27 Persons Disagreement On How ToWorIr Sigmund Samuel In Traffic Accidents THE CANADIAN PRESS At least 39 Canadians died pccidental deaths during the eekendalmost as many as the threeday Easter holiday last Weekend when some 46 persons died Canadian Press survey from pm Friday to midnight Sunday showed persons died in trailic accidents eight were drowned and tour died in min celisneous accidents Ontarios toll of 26 deaths 12 on the highway was hi est Ontarios list Inciud three double traitic Intalities and one triple drowning Jorie Evelyn 30 51 Cl Hamil ton Saturday when their car exploded in collision on the Queen Elizabeth Way nea Oak ville Gordon Wellington Wesley of Allenlord Saturday when he was struck by car while walking along Highway 21 near Southampton Jeflrey McNeil son at hir and hirs lohn McNeil oi lor onto Sunday in hospital alter he was struck by car near his home Lucien Valcourt 42 and Do lars Brizard 30 both of Auden Saturday at asphyxiation In their car when it became stuck The survey does not include near Auden no miles north industrial accidents or known east ol the Lakehead suicides Ontario dead VO George Noble 45 Flt Sgt Hamid Harris 43 both of Bonnie Jean 0thme Centralia RCAF station and drowned Friday in three feet of Cpl William hlacGregor 47 water near her Cobalt Ont nearby Foymount Station home drowned Saturdny In Euud Ralph Lahey 21 Gait Fri lake about 12 miles east at day when he was struck by South River in the Parry Sound lightning while working on district when their two boats Iewago disposal plant Augustine Moccin so overturned Thorold drowned Friday when RUNS IN FRONT or CAR his car backed into 30 feet of water in the Welland Canal near St Cathorincs CAR EXPLODES lrenc Graham Felherston 48 Gntincou Que when he ran into the path of car Saturday nest of Ottawa of Burlington and Miss illnr onto Saturday when his car Three Fishermen Believed Drowned SOUTH RIVER Ont CPI boat but were unable to carry Three fishermen were presumed drowned Sunday in Round Lake about 12 miles east of this Parry Sound district village and fourth man was rescued by two schoolboys The missing men all mem bers oi the RCAF are VO George Noble 45 Fibsgt liar old Harris 43 both of Centraliu RCAF Station and Cpl William MacGrogor 47 oi nearby Foy lrmunt Station Civilian Arc Madeline 33 of Foymont was rescued by two boys in their early teens Wayne Edwards and John Ad riel of South River who heard his shouts as he clung to his overturned boat The four men ventured on to the lake Saturday morning in stormy weather Noble and Harris in one boat and Muc Gregor and MacLellnn in an othor MacLellan told provincial rolice they tried to return to shore when the weather wors ened and both small boats over turned Mnchllnn said Iicoauglrtr told oi MacGregar nonswirn mer while clutching the over turned bont with the other hand He said he held on for 11 hours until his friend lost conscious ness and went under The two boys who were stay ing in cottage on the shore teard MacLeIlan shouting after he had been in the 33degree water for two hours The boys paddled out to Mac Lellan in boat without oar locks and pulled him aboard At the shore they dragged the ex posureweakened man out of the Claims Canada Misunderstood Common Market Negotiations LONDON CF The Oh fervor says British and Euro pEan otï¬cials in Brussels deny reports published in Canada suggesting that negotiations for Britains entry into the Com mon Market are in an irn 133559 In Brussels dispatch the London newspaper says The officials emphasize that these reports are based on misunderstanding of the nature and purpose of the progress re ports of the negotiations which have been drawn up by high of ficials for discussions by the ministers of the seven countries due to meet here May 89 It is pointed out that the progress report merely sets out the views of Britain and the Six on all the main problems involved in Britains applica tion for membership In general the report does not propose any definite solu hon audit will be up to the ministers to start the process of bargaining on the basis of the arguments put forward by the British and Common Mar ket experts him They got wheelbarrow trun died ItIaCLeIIflII to the cottage put him in bed built fire nnd then left to call police Police dragging operations are due to be