iiivrr lolaytield Street Barrie Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Walls Editor Emeritus lianshav Managing Editor Jamar JANUAIYKIM PAGIJ CityHas WinningTicket gggBtut Will couneil can It it an that brine ndng on 80 et cenloithe money bidThis WMWIUWMWHWI leaves tilde to pay the operating expens es According to Ontario Jockey cub it runathebtg tracks like Gremoodpre sident John hiooney operating cost amount to ill er tent oi the tracks drare oi the be handle The aodilaryagpmttons and Idmit tame and pr charges provide the gravy without the track couldnt operate let alone give the backers re turn on their investment What are the benets racing meet to the good operation and we the no cable but that lit Rowe and his comrades would provide anything else would attract at least 1000 peasons per race daycl They won probany bet in the neigh borhood at $100000 or more per dry The Racing Corporation headed by tor mer CniarioiAKlor Earl Rowe horse nran oi some dIstinction has ed tor llamarterioraBtiassmcka theBar ne Agricultural Society fairgrounds ltlalnthebomeatretdrasiarasgettv ringtheehuteriseoneeruedasthe 1hr already received tederarl dmrmt oi agriculture approval and needs only guano Racing Commission approval ot Delore operations can begin the cor parallon in effect has to have nty courr dl approval Council becomes involved because at its zoning bylaw While the track and racing would probably be allowable under the present open spree zoning on the ialrgrounds such ancillary riec Ilre lite breath at racing is parinurtuel betting Under the system seven per cent oi the monev bet goes to the provincial cent goes to on eta About it per cattery another Va tax while the km to The remainder ta pild to on Out at Rs share the track must con tribute to the race Innres tront halt to peratlous as concession booths lounge restaurants etc are not llence council unset make toning bylaw dlange beiore racingls allowed Without the ancillary operations its not like harness racing track lrt Bar provldin pro directly come bunness tax The track Simon and winning bei business that vlueiai and federal govern ments it money that otherwise would iront otrr etc the dry wwld beueii directiyitrom on restaurant lounge and other taollittea ention would create em mda would otimulate dtya buclnees econoany The only losers as tar as we can see would be those whose horse doesnt came in in the sixth race Whether the racing operation comes chi to Barrie depends on council They hold the winning ticket ortan entertainment can benetlt the city Will council each It in DOWN MEMORY LANE princtpat oi Bradtord public school 40 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Jun 26 1933 An moment mode that John Broker eH KC prominent Calgary barrister had been appointed drancellor at Anglic an diocese Southern Alberta in success ion to Hon Waldr detriment izgovernor ot the ovince ved his ton ut contest ithe top hog county of Ontario and will vgkgasdqntagoTot the British coo reasurer any Coleman addressed Barrie Lions Club on county attains Slmcoe County Is the oldest Count in Ontario and It Is one ot the most niiucntlal and prosperous Mr Coleman said George Atkinson ktwarbornat oldwaterrndlacousin Robert Craig custodian oi Slmcoe County court house his mother having been sister ot the late Arthur Cral tor mer eougy treasureru Brig iserv on with Straiiry in Tel Owen new Stewart listen Mmrrlr llilis Dick and listmis laase Scott Reeve ot Creeanore elect Warden oi Sinlcoe County with Coun hog campaign going over in line at according to tmri Page sgrieu uralropresentat live and George Brennan swine breeder Simcoe ls recognir ibg deriek Dank accountant lir Brokov stdcnt Barrie skating on Re 500 quarts as as Ken Gulii Charlie htchln ed now as tree oi debt Preference Board soon homeless une Kaiimi iNTERPRETiNG THE Nvv Who Won Vietnam War yWilltBe Up To Historians At Home Meet Allow MDWON CF Foreign Editor will won timer That ques may Imam lull We try to Aim at am no it Ilaytlctd Street llarrte Ontario Telephone 7mm Second Class Mail Registration Huztber wt Return