orkers steer Proposals Clone Vote AIA tam gust gus nIgetiIttII method March Wollst Wilda The Suite Poll Dillons 51 clerks Ind curlers urn not tIr out oi step tieedsy with tbs Nstioosl rote shun the split onkcs rgl tn eilber rmtvor re prams II lions bugslaing committee so trd It cn Ville voted tmred otimcdldascs In bIrgIhing written in in basic ndnoiii In the seedlistloe re relecting tbo ingsining eons mittess propouls oi the local post otilco csrrirs cm hnllots Ind the vote shorted slight msIerIiy noted leIecept the bIrgIIn lng committees properls Examiner NesMer Than 12 Per CopyCsrrier Home Dellnry WI Paolo emu onmso Cond9 nanny mm It rm TAKEOVERS new IS EXPECTED orrswt i0 Win Minister Ainsqu Gillespie laid doors semerbst tougher pol icy Wnbesdsy when be dis cloud that the mount will brtnginsneverslendsbili Introduced lest ycsr to screen iorelgn takeorers oi Cmadian budmssel lie to the Nurse oi Conr mons the sednitui leslslstim will propose new two at meeting new unch sen Ior otiktnl who will report directly to the minittrr The bill which died It dis solution Inst iIIi Iiter being It lsaed by both Conservatives Ind New Dermats wwlri have mired investors to tile plans with rrglstrsr lathe in why deputment iir GIiIc Ie raid the luv hill would be to owed by regulation at new inrelsn lmestmcrt to co operstieo with the provinces and by Imposition oi licence re Iridium or translate oi tech its speed iron he that Jim Dteicobehtr mm by all marshrs then he rose tor his tint ImusI address or the new Psrlismeot mauled In New Dammit Put mix David int mic his decision In sewed the this nerlty tribesi gorermt until It has than in bring ten turd Its Wilts program Hr Dielectric said tb hJP stnod was made It strtemnlits stay but tbs prtme muster three It verb bond by declarng Moods that the government use would decide Ibids votes Hi Is tests oi mil1m The term prime minut Ir Ibsen bnmaquod Mimi vss Ilbnd by mm to continue well out the 30minute time limit closed by prwesiag Emilia price camels to stern ital ALASIAIR GILTHP AW cm came toy topic oi the day mrpsnies to be CsaIdiIns nology into CIaIdA nsdlms rstsed lint In aeration period sod lsier try nib Firth litetLr elected Is New Demo SLEIGH rowanI lllr lensie aid the govern John sum as dart socially inugtrtldtili mumrm aid nut However Sirics rentted to ye uphill 11M Killing WI the interest at cs demoed lhst llllll counts be raised Hunts lswyers theta enered guiltypies on all six counts The prosetution des Wednesdsy vln altered um Egn oi upteem stsinsi the tile party rnmcnt lawyers said the NewOrleans Police Not Sure Sniper Ilctedlllone In Shooting NEW ORLEANS AP AIIlt thornles tectued today on key quutiunt Did 1an Essen notches when he enteredI downtown betel Itd lulled gun tln on guests polka Ind pus why his duties died Ind 11 were lnhned in the shooting tart Sun dx It the mom lintva liotet Pobn item homing be tiled user threshold irvm asserts itIn Is he 11 MIMI roll the betel root But polled werenvi ntre whethermt least one Iddluenni miller moped HIMI some evidence oi mines by other Germ 0m DAMON AP com ntsnder she billed It bumble North Vietnsnt otter his in rnlssion slid todls he saluted becausefthe goats do not in mass destnictlcn Ind was notrpocltieslly the oi oi the North said Cept mm met to at Ehrds Vim Csiii In In inter Vic There II we suitor luh South Woman to errant Idlsoontlatillllon oi the no Barrie Iron Is expected to get lots ot snow in tho but do but the daily ehons still have to be done Ind some people have to chin go their mode at irlnsportlb tion The heavy snonisll does nt on Mrs Torry Stalin tram doing her newbies Ind Ilse Iling slong her two children bins and Todd Ihom sin is pulling