THE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAYAPRIL JD 1962 ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS BAYSTAIRS LODGE COMING EVENTS MENETS POINT MINUTES FROM DOWNTOWN BARRIE Wedding Receptions Beautiful grounds for picture youll cherisbl Ample parking for guesLs con enlenccl We assume the responsibilities while you enjoy yourseill Facilities ior dancing etc SATISFACTION ASSURED at PRICES THAT PLEASE Call PA 85I98 anytime BIRTHS areasAr the mom Victoria Hospital nsrrir on rbundsy April 1952 If sir Ind Mn noacn llyerl nee Ahem Shannon sum urrrie hugth tor toobrs Ann JAMESAl the Royal Victoria Hospital Dsrrle on Friday April i962 to ilr snd ails Robert James 69 Essa Rom Barrie daughter tPatricls Muriel child is fair of is Cnlld is full oi rate Child is full of woe Thursd child has far to go lrldhyh Child is loving and no 111 aslurouyn Child uorks hard for it living Anti child that II born on th Ssobatb DAy is islr And wile and good and ray children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen slivsys want to know which day of wccir was their otrtr diiu eep Hill mo flthl izn Drflnt mlufmhtlnn tar your call future Batrte EL lmtflcy tllrtn Announcement will include tho horns of will cntld tho day of the it month and ANNUALMEETING ESSA TOWNSHIP PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOC Higginsons Hall Angus WEDNESDAY MAY PM For the purpose of Election of officers appoint ment delegates and other business at interest Address will be given by Rowe IIP DufferinSimcoc Lav dies especially welcome KENNETH CRAWFORD Pres NORMAN COXWORIH Secy REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE AF ROSE REAL mrAlf BROKER 7d rlfTiN sTRlzirr EARRIE THORNTON $3900 Full price storey rooms lot about SOXIGS this home is located in the Village of Thornton within about block from the store and close to clitlrdlcs and schools ideal pro perty for the handy man or someone looking for cheaper home minus the conveniences Down payment $1000 balance with CampbellA um Fergus CarverPA was DUNLOP ST Graydon KohlPA H4608 Classified The Peoples Market Place REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE ROGERS CONNELL ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First in Barrie Home SalesForemost PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL MRS at MOOREPA H157 ROGERSPA H582 MEMBERS HARRIS DISTRICT REAL ISTAT BOARD CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 82 HIGH STREET EARRIE PHONES PA 6024 PA mu Members or the flum uni nuts Baud Ioaa LuisPA 55151 Chqu ReadPA MIT in thtiw of Servlu PosrxnPA uiu CONNELLPA Miss RENTALS Low Corr Inca clun modela boll rispbcos PA H313 NURSING HOMES awhile ILL work vs rooms load food 71 stroucL MODERN availablewill alter to suit Telephone PA 84ml or PA 54355 Norman Shelswell REAL ESTATE BROKER PA 8996 PA 68742 First Mortgage Funds Available interest 60 of Value No Fee Charged zvcnxnn can Ios Lonliln PA Mme Jack Wulsan PA Haul Everott Shelswell Oro 19in Normn Shellie PA um Howard Nurfll PA 5546 GRAYDON KOHL REAL ESTATE BROKER 15 DUNLOP ST PA 84252 PA 84608 Bill RawnPA H197 HAROLD on one mortgage with easy pay yell at birth the weight srrd nth merits immediate possession or vltsi information printed Call now for appointment to in musscc call brcomr permanent Ct rrcord In flab hook or Family Albums no rate for Barrio nxsmlnci tllrth Notlcc is only 5150 To place notice phonr PA Mm ENGAGEMENTS