Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Apr 1962, p. 13

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RENTALS ARTICLES For SALE ARTICLES For SALE AUTOMOTIVE APTS HOUSES TO RENT mini DOOM Apartment with bath or rantc Telephone PA ma After 130 Pm HILNIIHID CLEAN eerntortahls our room duplex apartment with rivale entrances Reesenable rent children Telephone PA 5716 for timber inlormelion UPPIR DUPLEX tor not Modern tour room ulfconilincd apert ment Private entrance Parking Te hone PA moo or apply 11 Ii Ave IILP CONTAINED tarnished epartmenL suitable let one or two butineu girls Reasonable rent Available immediately Telephone PA Lissa Lentil modern three room un mflihhbd IDIrtmcht splduul mood and swimming pool Also two irom tarnished apartments Altdntnl relcpheae PA m1 INFURNISIIED heated iDlIit for rust seifeconilined our room and huh Rllvy WIYIIII pukinl sense In Queens Park lill Telnphoii PA 33203 ALL HELPCONTAINED run nshed lower apartment Private bathroom private entrance vould euli couple Reasonable rent Tele phone PA 14551 new Arm Modern one and two droorn apartments ovcllnoklnl uenic Itsnspenieli ll at ter rperkios and otor eervi tnclu ed Automatic or bias eludes PA 51902 IIIDDERN one and two bedroom apartments east end Barrie liens boo drapes Venetian blinds Auto maue laundry Ia lttiea Parking Telephone PA Dr rurthcr lntormelion DHRABLI uppcr duplex heated Larse bright living room and klt rhen two bedrooms garage Bow tween rive Points and West Did shopping Centre Available May Telephone PA Hm TIIREE ROG unlum hed aperb ment for rent stove and ntrls eretor Use or washer and dryer Central location Newly decorated Nephone PA Limo ror rurther information 11sz R003 heated apartment Private bath modern kitchen with refrigerator and range newly de eoreted Close to schools stores ehurehe banks bus une Tele phene YA Mind Two RoollED furnished apart Inent with kitchenette and refrig rretor Heat and hydro supplied East and dlsirict on bus rou Suitable for bualnell gIrI Te phone PA 52907 sit SELr CONTAINED unfurn lehed heeled three room apart ment with bath in triplex Newly decorated Nice nelrhborhood Parking close to schools our and shopping Telephone PA 58507 wruIINISDED sour room apert ment with private bath nus rte at door Heated Available lmmed aiely 75 per month mama at 11 2MCnnn Street Telephone PA NEWLY decor bright and et tractlve unfurnished Lune room apartment with private bath sell contained Tomato street district Close5 to bus stop Telephone PA as rnIVATE around floor one bed room apartment Laundry Ieclu ties central water and heat ID eluded sat monthly Avauehlo slay Apply Peel street Apartment UNFURNISRZD modern apartment In private home Close to bill 1101 east end plaza Private entrance and walking faculties Available immediately Telephone PA was or particulars ULTItA MODERN unturnlshed one bedroom apartment Private balcony rent and rear Refriger ator and drapes suppued central Iy located Ideal for young mar ried couple Telephone PA H397 WANTED TO RENT WITHIN In to 20 mile radius Camp horde bedroom house or apart ment ergeaot and iamiiy arrivan approximately Mly desire oc cupancy IPmeimately May write Box 75 Barrie Examiner ROOM BOARD DOOM AND BOARD available on Essa Road in private home Au home cooking and lunches packed For rurther intermatlop telephone PA 04252 MARY STREET vicinity Room and board Gentlem prererred Close to downtown area will pack litu ches Home privileges Telephone PA seeds ROOM WTD ROOM AND BOARD wanted in rifle Apply Box In Earri Ix ROOMS TO LET CLEAN bright bedroom or rent In modern home Parking tecul ties Essa Roaddirtrict Telephone PA 55160 or further details NIcELY furnished heated bed altting room for rent in quiet home Gentleman preferred Arena location