Redskinsi Most uctblef Talks Scheduled won Finley Its Blue litter linother Raine mm 1A Vld irinleyt made rtnlm Blue Iho IIer termite Ilter the int plryetirlhnt rIlrry dlrputI tut reason with en deune rrhr tor Oakland Athletic owner Dinnshiw rem rotate hlrple Lent IhllIInhod vrxgoldu rem Mon tucx retro tltl oiTurvn Hulda Serb during Nntmal NIw Yoeklrinnderevlthrrlln Ilium tohlrptelneirhoiaeote lloeki antlth mam tttatoy no mqmdamm5u pt gt hlntneeley It oi Colderalto it er at Mt Bert ibnhnt ill The W1 won 041 it Photo where you In thrt drain World room mum ottldrlr mm on wtdhxi elg thdr dirrnrr tutIr Iran Mellowsent it were MW oomkt em the wutrro til lived led 10 period mm Ieeendr Inter lorrert belt Eh Join kl one It ll Drierlrhotriam Mm in the Iwmdmnrrtod ottheovtioi ole WIIny at the airliner KM tram utyrnerethetlrltoll Valvular thrnltl Mikita Moves into Second titI pointr on one Ml to two it line Ierder Phil Buim Thetieadert Ito with Writiiul mire nmmlt nut um Phr 2=u3=gsusxm usuuuauBBSgt By 1111 CANADIAN PRESS Oentre$tro Nikitr oi Chime BlICk Mk III In an en the tire orlr thI llnltr Ieored in their Ito ever Berlin Bruin in mieer May The Irrirtr boosted hlr Ierron lotrl Int behind the NI Lerzue Irortnx erito oi Borion 38385521288 Infill ASSOCIATED mus eel the new Orerr lion Irtron ol Altiwruhe lineb Ltrelus Allen in dliIIeoIt relehrIid kAh ell In cut ma er sundry Iiler ltohertZoo hurt ntmrell In the tint quarter ot National Butetbatt Aaroelotlon not Alietlth rm lwltlot to dulf em mom Jrth Ind the Inner centre rented 51 polotr in Int 352 men over LoI AnreieI ha roIdI Ivme ntlrtokrII eooplI Iboir rhould hrro rnrdernd couple or bed purer hut iortunrtrty we not the break It the end to win It raid Allen In the other Benton Oeiliu eluted with more BuiltII nose Chlerro null reutnd Buttrlo urnveo no IL Cleveland Crtrllm trimmed Houston Rockets Iii Vi Detroit Piston deteoted Portlrnd lrrll lluen iWN Ind liirdelphln rom rtopped SISrim Stlbelrshonic I1 lu Iy tr room were New York Kitten lie Houston Imer atndny urrelaod loo tnr Anxelrr Atirnlr lIleI lit Detroit llt lulwrukee no Buttrio to Golden Strle Ian III Philadeinhh too and Phoenix sun ltn KranI CityOmar Kiou it on Is Nongplciymaket In Bucks Win Over LA end in help Derelrnd hrit ltottrlon comeback Detroit luhlonrd Itr victory Ir Bob unler rooted lr pelntr In the mood hilt Fred Pam rank two tree lhmsrgriltlh Md deler broke oDlIyerhte lotto rtrrrh Iilh It into Sum ry ever Charles Finley uld hI Itii out Another rrlse is not rotor to be the context one heI loin to lilo In telephone lnterttew Sat urdey lrom hir lirnrtirld Ll home the wizpr pitcher told he Ienld meet Finley Iitnin lee nets in Chierro to likens hiI contract Blue the m1 Mott Vriuahle Player rad Qt Younr Awrrd Iinner um Iont be new tinting It 0000 Alter too noidout Inst one he ried lnr tworted mono rubrtrntlkreltiy Irrr than tor two rer Ions Blue raid Pint he Silentsutollm rhould let one verynne on the turn Intuit get also beeruse we won the It rhamptonrhin II term Blue raid he Ionid do hit our nrrotlrtlonr thin neroo Anreier lawyer Robert Gent remarried Blue in Int Ml nentrtlons it he Ir not 51an uh cuhr Arirortr rprtn it it Blue told Im home Ill reeord In to tilt not to 10 last trunk Blue made