CORHYDEESTON ilr Ind ilrs ilyland Corby of ironic wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Carolyn Ann to Brian flccsion ton of ilr and PRINCE OF WALES SCHOOL AREA $8900 full price til it pos sible bedrooms living room dining room kitchen ILIII base ment forced air oil heating REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE nANClI STYLE IFORSTER AND COMPANY Realtors 98 BAYFIELD 51 PA from ANYTIME SAVE ON TAXES Brlclr Bungalow chcd garage Three bedroom large recreation room close to schools largo landscaped lot luon thl puymcnts slot Including tires Tc cpnone PA bolas IMMEDIATE Possession $85m full price Angus 32000 down itvo We have the followmg cutof morn hnme double carre picket own propelc5 for sale icncs as as foot lot Close In modern school Apply Vernon IL Angus Telephone HE Nut Eciie Ewart rooms $1000 Mrs John ilccsion of Cookstown hams i5 Im hum Alum mums sum MAKE AN orrcrt Centrally tool The marriage Is to take place well located to stains schools ted oidrr type duplex conatsttnl Burton Avcnuc United church and bus Owner being trans my WIN 531 at rooms srrd bsta rooms snd IlInlLI on June 195 st 120 pm med west cum rooms $5000 min Heavy wiring all heating Angus ll Emmy moms large lot Outside construction DEATHS BRAND NEW $6500 bcvcl 5min Rudllngfl backbGyr n5 PPY 0X Brtll onANTwuilsm At his home Alcona Beach rooms $6900 Exlrrllncr for further iniormstlon in iiinsrlar on Friday April 27 BEDROOMS Edgar area acre Imm 57 11252 willlum Grunt balavod has 000 FOR SALE OR RENT bsnd of the isle Emily Ksis ATTACHED GARAGE loved father of Pearl Clnrh Cb Thornton bungalow rooms FOUR nooil House st Minsts May Mrs 11 JithwsnIrli Down payment $1400 balance 59500 Point with three piece bsur Pull sudbury Ruth rs at on oi hiattiml in his ninth year Resting at tho Pcihlck Funeral Home 127 asyncld Street for set vlcu in the chime irondy st p1n Interment ilincslng Union Cemeiuy HANNA0n Thursday April 25 loot viman Alexander Hanna of blocks from both public and high on one NHA Mortgage This Is roomy ii betlroom brick bun galow with real family size itdicn and living room that as more than ample wall space ttached garage only abotlt two Waistlay Suï¬ all in yelnrs lips schools All services paid of deceased by 15 WT in 951 Hum 15 Mm by one alum by the builder If you lie look icr ilarlorlc third Perry of Regina Sssk one son Maur ice of Parry Sound out four grandchildren foul Krea grands chlldron and one sister ilis Forbes Winnipeg ilun Ptmflai scivice was held in the Hannah Funeral Home Chapel lndlsn Hcsd Susk on Sunday April 19 Committul service and fntcnncnt in Dskwood Cemetery family plot oukwood Ont Saturday May at pm IIosKINwuuam Ismcs At hls Ilte residence Lot 12 Concession Tiny Township on Suturdly April 29 1962 in his 74th year William Hoskln of Wyevslc dis it ing or new home make sure you see this one in my opinion is the best dollar for dollar buy in the city 351500 full price eluding bedrooms modernI full basement forced air oil heating Carries far about $66 monthly including taxes NEAR UNIVERSAL COOLER rooms inv slrc basement with tutnuco Low down payment Easy tenor Telo phono PA H347 BUS OPPORTUNITIES Painswick modern bungalow rooms $11800 Small down payments can be arranged on most of these pro perties For complete informa tion eail Curly Kloosterrrian or Norm Hesketh Restaurant concession in thriving town Cookstown main street Barber Shop Newly listed price only $9500 GROWING FAMILY East end arbedroom brick home with only one mortgageearrying for $5959 principal and interest You will say its worth the asking price of 512100 Dial Maryann Smith CONSTRUCTION HAS START Service Station FOR SALE Fully equipped garage Automatic car wash Good gallonage Good location FOR FURTHER DETAILS TELEPHONE Ertcéi bclovjd hllitidnd of 1335 PENETANG ST 33 Taleeblllilrdslélegsaggzeenelistcaxl edr are htinmc ggar bmlhor or ltiiibet tills gm NBE mgr brld OTTAWAY CIRCLE SHEDWI ALLISTON It vlcks of Midland iIary ilrs Inga ow arge amly size SIGN 1962 model homes an Johnston and Nrulo hoth kitchen and Wing room equip HE gr Ellmvulel $511 53351 pod with double windows im the 12w Fall PA 66453 or 987 creosll Elimvdlel Timlegit madiate possession Ill deulS vl uesayny 15nt Wycvnle Unitsd aemo CALL DAY on EVENING no parlflyï¬gism Iri slusi EXCLUSIVE WATCH gm lilaryanlrii 51th pijA Available in your district or the iLLlGANI dd ly 5° world famous Rosco Floral hLMStcvensun licsrliarisl Ensï¬lm 23 Curly Kloostcmihn pa baits Alliston on Sunday April 19 1951 Daisy Ramsay or Cookstowrl beloved wife of the lots Leighton illlllgnn our sister of Caldwell Ramsay Mae Mrs Hops poii Eva lilrs Ferguson ilartna Mrs Henry daughter of the late Mr and Mrs William Ramsay Resting at the Hughes Funeral Home Cookstown for scr vlcss on Vodncsday May at 2311 pm Interment Alliston Union Norman Lindsay At st Josephs Hospital Guelph 0n tarlo on Saturday April 2a 1952 Is Marshall Member at the Earrie and District Rcal Estate board Keith REAL ESTATE aRoKEft PA 82592 CLAPPETITDN ST alumna Norman Lindsay Redman beloved husband of Ruth ilcxrn dear fa thcr of Po Kennth it of Dartmouth and ilrs Wt IIt Wobbgr Elizabeth of Park Rldgc Illinois brother of Miss Mary Red man of Barrie and ilrs Ralph Ehllagh Edith of Guelph alsoi survived by five gnndehlldrcn nesting at the McIntyre and Wil kle Funeral Home Dellll street Guelph where service will be held thr tile on Tuesday May at the pin 13A Interment Woodlhwn CemctEIy IN MEMORIAM rghousoNln loving memory An of dear wife and mother who ING mortgage loan with monthly 29 1951 unga ow WI asemeii Ptfseudï¬wirllssoii by Prank Cnroi Forced air oil heating Asking Dow 28 ranger your payments as low as $35 includ syma $2500 down payment To ar ing interest Loans made for llIcMASTETLIn loving memory range inspection call PA 61881 INSURANCE home improvements or any oth of deer mother and urandmotlr or may ilcilsstcr who passed away April to 1950 Sunshine isdes and shadows full hut sweet remembrance outlhsis all IVcr remembered by daughter Beatrice and Ted granddaughter shlrlcy Paul and family garags available in minutes walk sotv1 um stubs 575 month Available Ma iro do town TI is PA COMING EVENTS New three bedroom orna to Jame Apply 54 Vincent Street £7 up ROOM BOARD FltANK NHLLPS PA from Large 1i ng room kitchen with Mortgage Exchange 251 King ummsrrun Apartment for we mums in triplex BOOM AND BOARD available on NEARLY ember 33 ism large di as area luts of we St West Kitchener Ontario rent seitcastslnrd emul of spacious one and two bedrooms arss Road in private home an heal Eststo nosrd boards and storage oil heated living room kitchen bedroom Ind furnished or unfurnished gelf home cooking and lunches packed NEW Emory Colored bathroom fixtures Van Presentfltlve Will be in batbhfllliaisgstltcf bug mingurdtigr contained newly decorated tax For fumiel informatan telephone HPF