Telephone PA 07 DEIODT warm housekeeping room for rent stovo and retrigaraior West end With parking leciutlen Telephone PA H301 rURNIsEED BOOM tor rent Cen trally located 86 weekly For tur msbara particulars telephone PA FURNISHED BEDROOM or rent Centrally located with parklnl dscuitlu Telephone PA 84643 or further details ONE BRIGHT clean room for root Linens supplied On bus route Housekeeping if desired Telephone PA 50110 evenings or urtber pui denim PzardANENT Roomer pensioner or steeduy employed gentlemen Rates reasonable hy the week or menth Kitchen privileges Tele Phone PA 39092 retween to enormous or to evenings Two UNPUENIEEED or Furnished rooms with link Prlvlte Cutsnee Aiilndhia district Business Couple preferred Abshinzfl $45 monthly Quiet clean home Telephone PA 32114 mo ruminant rooms nested hydro tedrlserator and rsngette nrppiled Downtown area Suite able for Couple Also furnished bedroom reliable for gentlemen Aveuable lnnnodlately Telephone PA Lam alter pm ARTICLES for SALE HILL slzz Boys bicycle or this in excellent condition Price tie Telephone PA no NtRsEs IIIAT mm uniform or sale size 12 Twoplece Tales phone PA 917 alter pm usgn Isantch Vacuum oleenn for sale Good cendIIIpn Telephoue PA was for rurther intormetton orst Space Heater tor sale film new Reasonable Apply Nell ennedy unresng Ontario Tele phone 106 VIKING heavy ty electric range or sale slx ye re old excellent DODde 110 or but offer ler plum EA 84853 min SPRING SPECIAL FURNACES Forced Air new oil or gas 100 Interest up to 559 from buy now before further increase Used Oil Burners for sale PHONE PA 6039 OR STROUD HRS PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner It you would like to have ro prints of any news pictures ltakcn by our staff phowm phera please call at our Bush boss office We are sorry we cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints $100 lo $125 Pills tax 50 Who Doesnt Read Small Ads YOU DO Call PA 32414 Any one of the three classified ad takers will be glad to assist you with your COPY IT SPRING HOUSE CLEANING TIME GET CASH for useful Items stored in your attic garage and closets If you dont want it some body does USE FAST ACTING BARRE EXAMINER WANT ADS PA 82414 Two LEWYT Vacuum cleaners or laid In 100d thine 3850 Filter Queen inlet end Servlcc 37 Maple Ave Telephone PA saint nioUmN dark brown Coat tor sin 17 fun lenrth Best off er Telephone PA 509 alter pm CAIB LOANS$500 at er month Telephone PA no $053M FinDer 2d Dunlap st or nAwLElOEs Medicated Ointment 501 can 1125 post paid Dealers wanted John Toliand lot Illiesitp age street East Orl rwoR PURNACE or sale Kroano stamm lledai Ii toil Will heat up to Ave rooms Good condition Tolrpilon PA 54771 anleme rRANcIs DARNEnE Motorcycle zoo cc in good running condition Apply Earl Hart 145 ilepie Ave uc or telephone PA 52206 alter pm INGIJS WASHING MACHINE tension ladder 70 toot baby riage stroller tire 710ml recon tloned bicycle Apply at to Hoi gata street RUG REIImANT SALE Large and mu steed rugs and scatter mats rrom 13 27 at We to it I2 ft at Lee Clarks Dome Flir ntehlngs Si heydeid street Tele phone PA Dun MOTOR DICYCLE or sale girls banon tire bicycle boys racing bicycle to hp Evinruda outboard motor and L7 Neptune outboard in hp electric motor Telephone PA mild PHILIPA 2i Console TV ran tee on picture tube antenna like new 99 Singer Sewing Illchine 15 Floor Lamp $5 Childs Tri cycle it lied so 255 Bltilih Apt Telephone PA was SECONDRAND COAL end weod turnaca with pipes in good eoodl tion San Also secondhand gas lurnace 30000 Ixtu used only two months 3110 Telephone PA 34911 or PA Mm SPRING CLEANING SPECIAL singer vacuum cleaners and com bination floor cleaner and polish en Dig reductionsll Save while you are doing your cleaning sing er Sewing Centre Dd