continued today Paper Bosses To Meet Union DETEOIT AP Represent atives of Detroits two daily newspapers shut down since April it by series of labor disputes were scheduled to meet today with at least one group of union hargoiners The meeting is to be con cerned with contract language demands by Local 10 of the Paper and Plate Handlers Un ion one of two unions which voted not to return to work April 20 following settlement at on earlier dispute involving tho Detroit Free Press and the Teamsters Union There alsowas rclronérflhe Detroit Newspaper Publlslhers Association which represents both The Free Press and the Detroit News in labor dealings would get together again with Local 18 of the international Typographicai Union Both sides report little prog ress in several meetings late last week The ITU still has picket lines at both papers claiming it was locked out during the Team ster Free Press dispute in which both papers suspended operations make it clear that Britain and the Six still disagree over many major problems which have to be solved before Britain can join The outstanding hurdle to be overcome is the manner at guarantees to Canada Austra lia and New Zealand for their agricultural exports gave banner frontpage play to report from Toronto saying the Common Market countries Alain Gagnon at Point near Bourget 20 miles SOUIII Frank Robinson 33 Tor The Evening News Saturday had rejected Britains terms for joining Eumpe Foresters Hold lInnual Assembly PETERBDROIIGH CP Abuut 250 members of the east empniario region of the Ca nadian Order 01 Foresters reg istered here Saturday for their third annual assembly Clinton Vader ol Belleville and John Patiimore oi Brock ville were installed as deputy chief rangers for the region It hes irom the Quebec bor der west to Toronto and north Nevertheless the report does WEA to Orillia Lindsay Peterbor ough and Bancroft Auroulï¬c rumcourtroutn nruvrms assure unfailing oil supply No enlculnlï¬your role of use and carefully check it against doyloduy temperatures We know when you seed oil and make delive as automatically You never have to worry about your fuel oIl supply HEATING Oll The SARJEANT CO LTD Mary Street PA 824 crashed headon with another on Highway 17 our Sudbury Mn Alice Bower 30 oi Cen tralia Saturday in on oddent on Highway near Lucan in Lucan in allddiasex corinty David George Goodlcliow Vittoria and Jessie lawood 15 in twocar accident Sat urdoy near Port Dover Paul Hall 27 and Bud At bolt 44 pl Sudbury when their car rolled over Sunday on High way 69 near Pa Sound William Joseph itrpatrick of Emily Township Saturday when his car rolled over on town ship rond near Lindsay Dennis Oswald 10 year old ms of Mr and Mrs Oswald drowned Sundny while the Thames River near London Towards Berlin Settlement BONN lAPtWest Germany admits there is disagreement WIUI Washington on how to work toward Berlin Kettleth without recognizing the East the East German Communist regime The main dilference appears to lie in US proposal to create an international body to supervise access routes to West Btirlin Sitting In would be East Germans as well as West Ger mans This proposal was singled out by Foreign Minister Gerhard Schroeder In an Interview Sat urday as possible cause at trouble US Gen Lucius Clay who Is winding up an eight rnonth stay In Berlin as Presi dent Kennedys special envoy appeared to follow the same Ileneral line In television in terview Friday night Schroeder insists that despite these dltlerenoel them Is lull agreement between Bonn and Washington on basic policy and most Western diplomats here agree there II no serious rilt Indeed some lee Wat German Chancellor Adenauer relax log his rigid position somewhat SETS UP CONTROL The US plan prepared for Soviet consideration would let up control authority of the Big Four powersthe United States Britain France and the Soviet Unionto assure access routes to Isolated Berlin Bart and West Germany would par ticlpatc Schroeder hinted West Ger many is prepared to accept this formula provided there Is no Implied recognition of the East Gennnn regime and provided East Germans could not inter fero with access routes Improvement Centre SPntht SALE llllLllliS MAY See Our Nursery Stock of Juniper Blue Spruce Mugho Pine etc 33 AWN SEEID ONE FOUND BOX COMPACT CUSTOM TIllSMITH TlllERS