postage guaranteed Daily Buulays and Statutory llolldayl excepted Suhmtptlon rate daily In carrier we week l1 tilngls copies its mm yesrlyl Elmcos Counzy 11400 yearly Balance at Canada moo yerriyx All tether countries moo yesrlr Motor throw oil 100 yearly National Advertising ottlmx Ml Queen st writ Toronto am to old Cathcsrl St Uontreal Ilember at the CenItlIIn Press lt ltld Audit bureau ot urculs The Canadian Preu ls csclun entitled to the use tor re ttb tion at Ill newv dispatch ea In this Iper credited to It or All Itcd Press or Rcuter slid Ilse tire local news publish Id therein The Barrie Examiner elalrns Walt in sll original IUVEh aggregateslat minimal1 Imp oyees re World In tirlr newspaper Cop llhl Registration Hm ii ulster CI can rovmunerlt to the Vietnam traitdy that shook the equitiesice oi the nighticsk WWII Some Amerlane would rntlwr lure Oldals lend to the outcome not us via deleae butrathcr In hope mixed wills rellel barbed there The militia have not been rooted out successlve NM Stale em since WW if Blfnllower had to Nixon ed trollan the int Anurl vn returni lion to the 9014 arm it the The U5 administration sr ttuts that the ceasefire agree hunt assures the sovereurrty nrul Intezrly oi South Vietnam The dounnertl actually tictlnrs maxim whichmnot II na botmdary mm as demarcation line WIIAI DOE ll MEAN The stream does all at the sacred and lnnllutoi iht cl rdldetenninntion tor the Smith Vietnamese people but in Convnmltt term that may mtymmn the right to na tional election Shouidthe polls so ozatrrl tiaion that in uilennbie Ildli Is likely to tilt appear In any use the cat ntnninr watch the lord the all to ment is national reronclila on itnnilrustgle lIwtzhltllttnnrns one mined to resist that ml and tbaVtst pra Township launch and drcds ol citizens Barrie Agricultural Jointstodt Co reported Company drowned in Holland Riverwhlle on strat party Blackwell and Bert Bro of Commerce manager and ad narrow escape Veslt owed broom ed ltuaslan barter to lncreaso term ex gorta alter hearing Dr Simpson at arrie MP Slmeppentre and Tum Simpson liP Slmcoe North RoyliiokF Adopter ling chaired nonpolitical meeting It Mid htrrit Frank Foster general lore mzn Attendale arm shops elected re Conservatives mpentolt Bay attracts hun nned trult to needy tamtl Ies Barrie beat Cam Borden Signals 2316 in county league asketball action 0er scored 14 this and eience now Secretary Andy lilslcomson had owed Barrie Fair Quarters tor single mployed men established at rtln starred on Camp Borden by Dept National Defence They are paid 20c daily for work which indudes tearing up old railroad traelt and buildings The 125 men are also be study said ing housed and ted at govt expense Cong ta probany last as deter mark mgr uml ecu on likely to be an uneasy one De spite Bgeemedl cart mu probably lonl way all Yet as the Arturlam prepare who fem if Ind retinal lsooers the axprearlom ahead heard rum hunter Americntt soidlm mint to the outclurlen gird there was rlo ntithary rio lt llll$ui3 rs to dlcetedtheysre adto ototn but the hard all to malts oi the wlloie episode ills tealam may argue that the UN helped to contain cosrurtttnism ln staiJiensl Acid The communism at decide aroltar taken on ditterers colon American ntiioiala ml claim that the Vietnam Iaera lice was not In Vain llealstance mtg have helped In its way to so the Connermist lnrch Two big humanist torus new Wyn er one Soldheat Asia by the sirbuilt mtntlst cant TIIAHII Kills hllliDiiAlil lingunrl AP Itve pcniumt died when tulrt walnut light plane embed 30 night near this airstrip Ion wu tnlton to hospital IlIY EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE mom can 410161 WW Eastern Star ladies of ligands distributed does not take it well Lte lilmknlm Wrggpmnum Thrdu IIy GARRY TAiRIIAmN OTTAWA iCPl 1V0 Mnmmvvythe Ive Senate committee on rules moth ritualized the mt new the non television indusxy as My HWW weremd today in more corporation ot tioea aoat latridat smid prodtsoaetsudsiea Cobe ulevidonhhaabeeoms ytmnb My with scendndy good proa wtle tundra Into Iueiee irmlcgoldmiue Wm