rnnaiion Field Break Would Help Provinces OTTAWA ICP Prcoecupa lion uith pmttiicial prerognv lites in the health field ran like refrain through six days of sittings in noehm Iity nd Montreal of the royal commis sion on health services The argument was at why advanced that the way for the federal government to help the provinces establish neaith msu more programs tuld give them better deal in the taxationfield Then they could finance their own Iililns without federal assistance Big medical organizationsi such as the Quebec fnllege all Physicians and Surgeons andl the Association of lIenrthlain Doctors to maria showed distaste for the idea of Ottawa subsidizing provincial plans through handouts Pressed to say whether they would accept federal contribu tions to autonomous provincial programs as secondbest or the colleges spokesman said yes relIIcv tantly the association said no In sense these organizations reflected the position of the Quebec government which in sists Ottawa has no business in health insurance program The Lasagc government will have nothing to do with the fed erally appointed royal commis sion It became the second fprotinceafter British Colum binnot making submission The 110000 member Confed eration of National Trade Up Ionsas did labor organizations in other provinces came out strongly in favor of national health plan But it too recoglt inired the constitutional prob lems involved and said admin istration should be by the prov inccs The Montreal phase of the hearings produced statements of unusual interest by two doc tors Dr Victor Goldbloom speak ing for the Province of Quebec Medical Association said in nnlt swcring question that his or ganisation wauld cooperate in any program which in its is dam the provincial govern ment might introduce DIFFERS FROM CMA The statement caused mild sensation because the medical association is the Quebec divi sion of the Canadian Medical Association which firmly or poses any program that smacks of compulsion or state control In theonly province where the profession has been directly laced with such planSask atchewanit has refused to co operate Says PC Record Dismal Story PORT ARTHUR ICP Lil eral economist Valtcr Gordon says the record of the Progres sive Conservative government during the last five years is dismal story In an address Saturday night at Liberal convention which chose investment dealer David Morgan 30 to contest the scat held in the last Parliament by Douglas Fisher CCFNDP Mr Gordon top financial spokesman outside the Com mons for the Liberal party made six main points Unemployment has averaged between six and seven per cent of the working force and what these people need and want is jobsnot more talk and promises In the last five years the output of every man woman and child in Canada has de clined very different from the kind of prosperity which has been realized in Western Eu rope Budget deficits have amounted to well over52000 000000 We could not manage our own houses or ouran busi passes in such way Editorial Writer Died Yesterday LONDON API Eileen As emft 47 one of Britains most influential journalists with edi torial control over dozens of womens magazines died Sun day Miss Aseroft fashion writer who rose to power in the maga zine industry was the wife of Hugh Cudlipp joint managing director of the mass circulation Daily Mirror She was editorial director of the iIeetway Press maga zine publishing firm owned by the Daily Mirror Company Cud lipp is chairman of Odharns Press another huge publishing company which The Mirror con trols The cause of Miss Ascrofts death was not given by doctors or relatives PICKET CHURCHES NEW ORLEANS APPSign carrying segregat ion plckets paraded in front of two Roman Catholic Churches Sunday proA testing the integration of Cath olic schools next fall There were no incidents In the last five years we have incurred deficits of over 56000000000 in our transactions with other countries We have settled these huge amounts by selling off our natural resources and by going into debt to for eigncrs The governments attacks on Britain last fall and winter over her intention to join the Ettro pcan Common Market were most so no mistake should be supporting not oppos ing the great new developments taking place in Europe The shameful attempt last summer to make scapegoat of James Coyne for the govern ments mistaken financial and monetary policies kfired against the government The minister of finance should have resigned Mr Gordon also said interest rates are too high and that Ca nadians have lost confidence in the administration of the coun trys financial affairs HOME IMPROVEMENT PROBLEMS GOT YOU ONE CALL DOES IT ALL BRISTOWS of BARRIE 84 Dunlop St PA 86546 SPECIFICATIONS Length 40 ms Depth Width Id Inn 12 Ins Height 33 Inn with Weight DOUBLE TRAY SINGLE TRAY stand 255 lbs $1885 $1385 PLUMBING DEPARTMENT SECOND FLOOR SUPPLIES BLDG CO 259 mmsrrr ST PA 86531 It lies clear from Dr Gold blooms remarks that the med ical fraternity in Quebec would find such plan equally dis tasteful But apparently It would not carry its opposition to the point of refusing to co operate The other statement was Iivl Dr If Ihorlaksan of Win nipeg who said there need be no conflict of interest betucvn tin medical profession and the government under statesup ported plan Dr Thorlakson described as one of Canadas leading physi cians by commission chairman Chief Justice Emmett all of Saskatchewan also said the method of paying doctor fees should not affect quality of medical care one iota pro vided they dont come from government monopoly MATTERS T0 OTHERS Many medical organizations have indicated that mechanics of payment matter considerably more than an iota They have told the commis sion that under any plan the di rect patient Io doctor form of remuneration should be re taincd as part of the overall patientvductoi relationship The sevenmcnrber commis sion now has held public hear ings in all it provinces But its busiest session lies ahead it is scheduled to open in Toronto ltlay and may last three weeks or more Upwnrds of 120 briefs are expectcd to be pre sented Whilewafl pm optional um cost AUCKLAND iCPt New an land is making bold bid to become the milkman of Asia New inventions have opened up prospects never before possible The new venture Is part of New Zeniands anxious search for new markets The British approach to the European Eco nomic Community raises the possibility of ruin for New Zeu lands great dairy industry on which so much