Dunlop st Barrio PA 37900 UsED REFRIGERATORs $3995 Used Washers man Used Rang ettes from $995 Used heavy duty stoves SLIM chrome Chairs new $499 Used Davenport set 349 Used Chesterfield 31095 Cilikl Home mmishlnts Annex Baydeld Street BOATS MOTORS lo FOOT PLYWOOD boat Will eali or trade for anything unhil Telephone PA 32743 CEDAR STRIP BOAT or sale new steering and controls TeeNee Boat Trauer Eest cash otter Tele phone PA 5507s after pm lass MERCURY to hp Outboard with remote controls and separate tank Apply Harold slut its Maple Avenue or telephone PA Mano alter pm la DELCRAPI lo hp Outboard motor electric stellar Niiy equipped Excellent condition For finger intormatlon telephone PA ALUMINUM Cartop best We hp Evinrude slotor saw complete TeeNee Boat Trailer 385 Canoe Inrt dherllae $75 motor sad Telephone PA mall 15 DELCRAET for sale fully lumped is hp Johnson electric start motor new battery speedo meter excellent condition Reason ebly priced Telephone PA E1513 idPT DEDCRAIIT ant motor and Trailer nIlly equipped in good condition best offer accepted Telephone PA 54648 for turther Inlumlfloii isn MOTOEDDAT and Trailer or sale fully equipped approx imately saw Also portable Sew lng pinchlne good working condi tion approximately 585 Telephone PA 66114 DOGS 8e PETS TOY MANCHESTER pedigree pup pies or sale seven weeks old Telephone PA Lam PONY mil SALE Iouryearold gelding sound For iuriher per ticulars telephone Letroy HIM ALSATIAN DOG white police dog or sale purebred age 11 years male Telephone PA 81137 or further detaUs GERMAN SHEPHERD Puppies for sale purebred weeks old Male $16053 female $5 Telephone PA Pox TERRIER Wm Puppies tor sale registered Apply to Elaino McLean Box Dead Head On tarie or telephone Prospect all Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 8241 FLOWERS PLANTS MOTOR CARS FOR SALE IoHrtrwANTED FEMALE HELP mount complete house planzings lunloen end den rs Gntty nee Perms PA use or PA H960 L7 CHEVROLET or sale Iw mileage but otch will be steer ed Apply John Duivenvoordeh RE No Etrnud ALL Ennis or shrubs Ever greens panties gledloii etc Dittrb Eulh Perm on Highway too or Thornton Cloverlear RR Tho too or telephone Ivy 20ml ARTICLES WANTED WANYED Good used Eieetrie Feu eer Telephone PA szlos WANTED tarot bushels White blossom sweet Clover cleaned reed to sow Telephone PA Moot WOODEN srooL Kroned in Iidih wanted write to Doe II Sundridge Ontario WAsz Piano Accordion Ian base key with three switches that be In good condition Also have two bedroom heated apartment or rent Telephone PA Ulla WANTED To BUY collection Dd lndlan relies old log canoe birch bark canoe In good rendiuoo Good prices paid end they will not leave slmece County Write has 55 Barrie Examiner FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed free For fast service phone EARRIE FA 87751 collect or ask for ZENITH 94130 1N0 CHARGE zt hours day7 deya week NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Polarized Ontario Licence No 4062 Nick Montague Prop GIIUWEIIS VANIED on chlrlCI for flicks Plehlee contact Alan IIroun stayner Grading station telephone 552w LIVESTOCK 1551 CHEVRDET Deluxe voLEIWAGzN deluge As new looo original miles White waits and weahem Low Io price of list Telephone PA Llhu use COUNTIY IQUIRE nine pan sensor wagon automatic tnntmte tlea beeuuml see green deep tread tires his car can be bought Ior 51 down and man per month Telephone PA reload rear door In gleaming black and white wltn handling interior Automate Cutlem radio whitewau tires and windshield tubers This car can be beam or 75 down and 50 per month Telephone PA no ISM FORD Patriane tour door so dul In ht blue with Dutchli Interior eulomeue trenunhslon windshield washer and beckon IIshIs rate over payments of no7 per month Telephone PA or