orro Mikado Region JigWWIIva Stow Lglonni wremneot unrld be In edveimgo to Some thinly ll viproperiy tailored to eult the ggturtltuioruesdsoltbeamit owns nsaeetasi here by Miler 11er Brendon The Ubldsalsr businessman Ind iorrnrr reels win was one motthemutuatrthorethomb lure discussed brIndon report pro lscrrled to martyrsde seven man age said here he Iill iIIt principal ideII then accent Wdm to tbelevuo sryiIithewaotdd allow the pie le oi szst forJdvhcnsellvesltMcotM so are asked his item blonds orrtkabhiunl ignigintyr Govsmrrsrli spasm jmeri heist Indicated wil sesa ftodurottvrasmeltlon gUPDIITE EDWIN15 as what is penaleel In some oth gtrior prions taet Mirna demand which involve thereu being handed down by hlfls gav elonsl area takeover In the pro hm but we could loom irom nitheetborl nudge norm or titres ior our rue he said twain that there should be more lale Improvement in services on yuide basis IMuluty Itwilcost moqu gram we wild our nrooey so or county Idmlrdatrm mud lure the rossponibi of seeing rntepoym receiv ved lull value ior the money Dpenl ho Irgued vA Smu saviour coud be eiei binllmiuItlon ol duplications Id termination oi senices but it would be ndrlnudng to suggest an marred reduction In states rnghl result Tulle snowelem services said In Iihrstro an at his contention It has been very od in mm areas but could be revolt httlrr under centrailsrd Id miulstrsliun That is only one example You uouid have coun lily ll services and Nice loroes irisray erronpluwing In the counly has been excellent uhile vremoval oi mow irom roads has been given close ItchIon by mu nlcipol administrations It was rsoneeded naming Coldnnierhe uu Eggneeve Orriny Reports ion Federation Policies PERKINSFIELD till nloltcy oi the Federation at rlrullure which advocates remov lnr education taxes irom all Brut was commented on by eeve orrls Dar In report at eotlvltlu during pull year as 81mm County council repre liiln eh lo oremo usIn tax credits that has been initia led has sued lire situation some what but Ls still not good enough heasid in discussing heIVv tax on inrrners IVIth overnmenls federal and provln sl eraieavorlng to meet edlax Ipendiog removal oi school tax Irom property would have to urcou milling the burden to other taxation This aspect was uutdiseussed In the report Iiienitonwu mode oi the Increased emphI now being lmed Solepd useplrrrigr1 eeve ys repo red it warrprobebly one oi the meet trnpo Int tubes Iaclngltile tarrisers of slime Ozunly in Ihi oi the reslrlctlve meas llres Ind new legislIIon that is eromenl Irulwrlties tbs con leI ll certainly lustllied said Ills dosing the menl ens muscecnent about another rev vim our county would be well Idviled to secelerate lie etiarts In setting up Ins for the fut ure ll Idd counlytoptanwonl is well Is prodding MIA for clash line this and other of llnlsk ratepay er Granite neu nearby lama waists To Needs tlts lerz cedwub proceeding withI mono sew psviecr whlohis to be tibiae on tonghnge basis thswgh the criteria Water Mwlnces Arrunlsaisaxitwor had been sardonic ll years age it would liaisons UAW accord log to udlnoles mail It the do we Ire lscedsrlth the db rslslau nos he eoldspelia ten procuremede edln one Under Iregirsrsl syslsm mil Mid world be shared well as the sorvicesu it would work out It nominally centres protein heseisl outing Iv also would be asseswd for share ollhs tax coal lvnrrn smear Asked ohm what became Lila as tho Drum which was retooled curain molt eiter luglhy no sh close Into In rare clilor rundatl Imied It till lleellou Certllnlie Imber it and mu um It wIs genIrIlly right he said suggesting evouta In the mesh Ilrne