Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jan 1973, p. 5

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County Recreation NEWS run near emirates runner ts tena lhhthet ddeat In EAWKISIQIEiwiTho ikudorn ratrenovated hlr wereth momma mttnhl mum mummie liaenlilll ltr Truderu hot nude it the mlwlllttthothm udmeanecesutyuuumu that henrr on to oh repudiated by more urea Cen It being done wilh tho oi partywhich polled operecntotthevotecast the lederil elettton tut Oct to ho sold repplrtp Devid and Ill New Derrtoerntlc ooh ot that vote on tho NDP but us Trudeau Ryuard aired armor uttered arm Dielenhait outline averythlnpall in We Diel was never in tier loner he said ItIItrtg he took hlr Trudeau apart hlr Dietemlktr pointed out with all the molodrume at met moor raid the North Slntooo number thot lIr Tm chase the ohmrrro roll torus mlboooe wII It Simeoanilyhixirand Criticized By Rvmrd mat to eere Ito Todd tinny nl Intro LOW popul on he liounr rtore retail betr outlet and voters Ipproved ER or non Stanlieldhthoee party pair maidnty every mvm hm to have In we Old Paper Shows Goldwater Change mmWATER lStIill to money val Home end the am land llouse both Idvertlred the best to llqunre and clgrrv later outdo become dry local option town tor rent ytrra no to in the voting Thuoervea ported to be opened later The no oeued in advertisements Jonathan Dodge operated harneemhep thie it louver carried on livery nervth In then did notixend to dim Couchiching County the hem and bum era an at Ihllo It and ne runyot pand rheoxalon at the ant mmm humpth It Nahum Iniorme eran mourneremnm tIo draw and it still my taruch lyLGK Themin authortud to write lettrn oi than to the ed dirtinrukhed visitor alluding the inauguration more oi the one It Oxrnctl not would rI hi mocha Ind hire LIED trim Butte atlas wen ILw to be renI George lunu Rev minim whtch It 20 ye 11 publltrm by Join mt II 12ml store ur riaga Ind wrzon worke also had unitylo torture gov hlr1nxtettu has ed out the right onGetruIllodothts Ind Ill aura then then no more given chemo to govern enily rul Pthxo Govern pinto whomever or any Ipltnler Rynard IddodzTho very their they rurvlro on Is that minority government Is work Ihle aid will wort Mr Dieter better believtn that lit the event ot the defeat at hlr andeon hlr Staneld thouli II he has the Iupport oi Perllament be hi till it not as mathmrd Ior vrhlctes tnvellinx use on tho roth line The matter was relerrod lo the public mice cnmmiti or our cat trotn the chlel end back to earthen ANDREI BORRDWING The township was Iuthortzed to pass law Iuthnriainl the borrowing two ntlllion dollars trom the imperial Bank of Osm mmo required to cover the financial requirement at the or until the ten Ic coun are received The turn oi 3169600 was approved to tower the IMtns Inan the Decemb er expenditures GM HATES The Consumer Ger Company were mated to extend ltr pre sent role for Itx months to Juno nhlch rntIht indtcete IhItIohInzeonraIeeoltim New The oiltcial acme uh touring Ilnag with milder Sum linodin In the lowLying rrrae rain Ind many on there goperrles rpenl the Juneau In divert the water heck ohennntr and erect North Ventvuvor Programs Diccussedtf unanimoung In the wet yeara Inmate mauve tahn ed Vanna oi other prvttoaIl marry eclectan nu Ippred Itcd Pant Puree chose tor hit them The Old and hi been IentaUvrly art or no it It the 115 mice tones pl ladum Ithrtrtri mu 51 entitled Serena Adventist Be ave mandated tohehetd Iorhlvur sways hlnrrh Questions people an an In these rininrrt time are anser ed hen The narration en tried handful pix dln tier Idler the leniee HALL nanr The annual mletitll at Kelly many hire wail beheldintbcttriidanhat Iprn1hebmrdlerthecom in war will ix eleded and residents In the community my to attend Mr Ind lame Mum ol moron trend the htlere par ents hlr and Mn II Bron on the Iceland and Ittmled the lm neddar anniversary ot the farmers