi Ltd said We were one AWE on post to at lightening iienili overwhelmed with drn The irkexectltï¬veoblm mm an American tributora anxious to carrymllr twfrnfbmd EC agent aliegedlyaavehim ape Prodilfls If cmt oial paper on which towrite ao Ari tilttie Countries 99 lg De cretmessngeaioan address in mm induflrialized and dim £9me plan Lauaanne Switzerland and down on their imwrlly 91 ï¬tufflbogtsuï¬g Amgï¬ghm chemieaiior developing letters mm Mtg 03 0mm flier he receivedwritteh with tnv ible luk URGES oNarorvratrs my limb mm Marshall Reese eastern Bulgarian security me enerai man thojpaperWlifthF bottle eiied medicine in search of companies are leery of armor Georgievs home They also lug to these countries inn iouud code books which Geor ontheapot yislt will change To Americans have good gievreceived tramps agents theirmlndartna hurry riaciiitiea and the Europeans when he was in Parpi last The three exeeutives ware have ships rains all over the March attendingasesaionoithe ntervlewed followup to world All our exporters aro internationalrederetionturns goingto suffer it we dont ironaniica endtheinternational overcome these nsltitliiie alum Cosmic Law the em problems