in sleigh behind her Nixon Morse Abolishes it TWtsgePrioe Controls matronton in mix on in mm chlilillsii ruin II Ind 3an teat to overan eco uonnnnuurtsn ration we ordered Iolt clsls ei President ens reelection cunpnl com njrtccmlgd ageing De wlrcte us it moors oiilccs In the Walergote bulldi Inge hers well Is Attempts to we en the headqusrters oi Sen orGcer McGovern libel psrtys prudential undi ae bed obtuintd the hotel registry and were chenan guests rats lagtbe question whether Essex inigh brvs hid someone with him who hsd taken room It the hotel The eetnnn also nid nothing hanged rims Glar susso declared Ncsdny thst he wont Istisiled there was Ill cemectlon between ping and tho Sued momius shooting oi New Oresru KW ccr Arnolico mace close in the investigation had said that the groccr Ml shot by someone who tested the victim might Identity him Istbo slayer oi pelieemnn on New Ycnr Eve the some person rmo shot the ihe IIIIprlse noroisr more sweeping thsn bid been ox pottedcum Is Ntson asked Orugrcss ior oneyenr exten sion et his Iutnorlty to control inges and prices president Ibetlshcd the on board sad the price com mission but retained the cost at livlngv council to manage his Phase economic syretm The new progrsm which in mediately rcplnccs the Phase system established in Novem ber ml is selladministering Ind based on voluntary corn pilsncc the white Item nld No longer will lsrge bust hesses Ind lhbor unions hnvn Io ei prior government Ipprovsl for was or prch lncrenxesex sweet the source sold drove stolen on to the hotel end he grn the striping After the ceueiire tor Christmas the musive bomb Irdmcnts resumed and do Wind had to this the KiopI reached the decision Bee in Ind VIthme win com er rand lniorrhcd hlnt oi my decision its revised me te refituligsl Isslrtusoe list simmer oi Pres Idcdt Nixons Quaker Ilrns mn terrlihittlet an could not tweyerrslnnsnl Iryprtsontt court mirth convIoLs him oi slim to obey genernl order mt gimmlglthkthst enter the war he said Pm mmmtodalern nsvpresldurt also continued mandatory controls ercr con struction Inge Increases and laid the present voluntary ei tort to keep interest rates dam will sin In ciicct But or these Industries and unions lrccd today iron in Bombs Wreck In New Wave MAST lAPt liomhe wrecked Roman Catholic solid during the Onlstnm Ind yeercnd hohdoys dondcrry Mayor Drinks OWEN WUND Ont GP Muor Robert ltuthcriorrl had double scotch and wa ter at Eddie Sargents lllack Klimt lounge in the Down twmr llotcl Wednesday the ilrst legal oventbebar sale in the clty In 01 vents The lounge Is the Iirst to open in this city oi 19000 sloce reside voted wet in plebiscite Ilst llin ll iir Sargent beral mem bet oi the Ontario legislature he began thinking about note rtldpetlon In the war as Isr lsst September when he returned iot third its tour In Vietnam llo now his test mlsslen en Christmas Ere Igninst the llsnolllntpbocg Ircs llock said he has applied ior nencorrbet status eon setcntlotu objector hitermhlle he is mined to Idrnlnisirstlvo duties It his base In southrrn ThIliertd while undergoing ln vestigntion to determine lithhclther he will be brought to IIotk wu Bled about the bindery ates smother fut us 352 continuum sass Bombing Does Not Justify mm lso areas were hit in the Hanoi who want to bomb civilians In Ind Haiphong regions Anytime you bomb on lb mssstie scale we did up there theres botayd to bo bombs oti tar ct no question about it be rooted dont think we in tentlortally targeted clvltlnn tur gcts but they Inorttnbly he come unlatcntlonsl targets that are goan Io be hil tino possibility oi going uIi target is nunoeutrlng to droid stoiacetoalr missiles There err also ccrisln lnhcrcnl