on or PC mun SALE ity divided basement Large Tuesday May to May inclusive li td til thr r1 ii Telephone ï¬lm Pattern 455 HRH 1MMEDIATE iii mineral p1rre£$ni7 33151 51 riï¬giwqilimpoléréf trusts sizes 14 16 159 20 AM PM REAL ESTATE BROKER Grove Street East Telephone PA Avoilubls immediately Tsicphonc 22 24 Size 16 dresg and 232 Tim St lst 2nd 66711 or PA 641630 PA 33432 ROOM WTD jacket cake yards 35jnch Tï¬glngUPflefltgiALL pA 61881 lMortcage Loans Anywhere PROPERTY er To our labile Hzisehzfd Afï¬nigsg EVENING On All Properties satiric Apply Box at Barrie lbr Send fifty cents 50 cents Illi CAL it AUSPICES Trinity Guild gngmngmgggi NEwPrliovaosliiTEs WANTED To LET 53$ galéimlsiesiirigtssiï¬rlpsz DD or CONVENER rm mm MORTGAGE FUNDING Coï¬a es 3265 R°° please for this pattern Print Mrs ï¬WoIIenden Member fgaltbï¬fatnlg up District Next door to th Impsrlal rlscstro over mm Mm hmukflpm mm plainly SIZE NAME Am tst of COCONIIENER ANGUS New three bedroom 45A DuNLOP ST SERSONsésgAES In Barrle Orlula DISIrICI LI ï¬zégï¬m ï¬llï¬x DlSSlsdsatfiglzf AWBIELIAMS TINAD on Mrs Wouenden manhuxnzgggwï¬gï¬sgï¬lm BUYERS WAITING care of Barrie Examiner Pat PA salts Saline and Church Down payment PA 66 lglPGQWSm mm FWWH 00M ï¬g gt 39 tern Department 60 Front stir TREASURERS only 3600 Telephone HE asm Member or purllo and District and runsldsaiirhuriiiiiseysciomilmlirr SIOUTT Agencies bl3U SIEMENS wetccléyphanr PX Toronto Ont Mrs Magea PA 83539 mun gm0M at my R231 Estate rd ggigoflglng hairdo Marta REALTORS ashes SPECIAL Springsummer Pat mo PA 87753 limlts All onv Ie cmle on Ltf ti in rri tern Catalo read now More hstbrooms ï¬replacénatlï¬zhedEhvr but not Incoms piopoity Dingle 15 AND 2ND existing Mortgage 10 Comer Sf gafngmjggligrmbï¬aoï¬ifmiï¬g um 190 553mm Stylessum an in Examiner Want Ad initalinlttmtdtislrul deli liirdilziizltatlw Idlitéiiiirrftbrft ca BARRE PA 90 grains li°ir3l° sport day dance wnrk travel PHONE PA 8241 83918 rum Mr Miller was NEWLY DECORATED Aluminum storms and screens Has six rooms with modern eon veniences Garage and chicken sanctuary contact Little Joe Palmer At Orr Lake Plenty of tall trees Oak rriapie and birch trout streams Newly listed and priced to sell at $40 per acre with $2000 down Call today PA 64881 BUN GALOW oughout Situated on dou let Vonderiul garden soil For further details 61881 SHOPPING PLAZA SPECIAL exceptionally tidy Iive room 100 ACRES Two MILLER and it you need extra coverage lot in good residential area close to stores and schools Members of this Barrie District Real Estate Board CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone PA 82419 93 Dunlop St ABEL MARSHALLPA sass COREYPA alias ItlURIEL JEFFERY sense Products See Page 113 April issue of The Readers Digest Write direct to the importers Corboseo Flowers of Canada Li mited 1391 Yonge Street Tor onto Ontario LUNCH ROOM for mnt at Super test station Hwy 27 In Cookstowa For further details telephone Cookstown town MECHANICB Independence ser vice station for lease Good guiii onage Well equipped Csll Hurry slcasar stoutt Agencies Ltd Re altors lfl Collier st PA D5901 l9 COLLIER smcm PHONE PA 32678 IzvvaNGs CALL RITA SCANDhEll PA Hails DOROTHY WILCOX PA Hat PERCY FORD PA 37930 EMERSON SWAIN PA sound ilcmbcr of Barrie and District and Ontario ltoul Esthta Boards NEED MONEY We will loan you the money you need to pay all your outstanding accounts on first or second st or useful purpose Existing Also two