mummy SthordeSSevansFavor OIAirline Strike Action MWrImMI 1M alerior Decorating Begins at Deaths 71 omvi it reentin lnwallatrl III Inlitipllrd dull rd dt todsy Itsen Intus ilud Irde not in Ind lets ovation Ihleh ts mundane rum all and trery ddeataIIminortIy rov brondeast om radio Itstlsa current in Parliament shoald arwx in Vsnewser hurts alas it Photo As nary Judy TARIth said its duesnttmderslsedshy her eye Pans Insider Mus is up Id In undouth ms supernatant to Ayrrst AI in vls Asml Mrs ITFs hirs Eva lo ADS Marvel most beauti you or prw town UNDER UK second Phase sponsors Blister Tits British Imminent sapwood Ihuraday nitht it Illil ereItI two sepsrato boards to control and on statutory istnt ueoadatusellta Intllnfiatloa battle libsocslior sl the Exchequer Anthony hm our said the xaverurnenta tail lsas Iiil be lLtihiIlDtd asst Pledaesday lope with dr legislation to implement prom Princessialls mm AP Maou amine leasehold daughter It Prints Ila er and Prison Grace tell all horse liedaasdsy Ind sullerod lull tutuions palsoo reported llnxsdsy Marriage Study VATINN GITY IAP P000 Paul has established In or rimmtsl eosrmlttee lat tho unity to study mmlaas land lunlly problems on Valletta amounted The manila committee hcsdcd Maurice Csnltml nay ol boo will discuss birth mntrol abortlcn and di some not Vatican solutes rule out any Irrtrnodiaisdtanta in Roman Catholic doctrine those areas Visits Portugal LISBON IAEPI Plinto Philip will represent Britain It celebrations marking the 000th anniversary at tho sicnlnp oi huropos oldest tresly between in land and Portugal it was Im accd hcro Thursday The Srlneo will stay in Portugal une Signed In 1373 to treaty linclup Purlunai with IDrxisnd ainst lrsnto and Castillo In too Years War Alll SAPIIGUAIIDEID VATIDAN CITY lAT Tho lVotican has Installed sophla ticatcu slsrm daviecs to rotecl ila thousands at Irt war and Invent vandalism such as the Ittcrinn at Michelangelos Plots lsst hlsy The system In seiudcs clossdcircuit iV lsser beams and microwaves Reporter Freed WASHINGTON AP On the orders at Justina William Dulxiss unsortcr William Farr was lrcod Irwn toll on his own mopIrIIInco Ilrtndny while Ippcals cont tor story sbostl sou trlsl Doualas said ho was Ircclsra Fan in tho interest ol iustico since he had ralscrl an Intro and covered by past decist ol the Supreme Oourt larr so had been In uil til conviction im hisn lilmilill Ont ICPI 111d operator DI motor vehicle we oarutes the solely problem so srdln other on the road but blinded vhsn It comes to himsolll provincial Judls An 1on Falzotts sold Thruway the old Idsre It couldnt happen to me has narcr been hm litItdIrl Soviet luster mold Barium said Thanday the Vietnam war is loihl littio by Little Inward Its end and that bolls sides want poului solution Bmhaev In his vim Vietnam to In Isn IliliIPTW President looms east to arriv barI Ior two or want lath ill said the current peace talks In Paris showed Out the two sides wanted to end the star by poaeetul means Stresses French dilWWA leaanob art mm lsOil Eu devoted his Irrellnaal needs in tho Cannons Thinallay to an upset lor rewrrdlion and un derstandlnl ol the aecds ol Mndrepeshtns maps outside Quebec are to be promoted to senior gment position he uld should selected lmm non00M residents as well as now In mam Elt Witt POKind ston and the Iaiandsl beenno thalinst warren to deliver speeds in the mad Cosrsnoaa and the llrst woman Con umliva to do In since Ellen Raincloud tell the Cannons in the toss steam Man Commiiled KIRKLAND LAKE ml oi Kirk land Lnlos was cosnmhted Ior weiIminsay hearth tal master medium is thde with the November bratisu death at dunes srrdth niso at Lake Iir Smith died Nov 25 11 days Iltrr bola lrdroa to hospital In MM Leasing Decision 101mm with bill tttbmai lAiIi datidI helm titomdolthomonlhuhotherto ruvuko or susoend tho llcoaoo at Our Rosin 11d new are Inn liIDthl hearth modsy that the sorrow should be able to retain Its licence and porarv operand rates is slower RUIWUN at One licence maid bo tnderlvo justice said lawyer Smith lie said otrLy tour cmplmea oi the company were IilllDitN when ulomelcrs at 120 used can um miiod bsolt total at to million miles bolero beta sokl to risoer to he Receives Estate KiiDiIlAEii Oat DP ntvycanold uoman It urvsd or or years Is lot Waleou man More he died lcavin In estate at about lo so ursdry mind In esti matod limo in In Ontuto Da promo cunt settlement Alice Roth was Iran was to tall at tho ml demo at Mustard John llcartcb in Waterloo III lied 0t Il 1770 at the age or us without leaving uIItl sill Seals Controls Toronto csniessinp ccmpsa lanycr lor mosCanada WWIIWIN his appearance Mr nvduu OpinionWm Lion ol the lms olltce It ark Ualverdtya Oleadm Gol len cm ended mod nlsdt Ills tlairemb David Salt weed In that pmtnoial dad Id mm be roleasd Inbethcr or not mumsky ltl tioa lea IrI paid But soother matIon It the main York esrrws continued sulcnla thud urrut the slum oil to endorse their stand thst the pminclsi oummeat ms dnd new trams in tuition tees and In the Irma ol limo Asthmauntme Ilter Matias Dn Slater unused had better mat the Ontario sa in no ytotra student the