smcos NATURE sorts Snowy Drill Spotted North OI Barrie me In usullal brd or otditme unite to blnim such as the Snowy is IblmtI hero in the Izmir this oi rbone mill platted Upon reathlas so area north at Barrio win Snowy oIi had hren repoml durinl the ravicul Irtr didnt uh land to In the bird The Snowy oil it an unmistakable bird and id caiiiialtoa ts airport always lastsnianeour old male Snowy owia usual havo my little ii any dark markings on their othrise im mxuloto phrase In icrnzie birds are otll well milled with bars at brrmt or blark on the back and under pam and are noticedy iIrsar than the mats The Arctic SHW had an inter ettiaz his history which has laar dam may menu at natur II history it has been worded lhIt lhrlr mile winter wanderings coincide with the population dra plungod traipllhs loot into the water to storm with tine large lh Detox bird oi the Arctic the Snow Iltbousit tioo Idraed to set pattern oi hie has iearnod lo be vrmtiie shra boat it Eta that out cant see trsit drain the to Al though some Wis are primarily nocturnal the Snowy owl and isnt owl oi the tar north are larvaI to hint during the Iilht oi dsy to rurvlvs it will probnhly bo moral years beiore bod Snowy ml night cornea down hurt the Arr tic bu let loothde utkuol appear every ter or up hirden buoy Ind pbmes tied up Training Program iicquaintp Iirmy With Civil Orders mammalL so too The men oi Canadian Forces nm thnait are ready to deal with civil II wall as mill emerseaciu alter iii tmeeir entree completed no men said so crnt Idl es in Canada tuudot the armed intros Ibota the necessity It be pre pared or civilian men II opposed to traiionwd antaTO state the crisis in mo broustn home the lad that we had somehow torsoten tn the out two or titsco years that my soldier hill to ho pro pIrId to ramp into the trenches and cloud at mo merda Miceem cook hialor llomiord Ilrid The menbu sailors and It soldierswere tautnt crowd control techniques how to trnuo tiring orders how to da lrr doatruettva devioea how to tire pistols titles and gas grenades and were elven tn Ilnrotlon in ruins the gun uhich tire either not or rubber built that will Ilun but not seriotuly harm rl dirt lrd proerm can otleot at onmd lorcea ham arrest the country with tho orlcinoi Ionian lorco at FA nulmalt hetnu augmented every three monthl when so more ntoko the courro Iiilll ory dlteipline ll useful in controlling rlotr Motor listnlord said with the mm trained in use not the mini rrrarn amount at ores arres sarv The eorrInalvicrs oi riot oorirol toms have the ri to order their troops to ho roll but there are solely devices built to For example it tom mznder low man in crowd Itth hlI wIIpan cocked hed order two or Muminrm We never articl one man and we cell them by numbers not norm Aitrr any incident inrollln Ihotillll all llrrd Iheiil woo bo pitted un Ind the com mander would be Mimi to es Iin why he ordered the It italor liamlorrl laid PACED lMZIid nto cllrnax to the first troinlns program on It holsr exercise with the train rra scion on ounly lame made up at other soldiers and sailors Sorno oi the riotcra inilt trsted tho bore while others more ushch in by training umpires to motto Ium tho tralnm were laced with riot situotlona Some al the trainees tiled in pan the line exarrllnotion Even though the irnew It was on erereiyt In the disli drnta ere tailors from tho liect sdlooi one or two ot them bananas ernottomliy involved llaior liorniord laid Winn they had beer can tires no other missile hurled at them they worded to hit back Some people are iltto thtsondthotkhtdoirlryhas to bo quickly cried out The training exersite wasnt without Ils lniahapkthe wln am at an admirats home