utm hm monument moon or ten PE0PLE7IND Piidif E3 Ed ii 3355 Egg 5322 gr $1 gr 3i it Emiht orig AND MRS rrme rm ma geriater is 117 only Edgar wpuuiemgg 51 bvaPrlm Mus In our our Iio hi on mm 1m one team if gummym Ioder Wiorniildnreml In mm are avire ior entitle vinrnrlnIlilzie Md eon mmvalerudnapivtothew wwmumb Iiirlleo vrilh Ilhhrui or ii 99 oar mu mi logy our hall hour ii the Ieainr hm not turn Eetoy disappeared On lather rhe domino win ml ruhbodin Ipplirriion oi oboe polish or drum Urine the worm doom on the innite oi divdune hot them rieon In my deodor will Ieop tioem trodenueia it 35 or IE Vows Exchanged fAtTrinity Church me turn DIkuI Ind rum oi honor Iiiueo iInioe Reno Albert limo exchanged roan IrA KIren DIiau ol Emir rIod rlnu It In Iilrroooo we hridesrnridr imp ItiriaiirAnxlicII mm The rilendniur rm were iiarriebeioreiievloizn spew luhionod oi mu hiue velvet bride 1dluer it twwgrigu 11 whipgloat Iirnndiirr DI DI t7 We rm oi Satan one ilerrie at Motrin norm ooerntin Iod Inelleni blow or United iot tiiii Weevil the proehrdinn eiliinroi minute fWeil Iiw No in among mum to Harold Jixon the Irate Memo dogma awnuth Ioury dewan not aim oi Commmvlicliion GED iii 13$ hridenoorn la the ecu oi ilr Ind IliI Albert CHEM Rosin oi under Rood Barrie lm in Intrrilxe by her iIiIv cor the bride were ran oi fins rled moonbeIm lore over ipoyuier trepe ruled with In lmii bodice round neckline In ion Ileeveo dreiol oi iIeI Ind mod trio hed the hridII elbow veil oi tuie iilurion my bro red with peerio Ind lace Sho lxrried Minuet oi red while rem Ind purple IDIIIM um TRADITION In bell withth iii lbrltie worI old untrue borrow Kedhrr headdress Ind worn mmww BridIl Itieddnoirirrre Ii Judy Booth OIIIIWI malt JANUARY RITES Abeii Rom oi iJIrrlo wII best mIn The where were JImeI Deelh oi Oshm Ind Cori Gum Emir RBmriilN The reteptlon we held It Trin ity PIriIh liali where tire moth er of the bride received xursto warring towel miloi pink with rriIlch ximddrw She mmpiemirnedher enrrmblo with omen oi while roses AuiIiinl the mother oi the brideriroorn chose irocii oi mauve winner with mniehinl meowrln Ind corIoge oi while roIeI ll For irnveliin to when on chore bIby hluo pent outiit will block Ic crwriei and mum at ylnk mi do the Ibe newlywedr will mid It res imdlord Barrie Tiioiiiiroii Torrance trod war oho to 1111 15 lo ilrIiid Wei iirllnr ixome eodnl Home of the Trinity loih mired iIrrrLv loiter irvrn Rev Iliroy Nipisdng Iii were well Ind cnloyi MIlIeIurneimrnl loherrrorriedinihe for tho Malina FICinCes Anne Moore Weds nmxoodnowrooheerlhai turn heme iron DeniI hoepiini Mil ll while scat Snap Ir rivod irom Allitton hoopitai Ii unh town when he will be comi ihrisimn time reporting thug northern elirnIle Ind hoooilliilyi urdi there so trout reunion oi the Meagan mediate pnrenlAIlso rnme over Den AII LIIIIIITIIGI eroilereuoeotnn mwmiohoniilw iituutrd in 1011 Iininl over We rive or dine bounce oatr on meal will no but takes link to in iran does no homer Ind iidil with her when Ind db icrI Londoni7 last week inland her lini on in tho mu she imvod it book told her then to iirt out She raid the would with piw euro hen the non aflorri once at her own lily husband and In phyvt coiiy Ilck irom thiI zirlI torri bio Iiiilode toward litlhiM in lite lhIl should