talents wants unites wrist coa Melitth now es unless they paid the hi InstIlmtnt at their it um lees Sana sttdeals It Glenda and Ontario limitless not to Illboid their winter tees lot It taut lotus period to heck their demeda to the provinciti mmmea Dr Walnutv not sold provincial comment di rectlm muirul tho Devlin be withheld until tors are paid But Dr Sam sold Iclr Nnlle minith pl tol lcxes uaiwducs had taken loomipetm dltlemal and now was at that the ItuderA Iid chew could b0 handed art without rumba m1 dumpr or Irmne disto payment oi lets me wIs no imitation how km Ilsa to Imde amming the mm chmm retitled IinuI their protest ilctor To Direct WWII CPI Mid diroctor Tony Van Brldrc who has at the Strstlord Festival since IN will be most dimlor at News The errvoat the nest lion at tho Gisdcl ihcslro Ills howl In Iluirsdsy by Joe ram are ultra pmdum Iho eariitr an maxed the trial at Scan Mul csby as artistic dirodor TANDQL mt ID Abdul to University at Western 0n tario students occupied the nualstralion lees attic Tharp day night to protest the uaiven sllys withholding lpayment secondterm Onll to Student Assistanco Protram cheques pending payment ol term lees The students said the in la occupy the oliice unt ands when Premier William but is expected to address the tins session at an Ontario Pro es slva Conservative Campus so cisllon eunicrcncs at the aaI rrrsltj st cats were bola allowed to enter and lens the buildina without restriction secone Sendmg Vaccrne OTTAWA OP Production at voodoo to comb the Inn don atroin at It virus to under my the health imam said umiiod rattan tlties of tho vaccine being pro ducod In slanrcsl Ire expected to be Ivsilshe labels or three Itch In Hamilton In hit two up schools About ooo as darts um absent mutiny It Sbmood secondary attract out ol an eminent ms At Westmourt secondary school about 20 students and eight mm were absent miAWA or no lives Indians In Northern Ontario are threatmod by mercury pollution but all the Ontario usvomnmt door is urns people to list lor Ala John ii Iield lLKcnorr Itniny Iilrerl said in the Corn mas timothy hir ltetd epesltiny duran the debate on the speeds torn tho throne said the diet at Indians In Northern Ontario Nuisu tarsoiy ol Ilbli contaminated by mettury lie raid that uhm the Indians appeal to the provincial rovem mutt lor help Iii the are told Is that women ol ch Irina are should not eat llsh because it mlpht muss damage to chil dren hIIny oi the Indium booauss More Iictive Role UIIAWA Gl The on ad wadIncl up 15 ymrs ego to help Ihe arts and Memes said Tinade It will aka me who role In Itsptxlen Lbs htnnmitles and social adm oounrli said In its Maui tabled In Padiurnmt that tho lullst routsIa rants ol subsidies int was in the arts and this year it will turn ita attention to the other iields it append DDII DEE max wens bee It the height ol tho seasonin May or al poverty ham no alternative Junolays Irom 1300 to Lose scurroolloodntr licld said cm In at hairs lio append to tho indicts al silsuhe Baurps bleak mouse Bind In ilspaneo In lllh Century Decor Lleensad uncle Liquor License It liars to Ill to ll mdsy pm to said rhl Open News NIL to use pm Business Mens Lunchaon ta noonto sso pm For autumn IIrtl thou lor Itrsrnalioru lid Collier El Monro CPI Under tath ta Ontario want the provv late to more Darrel homes as icl llnl Id unUrersIty oi lea Increase by the provincial 3100 studcats at Western who hold until released by tho slu Indian Lives lire Threatened By Mercury Pollution Says NIP Students at Western In part In an Ontsriowide student strike which students In withholding secoadtcrm tees to protest government Ilowerer only about so oi the Ire Mulred to Da secondlent lees hId deposit mondterm lee chm In special but account The moacy is to be dent WIL lloborl Stillemsn students council resident said Ihuw day tho act oi sludmt psrtlni patisn IM because the univer sity rehned to release student aid cheques sin ti rtsrmt to assist the Indians the light or rodross ol their zrlovantvss Mr Reid criticised tho pro virsdei Ind lcdcroi overnmenls tor muslin wpIntI stand ants oarwcrninx the dancer ictel oi mercury In lbh Irrui to matters in the House Ited nested that ths chairman ol hasnmtsry cormnltlccs sissu beans ha nod rdsan as the Speaker at the lotus hyaufro NEW lN TOWN Inddonrlmow whlchwoytatwn calls it mass at atlas Youll be glad you did UniverSItyOINeslernStudenls Occupy Administration Ofces CI Mhumhm 0A DISOOUNI BOMBSHELL 11115 WANT un DECRO WALL the 279 Panels ll sq It 03 sax sumo oNu par Pkp PKG 71 mean roosrssytt OISCOUNI IriIILr soussultt aunrmrrss LAST QUANTITIES LAST BOXEIIWSHORTS 233 0N EALE SATURDAY ONLY IIOSTESS POTATO HIPS ID 53 on sans sasunnair on DISCOUNI somssttstt IlIIlLE QUANTITIES ansr SALTF RE gluten SPREAD 177 and snow Par illLb Bap ON SALE SATURDAY ONLY Vlssrsh ntscounr sonnsutu Isnvi OISCOUML squssurtr auANrrrrss use sonaranst TRASH CANS to ll Capacity 1088 EIclt ON SALE SATURDAY ONLY QUANTITIES LAST LAMPS Usehsl la tIeIDednom or mm 299 ON SALE IATUIIDAY ONLY VmSCOUN lliIILE QUANTITIES LAST somasnstt MENS FLANNELETIE Pvrnntns 623144 ON SALE SATURDAY ONLY DAYTle ATRESTN an