lIPA DlLTRirz Travel Trailer ruliy equipped with lost Meteor Ranch Wagon recently overhauled and In top mechanical condition TRUCKS TRAILERS told PARGO TRUCK or sale Vs ton plekup with excellent motor and good body and urea Telephone IA HI Isit MERCURY llpiori Pickup ex ccilent condition also 1959 Studei baker Lark station Wagon Va fully equipped Telephone PA Mao ningx MOBILE HOMES issl TRAVEL HOME for sale 27 ruliy Iurnlshed Apply Norman heemlsh Minesior Ontario PLEEI cAsllN Camping Trailer or sale Sleep two people Apply ll Codrington street or telephone PA 34664 HACKNEY PONY stallion For ser vice recs contact Howard French Elmvalc telephone 1mm WANTED Three border Cheviot Dru with Lamb also Black Lab rador Retriever puppy Telephone Ore 1522 SADDLE HORSES for sale broken and reasonably priced Trice phone PA M260 if no answer cell atter pln REGISTERED Polled Hereford Ilull serviceable age Priced res bly for quick sale Eire Farms Cookstown Telephone Well FEED SEED GRAIN TIMOTHY SEED Good supply of power cleaned Climax Timothy seed at moder nto prices PHONE YOUR ORDER CRAWFORD AND SONS CALL 1910 0R0 oATs FOR SALE quantity or teed oats Telephone PA 66877 FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Base New Holland David Brown Beatty Farm Equipment 176 BURTON AVE PA $2373 CASH TRADE TERMS Garden Tiller Sales and Rentals ALSO Lawn Mower Sales and Service PA 82752 PARTRIDGE TRACTOR SERVICE Hwy 11 Best In Tractor Service MANURE sPRDADEn tor sale Downi takeoff Schultz Spmadmas ter Telephone PA 5am Ior tur ther inrormailon WREELIIDRSE nr RIDER with so Inch reel lawn mower Power driven sickle bars and snow plow can use 22 attachments Good con dition Telephone Creemora ml AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE See VIAU For RAMBLER VIAU MOTORS LIMITED 17 GOWAN STREET PA 66488 222 BLAKE sr PA 6l32 BRAND NEW 1962 VOLKSWAGENS ONLY $1737 Excl Licence Gas PIERCE MOTORS 81 ESSA Dawnad Illos to Pay SEAT COVERSBRAND NEW Custom made to fit 19525354 FordMeteor Mercury etc door models NaugaiIyda used for boats with silver piping trim Lover Shade of green with are tic white top Never used Sac rifice Call Mike PA 112852 after fix 1951 CONSUL AI condition Pri vate One owner car Prleed ree sonably Ior quick silo PA 84173 155 CHEVROLET coach with re dlo windshield washers extra wheels with snow tires Apply at da Holgate Street Barrie last ANGLIA tor sale beige ex cellant condition two extra tires No money down take over pay mcnts Telephone PA 54115 Lois FORD Ior sale In good run ning condition New tires and battery $85 Telephone evenings PA 551 or days PA 84526 1951 PAIRLANE Hardtop in sun buist yellow automatic transmits sion deep tread tires 390n0 orig Inhl miles $15 down and $5 per month Telephone PA Il70tla Whi IIAVE POUR good cars i954 to 1956 models ready to go that can be bought with no money down Payments will not he more than 57 weekly For information talk phom Jim Dickson It PA 5396 40 rtvo DEDnoosI llehlle Home new paint too No down ply ment slust move south for health Aaiso ml Ford wt Telphone PA mi PERSONALS wiDow living alone seeks Dough keepercompanion to live in No heavy work Good home Apply Dos at Danla Examiner MUSICIANS WANTED to Ill lot stock and hell band Must pily sax drums electric guitar bass pIeno Telephone ley at PA Robert Chappcli or 23 Floren street lilrric will not he respo sibl for any debts contracted in my name without my written con reht irom this date April 21 mt RODERT CHAPPEL WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Govarnment Chartorcdr Schaol Through training in all bran ches of beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 12 WORSLEY ST PA 83952 DEAUTP alloP Coldweves etc by certified hairdresser In your own home Phone Eernlce at PA £3851 LOST 8r FOUND