havecoallrmedihls view The recommendations made the then Ilecva Brandon and hs committee alter Indeptir study called ior reduction to county council membership irom ill to 25 with clung In the election Iysiem which were slid essential to maintain equal representation for all sections on democratic bills The system should he set up In manner to menu the democratic process and the core Iroi ol the voters over their rep resentellver said the report which went on to IdvoeItI ward system at election with It ms relcorset porulollm IrIi Mbenwondldsles stand ior manly mail throttle of their own want be voting lor them on lhdi merits as ceun Wt only Id lb Co Iler member at the lime arguing the change to ilsvluu lhoso elected directly re nstbe to their Nestor do able mun lathe Interest of ddnrocrallc control It was contented this would Tteeve Darby pointed out that In order to rpeshtlor and pro leet Ihs iruerests utilnners in theeoimly the Federation dir ectors have tnitlIlrd land uso plarur committee and have pied themselves to cooperate with other similar orgasusalioos In order la achieve common goal or the benciil ol Ill corr oerncd At this time wouldliks to commend the bond oi directors oi the federation tor In active pIrtlclleiuu In all the Ispccts an himlii Ja cove was hlnuoli Iecrdlry ol the North EIan Soil Ind Crop Im provement Assoeluttoulol years IAs hss been the custom over the years the slmcoe County Council Ibrouh the Isriculiure and rcIorvslat on budret led the activities oi the re tlon by its nancial contribution to the form oi snot be ex plained Directors mel mealth to disc cuss agriculture problems The board Includes reprcscnlsllvs Irom each at the rural muni clpalillel as well as represcalI Ihus from the commodity groups to the county Arsolllco Is maintained In the Elm District Coonhuild trig in bursts and services are available to the numbers and severi sgrleuliurli organism done in iildMmiYi Mirth could be Illdaltout the many Iocornpiirhmcnls at the honorarium cabar mamas hmdbulhtngth Photo bIIn our will was tsnnedtbe Id lylA macaroni rvsrwsv ran an e5 RES WI Oil mar ree leipnl IW Vaseline In the tiller Ill the nasty responsibility or nirdahnuclau of MN in mm otllco as measmerimre shined co illW WWW while certdn other resrice such at district besith administration have been shared with tbs pron is 33 at revolt Ince lhs latter prorldiru the main taxes County roads administration ldhlcwn alumna wasundc1rmluus 011 ooun sldlsoauummrimw to approval the ratio mem rnent which provided approxi mately hr the budget In autumn Colmde ltrarr don made comeback this your alter absolve oi six year irom council III was move In scores and not and previous to tint school trustee tor sev eral lernn coma ut Councilior Itran don on the cmaarldwoter MIMI Include Reeve lien ilarn thou causation Biscuit nigh twluhnNnronwondllerban Iyrell with new Martin clerk hiasrrbers oi the coins legis lature committee uhlds ll ior Branden chalred to me Ill eluded InuIIIraucos oi Orllils Iconel Dion oi Wmngulshme Dita oasis of Noumeam and hunt Smith of Erra Oeorgs licesue at Allistun was then warden As resultol prirtue bill ir sir var Inclor the lion the overall mem bers was resisted from or to to starting with this present term other measuresvlunsrd mm streamiiuln et Idrrlnis lruliou Ilso have advanced and are owes nudy Federation In the past sIld Ilseve Darby listing few lien tloned were tire reduction In rsts for truck licences expanded cap ital grands to lenders and drew per crop Insurance Is well Is ssstslroeeviu dealing with ob lems asking irom expropr Iiiuo oiIIrm loud and We Idhrsturent Many ello