Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Jan 1973, p. 8

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ru=nsmuurnn13mn any thc Drrie IIIom Ilsy nzvir ll DOIUIEN II Italics Grry autumn and lion Held skar Itllrr reinund 11 in elrhlr Inst game at the shutouts prederninrlrd in heels nrticn the Harri our Sunday auto llama lllnor IIIcite Dry The tour games mid rrmu oldie one rrzrre war 64 bier In the tint game cl the iry cs blushed Thornton in on goal l1 Sccl Curl Itotrt ht rrfd Don Carlton and Todd lair GeaEts Starr Cnrilmd arvl Here Desirnt sturd the this at In the 1216 rum the bar rte John DIir Cmstnxt on 119 or mire deth Wingnm by no Icon Elke 01er on Si tern Natl ltd the Filil de snh two ur end tires at 11 Gary is ur and Turn Oct shar rd Iii we In the rtls lrrr livid and IM 91ml lot rl la the rt limitrs Taid unchard and Kandlr trah den Imii aria mm the 12m Crawl The Dana Park curves do tented thIr Ilme Lry poe um 14 In the sixth same no humid on Steve Im thmoeo scored ior Dorset Izrk while Murray Ilodlcy replied Ior Barrie In the month game the Ichr United liltirrr Worker rmlor habirmr yml the All tie oi the day against Inkville Cor hclr Ilanrcrs In the 11 game Stone lcar null null IIm Anlus moron the Barrie Evals Lila Dennis Cirr mus nun Joe Jonson replied Ior OakVIIIe In perhaps one or the best tests ol the dry tne Barrie raIA rim ICLI the rx t6 Imama um an and low earn Ior Lw resin Barrie roux In tho nal some at the day the Alisa Cook Cormm IJvmlt edgul the than Bordon SENIOR li STANDINGS er At It 3H IIII 5010135 II 0127 15 IlIliIZIZl I317 0121 ISMi IIItI OIISIGZZZ will 931717 2i ill KIIIIBID Oftiil Gall Ilnrrte tlrnntlord turn Scuntl Bollovillo Ill rou or die Barrie arena Ior Barrie Iliu or Iloekey Dry The Borden club was edged by the Al Ian Cook Cmstructlon Jun Ion Insmrnnee nLnor midstLs owed 31 Iotory arc mayor rrzdqti th tram Toronto Illll Stcunri Douz Itnyrmnd and mm IcEadrcIn rearrd tor the Water club were At my scoreI the lone Toronto root The OriIlIr minor bnnlams rs gel the Brrzte Ctrturns in the ninth prrur Jell Clark lrrry than and Barry Toliord uorvl Ior OnIEa uhile Km Km and thtid our prod lo the unions In the tenth ram the Georg ion hayhanlumtmaSde trim to CPI Borstal Izm Sme led the Denim scoring with tun mu uhilr pm turret Ken Parker and Clinch Mel mild rinxlrr Glenn Owl lion Ems and Brian Cote sored the Barrie 517 Thor Whitby CDC midgett dsnnnl Ilre Harrie CH mid ml 04 ill the eleventh Lame ml Illkc Itosqu ruby train with Ian mall litil uh Eula Curmu Hnd Dare larirh wort one llrsrlllr Sundry Brilmlllo Owen Sound Ilruntlord ll Kinzrion fl Ilrrull Srturday OrIlIIu Gull Came Wednnury Ilctlevllln at Kingston Senior Skaters Retain Titles VANCOUVER tCl Holoto the ma figure Iron chom wulhl have on to their All Iour thIir competition lore Ir low sarr oi the senior might clltri CnI In tho ICIITI Mills couple onr Iht IIaenusson Insole uni also named In the norld loam Ivar ntiIthlIII Ou Ino Irwln or Tommie Ie ollrrr mnyrr mmrisu out In the pairs dirtslnn Ilrere Va and Sondra Berle hopan to tnovo Into the top three In the world this year were very noon ly II set by Glenn Moore and Nudean Ilurray my Srndwlrhed trainten Itlrr nnd Ilss Nlahr miles at the Barrio Ilnor IIoekry Assodluon to corn plde the day which had Ilrr lrvrorlea 44 on balls lmm Gard