CANADA GEESE lost trom Pretty ltlvcr Collingwood approximately weeks ago Any iniorrnatlon wel come Please contact Roy Weir colungwood or telephone zwvvl LOST Peanut long hair yel low cat vicinity of DonkNapIer sis Anyone knowing ih Whame abouts please contact PA 84551 tarnlly pc SMALL BLACK PURSE lost in front or Keenans containing money and Elgin pocket watch Keupsalre Finder please Nil PA M010 FOUR CAmE STRAYED irnm Lot 20 Concession Vespra Three black and white and one black with white taco Anyone knowing whereabouts telephone Wilbur Dohson PA $7557 10 HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP REGISTERED NURSES SUNNYBROOK HOSPITAL TORONTO $360000 per annum with two years or more of re cent experience annual intro ments to $390000 40 hour 5day week weeks annual vacation generous sick leave Pension Medical and Sui gical Insurance Plan Accom modation usually available in modern nurses residence Application forms available at all Post Offices should be for warded in tile Civil Servica Coni mLssion 25 St Clair Ave Toronto Ontario as soon as possible Please quote Competition No SET723 CHRISTIAN TEACHERS and college students for summer work Full or partetime Sun day school experience helpful Earn $100 weekly up Write John Radio C0 22 Madison Chicago Illinois TELLER For financial institution Experi ence helpful but not essential Must like meeting people Sal ary commensurate with experi ence A11 usual benefits Writs giving all particulars to Box 68 Barrie Examiner EXPERIENCED Sieno Receptionlsl For financial institution Must like meeting people and have quick and accurate ability with typing Shorhand no essential Write giving particulars to Box 69 Barrie Examiner WOMAN to care for invaud from pm to pm Monday to Friday Telephone PA Mm CAPADLE OIRL required or Red as White store Apply Thompsons lied White store RR stroud Telephone 12m stroud EALitDrtEaaER rcqitlrcd with on terlo licence Ap ly In person to Joan Garrick HIP Styli 35 Mr Pie Avenue CLERK TYPIST Permanent position Good geov graphioal knowledge required Pleasant personality and able to meet the public Five days week All employee benefits with good opportunity for ad vahcement Apply in writing to Box 73 Barrie Examiner GILL DR WOMAN to come in and mind chUdren while mother works can uve in if desired Telephone PA scoot EOUSKKLEPLR mulrd To live In Apply to tire Papa Chetierbns Restaurant town OPPORTUNITY Ier young Alngla girl In emau general orrlre Pleasant working conditions nt rodent In bookkeeping and ng essential For appointment tele phone Miss Snider Llhviow Dairy oltice PA suit 10 HELP WANTED or telephone coon iTS EASY TO PLACE BARRIE EXAMINER CLASSIFIED AD Use one of these three convent cut ways PHONE PA BZdii and want to place Classified Ad ltlAiL it to The Barrie Euni Iner Barrie Opt TELEPHONE PA OItl BRING it to The Barrie th amincr office Baylieid Street say MALE HELP WE WANT RILiAiL ONTARIO the Audit function Is Involved paid sick leave fessional information to GRADUATE PHARMACIST AMBITIOUS WE ARE PREPARED TO OFFER GOOD SALARY AND FUTURE GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS APPLY 1N WRITING TO BOX 73 BARRIE EXAMINER ililllIEDIATE OPENING FOR PHARMACIST MAN WHO is PERSONABLE ONTARIO TREASURY DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OF REVENUE SALES TAX BRANCH AUDITORS ADMINISTRAIORS SALARY $5750 $7200 Vacancies exist in the following districts Guelph Orillla Ot tawa Petorborough Smiths Falls and Toronto In some Dis tricts duties will involve the Administration of the District Office and the direction of the Audit programme in other Districts only There are excellent career opportunities with good working conditions including three weeks vocation superannuation and Applications are Invited from candidates