rtrou acute ermp wnlnhutinn Enid tor the Athletl roitrcAsrt HEAVY SNOW plus SUNNY DAYS equals Goonsxllttottttrtn ADDS To DEFENCE Along with hlr outstanding piaytnrkine Allen Iiao reeled 20 points Moron opened iSnolnt lead over mirtrirrpronn Baltimore in tho tirrl under and went on to wet the ullotr behind John Ilrvllrehrn pointr gt Th Bldlel rommtttrd ll turnoverI tn the first anrtrr In tho ulttrr tool Mr trad non into Chet Weller Ind Itd llerrd grinned tor at power en to over to Iddirtl Bulirio harry Clemens out two tree throtvr In tho It men rec romeo Line Picks lip 14 aior Generols 1503 WIN ANUTitER DURHAM Nil AP lie touring centrosIeVItlon nI tlottrl term reored three gorlr in to mt period Srlurttny hitht two oi thorn on power ilyl to peel to hndey rte over Nellhrrqrtu Jnn ty and litter Norm mod on we power pin red Alexnm der When not the third on brerltrw in the closing rob mil oi no period Jrn Novy added tounh rori enttv In the lion urn in Wharton mam when Morris Titanic Kord pmud three noweeplny oIr on Mr LA Open Wort vision network Ind ooithe frendt rodonrl oIiwork In Rom withoutmu with um otiielr granted It Ion how it III telt thet htrnrrttote vlrlon eeverur mmtwtnter teneterolurer red the net II VI It can blnedtto wt lrlto the expected gt lu nretrme nut neer the WIIA PI erI Amt iorrlttorlee In tho Ilotdry AmnioticI Junior letter Sundwi llwteter tho blunt letter TD winnerr nhilr not dim Wettero nortteoderu tor mmkoh ll derdliledr Sgt MAm mutth Bill Sumoy EM 33 rum mum new olver ooatoenncttttumo The Oooorwir whipped Kildi one Rutgers More Oshntwr lunr relhe line at HOCKEYSCOIIEBOIIBD VIII Divtrlon Chierro llintlerotr AtIIntI moment II it it III ii ll 129 ill ll 11 Till In Lot Aoreler in to 1mm ll 11 ll 61 HI llrlatr Kimono Ilnd RiIek Middleton 9W 1l9 inn It Toronto Bill Iceheod trwII unit of Blake Dun Iop Poul Sword rnu DIvtd Let rental to points in unto ovrr lvrnoto Marlboro belorl NOW By 13 StrokesH we Artom tAil ltod hinteth who admit to rerun mnelortnl negative thinkinr nailed hi4 wife Smii nitrr the victorytho other in the loot Phoenix opentor Funsolh who liar collected 017000 third round oi the 115000 men Seeond pirre ended In tour EXTRASAVINGS In Snult Ste MrrIo inndon Knlrhtr rrttied horn twoeoel decit to the monotony boiort Lott notvtrtorr Toronto losing onlyltr reoond me on home tee thin reason It or pointr Ottawr II reeond with Aurore than Petethomtutt and to attend oi Union St Calhrrtner has 33 noinll Oohowr Hamilton on Strdnury 2t Kitehener to and Sault Ste Marie 11 DUNLOI SCORES TWICE Denim scored his 36th Itd nth weir otythe moon and lIgdlltd hirm errRt nanom NWo If Im no Mntlt not to or nt trend or the tom lend tN listt mtlgrm may record he hut root rod two om gong to toll and omit WW W4 mint Ind mud lot on tour Iota the it yerr old mouth one threuoo the tmre nine II whom Ind lrded but with 73181 In clot ill Mull allotted Irons to three toalI Ind Mod no In within mirror dittrnre mist while beheld mind or ennweutltu built on the twine and earned three Ireiatr eighth and ninth holes erred Klreelta tied pool Ind tour the that nine lrt routine rrhinn pool Ind ahead 3i and ttnlrlled with rwwndm lute Middleton now ha 55 per to for no totni on the Boolerntnon evmpletrd OIh