Mum la makr In belated commaMes butiotbeetiiestbetrend Is to Clo Coming home to roost will eratlnx meme tools mph pads rose horn Ml rntiion In rm to $6 trillion in aimcor huessel At the Irene time operating payment homer the wa down to this lnillioo uds Cable may be expected trout new If tea At NW Ml semi nar sporteorod by the Carlos dim rd Teletulm Assad Lien John New at Ar thu little and Co Cam bridge Ibsen dumbed has It Idvauwd Mom aim bentcririrtnllcd profitably no The em would and oi to 11le service home rs wo dnlxsdnemaert lea ltthesydcmhuzomoaub more expensive state services 41mins troln stopping to meter readingthat will me revelss 1end mills Yuma Weir snd Co bid at 1mm predicted that the In dustrys to militant in Me nues tor mo will meanest la Wltblllion That owl wide ruoge at new Iertlocs tlroteahieomoantesuenble to utter tor sddlllousl tinKer NEW CAPITAL NEEDED The emulates lilalii blillonlst with Investme thlid he luv crab odmpanies the next decade they pmttids new sophisticated electronic ser igeaf The van smart of newy ptdylic mommieslo making an atan the llooese when amid figures allow tied the total up stridth hidiod ltnlitw satire alter two mnubedthe Its ion Ln be re wmod mun prowl tilting the EM Iii yen REVENUE 10 For the next rovtxt your Innual opcmlng protlts wwldbecwaltotbeozimi enlist investment Debt rt MAY CHANGE The in We may be Canadian RatioNot partially removed slneetbe Carladilu RedoW martian lmlci Ia psod dint Caurdlrn cable rules to prortde some term at cormstion In television Mm the overall Baku Wociu declared Itsell Impressed tor obovenvqnge and core with entriwters potential sistui rovesIre growth it set In Mireille goal til altertax ts mammal to in per oi reverure or to per cent on equity Even more glittering results QUEENS PARK No Real Progress ii DON OlllMllN Queens PIrIt lturesu The EIItnItter mt weeks ledcroinrurnidpsi medias oi linreroe ministers Ion Add the with more money But no not protreas was evi detily mode on the two main points of giving the provinces more in room and mm oon tml over the my they are apertdn ttrrroI can be little realistic Mileage to the position oi the lnoes on those twopolnta ltoeot predecessors are wen tow measlm ovtlreescasneurtottt Iho toderei govemrmt does have ebullient remnant While the provinces with their ever grwtng rcsporwhtiitics are It most all In distress An excep tion Alberta SHOULD HAVE MY And It is trunnion acme II nothing else that the provinces stuttid have lull say over their own one time ood cure eauil be made that tedorsl initiative was needed to ensure that her tlrstni pronrotna oi health Itvl Vulture were started Ilutthese Ire now well tab viisbed And the provinces In spending their own money they IN tutiy newstattle to the put lie or ii and Mid spend ll olk CotIllY shdh per But how the logism are ever be broken is question to whim there are no apparent armors it now seems to be elrmet entirely nutter ul statulr wunauruntlsiadorysslum The tcdersl comm re audattsciiasuwswiorwt nmmertwlddrititaudwiii uoegivetnarwtirwlonwhkh nugtttiawerltwsoaavaaltbia aortiorit thlsl Podium charm at covere menz tn mm one day might do it but tor the present it with seem llo Ill we will see is more solving in mimics Ttnreisooe rtshotltlte Marlow that merits mi This was the pr It at Treasurer John White at there shottld be billion dollar in rodudiort witch would be hit in the tlmds ot thepubiic tot couple at are ltr wrtra proposed this as curetortrternpioyment This Is lollowing liulat oi many at ottr vellum and ecunnmlsta today that more matey In shite hauls will till he en Namibia ls good evi rnco today why this old Keynes Ill theory wilds probably WM valid to the contrary ol Keyneeyday doesnt BIBLE THOUGHT Fat lay thy wards thou shall he instilled and by tnry words then shall be ebnderuned liiais thew lm1 So depnds tlllllwlldl you sa posva vs er tuly Pt the undue it likan to Guards symad and taxes would still gave oo be Minted however Itierte is little room tor now eerrwniea In the cable bon Insa however me speaks noted that lbeso are only aim Canadian cilia