having either CA or CPA degree Reply In writing giving full personal and pro Tne Personnel Officer Ontario Treasury Department Queens Park Tomato lMMEDIATE VACANCIES An established company is opening branch office in the Barrie area and is looking for young men to fill junior and intermediate vacancias Some senior positions available The men we are look ing for should be neat aggressive with good education and refer ences Office or selling experience is an asset We offer employee benefits excellent remuneration scale and holiday this yéar Apply in own handwriting immediately to BOX 60 EXAMINER AIIN PERSONNEL MANAGER WELDERS With experience on light to medium stceiplate parts Good working conditions hospital medical pension and insurance benefits Apply to SHELDONS ENGINEERING LTD 96 Grand Avenue South Gait Ontario TOOL DIE MAKER Required for Barrie manufac turing plant Excellent condi tions andbenofita Write giving full particulars of experience wages and references to Box 79 Barrie Examiner on allde Mechanic with duct work installation experience stee dy employment and liberal Done fits Apply to show lieatlno Department stmcoe platelet coop Esme Two EAR TENDERS required tor steady employment at the Barrie Got and Country Club Apply in writing stating dualideaiiona and salary Expecfdld All applications considered as confldentill Ensrid Exlminci Doll it on ovEli or market gap dening work willing to learn to drive tractor Good room and board provided No chores night work or Sunday work Hillcrest Gardens Phelpston Phone Elm vale 737R ELECTRONICS NEED MEN YOU can become specialist Tran at RCC trusted name in Electron Ics Training since ma Autumn tion TV thlr etc Free Booklet At now my classes start May 14 Toronto Montreal or Home study any time RADIO COLLEGE OF CANADA Kin St TorontU Ont MALE OR FEMALE MARRIED COUPLE FOR HOUSE AND PROPERTY CARE Man for outside work and occa sional inside duties Woman for housework and cooking when family in resid once Year round occupancy Use of car Excellent living conditions Good remuneration WRITE BOX 80 BARRIE EXAMDIER ELDERLY MAN or couple wanted to live onpremisos for summer month as watchman Small mun oration and three room lcottan supplied Telephone PAS on EXPERIENCED llairdres re quired at once male or emaia Sallry and commission Tel phone iiao HuntsviUe or write Ilu villa un Ilairdnaaera PO Box Di villa Ontari MALE OR FEMALE Chatterbox Restaurant COOKSTOWN REQUIRES IMMEDIATELY Dishwashers Waitresses Stockmen TELEPHONE COOKSTOWN 4584252 0R APPLY IN PER SON TO CHAiIERBOX RES TAURANT COOKSTOWN PHARMACIST Woolworth Drug Dept Top salary excellent conditIoIIS with limited hours Also HEAD COSMETICIAN APPLY TO BOX 67 BARBIE EXAMINER SALES HELP 8i AGENTS ONTARIO DISTRIBUTOR oi the Worlds Leading Tents by CABANON made in France is looking for resale agent in this community It requlrw 34 tents strategical ly displayed outside and nfferd fine margin of profit In the fastest moving sport in the world today If interested please supply vref erences banking preferred plus any information on your ability to handle and supervise this to Box 76 Barrie Examiner PROGRESSIVE FIRM put at dis Posni ot persons who Dire selling good vacant districts specials premiums ior detlers and custom els commission AVAsample clue szo reimbursed it not ratlsaed IITO Dept 71 run SI Hubert Montreal BARR EXAMINER SATURDAY APRIL 28 In SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS FEBGUSONVALE By AIRS THURLOW Congratulations to Mr and Airs Alfred Cumming vfiu Cei ebrated their Golden Wedding April I7 Mr and Mrs Fttd Archer and Susan Brock Toronto were Sunday visitors with Mr Hill hits Buster Swan liirs Clara Carson spent the weekend with relatives in Georgetown The WI quilted quilt the home oi Mrs Richard son