onIvyInt ntrlerr country Club IWII eeortn ttvlth two zonr rum while Frank PItir Ind in Run rwo lth 0N IDUir zen reviled tor Kitchener it our only the mood rnreer ttttttl of WINTER How weuldlyeulike lo Ipend your helldiyr to runny Ieullt It putt mm with ell renen rIleIi inlmrirdt Rent iuliyqulp pod Comper VIn with rulonttlie trrnrmlr tin rmony Don liter Ans trnlrn Dnttd GthIrn Dave giltno Tom tleltkopr all at titer but ehance or record alone More thrownttlng the tint men dork Ntcttous winner oi 820000 when he tool plIyetot thoyerr honor In mz threo pulled twice on route to ttnal 70 tor zoo Arnold Palmer wosnt tot Ior lie had hit host round Go In tho ntlld otererrl weather oi mutual day and iinlshed vtllit artyyearn Srnl Sand Phll l1 ill i3 ill St Louir It in 111011935 Crllilllnln 100129 in 21 Toronto criiinroin llrnrerr ltttrberrh Detroit lIlattderI Chicrfo Barton littttro Phllrdelphir Minnie timeouvrr Itnnllr Brim hionlrenl it Calltornlr tl lnronlo ol iton In Detroit trim on iitlrhor Vancouver Greene tilnneroir Allen St note line Tenlxht ItilnnerotI It llionlenl Minibike Auntie Open to tournrmmt te rot ltrtrolto load or last ptmthe cur tltrlired Iotteporett Intuit Srndt no heroine thinltn promptly out two bottles ot rmware on Ice Niacin who ha mndo yeor erreer Ir rtmpottinr player to the lite oi Arnold Palmer Jock Nirltllll nod Lee lrevlmo rented roltd nuthod leo lhreertrohe victory Sunday Irt the event that opera ltA month schedule on the pre twr 0N DOWNHILL AND crosseounrttr PACKAGES WHILE STOCK LAsrs WHEN you our SKIS BOOTS ANo BINDINGS you rrcrtvr AN ADDITIONAL l0 REDUCTION oN our EVERYDAY LOW LOW PRICES WE HAVE FEW PAIR OF LAST YEARS SKIS WHICH WE ARE OFFERING AT EXCEPTIONALLY LOW PRICES THESE BLIZZ ARD AND KASTLE SKIS CARRY THE SAME FEATURES AS THIS YEARS MODELS minim even 21 Oineland It to BIlllmoie ozl ottoton nexnlli Sundry roll Itlehmond iretnie lClnltillttl intiinldn Now limetli tierthe lProvldrncot iiii Io yr blwdano undone iterth Barton Iitlelnnooti Providence New linten Springeld Elmer NeIdIy SEKGSE 8333231 tontrrio Ioolor woe to Art Toronto are enema ortmr not emmor moth mum told elhooton iAllidil it Sliu WI Strain 151 in no or Mlnir rt Eneionott lmlll WMd Ottawa 11 notttnao llrrnilton mot ill in to Nutonu Lem Sudhury Humour Errt Division Kitchener ottoman wt stun mutation It It 8957 to to 7511955 Will We lnudonttnuonutunt znllllttionldo1 23 ill III St CrthAriner 11 lit ornde Kttdtener ll 20 12 iii ll 11238125 ill iron literal Toronto IA tlomiltoo ntrerl 1Mortoll ii lluirlo Dgtroil rooto roeottver Ilirodrrr WE HAVE FEW PAIR OF LAST YEARS BOOTS TO CLEAR AT OUR OOST PRICEDAS LOW $3500 FOR THE ULTIMATEIN WARMTH COMFORT AND CON TROL SLIP INTO PAIR OF OUR TECNICA BOOTS PRICED FROM $4000 RACERS THIS IS THE LIGHTEST BOOT ON THE REIAIL MARKET AVAILABLE IN FAerottv FOAM or CUSTOMFOAMI SPORTSWORID WHERE rARKtNo ts EASY to moor HOUSE OF LUNI if khan i973 Ilon rrdle running wrlrr ice box Ind deull with hie llldl Boron SneeloIF RogulorSZSle Now ttrtrtrittcr et nil three Ioeelienr tColitIr st rhonnrosttt BrElletd MIII Phone Hunt IIIRtl Phone 72 If youre Now to TOWN and dont know which way to ruin collmo llWho nunt utontuu Youllbeglao yauid inquire totiry 43 ESSA RD 7266474 56 MULCASTER ST RARRIE