were blown out tic wasnt Wt hm about that sold aiolor llomlord New Control For Epileptics Pound By Pioneering Doctor 5T4 wUl iAIl phy Iidnn uho pioneered turgieni tethntquaa to relieve Iuiierm oi lorktnaena titsrnlo In the tutu hat rrpartoi on now tech nlquea tn roverse or temper rnnrllc poroiyrlr and to tvntrel cullmlk Ialwres llr Irlins it Cooper proton or at monreh at New York Moll icui College told to the new IIE voiopments at the lath onnuot nonilrrnco oi the American Itrodem tor Cerebral loirf its so dentcom tedtn rm Vcaiied cryopulvlneetorrly hsen mod to destroy tome oi tho deep brain calls that control body movements ilo sold the procedure is useiut especially in the care oi spastic pore ysis coined by carobrai poily Itraitol or other brain armour in the procedure small hole is bored into the pnilrnta Ihull Ind Ilenrier tube containing nlraoon is inserted into the tar go area at the brain The nitro gen cools tho tip at tho tubs to tomprroturrs as low or too de or below zero rentlnrodo Tho extreme will will destroy thrdollcntinz hroio coiia Cooper Ia Tho qrorotion hat worked on about hall at the 70 potionls on whom it was tried at St Burno bas Hospital in New York dur in tho not two yrarI and the Neely has had no sppturot Iido oiirda and there have been no aurolcol tatatltles he sold The operation could be our crastul only it the mderiyln mmhoniams tor moveprent re main he said The extent at improvsmort lrom apatite parai sis varies lrnm one to case in some com ttI 100 per amt Cooper said in an interview The extent to uldoh it II prnrtlcoily applicabio to prro torm this procedure will require yrars at additional research but tho ciinlcol and sclentilie tmpilcollone oro profound Cooper also on the developmon at surgical method dirottlnc amati oisctrv lost current into the lower brain cerebellum which modifies eur rrnl into the cerebral cortex the upper portion oi the brain Ilo sold the ocodure is par iiruiariy umth treatinl pa tients with epileptic leisures ploc surgically next to the an terior lobo oi the certbeihun end an elodrleol torrent trorn Imoli pocket generator enables tho patient to control involun tary movements lha practical cellars oi thlr tachnoiory clrary point to the patients ability to control Illa own involuntary motor movements when he get the need Cooper said liotJatd on electric lermlnol ts INTRODUCTORY SPECIA FAMOUS PEOUDT lst ountn NOIRON SHEETS 8t CASES Twin Flat SPECIAL Queen Fiat SPECIAL or Fitted Fltt IIIIII 5898I twtll Ba 549 soactnt Double Flat or Fitted Will Be 598 pair We Ira introducing them Iiili quality tloral riroele durian our Grunt January Whito Solo at rpectal introductory prim Hurry in and stock upi Tira talrrie Is nolrorr blonri at 50 Kodvi polyottor aml cotton in rrrullilcnlollr iioral print on wlulu mound Dnnl ruin out on there lpIICIllI low nthoil Ist OUALITY ESMOND SOUTHWIND BLANKETS any Fortlol blankets 16 nylon reiniolroti 04298 12PRICEMOROANJOIIES CAROUSEL BEDSPREADS FIlMOUSMAltER1stOUIlLlTY GUILTED BEDSPREADS our ltail1488 i018 SPECIAL 549 each Pillow Caeaa IWlil 36399 Popular throw atyln herlrpronrla lnn vnrlolv oi decorative prints cllooau irorn twin or dou Illa burl Ilwa CHIP FOAM PILLOWS Spoolat Purchase Nonlsllor onto pillows with attractive tiolal licklnud ostloriounno orbolil on CORDUROY PILLOW COVERS Converts trod pillow Into lounpu cuthlan M1 socondll Zippered covorr are available in LINEN DEPARTMENT ornnno rod uolrl green or purpln Sa vette lllllllllllll HIIWIINIIIIINIX lnlnullllhul ltililtiiltllittltltiiiliilli lilistiiltilll umttlllsills lilitliitt1iiiii lliSlitllittltitilttlltll lillililllttliiilliilMlll rililliiiitttililli itUMSllllllliiiitlllllliSDt