Stevenson Doug Paste Brion Ilidlardson and Store leng stun Don IVrIng rm McKay Itlrk Chaser semen Ior the dm club Sued AWde rrrre handed I71 during the day with Ken Iior bertsrn wad ol the anon Inr minu midzas receiv Ing the Dorrie mr Ilodley nerd Ior mustanltng romeo In the Barrie Illrtor ocksy Assoc Ecn Jodi Kcnwcll duitrnan oi the III ms cnunnuw rinses DriLIn Torriers oocnul up rommnndlng rovrn point spread over secondpint Gull loltow tr hacklohrds vioorlu ever do rmtrn In 0329 Ixw Auedrslae weekend Antlers Alter VIA Friday Illultl In OriIIIr the Terriers made It two lirail with my 53de nlrh In Gall In Sundry games Bettcvilh Qunlu donated Owrn Scurtd Donn mm In And Ilrnntlard Fortress not by Kingston Am to Hank will Grnt Moore and Keith eru reared Ior Orillln on Smithy wlth Gallr only guzl cumin irom lion Ilerrps Two mamwch routs kl the third period clinched the Quirk tt Victor Paul Grill led Iloitctllle with two guar trite tingle markers wenl to lldr Inylor Al Ferguson and Gretta Godsm Dob tlonletlh amt Dale Ilplson replied Ior tlur yIIIIInr Dourrowncrn Ilrnnllord Trrry Cooke and Al ltochon rrnred in see ends nyort In the third period to map to II and give the Foresters the win Other Druntlonl scorers wow Jlm Coolsmo Carl lLdrtcn orul Dave Johnson Poler Kennedy scored twlm Ior Kingston and hllke nmlzon ndded the other as the Arts were outrhot 4123 Lonruo onion resumes Ottawa Kingston Take Point Lead In Cross Country SUJIIUItY CF Sillch Irorn Ultown and Kingston corn blorrt during the wrchrnd to take oneoolnt lend In learn rlantllzrgs tailoring the first of oulr rrtesmuntry meets In Orr uvo Barrie Minor Hockey Ddy Sees Shutouts Predominate rn clubs urnuri ruatorily ot woes member Pho In Legion ltlnnr Iledcy was pre rcxnt In In Wer Allsow hltrmrirJ hm premixed the Alisopp Inrruly tor out In union to btlmr Hockey in Barrie Cloris 13qu Mid Dolores It eaih received the Drier ol Ielping Ilrnd pmrntcd by the BJUIA lrr assistance and In furthering the moor em Amxlnntcly 700 adults ntr traded the onedny erect wth many size2n will the lust game was oer Terriers Open SevenPoint Lead Ineld1 with IlellrvIIIc trav elling to rzzen rescheducd some Barrie at lrlllla will be played Tucs dry Itezntnr tongue notion re rumorVodnesdIy with little villo lrnrrltuvg to Itinuten Unitas Traded BALTIMOIIE MP John Unltos ctcrun Nntlonnl Ioot ball Inorue quarterback with unlllmm Colts has been trotted to San Diego Chnrzerr Colt grncrnl manorrr Joe lhornnr sold today Thu trade was Ior Iuturo eonslderatloos Thomas said Nrr present ptnyrrr or drnII choleer worn lnvolvtd In lho trade the Coils raid Tho Chargers will assume Unllas rtnndnrd piperr contract and the Colts wll meet nil Iuluro obllzollons accrqu by Unitas during his plnylnr corner with the Colts tho NFL club raid There hora been rumors that John Itndl Ilycor quarterback ol the Glartlerr who hrr risked to be trolled vwouid no to tho Units or poerny Los Angelo rams In thrown out with Ilnltlmore Unitas is uolnd lnlo hls lath year In prolosslonal Ionlbnll During his eoreer be com Irted 247 ct MID norm on hot parsed Ior lo 760 yards and 27 touchdowns Legion Hockey Junior II Results Itlnrllrs Ollrwr Peterboroum Nlnrnrn Iolls St lilies Guolnhi Oshawa Dorrie Ilnmlhon Fl Cnthnrlnes lacing the maid Into tlxtr ends xdalorr agreed rt Ivor one or the best