moan thirty iluil rm keen her here will the reudy lo ieret Please mimeUp Ainrul ll Dur Upi Them In lent Leaps on can intro to tut 19 It my rim lrindr clan or rurxeon Ind Iomoimr earpnmn iv to clue to my ilr load to get teller irom Akron And please ray hello In our Pibllowr Iim Maiden MI hnne Ind one oi iiie rurviv paper mintso nu Inn LIndIm read with lriertst your oommcrrir on the doiidmcicr oi America ed ucation liin m7 one oi the most vital deiioim do it in morimr educoUoo No one loam olulimLI Pm to ehop in mandrel how to WWdrEhirullI Ind veeo tohee how to ilymmt trade cooM with all tor No initruolm minim on what to do Ipplleneeedoul uvrk or on to like my mm hcr oi complaints that consum have in rmrd to iIuty merchandise No instruction ohm in run or when to noilly the Boiler Business DinInn we on notion oi ovoried Ind IDI dornourirhed We iell ioe oveny lrirk in ihh hook broom wo In not inionnod it winln neighborhood 0min HI lliIIII mole your eilori to live Ievml liver It wee Mott lime Ween Inddeotr tor player You cut Iroto lieien Coneer iJInI iJuiy nlr lhiI pmmllel to be In eoloyI hle SondIy iuil oi thI unil Emilia ImirhiI IIIrIIIoi lial Milk iiel lendr to dirtrut pieuure Ind my odIi rom meni iodIy Vlrro Arr mm mi You itIvo Ill mnit within reIrou in WI Wino be bit iorl exerting II to dolIliI live Ind iellive itr mt loot um Sept nod no Ilene iorlhe ride be purine Mlbinuoiiiiv byrtuxier In the nutrot lhlI MI rriInyIidod Ietivlliu learn See Iii tyour11y determinl 15 cm roI prerin undoreurrerilr oi lads5W on wince 11min EIliiIuiuI Nov like Ii burntion Oel mt Int With you lurkertr SHANTY Inv AUTO mama Gal TIMIl vita UNITEDl VAN will DALES TV IIIer Ind Service ooAIm moral Inuriqiiiiuui Din Gifford In Ohio Whm wet to mom motion to Irlvooin vrn en iIiie tar youuet Imiewlrai 3W0 mnoiyoin menu rmon It the liolimdm liirIrIe lowland Ohio follow ilnd the marriere on Jan it oi Iiiu Frrneer Anne Moore dauhtrr oi Mr Ind lln John Iiooro ol Barrie to Dr Roy Giiiord Ion oi IirInd IlrI til GIqu oi Woolentile iii Iv Skinner oiiieiaird It the liouhic In cormon in ikiy Rm CinrrdI lirv mm oi hinxriion Olin ILn ritual mhD DOWN 1e uiro war given in marriage by lwr iaJirr cm or her wedding iron lonn hood indicted beige gown insh tonodvliit high noctdlnc and Iieeru and on her Mist lividlaw the bride II mot roooi honor lier Iieevritu Mi court was in TM ml oi Ihrirnp white Ind rornoiemenird by cor Im at while Iweelhcnri rem Inuiva um Dr Ralph SJni loo oi Cleveland The uriierI um John Moore in broth Ill ol iirn bridmrm hm mvmhcr oi the bride um too beige Ind uiiiio wool dmr Indlhe bridemt rmlh we powriod irr rinvy hoe Iiiir were oi uh ManSredhean Kroses er monhr hone rmon trip spent in Spain imtuzni mm men Ind Florida Di Ind Mn Giiiord will he rmkin their Doing lhlr exlrI allitequ do Linuth it to Ind iron the oititet 5m with How would you like to Ipomi your holidIyI In thuunny IOU It perk union with all who inoII lniororhd Rent iuliyequip dcmp VIIIwith ruiomrlie trunrmlr nylon radio running on In For Ind dour whie bodr inquire today 43 also no mom oumo mm comm Mr and tin John II in oi the bride Iiiisxivn Ohio alibi irido lowland llelpiiio Cleveland Guests irorn lined and Mn Moor In and Iiolnnle oi Xilchc Mr Ind Mn lion ammo $1 bury and Dr Ind litre inur