last week Mr and Mrs Edgar Bearde sail Elmvale visited Itirs il Thurlow on Thursday III and Mrs Evcnnuis Wil Ilia and Margaret are on twoweek holiday in Florida USA iilis Gulick Toronto spent few days with Mrs Drady beiora leaving for England where she intends to make her home Mr and Mrs Carmen Ald red and Byron of Burlclgh Falls are spending few days at their home here WAVERLEY By MRS REG DRINKILL Visitors with Mrs Thomas Reynolds during the weekend were Mr and Mrs Allard Reynolds and son Itiorrisburg Mr and ltlrs Clarence Rey nolds and family Ottawa lllr and Mrs Alvin Reynolds and family C0ldwatcr ltirs Rene Murray and Mr and Mrs Lloyd Murday Midland rind Mr and Mrs James Darby Mrs Thomas Reynolds is Spending two weeks with her sons in Ottawa and Illorrisburg Mrs Bert French is pat ient in Penetang General Hos pital Mrs Ed Bell Toronto is visiting lilrs Spurgcon Brown Mr and Mrs Morley Fr ch and girls Brantford visit ed Mrs Charles French over the weekend Miss Goldie Frcnch Regina Sask is visiting at the homes of her brothers Elmer and Owen French Mrs Calvin Hamilton Mr and Mrs Iloward Cilwie and family Brantford spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Reg Drinkill Tommy and Deb bie Cowie returned home altar spending the past week with their grandparorlis Miss Norma Robson spent Easter holidays at her home in Campbeilville Mrs Ruth French and fricnd of Hamilton visited his and Mrs Herb Hornsb Heather Lauder Edgar is holidaying with her grand mother Mrs Cecil Wood Mrs Wallace Wood Mrs Clarke French Mrs Herman Trew attended Grand Lodge in Hamilton Tara Sye Wiiiuwdale spent some time with her grandpar ents Mr and Mrs Arthur Reynolds Wallace Wand left for his boat to begin another year of Sailing Misses 01 Armstrong II LEGAL NOTICES SHERIFFS SALE BY VIRTUE OF Writ of Fieri Facins issued out of The County Court of the County of York against the goods and chattels of FERGUSON and REID FLOOR SERVICES have seized and taken in execution all the right title interest and equity of the said FERGUSON and REID FLOOR SERVICES In and to all Stock In trade of file said FER GUSON and REID FLOOR SERVICES ALL OF WHICH stock in trade will he offered for sale by Pub lic Auction on FRIDAY MAY 4th 1962 at 100 pm at COOKE CARTAGEand STORAGE LTD 43 Essa Road Barrie Ontario DATED at the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe this 26th day of April AD 1962 ROSS HUGm Sheriff County of Simcoo List of Goods may be seen at The Sheriffs Office Court House Barrie Monday to Thursday 930 am to 430 pm Allénlion HOME ECONOMICS FOOD FREEZER LTD Have an openingJor district supervisor sales manager and crew manager for the Barrie Grillia and North district If you believe in advancement please write for details and interview to KREBS 4104 SOUTH SERVICE ROAD BURLINGTON ONTARIO EMPLOYMENT WANTED DAILY CARE given to ehudren In my own home Monday to Friday wiu call Telephone PA oldie LADY WDULD Iiite employment at housekeeper companion or adult Erasuumiinvflld Telephone PA Gambiam requires work wash for summer home or work moorlenced end cap hie Write Box or Darri Exam RI Inn has Dilemmas Want Ad PnouarA Milt HONORS MOTHER NEW YORK AP The Wai darfyAstoria Hotel SEIVEII Iri diana dressing on the salad at the champagneandsieak din ner at which Prime Minister Macmillan it Thursday night The dressing was named in honor of Macmillans mother who was born in Indiana It consisted oI oil and vinegar alt chovlcs lemon juice and salt and pcpperl Marlene Sinih and Matilda Allen flew to New York or Easter weekend Weekend visitors with Lloyd Armstrong were ir and Mrs Art Barstcad Ger ald and Brian of Clarkson Bob Cleunrid of Toronto and Harry Lamb of Aurora Debbie Butter Elmvale is spending Easizr holidays with her grandparents Mr and Mrs