parrots In harm The tenIlia held at the Amy and ery and Alt Porn itlts tut Dme ul Barrio tn bought the Peacock home on lianio Road cuttsr BARREL NOW OPEN letter lrnm REA sewn ceiling manilar to the bylaw mortar ovatdpht puking on rm atria the wintx moth Inked that It be advertised In that vehicle tony be urged when Ielt nu mods ly rm DOWNLVG Germinatioqu to Ratchet who he been ed to man any editor The Barrio rnrmer Sympathy oi the district is ex truded to ill ltli Butrner and family dormer ruddcntl of Hot ty In the mutt donut hlr panther hire Gmo Moo Ihich marred It Starset lien or vOoilinrmod CHURCHES DEDICATE tire Ashton and hire Donating were present It Green United Church Batrte JAB ll letter the finishing they mlll ed Irpm it church nere Io pied Ind tented on Jun some memberr oi the torm rr lloliy congregation will he prestot It mood tor presenta Selection ol theerea tron Aurtrta Sltlm France Germany marh Finland Italy me usrn England Oo tinder orway ll CWPERTON Paintl putat EX in iii it Huh 1M IKI midi allod cones mm cl Ind rimmedI to mates Dray ccrrp one were sled II 51W nth ute HI om Water not mm eat 317159 Ind lera meantd on turn to with omitarm tell yum Thq um Kardurls it high rlnotl other idly nine and mm born with range am the pantry in lehwury Imm conduct In hiarvtl tor Ialnnxr hep Final amptanee rmde tho multle at tended unining mm In Me Letter In ntldey rrsL TIRED of How would you like lt hiring prom g5 Egg 532 written to apenel your helldm In the noun artth It peak IIIon with oil earron vala lnlemtedt Rent tultyvooulp pod Camper Van with automatic lrenrmlr Ilen radio running water tee box and dou tnouin tedey ESSA RD Ii IlaurrauL when Illllltll um mum to wood mm no no emu Idea Goes AWGY Back MW Mispendiru oi tel tho to tr IITDHUIET mill Ditto Ion nI SlumInd pert ol Ont IrIn counties el couehlchinr In the Drilln area was baked about hlr both as 1m It we shownix old newspaper trnpnrtr It the Irchlleo bite The OritlII Noosvulier In its iotua of April to reported Un Friday last Ition of nun to Toronto re muttered Premier llerdy lion ltoss rcgardinr tho mreed now county oi South The deputation nus landed with their and lanes and mode most levnrehlo Impres Ilon on the minister who utdle bring neeutzuil romouhrt tn dtIIereni said the govern mmt not owned tolhe tic Inetttng held In the romcil eharnbcr ohm ndlhe report oi the deputation hlaoor Sanderson prulded llhhlisttc Plan coilingwood ilim OOLLLNGIIm Silittu lied rrozep on on run tichles ls tho goal eel the Co woodpienninx hon Ind Ilior new gillclni pihn ovrhen open Wilfordth Belehcr and Harold imputed are the coun eiiireprerontatltes on the board new menthm are William Ctrswell Andria Gihton Doop lrt Soon SmnlieytDr Fan el fArtderron Ind llcn VIrt Weerdhol lion limo ll planning conrnltenl The new plrn is helm design ed to urine development and repltel worn tor the deli yearn SNOWMOBILE RULES COIMNGWOOD at Thirteean oi retulntiont or control oi movrnoblice within the third limits is boinx onuth by the Oolltnuvrood linemen As Iociltton The Intionwos decld ed on ioltowlng complaint which um brourht to the attention oi modal For and Grant In the rhiri Ipeaker The roiheriny war told there my much In commmdtlte new scheme nhkh it was claimed would bring the dosrr to the em wood in they were levor nhlt to the scheme and then tolWmdItlm tothe prime hell with petition This night result In print bil providing Ior vote ot the people The deputation cold it nu pointed out to them that the government would be the TONIGHT FRI arouse ma Intl nu WORLD no AND me sitnaur run rtattnm CIIILDIIEN ANYTIME administration It tree pointed out the deputa tion rm told by Premier llurdy that no overumnt arid make ellhand doctmttnn Lilith an important propped lie llttll uoned there must he lreIt dittkulty tn hrtnklnx all old ties and making new one billme TED Pmler lurther told the drtvhrtlott ere out no In press