rrrner on record The Emulator rrrs trulan Sathtntveotuln oi Tlill Lima et Burris Pressl hld M113 Murrry and Warren Rose on tum Deeny lmr Ontario Cello ehnrnplon ship had John Snrnrtn rvrlte Art IIIrdell sud Stewart Fisher moron mars Barrie llrlnch No Il7Vrlll hrre learn in the Cauldlsrr ylont provincial urhnr finals at Trenton next months Tbls rink Is shipped by Edrrr Illnobbyl Clark and has Wm Adams Gnome shut and Eluood Webb on his rink all Veterans and members Ill Barrie Curling Club OIVEI SOUND Ont CPI Duhlilo Blades won an eight rnent Sunday uilh on no Ilumph ores Owen Sound Greys llnrk Form and Brian Bennett each scored two goals tor the Bird who deleatrd St Catharines IN nod Bramlea In enrllrr games Gold hlcinvish was the top scorer Ior Owen Sound with three roalr gt Owen Sound advoneel to the nal with 74 win over Ilur llnzton Ilohawls In semilimit vtry Earlier Im5t the Bar rle Iuncr 0on art ns rislcn to Burlington Alley hotdlr 34 load until midway through thn second per led the Cells let down and ur lmlon mom three goals to tie the nor olrz Into the third The Burlington chi proceeded to nurture tho Colts in the third to to wtr the rum Jim blarlhcrmn paced the Colts ullh two goals while Steve bleGrnIh Ken Dannmnon and Keith llenry added singlet Stevo IlIoGrIsLr was chosen the It Till2 CANADIAN IIIESS Three helped everybody but Suull Sirr Itllrlo Greyhounds In Onlarlo notion durlnp Ihe weekend The Greyhounds got three routs Irorn John Carrion hut dropped derlrlon to KIleh enor llonyurr In one oI tour garner Sundry In Snlurday some nI Suult Ste Ilnrlo John Camphrlt scored three times Ior tho Greyhounds who were bombed 135 by Toronto llsrlborot or IIIan llowe picked up tirer oils and threo anIILI Ior the rogue trade In other Sunduy arnu Inn don Knights dclrrled IIanIIIton Ited Vlnrs or Itlown Ills whipped Sudbury Wolves Ill and 5t Cntharlnes Black Hawks mired Oshnwn Generals litter the tenors Ilultnn entry Colt Chosen if Top Defencemait learn lunlor ll hockey tmno Eric Inouye ThreeCoal Perlormances Help Everybody But Sault Ste Marie od prrtorrrranees Iloekry Assoclnllon Junior will um Ilrt Dirirlbn to final Rose Sound Fri ll my best mrai Bristowr sin Bristol rultered bad tell on the lee and hrdlo retire rpm the plus eurtrJooi bark alter rest Barrie bed thrro at the nine nks rl Bredlord Wu 1th ttnntr Wille Wllllee Ainslie had his wile Betty and HI and Mn ilitl Patron ram Skip IIrrsh Campbell IrlIIr itlo Doris and llr and Mrs leM Neill Iorreed tho omndwc You hrre to pin your on club playoils belore you at Into these pruyinelal plnyelts Jim has two entries due to Its large number oI relive mentorsr on ol the blunt tn Ontulo SCHOOL BOYS Drillin but Barrie Central In the division Ontario School Boys mlln playotl nnltwo rtrrl ht games or Orlllla Outing uh Friday Oriltla had more exocrlenerd curlers but Deux Pntrbrotberr young rink will hr back post no ran hover Ior eompclitiveplny sravr riconArrr most volublo deteneemnn over he course cl Lire tourmmord Colts marrzrr IIcy cuntr raIi the Cnttr should have won but Ilurln ton good skalhr rIub Shourd Drnlr Iolvln lhn Cow rll nntt llrlnn McCullough added the other Ottawn unalr Itorrlr Tllrntr Terry Core and Mike Ilrrron were tho liu bury nIrntrmcn Ellis Club BitInks Richmond Hill 20 The Ilorrln lnlrn Ellis Con Itlrhmond IIIII so LII