of man lhzt 50000 POP ulatiott that not wired and outpatient tor eba licorice those cities would be pretty time The cities were Regine Bay mm Mlilmnil I33 ran up and san Mid ned than the CRTC has invited applicme tor cable service tor with deadline 0i March and has awarded llccnce or Won nu Fulcrum prolits have brought competition horn stances otxtlde the cable Industry crablcsureowned Ida gt Gold Mine Bell caudalI seating to resriet cable systems with use its utilities bom oilag Impose other than relay the we wiwdfmmmm and underan tor tbrlr bell Gar womoarewrrrto clnttaawrxdaotonelilzll sna Isookoemln with us to give bin the mnmtoctloumthmt lion coauthors suit to explolt the payTV market PL it to in umm the system Tlaatncarn in hilltihlllli Canadianowned crire via word prorlde the with the CNN to ensure that sum pro Its evasutly ilowblcklrm nadlonprodmwan Audrduanoeotuxnpdl tinnlstlwgovmrncoiolliaalr Irntdlownn whldt announced he tell that it will mile and operate cable teietlslou lys tcnt um the us while My No necessary mm with the tedcrai govmmu would be involved since aettul pro rmmmins world be dtrsoled lam would get 0R licences lrivrlo cable mimics would nd It dililcsrit to com pete Bulkstdaewuns small and scale erdpovrIulml barrow makes it an unlikon prospect tor sophisticated cable services In the toterecti ble ititiue CANADAS STORY The Big Criminals Faxed ll Lot liy IIDII IlolYlIAN it didnt to be criminal trt early Canada as late es mi an lsyeurold boy was hanged in Saint John ior steallug ll cents Ii crlntlnslI and much bet or erbaos dial ls still true One oi the bluest operators was Francois Perrot governor ot lionlml from itll to 1011 Ile an island where the tsz ltiver enters the St lsw rtrice it is still named sltcr him and he Was In pertert posltlon to intercept the llltilv Ina bringing their turs to the msrkel Perot would have tllelndiam alw them with liquor amt usually managed to at rent deal at the iur lndlnna would continue to Monian on drunken sprees and terrlty tbs clllutu Delegtllons protested youllenol but he put them in eltitanl committee Ietl went to Quebec and asked ov emor Frontenac to take action lte sent an invesll ntor to limit teetbut Ptrrot earned what was solar on and put trim in Milan The investigator mana ed to get away irom ltonlrrr and wont to Quebec to tell Irart learn what had happened lrontcrtnc then tricked Per rnt lie ordered him and Abbe Echelon whlurllcppgtrrlled limitat come try to will there on snowshoes but art rived on Jan 1m Free tenao arrested them and sent them to France where Prrrot was in tho linstliol and Fe Mioll was prohibited from rc lit Better Parrot was released alter six months and sent back to blunt rcul as 0venrorlle continued his IllegII practices and was made governor oi Acadia In toot EverttunlLv he was en tuned during all English told it Port Royal in too but war al towed to return to stice mrumm ramrrrm maul old tanner Poktsu isvb all patinast Anemuiwmotumodiw thrus count 01mg load fad tbliudt toad where It lsrrneahl v1 at hunwy starving people the amount needed trom mttotlnble an and Eestem countries greater still than what bar sent Awardlag lo iorelgnand Ielloi oi ln Decor tran wide must continue WW lln some mm at WW and earring armmurtlties clue to seilauiilclenl agnkr Even them how many wlii stone in the new duh be mold in line old Pakistan and Earl limes new New ro sen mllllm stress DROUGHT INIIUDED people mono DOUI regions have been drotwbtt adding to Ilsnglndosba miseries at Its rounding Willa logger hhard or maniacal sellscul produtt on llaiia like Bangladesh promo and to whom alto sent 01ml one million in Is buyln record amounts Wellem oed ninl The surle roblems lndIsrt Imminent are deml In our world with overtones In Atrlca and America In terms ol math to out the time bomb tie worlds tool gap will piode our seer ilrst lT HAPPENED lNCANADA yggweospvyouveuer not llOilCOMMXMliii th MUMWCABUURIDF l1 wows it 03 FONMFWESE IIAVUWIWU INFLEClIDNS has lltithlit UM META billde biliiti overrun Willi MP tear Williwtitiiw nuruutomr mannerm ommtm HWMIIH tililsa