Hiedroorn spartinsnts ment Apply 25a Dunlap st East of any kind Laundry facilities in new apart or telephone PA Moss or PA SEE STEVENSONS first or second mortgages or building Telephone PA 35471 reements for sale urebased UNFURMSEED self contained PA afoot UNFIJILNISHED two bedroom three ms spsrimai trot wrtor for cash For fast confidential us padlop St LAnGE two bedroom furnished located Heat and water supplied Tclophono PA 359 or PA floats SELFCONTAINED two room furn lshcd heated apartment with three Piece bath Front and back entrm ees Suitable for bachelor or cou pie Apply 31 nayfleld Street or telephone PA 56715 ANGUS Two bedroom apartment for rent bulb separate entrance and garagel $45 per month Call at as ilurgarct Street Angus or tales phone Ivy but after pan mm ROOM selfrcontatucd but co apartment stove and retrlgcra parking Available now Tolephono PA 34000 UNFURNISKED LARGE three room apartment with bstb Privqu on tï¬rzngg 62345 per month Telephone ENDERSO MORTGAGES mmmm REALTOR contained apartment ground floor Three large rooms Parking 1001113 and two bedrooms oBalcnliies IStoves and fridges undividqu thermostats Olncineratots OFreo washing and drying facilities Children welcome Sample suite may be seen by calling PA 83 86 Self contained two bedroom apartment Living room kitch en full basement with laundry tubs Central location Free parkin Telephone PA 89238 UNFUIINISIIED two bedroom self conlalncd ground floor apartment All utllltlcs supplied Duniop st Welt area Telephono PA 59915 uNrUltlellsD heated upper apartment for rent Ona bedroom Vcry reasonable rcnt Tclophons PA 111823 for furthcr details TllltEE noon unfurnished spart nicnt with private bath and mod cm kitchen Iicsicd Parking space svsllsblc Telephone PA oasis rlvo ROOM furnished apartment hot and cold water Refrigerator includcd Available now Tclophono PA 37396 evenings and weekend THREE Rooit furnished heltcd apartment for rent Private ent riincc SeiLcoiitfilned Ccntrsl lo ctlon Four piece bath Adults only Telephone PA 37366 THREE Roou basement apart ment with bath for rent Fast end $65 monthly cull Ioc Palmer rep resenting hnoiy inner ltul F4 late PA law rwo Fv sttlzb Apartments our rooms and two rooms Cen trsl location llcst light and wa tcr Included Apply at as buyneld Slrwct rultEf BEDROOM apartment for rant ln naw building washer dryer and trailer scrvlco supplied Available immediately iclophono PA 11235 for further Information TWO HIEDItooil Bungalows for rent on Highway 400 East is miles south of Barrie on 6th Concession Thornton Rackuss telephone Cihrksnn Ont rAylor 23713 vlmv CENTRAL Two bedroom apartment in new building Stella and refrigerator supplied Laundry facilities also parking Avsilabls illuy Telephone PA Mood apartment very central Also bachelor apartment fuuy furnishv ad and single bedroom Telephone PA 65154 UNFURNTSHED spacious one hedmnm apartment for rent Priv ate entrance and bath Centrally or Central location offotceet Nehr school Private entrance $65 or rent dlpga suitable for commercial or light industrial has mm NURSING Roux hind nunlnr em rooms station an on for oirtlui Tslepboao um OFFICES STORES RENT Office Building downtown Bar rie has limited amount of space APTS HOUSES T0 RENT Allandale bedrooms $75 DELUXE APARTMENTS fluwznllower apartment one Conveniently located near reborn shoppLIA and bus and 35mm mu Wu mm Eflrowzalk 0mm East end one bedroom adults oEnmboo Draped Oltlaliy