York olmroo leoyue name on Sutur day Kcvln Turlln nnd lrtrr Whrtan rmrcd In the Ilrrt period Ior tho wlnnlnu Ellis round Gonllo lell Inrto rh rhutout Ior tho Dnltihmtltllil COMPLETE struclttm Inlnnr rurva hlonkrrl Esiii at heart with tor Ilzr out rivals Granules pr am Irkb swath out Is an Kahlua The no1 the llh ominst one es tor the Pros combs by rm Brim bumwbo though no rlrxebirth om ht Ies IronI robe wiles senior momptonsho with Ir Mervin ovchearbormarho Propel writ nre led by Em Wesh or poInIs York Sonny pl Iorwta won the Immmilate tlte down IorMoons MM leltm Vnnwbidelmdonnllstrippod helium mop moor mu rests minds vldory over Aurore Inntrrto hllnor Iloekry Association plr II notion to take their rerles two straight games In mohyamo with remI blrh sucking rwralna and rbtlnr pcnrltlcs the Coon club hid the rdvnntrre Art Ihon Ied Ihsr 190p log with two roalr Irhtn Ilark Potts Ierr Gillan Douu Thom son omi Ier Moltendryodd ed singles It Donkey and It Wallace seered Ior Aurora Four Stroud Minor Ilookey As soelatlon tonne split their win anIl losses to York Slum leI love DD ployoll ICIInthCEIIb In the tint rm oI Ind ser lcr the mole novices blanked the Strotrdtlptlmlrt novices 60 On Friday the Sunni Sandy Cove loll peoweer rhut out Nob lrton ed roalr Irons Scott Flzel Mn Itrld Camsron Joe Ilcrllory nrvd out pantry Jim Vorwlds ms In the nets tor the rhuctl as the tram won LIo rcrltr IBS Dunlap and um Nlulnhlls which rent Indore lo lmdon In the lot medlntellr bldllrtlerrsw ITsIthnhlzlllrLr brek torithln tour points the Falls but the Mobil and Birth I15 outsco red In thetotrrth quarter Ilustlerr Jan their was oi the tbmdny loom mrnl our to the InterrntdlrllKL Toronto Wertxlders That loss pnt Berri Into ll pool Saturdaye eelnz Barrie boll Stored pointstn lend Ilusllrrr us over Osharu Ions Bill HoAIeer scored I5 Ito Mollrldr in thll yrme Saturday outing Dexrte dorm ed Ilnrrtsbur la YMCA WW with Turnan sin leading wly this timnrrith It points blelirlde was next with IS bleBrlde wrxtoo usrrte or against Nlnrrn Falls In It points Ikwu to by IleAlcer wilh onus 3D0Wn Aurora 62 in Barrie crow mo la the llrstperhd rdrlod to Iheltlerd lulbn not onthnreormrd with two goals but wereouteeorrd by the Op would won thirty neuritis hit to pl In the some tlmt erwted tum Robert Vulquetle oi hen rte and norm oi Itumn At the mhlsltn of the Coon mom one it on was tied om yum barrio menu the Iree Strand Teams Win 2Lose The Sroud Ynmahn banitin Ilod Noblotw 12 In the tint rrme oI their bertoltbree red on two souls by Grant Gumbel no man Unnn rudzetr Ibo Ilrst rams Izolns tutor mldsets s3 Ilrrk annvnce GordIWrISrI and Bernie Bird stored tor losing Strvud club BIG IIorrIr The giant AILIs moth his ring spread at more than on we filial cuisine lake view 1235I5I FAMILY IIIoIIr SPECIAI MoNoAvfro rhunseAv Honr MADE cAIIIIAor nous rIIIrriir sort Stuliod With Crab Man $185 eomptoln moat Includes Drrrort and Beverage Children undo yenrr lAlIEVlEW rIIIro CHICKEN Dinner Box Special pieces ehteiton Cole Slaw Potato Salad Ton Blreull Run $135 Wodnordnyr Only $1190 pin rd lo lie Saturday mum IllIS IIlIoIlIIIrllrlra now hnIe it It more In Illorlles In helerirorouoh Peter and hell NinearnlnllI to town London has It pnInts St lllkcs II Oshawa und st Cnlhnrlner It Peterborouzh ll Sudlrury Ill Ilnmlllon TI ltlteh 0tnwo ll