Space snver foldover bunnies adjust REG VALUE easily lor operators convenience Direct drive with double sealed trans mission fingertip throttle control Guornntccd reversible hardened steel pick tines gives 22 out and up to depth Adjustable tlswiug depth have Balanced weight deplgn for easier Ilandl lng Died On Sunday WRONTO CF Dr SIE mund Samuel 93 industrialist historian Dhllaothroplst and arv dent collector of Candius died Sunday spent millions oi dollars to ion the Canadian culture Chiel among the buildings which he financed and endowed are the new wing of the Univer sity of Toronto library the archives building here housing his magnificent Canadians col lection and wing of the Royal Ontario Muuum Born in Toronto Dr Samuel made his fortune in the lame singleminded way in which he later directed the gathering at his record of Canadas past He was made an honorary doctor at laws both by the Uni versily of Toronto and the Uni versity of Western Ontario He was an honorary member at the TE SARI EXAMINER MONDAY APRIL IO m2 Royal Canadian instituteone at 12 Canadians so bomred LEI1 SCHOOL EARLY bay in lamin at he tell school at 15 because his lather wanted him to learn the Importing bus Anus His lather died In 1838 leav lng small legacy The young Sanurels had onelifth share in the prolits of sheet metals tnuineu Canadas economic boom spearheaded by wheat at the beginning of the century made him rich man Within few years he wns sole owner at the metals bus iness At the age at 61 Dr Samuel wrote Thu Seven Years War in Canada He received the French Bar of Lorraine in rec ognltlon of his collection reprev sealing the Frmch regime be lore 1760 Between the First and Second World War be six months of ev IS DELUXE COOP CLIPPER ROTARY POWER MOWERS 1995 start Deluxe lteel deck 97 Olllet rubber tired Iront Wheels rubber tired buck wheels Front position wheel adlultment Side discharge chute Tubularsteei loop handle cycle zié hp Lauson engine recoil FREE QUART 0F MOTOR OIL EACH COOP VISCOUNT CHEST FREEZERS Preserves all the goodness of fine load for your family table The 1962 CoOp Viscount Chest Freezers make it simple and safe Baskeu dividers and interior lights make food finding easy Available in 17 and 21 cu it Sim each fea tures an 881 lb capacity inst rem compartment and an ex tenor adjustable cold control that maintaim sale zero degree temperatures 17 CU FT $23900 EACH 21 CD PT $26900 EACH YEAR WARRANTY ON SEALED REFRIGERATION UNIT COOP VISCOUNT FREEZERREFRIGERATOR Automatlc defrost 53 on it refrigerator cu it freezer Spnclous twin crisperr Slide out shell COOP NONCHALKING WHITE SPECIAL PREMIER PEAT MOSS WHEELBARROW $23 88 EACH DELUXE WONDER BOW FANCY 75 lb 3m sac HAND GARDEN SET OF TOOLS THREE at 147 TRANSPARENT GARDEN HOSE dingo L77 RAKE EEEDEN utnntutus BULBS 30 77c 67 SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP COOP THRIEIEE lAWN SEED BLACK PLASTIC GARDEN HOSE 50 FT LENGTH coLop Low mcs Cheese butler compartments Frozen Juice rack Magnetlock door gaskets or easy closing and posi tlve lenlln EACH 51 BAG 99 22 47 177 ism 297 GARDEN rmuuzrn BARRIE LB BAG INNISFII STREET PA 6653I 3YearOld Lands Rainbow CDBOURG Ont CPIPeter Perrow Cobourg decided to teach his lhreeyenrold son trout lirhing Sunday Pcter Junior learned quickly and hooked pound rainbow trout Mr Perrnu struggled for 15 minutes to land the 25incher one at the largest ever taken lrorn Shelter Volley creek seven miles east of this Lake Ontario community live he failed in tun attempts in the Lichlicld borough ol Stoiiordshiro to gain election to the British House of Common Dr Samuel is summed by two sons Lewis and Norman both of Toronto and two dough ters lllrs Michael Albury ol London ond ll Florence lil REG VALUE $5995 4997 FILLt tn Lieutt Kciller moves P0 Blc By THE The loan lilicnl port pan sail Thursday oil in diilo tired oil in Prime was in speakier Chitin lie of having criticized sales to RC Liberal In Corner about trad the Europ Itet lie at tivc goverr the sideline or entry in Mr Iilicai spec lawn Wedn hunt Ihrou he laid do ded review farm polio sales to til government sales progr The sole optimism it Thats no Douglas iratlc Ffarl armor is audieno farmer it his cap is not merit build STARTS It Meanwhil leader of II was gettin borne in spokesmen heavy artil tratcd Mr off the that net it MA OU