of the countrys prosperity depends At best out lets in Europe are likely to be less than hitherto New markets for butter and cheese are limited So New Zea land is turning attention to milk itself using new treatment pro cesses Research In New Zealand and abroad has developed methods of producing reconstituted milk from butterfat and non fat solids in powder form with the addition of water The resulting fluid is palatable and keeps without refrigeration it is considered an excellent way of making fluid milk avail able to tropical countries The product is closer to normal fresh milk than that made from milk powder or other forms of condensed milk OFF TO GOOD START The New Zealand Dairy PIO duction and Marketing Board has pronounced successful the initial iargcscale test of mar keting this product in Asia It fluid milk enterprise was ab lished in Singapore in associa THE BARRIE EXMILVER MONDAY APRIL 30 196 New Zealand Is Making It Bid To Become Europe Milkman tinn with local Chinese business men The plant which went into production last November alA ready is showing profit Encouraged by its success the board will open much larger plant in long Kong Within two months In associ tion with its Chinese partners in Singapore it is pushing ahead with plant in Koala Lumpur to Supply fluid milk to the Malayan market It has also joined with Impor tant dairy interests in The Phil ippines in venture designed to assist the local dairy industry and also to expand the total market for milk It processing plant to be set up jointly by New Zealand and The Philip pines concerns will hondle local milk but supplies will have to be substantially augmented by reconstituted milk from New Zeland Surveys of possibilities are also being made in Latin Amer ica and West Africa but great est bones rest on the Asian mar ket The board believes that its iiong Kong plant may ulti mately help it to gain footing in mainland China BRENTANO VISITS NEW YORK fAPlIfcinrich von Brentano former West Ger man foreign minister and par liamentary leader oi the Chris tian Democratic Party arrived Sunday en route to Washington for talks with President Kene nedy on West German prob lems Business Leaders Look Hard At The Economy Ily FORBES RIIUDE Canadian Press Business Editor The annual meeting period reached its height last week and in addresses to sharehold era business leaders looked searchineg at the economy Considerable optimism was expressed but emphasis was also placed on basic problems Burton chairman and president of Simpsons Ltd side when he said Our recovery from the re cent recession has been slow and while Canadian business is showing some improvement the economy ls less buoyant than nearly everyone thought it would be He said taxation is putting damper on the economy and that in Canada there is more onerous tax burden on techni cal professional and supervis ory groups than elsewhere on the continent Nevertheless Simpsons plan capital expenditures of $3000 000 in the next five years FORECASTS LARGER GNP Iwaits president of Imperial Oil Ltd forecast an increase this year in Canadas Gross National Product of six to eight per cent which is in line with the seven per cent forecast in the federal budget itfr fwaits said however that there is excessive empha sis on regional growth involv ing competition and discrimina tion between provinces and be urged better communication leaned toward the apprehension Ibetween municipal and federal provincial govemmeni Given the right gmerument policies he said that in basic Strength Canada is in much better competitive position than is generally understood b6 cause Canadian industry has been relatively more exposed to foreign competition in the post war years than other areas Bradfield president of Noranda Mines le brought smiles to the faces of his share holders by announcing divi dend increase and proposed twoforona split in Noranda shares The pace quickened it any thing in changes in company control SEEK SHARES Chartered Trust Company an nnunced an offer on behalf of Canadian principals to buy 380000 common shares of Rusv sell industries Ltd at $1850 share Iulley Russells president replied that better offer on behalf of Canadian company is expected next week Russell subsidiaries in clude Canada Cycles and Motor Co Ltd Canadian Acme Screw and Gear Ltd and John Ber tram and Sons Ltd An offer by Mashall Enter prises Ltd Montreal to buy 150000 shares of United Steel Corporation Ltd at so share failed to reach its goal and Na tinnal Trust Company through whom the offer was made gotcrnmean as well as between industry and said it was withdrawn but itlashall spokesman indicated continued interesl The more by Slater Steel Ia drstries Ltd became effective with election of eight Slate nominees to lomaa board directors British American Oil C0 Ltd plans to buy the marketing and refining facilities of Anglo Ex ploration Ltd Calgary for around 33000000 plus assump tian of Angles liabilities The offer is $6 share after Anglo American distributes some of its other assets to its sharehold crs Libbey Owens Ford Glass Company Toledo Ohio bought Bogardus Wilson Ltd Vancou ver flat glass distributors La batt Industries Ltd London Ont bought Vitafeed Concen tratcs Ltd Toronto Among number of Improved reports Dominion Foundries and Steel Ltd Hamilton said it had the best first quarter in production and profits in its 50 year history Frank Shen man president commented Volume will be good into the third quarter beyond that it is difficult to say Oh the expansion front Con solidated ltlining and Smelling Company of Canada Ltd will build 1000000 fertilizer plant and 64000000 pig iron plant at Kimberley BC Twin Falls Power Corporation Ltd affiliate of British Ncw foundiand Corporation Ltd will double the capacity of in Lab rador power plant LEADS IN comroer won ERHDDIES Smooth2m In ï¬nal form Jdlmoothneu simmer no Coil amnion 725 insulated points na extrahick rubber body mounts even cushioned nearing iiin Buy Chevrolet rot rideulnel Ir TOP OF CLASS IN WW 25949 INSIDE AND oun Imida smuta fabrics and durable vinyls agate beauty that Linux Outsiden sculptured handcrafted nppenrunen that builds an exciting measure of imm pride Buy Chevrolet or mrnlua rai UNBEAIABLE IN CHOICE OF EFFICIENT POWER TEAMS Choose your own combinalion of economy and 301 From 135 In 4419pr Three and fournpecd Synehrn Mesh transmissions Silksmooih Powerglida nnlnmn tin Buy Chevrolet for power value 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