other fine appointments BRENTWOOD TERRACE RENTALS ment with bath Has private and lawn $60 includes heat DAYS PA 66443 ROSE ltzAL lsiAn BROKER 7a TlfTiN 5mm HARM APARTMENTS FOR RENT Allalidale bedroom garage 73 available now email fam ily welcome only $70 available now other apartments to tiioose from GAIL DAY OH EVENING PA 82379 Member of this Barrio Ind District Rut Puttn Board NEW FURNISHED APARTMENT Central Brand new furniture and appliances Private Large picturesque windows new color ed tile bathroom Excellent or CONVENIENT TO EDGAR All this for only $60 per month entrance garage and hydro from Barrie Convenient to Edgar in your own home PA 82414 APTS HOUSES T0 RENT Three room unfurnished apart drireway garden in Dalston seven miles EVEI GS PA 63st us Pm MONT Pour room uDA furnlahcd house iorrcnt st 141 Owen strch Telephone PA H519 routs Donal Apartment with bath for real Telepboal PA M76 liter bail pas FURNISHED CLEAN comloflhbio four rootn duplex meat with rival enunncel nonbio rent chudnn Telephone PA Hm for further lofoiauunn UPPER DUPLEX for rent modelii four room ssllcontslncd apart menL Private entrance Phrllnl Triephono IA ma or apply 41 Campbell Ave am CONTAINED furnisth apartment suitable for one or two buxlnen girls Reasonable rcpt Avhitlbio Immudlhtely Tclcpbons PA used LARGE modela three room no furnlshcd hphnmcnt spacious grounds and swimming pool Also two Iroooi huntshed apartments All central Tllevhonl PA 55081 siIALL szLP ComAm run nlrhcd lower apartment Private bithrooin private entrance Would lult couple Itcssonsble rcnt Tele Phone PA H551 THREE ROOM unfurnished apart merit for rent Privato bathroom Ind entrance lieted Reasonable Available now Telephone PA H261 or apply do Tiifia strut nunrob we Thrca room uri nnnlrhcd apartment to rent ou heated hot wlter slaw and relt frigcrstnr Private bath Apply SPRING SPECIAL oil or gas Interest up to at from buy now before lurth RENTALS ROOMS TO LET triczuf furnished bested bad situiu room for not to quiet hams Gentlemln prticmd Arusa lDCAtton Telephone PA Hon lzILIANzr boomer pent or Aleldliy employed lenuem Rates nuonlhle by tho week or month xilrhcn Pflvilrgu Tllr Phone PA 89092 teloch to afternoons or to eventful TWO LNruerIsuzD or Punished rooms with sink Private rntrsncu Allsodsle district business coupl ri in monthly Two rumiislml rooms lieled hydro refrigerator and rsarttto supplied Downtown arcs suit All for couple Also furnished bedroom suitsbls ior gentlemu Avsllsbls immediately Telephanu $9227 after p111 4ARTICLES IorSALE FREE Year Guarantee on all USED REFRIGERATORS FROM $59 McFADDEN Appliance 12a PENETANG sr FURNACES Forced air new $110 er increasmjf Used Oil Burners for sale PHONE PA 641391 Amhcmr three room furnish ed apartment selficontalned Cen tral location sult business girls or couple Available May Tele phone PA 84797 FIVE ROOM unfurnished merit unheated private entrance parking facilitiel Children welcome Close to school snd bus as Cumberland Street PA some hfter Faun nnolll furnished apartment adults Telephone PA 60961 days or evenings THREE noonl unfurnished apart ment selfcontained treat and wu Ier Can be icon at us Prnctsng Street Two FURNISHED Rooms to rent Light housekeeping Kitchen bed room Close to downtown Apply so Maple Ave Telephono PA Mon MODERN thrce Inge room self coniulncd Apartment for rent stove and roirleerstor supplied Close to bus East cud Tclcphona PA HIM tor further information