look Idvsnlege pl Information provided at two medlna Elnmla regarding the new tax legislation in so tar as Its eiiccl on farmers wIs concerned The inheritance and er ltIi alas lar cs were discuss at errglh Ilere Darby was chairman oi agriculture and rcloreststlun for sum emu council diaries Wmlld and um scanner saws ms Heifer gCtqua Winner AHEIYXT tSIl Toul ysaMid better Imus Glmaltun limos MnTenl Bess has received the Ithnadisn award or IIolslelns In CansdI In her clue Ior this turret show sea sat Annulmech by the Hol 1250 Inspections Made For Saiety Construction In dimes County Incindl the rlly Ii Drillia roonnt to 309300000 dining In It was shown In the annual report oi Ilaglvmlen Ia sty Inspector Inspech made ior the coun ly were listed at use with Instr crt for the city at Ordlie 13ml Intel 0i 1250 Nine Iniormalions were laid for violatiuns of Isier rcng lions There were set cealraren thus in the county and 211 In DrilllI for total at Lnlrmere were ror work stoppages Oilencu which Its in alar msllooa Included failure of com panies to provide salcly bets belts or Ioolwcar The nrinlstry at labor provid ed the legal work with the ns uislance of Johnson coo Itructioa safely oiilcer at the ministry THORNTON By MES 0LT welcome is 4an to Don and Bleep Ilalztm Ind lam oi Bundled win an inn tied the ILP service station road has In lhe village at garner oi Italy rs and heir hen arr and Mrs Jill attit emu uhd Miss Mam Lund were In the Toronto IreI recent by they visited their ixolhcrlo lawliill Gueron oi Illllcrcal Qinmlescru limpltsl Irrl with cousin Itrs Finale Firml ett It Velora Tire Junior choir Isdmxi In the hefty Uhlicll Grurrha service Jan it when iloly urrmrnrnlon was obscrvcd GeorgsIlvlt who Is now patient hr the lVorhntns Corny pulsation Board Hospital Dunn Iview shaving been trenierrctl Iii was home tor the weekend Jase hoods arena was admitted to loyal Victossa iIucrilnl Jun it and Jacob Miller urn tokens try arouinrr re to Ailistou berg tel with heart attack same day nah Petersen Illnitii at ltlllcrcst High School In Dal IIs Texas iound tilt physics ciess anything but dull when the out your she received 200000 volts Iroru sleinrrlraian Association or all Canadian winners had had iat lond snn Interest by eallis men Glcsaitun also totally owns slim Grave Janet with Ken nelh BA oil Eglnburz Irm winner In the produrcvl dam rIssI Second lo couriers hut Ben was Staaelm Iisrouis Erleella IL owned by Slunsten Farms St Marys she was earned re eerre champion In this class All Canadian and row lin ear was Green an Echo his Una ousted by and David Ii BrownrufPuis Ontario AliWI bull boron and also neerveIerd ml to the IIlIcIII Ihlcmlllltlon cent at St ndlithe Que The lull which were Royal winter Fair winners were Brierdsood mlel tain Ind Humiliation Disru ploa Ingram ol Cam il ville wars vibe breederl pith competition with Rmndlle rms at Unbnliiie second on Ridges Una Ii was the but Iunlor yearling bcilcr Ind Olin dale Starlet limbs at Dunlap ion the best senior yearling hetl The year old teller class 1mm listen Clody no cd by John Vanllnuchnl ol Dkvtela Alberta was chosen the be comma BATIK LADIES CITY LEAGUE maya mutual r7 Ind II Rdeunt lb Bursts Ion nlm It Mammal Ind Pmi bertram brothers ii Robson hug izlPsIceck Petroleum blister Transmlalon theta casings Iliusmoy Lde log Barrie Diaper Service Sexy Six Illrtr hlnles Dot Rules 775 Darts Garvin ses Debbie Davis 657 Ilyrtle NM 572 Marion Mb Bride WxIreoe Darling est Ploilis Gabon 632 Elma 11m mons Ms Nancy SinclIlr us Linda Robertson till ern Gril laughu 6217 Charlotte tonsils no can Delienby Doris Stewart lIrlnI llyncs all III maulv