legislation at that time IM to guide the tormalion at new county In the case ot inl Icrin tI was rune by consult lth themtlntoresthrlg mtripdnilt pass rest on on or rent whieh urn Iorwnrvled to the government vote oi the people mu mrwenuy errant ed anti It was lutomble Ttvooi Dtrllettrt lovm Minn lung liuimurpwero mcoe county tnu potntrd out concurhint me it we suggested the lost step rhould he tor the tvtnrcrls ot munici palitico concerned to pore resoh throne rhou co eole arbitrator to lodging whe ther the petitions realty expes ed the wishoi the peope on aspect wtt rm monitor as it pointed out that county bathing AM have to be Im In rotting up new low hlr Grant here pave the cost oI registry oitlce at $1 eon raid the ten NonaLetter report width explained 51000 oi Ith nu the estrneled need to ilrtenco the huildrn Ind 3500 lor tron more It was to remodel the old mIumxv trho county adminidrntioo buildings Estim mvledrm insewmunty pael no It The mretint rm told the area should yet rebates Ior ttr equity In the county bulldtnnr at her rte and Whitby whtrh would help the financing Noteworthy dtltemm oi op Inion arose over the ltnrne IoIslhmy oi thormve Period toatty vru revived oter the NH ntih tho lest Idiot et ort reported In the route paper In that when Ald lv hi Cram oi the ctmnt Drillia rotarcIi nu rrrrryvr $323 ltiitnkli bu en to on common rexioml rdnnnlr trailon with contrary view pressed GET APPOINTMENT BEENN ISlhtl ltl ital en Llsk cl Beetou has been re Itppoinied to the Simone County community recreation commit tee tor mother yeor DAY SATURDAY IIueIIII BOX OFFICE OPEN IQ HEW lttottl 11 STREET NURLBERING hlr alum we Instructed In complete the numberin oI the homes on Goii Haven ruhdivis ion In order that the mall my be directed to these hornet Irena the Elm Omen are to he untitled FORMER REBVE The llcnnty oi the munit teo oi Iditnttmenle will he tilled by Joseph Cochrrne tormer reeve This to on ot the hard workim committee oi the mun ldpohty The December meet ing covered applications or hearth These were rented with Iho exception oI two mvur WEATHER Here In Vanmner following the eurtierdckmol three ll the or rnhr the can name out daily with temperature lust MW dmrknunt II In coo looks now toeuh we the um and thetr rendition of brood dishes Which they receiv ed iron Holly church hAisha BttILM Downer no spurt you months with Itii Ind hlls lieiriatnr hes me to sunset Manor contortnod to make her home WIN lN DRAW The deuce scammed by the hell board It llolty Oonunun Itv 0mm Jon was well attended Drawn were mode or Ih winners at the lucky cash ticket hoiderr 32o vrrnt to arm Donnetly It leiroy tlo to Rowen limtrr RR than rie Ind 53 to Fuck lllcnl RR Barrie nun SERVICE On In tho Seventh DIV Adventists held their rst ten VIN In their church It Holly uhh the sanctuary lled to rIpIrIt The Phillppian Chor ale iowdrie were in attend Con You BelievaThlI 5thWEEK Now Hild Over For in 5thExeitIng Week in Benin MPERIIIL SHOWN TWICE NIGHTLY AT PM PM NTESSA gpoartirh Motit Theres mirulutiluto or ounhtyl Thats why your new kitchen should be Hanover as win by Braver Hanover kitchen ere designed by mum and made master ornltsmcn Only tareIuIiy selected mods ylld hardware Ire needlin create three beautiml kitchens lintrover Kltohem are precisionrnede to your rpcciih ltlotll dorigmd upmlhtly tor you end IMWW III conveniences you may require The trntned kttrhevt specialists oi our kitchen Rmodcliin rervice will help you plan your ktlchrHtlrtr advice and planning help oi course is lite Yau rIn Inrtau your new lttchrtr yooneti or you Ill have our experta do the whola ion In you trotn removing the old Itltchro to llnlrhlnx your new kitchen rrIdy lnr use Ivhlchrrer In you decide yournrw menu kitchen will be the rhuwpince at your hodre illtlt 121 errpronn 1285541 ill it details Ihad the undera to Ban rvlillchrer

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