son lsn MONTH No bedroom bungalow ccnirsl close to schools Availbis Juno School inschars preferred Telephone PA C774 for appointment to inspect Centre St for further lnlomhtlon MODERN one and two bedroom hplrlmerlts cast and burl1e halo boo drspcs Venetian blinds Auto mstlc laundry facilities Parklril Telephone PA Mm for timber tniormntfon nearmute upper duplex bested Largo bright living room and kit then two bedrooms gsrsgr ae twocn Five Points and West End Shopping Centre Avsusbia May Telephone PA siul rrllthr flaunt unfurnished apart merit for rent Stove and fellIE ciuior lists of washer and dryer Central location Newly decorated Telephone PA Mm for further information THREE noon heated apartment private bath modern kitchen with refrigerator and range nawly de coruiud Close to schools starch CLEAN comfortlbie upper lhrco room apartment for rent Reirigcr Tan Room mum In mcnt with kitchenette and refrig crstor litst snd hydro supplisd my Cum PMW Wm East end district on bus route HM Mm Suitable for business girl Tole éurnlzshrgo spsrtnscnt Telephono mm 967 50 SELF CONTAINED unlum lshcd hcstoo three room spart ment with both In triplex Newly dccarstcd Nico neighborhood Parking close to schools bus and shopping Telephone PA M557 UNFUIINISHED our room spurts merit with private bath bus stop at door Heated Available Immedi ately $75 per month Located at 117 Gunn street Tclopbono PA AVAILABLE June Two bedroom apartment with stove refrigerator washer and dryer Ilcnt 90 per month Tclcphono PA Him or can ht 125 Cook street LARGE two bedroom unfurnished apartment busted completely self contalned close to schools on bus route $70 monthly Apply Charles Newton PA 132530 TlmBE uNFuuNISIIED Rooms for rent Iii conveniences ltctrlpara for wave psiking Please adults only Located near Irena Tele pbono PA 56350 TWO nannooil scit contained apartment for rent unfurnished Garage Children welcome $75 Alihndhle district Telephono PA opsu or further information THREE gooit furnished spart ment close to downtown Heated and hydro supplied Telephone PA $2574 days and PA 55791 aven ngs UNFURNISIIED three room apart merit completely selfcontained hosted Locatedrnn Ponctang stl close to stores school and bus Telephone PA oosio TWO BEDROOM Hausa for rent in Angus Modeln conveniences $70 per menus For sppalntment to énspect telephone PA sales after 1711 NEWLY decor bright and at trhctivc unfurnished three room upurtment with private bath self contained Toronto strcct district Close to bus stop Telephone PA 55655 PRIVATE ground floor one bed room apartment Laundry facili tlcs Central Water and heat In cludcd $55 monthly Available illy Apply Peel street Apartment UNFURNISIIED modem apartment in private home Closu to bus stop cast ond plan Private antrsnco and parking facilities Avallablo Immediately Telephnno PA o72l5 for particulars ULTRA MODERN unflirnlsbcd one bedroom apartment Private balcony front and Pear ftcfriger ltor and drapes supphod Central Iy located Ideal for young mlh ried couple Telephone PA 58392 THREE nuoil soucontalncd iin furnished heated apartment Newly decorated Water hydra stove and refrigerator supplied Private ent rance Queens Park urea Tele phone PA 66321 UNFURleIisn Upstairs Apart NEW AND Modern and Itll twn bedroom Apartments overlooking scent Kemponlelt Buy Ben Wa ter Ipuking and iantor service inclu ed Automsua washing fa clllues PA BZWZ UPPER DUPLEX live bright coins and sun deck