errors in any bombing equipment You cant be exactly Iccmtc ilcck said he was disturbed by mrpliouotsb iovr Asia rls llie rightto the present system oi looser blasttd Bellas city mdm Ind chapel In county Aniiim Thurs day as vlolcnoe returned to Northern inland nllcr briri Esrllcr rIniIn broke wt Isl Roman CathoLc district oi too suitcase packed with as pounds oi explosives wrecked radio shop In the centre oi Bel iast bus tbcro vim no Injuries in tithiltllildloh to Iorcs bsck unreasonable Incremi Nixon said In message to Congress that his goal is torn duce the ination rate to so per cent or loss by the curd oi tors llo said his My use unreprlco item and his Pbsss mandatory controls htd cut the ination rate by nearly hailto about per cent Bellast Chapel Oi Terrorism No nunked guerrillas rare pod liveminute warning when they planch the bond Sunwudng buildings were damtd bomb wrodtcd thspcl It Crchiily Candy Antrim and shattered valuable stained glass window crowd oi ours Illnditd British troops londondcrry with rocks and bottles nitrr sole diets made three mats in the Greggsn ores until lsrt sum mer stronghold oi the Irish Republican Army tutti Ill First Bar In 67 Years Ilt Owen Sound inr Grtydlrtxc constricted thcn rejected the Idea oi cell lstu his new pub tho Sargent AtArml Thu amboyant Sargent Ito brr tossed out oi tho Icgisils lure three times In the lost low years by tho Spotter tor prolrslla government actions too vigorously Hush time the smiling one gent was cscotttd irorn the chsmher by the legislatures srrgeentatumns In tho throne spch last week villi Quin tbc malority hi rectors In tedcrItLydncerporsled Gas Imports Increase Seen WASHth lut Ilse ebainnn at the US Federal Pom mmnlssion predicted texin steadily Increasing oil unnatural gIs uworis horn shared proriuc John Nsssiius an inuential sdescr told the serrate unmitith no oil Ind tax that more domcsic on carol lmnire more dammit pnm pages leies Ind Tblpprnlul oi ted cni envlrenrncntsi standouts All suds dmrlmtts would bring opposition irom one or rm groups In the US who tredltseonii cast wety eye on concession to Amican Del producing industries Nessilrss said gas irorn Cam Idas Arctic Islands will be es Illy upmshn had diiilcult to titlan to the insistent other isctors likely to inhibit gas Inputs trom Genesis Nss slkn rsld tachsdo Cartesian needs the rate ai dlscovory at now mencs htltl ca tel ro wimmctIS tor the pipe More Chlorination Thombury Water iiIORMBURY Ont lnuonbd chlorination oi the town water system to climb nstc poihfIm caused human music has been out by the prvrlnctsl mntttry oi the curb remnan end the GreyAOwen Sound beniih department Residents oi this tone is miles east at 0w sound were ordered Moth to dtturlnnto or boil their drinking water be on mumption due to im Irdous pollution lucl In the Sender ltirer iown stmcrinernlcnt Tcr rsncn Juckrnnn said Vodncsdnv tho Increased chiotnatim will continue well the province is sues other lrutructloos lvo been tribes them for cars that tho limiter River is It pd pollillort but notion lLr tcned saier Jurtm it takes something like ink to get action domch Crombie Promises Garbage Review urmsms on cc blsyor David tumble uI To ronio has promised he will seek ersl yell sitar rstshllshment sue oiprlmn mm to gt oi screeoiax Isenrr sot the government starts serr tied lating new Investment item out side Csnndn xterm teams contorted their search losing or am victims til sets at sci isms rly We Ictsnd nld at least one persons were iniuml but me death toll was expected to rise niterrwen and raged tor is to so mlmster looting is its write path oi destruction 00 yards wide across the city at 60000 trlclty um cut oil Ind hensy rein