EggI IE veg RECEIVE EIGHTENDER Wmnu an II GIWVIII II TOR THE PUBLIC II II Barrie Library Art Club shew utereste mm mm Al Educahonai AndCultural evelsI Undefeated WM mumI aim cu IRE 1h Couhlry WNWMWMWm In 1m For lulnmInoeJuaboII the Barrio Ar Cm will ukummtlo 21 Im plmlo hlmlhwluhhcldmhk methods mmnmd on III wsmm I1 mumxaayotpwwn gt91 mm WUIlMImolrlmdllmmJulm mammmmmuom family Wmlly Senlun MIMIIghmIIIr mum Mk de lbs wt Alllnm awed maa wmow lIIlho om M1124 MWBMom ulel II hawl 411mm riot uvm onu mm Pm Walkman 136nman wan WWW Wln mmglln ww ml Insnvltvmaldcnllm WWI waning am WWIL Uhln Gouda may yurl play all mm mumMr Bum sq Im plum MIMI Renoir Dem comm cm In ml WI newl upon Wu ilgxwunlougd hunk man mm mm ea My mum mm Ang hgh dc dred wmmmxmrrm In mmmm WW mammm WhoIanWs whal Ihe mm bemexnm ml Mldlmd ll urlod vrvznm tad mmm Alina 112m ueIIll lmm onm Inn $35m Pm deIIelmwbImrI Iwenpon was III II II II 27 gi 55 E3 35 Es lg s55 an GIIIluy lmdllnz emI doluled I17 IIlIIvn my Jun Fleur MI Mull houlecadu wrink exlmdetl In Mn lama lor WWWCTW Id mwnamllh 35 Mrewabwkadurmv Ii IIm oyNImndnLIdInndnIrwh nmm Ham massimurdar emmlary Mao cxhlvxllms 5mm MIMI etc sm armwm mvytlm willb held 5111 21055 HI That InSecls Dig mxmlgmm soepgigo I9IIoI moro detailsJ mlaro on no ImlullomL bad only Pldum my hoard saloon 19mm Du AII laden Will you lem wink my mum Im um hav Iew unlung emy IIIEG lammdmmwnelhz biln II that oom Ind lullan 1th and mink nmIalI well on my ML One ndually sprawl lnudlddo IIuIllpcmcrdlloynrddukl Iud IllenIIske In showed him in dead lknl Ila mu sun minced Ill my Mlu Isnt mun tense III boctusc lm midl lmz ample at bilu while wrilv Ira42mm BcrILchlnr Ah people and went duo lo the heml ral Maximo In their India II Npellml Ialitm Inn cu drugsm might be new 13m AII Landerz Does landlady have the rim to come Into nu mmlmcn whrn am II workl 91 has helped Iwrloll to my Ipoclni Immvmadc emitch lhnl Iraq In the freezer she also llku my bourlml mloIIHImy mama and moan IIIer my duh drnwrrl lmvw ha In hora Il luxl co week Imam see my II lern uktd her Um Hm Mm uld Yes my Imcllrd unhh The em mumy was mnunl below you had wolzr hm IIvlnz room We badlullndwmnwumnw lrom your oluoell sh IIwaI 311qu mumm cm In gmugcncy ILnghl ntjmls Icon WM Irumd nu warm when Im II work drlm me mls win can doIIlumd Iltmlrl Ileu Boned Yun Imdlndy does Inch have lazal rim menu wr WWI but It mm be mmIn wmo JIM WIWd nd Ilhll 3a cnlry your mov no manawnenlnuaq Iloud law laugh lime however proving that she dimmt or make My advice II to nan looking Iar mum Ipan nan MWWM of cookie Inilmlnm sn prwlim nrumd men In loo much um um nmdzm My hm hand ml need In amw We mask how Ifowl mn lellI ll their lrlon Ihlp Innwd ThereI this one mania used to why In mwh Wnd Invite lhem lo dinner dithocauso like In cook The dhcr gal didnt go the never had us In Ihelr hm lo cal But we am mind Wm we went out In nether Ilaan had Im lumnwnlornonasonlhul 1mm nl we nzw cam other in Ind lest Now no havent use each other for liver manlth We are lad about It In dont Imow hrrw In roIetlnbllsh lbs lrlcnd ship have lhe lccllng lhey mnl lnlerrsll In wig In any more Maybe they 104 up My huslmnd my magh we ollmdm lllm llw do we tell Can you give us some IMMI Ilemzmbmnl old TInm Den IL Some people do lol me mum than be come lhey albumin me and 01on II My advice II In ohms the old mm won and 3d Ihnul nothln happened msmwnlnllloldlmlwu uud Probably MU IIby mm Inlsl dlr ad Ily hoped the next Um win Imzuml mm 04 SI Gllu AMIicIn am Wo men held on flucsdny EVMIIIL um IllaIda by mm Mrs Bull lbu caldndul lho marlin Innd look tho pram Ind mm Iollow wero we mum wannabe portion at be meeting moods otmmnll teu wm gin and oormpow dam cad mm 3mm lulu ILhnnIs Irom 13 Ilium on Whack thank Ilgg muIwomm lor lthIr Ihdp In I7 I35 Wednouw uv at 93d mmlh II 130 pm IIhlrmf the mic In pro loot ma meeting In to planned by on uvllym ol le memben widerlhoheadllm oi SudyWnrk Soda Ind Fair Iomhlp mla Iwul mom Ill mcnizm of the Mazatlan Alrendy med Is Km vhhiii Al mI hiz Wednesday mm lm durInIl urinal11ml and Ioan hall hwr allowed the mam Formallhawa Gal IEFYIIUIIBEMIDI ml dlm wolmmod md our data by nibble no man bcr The elm clam Ior vainly lnlmsl and MIMI nl puma In Barrie Azl dub ll grachul or the bully mm the cultural Ile ol Burl ml the Wallon Ike Ll bmry Ilaml lib IIIII Ind 3y oouncll mmlol Aslnlercsllnul youth ally II hoped Intu gallery wilh lullLime mum and In Why mm wlll not be wand the main Ixmihllily In manllm start has been made and new local oluwu will mlmnlm the An canary the Bowie Nile Library and um mama Ihosn ho wink to Ice holle rmly mwmq In the can 11 mule An kl mull In the Uhury lllll the lhlrd Wed nesday ul MIMIth swam be In Illa am an or Um MUM an Guest are wdcome helm Ions bula but lnlmld Non mceuzu an with Ilka Slam of Dan Milli who will tho domiratlm oil OFFICE ABROAD The Canadian ovornmenl malnlolm Invnlzrndon lam In nuclei Lu Bmhod Olnlmn PInllMAlWI RIIO Rhillnr Cordn Lgvlmud Lulcordt El BollDonlm Dgnlmo FREE 1w 1m II FILM INFORMATION NIGHT RACKS OII DRESSES 41m II 81 35 IFIIIDAV plenum PM nl shl 83 In II AT clonalwaLEaaLnucxonm RACKS 0F CAT5I slmIrsmIIII AJIJum mg 159 4nd lhl Ivenlm will failure Wlw Ii our Inn with 20 to 400lf MabyWAlmuldamn IlnoanmuImdmma lo Join our luch mn IO 012th 5min and Formal In um um Ispom WEAR Cm loln III II you can or In excellent holiday II 10 40 FINAL PREHNVEIITDIIY mm mums II II DREICWSEII WEIIJANIIFOIISTDCK TAKING Acrg BAYIIEID MAIL 7264741 THE COAT Stone luoInIoImmfnllhlglmm mm 1mm 39 UNIW 515 HMMSI