New decor merit separate entrance Heat Sled Heated Sclfcontulhlid and water refrigerator and parking parking hellltles In cut end facilities Vicinity of West End Plaza Avsiishls immediately rsls Tuwhon PA 466 phons PA elm for further pm thqurs AVAILABLE Now Modern busts ad two bedroom apartment In Strand apartment house Adults preferred No oblecllon to baby Use of swimming pool 553 month ly Telephone stroitd ta EXCEPTIONALLY large eve room apartment avsusblo immudlately In new modern building Antonin tic laundry malnteabnca service stove and refrigerator optional spare SSD monthly POWER Lawn ManN roll1r r1 nsdlstors cleaned repaired sud rccored Hamilton Radiator 1nd Lawn Mow er SHVICD Frederick St 0R STROUD IRS FIREWOOD Spring Clearance Sale Starts April 30 Dry Slabs for Fuelconvenient loading on any size truck or trailer Price While It Lasts On The Ground at Alliston Hardwood $200 per single cord Softwood $100 per single cord Terms Cash PETER THOMSON AND SONS LTD ALLISTON TELEPHONE HE 57321 TENTS TENTS TENTS EVERYTHING IN CAMPING hutcites bunks bus Iinn Tole Stoves Lamps Sleeping Bags stor stovl hot wlfer and light supplied Suit couple Reasonable PM 57 Camp Cots Ali Beds Flslung rent Tsicphans PA 134231 Two 00159 umflhgd pm Tackle Tarps Boat Covers Life Jackets YOU NAME IT WE HAVE IT BARBIE GOVT SURPLUS 25 Dunlop St Barrie PA 50522 Gas tanks rephlrodl TELEPHONE DIRECTORY FOR UNLISTED NUMBERS SUPERIOR PROPANE New Phone Number PA 61861 Hwy 11 South BOX 428 45 56 5132545 he been can at 86 Burton Avenue or call PA 84150 AND annnoolu apartments unfurnished heated separate en trance Clean and reasonable Close to West End Plan Telephone PA from 111 Ecblel st 15 ONE BEDROOM Apartment large upper duplex Basement isclutles At 59 Napier manthl Tee ho PA M128 rcrrl orator and lies Paved parking tncilitlul Far lur Ewartwe hlï¬dwood floors ins3 thcr information tulepbona PA muse 1100M Apartment unmm pier brth Avsiisblo April ii 34868 or PA 33334 ished upstairs Draper supplied Apply Amsixongd Hardware as Adults only Allsudsis district To Dunlap street East UNFURNIEEBD Upper nuplsx ou heated 18 12 sitting room Now carpet Bathroom bedroom and modern kitchen Newly decorated Private entrance aayï¬sld st $75 Telephone PA cargo LARGE meld Room Apartment for rent heat and water supplied Also one man three room spart ove and refrigerator supphed ou heated hosted stove refrigerator and cemdbu Located New mod em apartment now renting sbsped living and dining area two bedroom zone but water heating Stove and refrigerator supplied also Washer and dryer Ono bed room apartment also available Immediate possesstour Coulis and Co leisphons PA 112435 or PA mail WANTED TO RENT WITHIN 15 to 20 mile radius Camp Borden bedroom house or apart hient Sergeant and family arriving approximately May desire or cupancy approximately any Write aux 75 Barils Exanuner Barrie two days every week Telephone PA 82485 or PA 1122111 ceuent location near plaza Ind belch Telephone PA Willi for interviews TELEPHONE 84281 ONE annooiif Apartment on main floor lronl and side entran CENTEALLY Located Apartment for rent Stove Ind refrigerator PA 56252 MARY smear vicinity ltoom and It off with neatly fitted board Gentleman preferred Close jacket to downtown area Will pack lun makes this princess dress delight to wear on warm days For more tailored look tops ay ALICE BROOKS ULTRAEASY An Easy flared sihouette lculars All sizesl Send 35 cents