ielinwcd the tornado Res cue Irsrns had tohring In men femy gmcrtnors and ood impetusy memo Me It men women Ind children were North Vtgmnm review oi Metropolitan To OrIo man made the siste mcnt that he wanted to hit clvii lIn targets in the North because it nude him iecl good to hurt thorn llcct said 1bats to quote But this is not typical bloat winners dont like what toy are doing but they lullorv orders spokesman tor the Strategic Air Ccrrumndin Osmhu Nob inld Iiock In tho iirnt Ind only its crew member to taco charge pi alleged Isli use to obc In order to which could send 00000 ions at garbage Ind 100000 tons oi sew nuley during the next it yesrs tons year rontos discussions wrth GP llaii Igesludge into this sres on to million CF Railpro pesIl would transport the car base by train to yetuneie closed rural landll sits in Minlo Township mile or so lrom this town oi rsao is miles north oi Kitchener llis garbage would only he irnctlon oi To ronlon more lhsn one million The townshipls one oi sir mco considers iereign own Nerthsrest Iari liiahlng his first seems lie InId Inter It could be Ipeecb his rth slid the entinthe rrship key Issue Ind will not letter be rttslred In dcsing with it heterolirsmrtheremmhs minim he will hm Ill 1hr ministers speech ms the the lions to mIIor government address Iconnmuh Inert the dry as debuts missed on unitr 191 Amenca Chasm howlcd mum tephsesthstomodnmvint stmmilensnlwrnonutn we sncptdawnsmslnurme sndiltnsgthreughthowilein downtown boteL In South SAN Slum Argentina rm Win bodies had been cent oi one and WW mi gami wens arm or cm ISOLATED Sun Me groin belt tit 00 miles north oi Sm Atres IM Isolstcd from the sen of this cotmtry ier nearly two The San min Hotel was among the buildian blt hsrd Wm blues and cars trsnsiemd the more seriously Iniumi to Santa Fr so so Mm In BERGEN none and the destroyed IreI um plncnd unde military cm 1bo twister struck Wednesdss mnnnicmlons and elec mm Polite ltch become and on the tloo ndcr hinn sis trot CAPSULE NEWS Iranian Iirmy Executes Guerrillas TEIIRAN SwimAn Iranian Irov tiring round today ex ctuttd two guerrillns convicted by milllsry nuts on charge nnudcr robots sad mum Nachos government spokesman In Mon Caught Illter Slipping Ila Ice vmnwo Ont CPIThree Kitchener marque oi when worn caught while sit Inland sliding on ice Iticr variety store hot Dec indslmTithdncsday de my mm My in Murder Suspect Io Appeal Case fronom CllKnrieten Armstrong muted In Wisconsin on charges oi minder Indnon will worst to the Simon Court oi Canada wltrins week In hisilght to avoid exirnditivns lawyer amnrdncnepnnsnld Wednesday Britain Foreign Trade In Red LONDON tAIlJlrltdlnl iorelm trade Ins In the rod in December to the tune at me millionth ndlllont Ihedrvnrtk mcnt ni tmde announced Wednesday but the dcilclt lwu partially oitsct by eamlnssbvm baaidog lmnenco shipping Ind other Lnrlslble experts Quebec No Longer II Kepi Women rmmsorrouou 0rd CPIOuch Lt no longer the kept Ionian oi Cannon Ind words sncvf identity Im oi theoldp lashloncd printridden French Canada Fsrtl Quebeer leader nenevuvrseuo said Wehccdny plain Boy Mauled By Itgerln Australia PEitlll Austuils titsuterlA tiger misled lisesrvold boy watching tclly stunt hers today The boy ilughlc Style be can to enrol bundle oi to while the tiger ruet being llmsoed to netting sis The titer nerd It the tape knock llushio to thogrmsclnndbrgnnmatdingblm Prices And Incomes Controls Working wNDON Cikliritsins stsilnoryprtcet Ind incense cor trots disliked by labor Unions and In aggravation tn Inlustrtlt comht sden in Southeast isllwsy sitss being considered by the Indus have Idrleved noeeblo in checking lnliottan in sun the out cutest meres17 report