Thomas Robson OAKLEY By MRS ARMSTRONG Mr and Mrs Roy liill 0i Orillia spcnt Easter weekend with Mr and Mrs Glen John Stone Mr and Mrs Rilt Board and Rog Clarence Booth llrs Joseph Booth Mr and Mrs Wallace Douglas and Mr and Mrs Orville Armstrong motor ed to Malian Saturday evening to visit Mr and Mrs Clarke Middleton who were cricbrat ing their 25th wedding anniver sary Johnstone is visiting Mr and Mrs Thomas Exell of Utopia Easter Sunday viSllors with Mr and iilrs Orville Arm strong were ir and lirs Erne ost Langley and Arnold of Prices Corners Mr and Mrs John Ayers and Gicnda of Creighton and lilr and lllrs Earlry Armstrong oi Matche PSI lllr and Mrs Garnet John stone and daughters of Oshawa were weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Everette Johnstone Other visitors were Mr and Mrs Victor Johnstnna of Orll lla and his and lira John Static and sons of Early Mr and Mrs William Gill and Daphne and Rotlucy of Bultunvillc Spent the weekend with Mr and lllrs George Fleet and Mr and Mrs Orville Armstrong Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Melville Bell of Hobart who celebrated their 25th Wed dilig anniversary Saturday Bill Douglas of Toronto visit ed Mr and Mrs Wallace Dau gias on Easter Sunday Euchre party will he held In Carley school house Satur day evening April 23 umch auspices of the HobartICarley WI Everyone welcome EDENVIILE by MRS BERT Illmg Visitors for Easter veckcnn were Mr and Mrs Emerson Gallaughcr of Toronto and Mrs Florence Burnside of Aurora at ii Gilfens Mr and Mrs Earl McDonald of Toronto lit McDonalds Wilfred Degeer at Degeers Mr and Mrs Doug liiilne and family at Wil liam McNabbS Cathy lioNabh returned to Toronto with them for the holidays Mr and Mrs Jack Maw and Cheryl of Bra mpton and Mr and Mrs Cecil Atkinson of Nobelton at Maws Mr and Mrs Bub Dunn and family and Mrs Brown of Barrie at Doug McNabhs Among those who are holl daying tor the Easter week are Jimmie Gitfen at Ill Bates Sunnidale Camcrs Lynn Row ell with friends in Barrie Brenda and Carol Maw at Luugheeds Sunnidole Corners Larry and Murray Mow at Dobsuns Centre Vespra Adam Greer and dau hter re newed acquaintance are on Sunday Mr Greer worked for Maw number of years ago ster Kevin Graham of Orangevilie is spending some time with his grandparents Mr and Mrs Delyeer Mr and Mrs Douglas Glffen attended the funeral of Mrs Risehrough in Stayner Mou day number from Edenvaie United Church attended the service at lilinesing on Easter Sunday evening The choir con sisting of members from Illin osllig Edenvale and ncn Mills rendered cantata entit led Radiant Morning At recent meeting of the hall board it was decided to have the official opening at the newly renovated hall May 23 There will be turkey supper Served with program to fol low Winners at the weekly euchra Monday night were high Bad ies Mrs Allan McNabh low Mrs Dori Giffen high men Ken McNabb low David Maw The final Euchre party for the season will be Monday April at with pot luck supper at oclock After thorough discussion on use of the tworoom school at Minesing Vespra Schuul Area No Trustee board agreed to sell the building and mini mum amount of land to Mill Esing Community and Recrea lion Centre Eaard lot the ham inal sum of $50 It is expected the students at Minesing Celt tral School will use the re creational Equipment at nann hour and the auditorium for conceris and assemblies The general committee for the establt llsllmEnt of the recreation cen tre plan to extend the build ing to instai bowling alleys in the basement and to make volleyball and basketball courts available the HISTORIC ITEM Among historic pieces at Memorial Hall In Philadelphia is the oldest watch made at Nuruhels Germanyin 1504

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