mce Roy oi GrIvrnhurol lirI Gnostic Inn Iiro iloy are in million to rruriy ruel irom Cirvrinnd curet wcre IiIo worm imm New York Oily 5t lolu Iiixeoiiri Ind coinin bus iuimiile Iiztitslloid and Among the numerom oonmtw intory imam one no receiv od imm Dr Ind ilil William iaii ni Karim Gly Ham ho due to their very rooerit move to that City irorri MM Arbor Midtiran were urinhie to numd lire Wnlit uiio we the iorrricr liory Moore in Ilsior amen low iriuwiiii mseior hcioro vil red low yer IMI resort obiloiuiy there it reltom Niel it origndmuniorwgig rw prom trom lame proiesotoooi guldmcel it you think my Ix rwor lo let im Issue you it contain excellent added and hope or tile rake oi owryone orticcrnod that you like it anr Ann unarni mu yith you Some other name Ithd be given to mole rune Eit or motile or oerpsrrnn wold he not inmomcrit Loiso ozm with you that there ir nothnt mmriiy about film Widewo to the Iicil nod ilriri Thnniu ior our rinnd on both inure Direrior Action Line Akron Duran lrirrriIi Door CWr iiovr about anedel Medic mom phyw Piekiho right day to tool drive Volkrwogoii and youll have the road oil to yourIoii NowIiioi the weather has turned bod In good time to tut drive Volkswogen Walt ior or day when llr enowinp or riuthlnn really hard and let your VW dealer lhow you how thank to its aircooled roar mounted engine Volkswagen woriir when hardly unylhina olre doe urnv ioiiusrou Minnow 17 Down IlEIrI Rd Minter brick well oi oppoei liousiho Iohoolr Ire Icalnii til Yet teatime ooritut uibv tier down and Ink whnt to leach tilde ItuchIorid how will please my good word or consumer odixuiou Ami People Uriel to you Mrl l1itt lingerIN aIlrI mInCIrnmitiee VI utlIenI Gounmrr Donn DeIr iirI Dllii rocotvod dozenrtoi loitorl from rendcn urging me to ct behind cori eduonliou You laid it best ileror your iotlcr Ind my innit tor wrian it Pay less 11664 Your II in Income laxNow iiarinte diiierent piooe in your world one reonIi re iuiitzrc inhim Clorlcorn Dre won in Your path il uttered ie with ieu delimit pin ErWnr pinI You will be proud oi your Patience Murine Jew Nah II Inquiry into the ruomm nhm iIiieI mud at your tin and mom on tru Immin iiizrogrnmmod dry PhoeI ieb MIMI lair Ibe Iiirho ihemosl Retirement income Write orTeiepiiorIe 215 INNISFIL ST minor Your Piece in BIrrir ior Greet 911 ll ill 737531 little Ind iinIe Mr lroii Welding Steel month Doelr IiIrinI ltIilwaI ii man or moron IiIieI n6 out For plum Conteri lIehvreel you In invited II hutch NnIIherI with the telephone number may emotion inorxirorohie it irIture Ire Iubtio mm irroortIni WeeII nouher iI III211i ruer Dont mtrI one In enlertIionirni every lint Fully licenced QUEEN oral 7mm lucilnm II III Illlin Im EIilanleI CIR IWIMI KCKEMMN AND TIIDMPBON EDDY uron LIerneI Se inn Knitting nlre DIIiop dpoeioiizinx EIII 7mm in in delta IlIir IiyiiIiI or nonmu Lmim amuu rt run miter Ir In Hell diovANNr no PERRI noin mum Million Willi Irvour Delirium Weekdoy iimorIIIoord Lokevlew Works Fried Chiclen RrIlIurInI Dunlap our mauled Dininl nnoirrruMenI Ivrrir Ind Diriinx While lorrm cur mun OWENS it NDLIER 91 IIIONE 1mm FENDLEVS new it Birth IL The Boothouro skidoe INiIUDE PETERDOIIO CmLDIIII UMBER Irnmonoir lKiDoo lee the new onelodIy TI II lIyl 7261280 to omrniaiee oi the IdvertlIerI