umrsrmuv sir Marion Iirido Irene Darling ZTJ E14 rm TimIrma Doris Garvin no stuporcam use than ilclxdscu nu Rena Pickering ssr Vera Galourher no Innis Ilrirl DarleuaJlogg zed Aotlu Imelda Isl HIGH VoIrNGrnAmoo an electrostatic generator that caused her hair lu staml pn MPERIAL Shown tr putt be told soul the Increasing la lerrel shown In Word by prospective residents NUNIY MEMBER Now serving his rst term as county councillor huts Tun err was memberoi brad iord coundl ior this years beluxe moving up The In reuse wIs Bruce Slums iorrrar county wsrdce Ihrs sleppcd aside lie lcr Is years no morn Becauss at revision oi rules llrsdrord now bu only one color Iy reprrscolltive Instead oi ilebulwllhlhegrontliltisln tkthled the loan may have two members Izstn bdrxr the next term minimum at 2500 quail tied electors required Deputy Ileeve Fred Cook who was county councillor ior ycen is new chairman ol li IrIoee ior Brsdlurd council tie is also the town cunsemlioa mentalive items Joe Magaai Is servln Stress 15 Given To Farm Safety HAWAII i$nili ACUVI lies at the Farm Soer to chrvk Isrm accidents were pulsed by Dcplgly Reeve Donald MacDonald Plus in re port to Simon County smell Sponsorship oi No cosnacll which was organised res years ago was lrsuslerred Irom the Ontario ministry oi Igrlcuhuse In the Workmcns Compensation Board oi Ontario int Film lllr MacDonald reported that the Igrirullure minister William Slst tell the chills logi col as more than mono unluto farmers with employees and some aooo eeliltmuloycd ism era without employrcs were row and by vrorkmens compensa NI The extrusion oi wurkmenl mama the deid bl harm irty In recent years it was captained Isrrn saicly night has been disclosed with It pointed out that In order for the protect to reed other ergusdsstiosrs must el bohlnd the eliult and be will gto promote it end to coerce laboih harm lead and Nick AP Photo Lust Days any Amt TURNER 1on Being Ahead his nth lull ear ahead at mayor or II nicellss Iiler succeeding Arthur Evans IIPP Brldiclds lint mayor Il ter Iowa status was achieved in rain MSG SERVICE Deputy Reeve om Meirrd praise Irom colleagues on cosin camel Ior his services lbere with particular mealloa made el county museum and archives board which he headed for scv ersi years in had been mem ber oi the local Mobil lot In rare Ilrst serving Ivsy back In to nsIllon mereule lam Ea Eli EEE iii 55 Hm TD arm EUWAI Stall Annual roevcnlion oi Canadian Chase ohia Association will bI kid It lbe Four Seasons Hotel in lure oolo esrlbursday and Friday Frbeodsccordlagtea notice received It the North blow cue Igricullurel oillce here CRDI mommy ALLISNN Sum The on lariu Soil and Crop Iruprwenssns Association will be holding Ila annual convention It the Skyline Hotel in Toronto on Illesdu Ind Werhresday Jan and it it wusbowninarnltndarolhh cats the South Sirocco urb cultural billet emu onuurr Bousrur Al the OriflII curling club smut am being wilitmish it to be held on Saturday JIrI ll Iomrrw Caldwel mans cr moltIlla provinciei 0m sol duvnrdanshin curler him eoll distanced coming Orillll curling emu with Bill Dirk cy slip or meet bouepiei winner It Prierborough in uner Moi METAL muss shaped tor the look of today You dont have to be young in years lust young in Idcus METAL does the veil SINIIEIISIUN $3150 Blliils $3850 This PRIEEIIIEIUIIES YOUR CHOICE OF METAL TIME III THE WEST STYLES SHAPES MD COLOURS YOUR PRESCRIPTION Iii WHITE ROSE 0R carer mists ONEYMII REPIACEMEIIT WARRANTY AGAINST SEWAGE Will CHOICE OE WE TIIOM AWIDE SMGIION IDZIIOTTLEMGIASSMIIIIIISOLUTIOII Fm IN IiIIYPlDlt FIATTOP Oil litTIXSTYlIS smart STREET DOUIII aruaau IM steam