error 11 and stroll lilo Illrrlo l1 llorrlo It Ilotore 4100 lnnsln otlnun Guelph lu Illnkc Dunlap scored Ihren Oshan It timer to boost his srssonr lotnl St Catharine to Ill Dorelt Smllh reuihed the touoal mark with two nnd Poul run nurture Skrles and rays are relatives oi the shrrlu ltralisrm In February The major hllndlnll Tun Emir look their third Alrnlrlrt title list not helm Murray and Ilooro prtrsld Knrrm ilarr them hunt wlnnlnr lam mover tourtune Crna lIIo onlrontntlm raised tho lizm ehrmpm ulurkus rI only Return Ilisoppmmi IrorrI ported to encmnlcr Iritlerlllll Ions IIhu IIrrn Ioonl In their cutly III throng helore Irrondly anger rl the marks given to lumeiurn crowds on tho rtrrt ltlurray lttltt Iloore Sllp tounrd Is possible world The Dezcs lrorn Tomntu tltlo rnd Murray and Moore rum Ilul or mule she ran Into North vnuenuver ended up In rmdlrlocl thrmn up to II ncur dumllodr out both norm oJrcld Ottawa gilt Lynn alqu do writ In the world letdlngule condition orolns teams Irom Ittlsy drllngoe talented the Shirt UntoI Em and West Miss hlagnussrn in the now Germany and tho US As to then WIWY Hummer nIn tINNFIt the not night Tulle Crnnston was to story TIrumlv to lie IIIII tllLlIIlrilll In this tree skating to or turn in tho mcnl dIvIdmI running the Ilgures compulsory lrcu third ptoeo alter trolling adly skate end Ireo skating portions in tho rompulsory llzrucs por at UM mmmlm ma Crnnston Trontrout lrnrn IIUIIT Toronto Irim mixes htr Wmtinn rmwmo 171 but her mt with his nvoCItlun tlgIrrn vin the World CIDIIn drew the only peelret romludger both In tho her rkoie end the tree st II nnyihlnl his Ilynomle two mlnuto compulsory skirte IIlrtrII mulrer skaters Io hirsul six rrre led mtnti Into II recon program at their eholeowns oven tretlor Ihnn lilo Iilonrlnuiu rto rkttttrlg program mmm MM Capitol Zone Ctntpctltbn tram the Ottawa Ski cum and Iter Illlitory Collego In Kingston picked up It points In Saturday uni Sunday races Tonl routs alter the lour meets Ivll decide the winning team The Northern Onturlo Zeno LI second with Ill points lollowcd try the Smrhcrmoatnrlo Zmn with 21 and Lotto Superior Zone with tour mints Volma SI Glut oI SAIIttrury reprermtlnu tho noeJrem rope rlnmlnnlrd tho mmr redlon ullrrlour victories in roten TMBS Itntil Maid of VohIIr took the senior mens Isldlomolro rum In 43 minutes rod or seconds ml the Itokilometro ovon In one hour 810 Itllo Putrns ol Vntmn won the Junior mens Ilkibrnrtiro rats In 472I Ithllo Vclltlto Pulklti Ien oi Volmr nished ltrst In the veterans ISkllomeler me nitlr 4901 hen Sunder ol Otlawo the lokllomctrr Into or IonI In to III arr at ago In our nnd Tim nylcr tool Fill In tho IIltoIldvIrnIler class with limo ei ll minutes In moods over the tlvellimnolre tlls ionic rnAvrL srnvtcr Itir IIrlioil llnll Cruiser llolelr Vnurtlon Inrkorer WHY NOT till AWAY l0It It ltlilltXthl VINIIIII HOLIDAY IN FLORIDA MEXICO nAnnAeos on BAHAMAS Clll Ill todry EXIIhIINIIlt WANT ADS PIIDNE mIIII rlaurrs line udges nrc Irequently lry rust competition and the lust lirul Itlrs Ittngnllsr ILI vns not ulIA Ir Itho Irco staring In her Ier IIry nuy Ix damaging III Iror can Iontatton with Janet Lynn the United girl eonldrrrt coluvo or ttroIIuIltl lillo JOHNSON TRAVEL III DUNLUI It IMltltlll ONTMIIO 70 VII II

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