Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Apr 1962, p. 12

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Classified The Peoples 10 THE BARR EXAMLVER SATURDAY APRIL 28 IKE ANNOUNCEMENTS BAYSTAIRS LODGE MINEIS POINT MINUTES FROM DOWNTOWN BARRIE Wedding Receptions Beautilul grounds tor pictures youll cherish Ample parking lor guesLI coli venience We assume the responsibilities while you enjoy yourulll Facilitiu ol dancing etc SATISFACTION ASSURED PRICES THAT PLEASE Call PA 85198 anytime BIRTHS nzhhAt the noysl Vleloris Hosplul liarrte on Wednesday Apnl as i962 to Mr and Mrs Iiailland hub Burton Avenue asrrle daughter Marionsir and Mrs John Iisnol 79 Ilercry street barrie are happy to announce the birth or their Ion John Thomas on Wednesday April as im at the Royal Victoria Hospital hurls brother or Julie and suven com News sroar warn you announce the blnh at your child in Th Elm Examiner clippings OI the home no availabla llallyl Boon Family Tree Records and In null vain irleods and marine in those Ir away places re plans an announcement All blflh call BIT rt Exlmlner classitled lIt uric DEATHS ROMANNorman Lindsay At st Josephs Itospllni Guelph 0n iarlo on Saturdsy April l962 Norman Lindsay nedmsh beloved husband or nuth llchen dear ra iher or no Kenneth illCNl at Dartmouth and Mrs William Wehber Elizabeth of Park llldge Illinois brother or Miss Mary lied msn or harm and Mrs Ralph hallugh iEJdlth or Guelph also survived by live grsndchlldren Ilestlng II the urlniyre and Wu ltlo Iunc sl Home Delhi Street Guelph here service will he held on nlrndsy May at no pun Interment Woodlaer Cemetery CARDS OF THANKS cAhlpnnLLWe wish to thank rellives lrlends and nelghhom or their many expressions oi sympathy bcsutllul ilorsl ollcre lngs nnd many acts or kindness during our recent bereavement ot son and brother The lsrnlly oi the late Gordon Campbell cOcImANEI wlsh to thsnit my rricnds neighbors and relatives lpcclal thanks to Dr Guy and the nurses and slltl or the RVrll for their kindness during our recent bereavement tlrs Cochrane and chilly xLusl wish to thank on Czwllnd and lekalh numu and man or the ham tarts lios pltaL rar their kindlier while patient there also relatives and rrlonds tor their many acts or klndneu Special thanlts to nev II Harper lurs Jack rails FOWLmWe wish to extend our heartfelt titmu Ind lpprccln tlon or the acts or kindness massage or sympathy and beantl ml nori offerings rscelved rrom nrlghbnn mlatlvu and many iricncls especially thanking the hey hell and hev Gohuen ior thelr consong wards and help in Our sad bereavement or lov ing husband and rather Lavina Fowler and dark IN MEMORIAM hhAvahAltDIn loving morn dry or Mutant Genevieve Blan chard daughter Mr and Mn Nelsnn alanebard who passed away April 23 1950 She has not son iront those she lovod Nor has she wandered in Just entered Gods most lovely room And ieit the door aiar Iovingly ramcmhmd by lathe sr mother sisters and brother COMING EVENTS TEIJE HOORNVELD Well known Canadian Artist will have showing of his paintings at the home at CARSON I70 WELLINGTON ST BARRIE Sat Apr 28 at 730 pm Everyone welcome PRENATAL CLASSES Sponsored by SIMCOE COUNTY HEALTH UNIT Spring Series of Discussion Groups Begin MAY 8th 730 PM PHONE PA $5967 or information and application forms Vespra Ratepayers meeting will be held in EDGEHILL DR SCHOOL on MONDAY MAY 7th PM To discuss the pros and cons of the proposed annexation of portion of Vespra Township by the City of Barrie Your Assm ciation is most anxious to have good turnout to this meeting as Vcspra Council and public school board have been invited and evaryones opinion is im pnrtant Rummage Sale TRINITY PARISH HALL FRIDAY MAY 4th 130 pm pm FOR PICKUP nicely trccd lot Garugc About FA 39342 $33 will handle Tciephono PA PA 37505 ANGua New three bedroom Ausplces Barrie Central District buck bungalow modem mum LA Lot in 210 reel Near Catholic Copy for Want Ad Section accepted until pro publication school and Church Down payment LOOK IN on this new thrce bed REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE ROSE REAL ISTATE BROKER Il TlnlN STREET nAnnll THORNTON $3900 Full price lli storey rooms lot about 50x16 this home Ls located in the Village of Thornton within about block from the store and close to churdlcs and schools Ideal prir perty tor the handy man or someone looking or cheaper home minus the conveniences Down payment 000 ballian on one mortgage with easy pay ments immediate possession Call now or appointment to in spect PRINCE OF WALES SCHOOL AREA $8900 lllll price with pas siblc bedrooms living room dining room kltcllcn ull base ment orccd air all llcallng garage This is brick home well located to stores schools and bus Owncr hclng trans lured to the west coast BRAND NEW BEDROOMS ATTACHED GARAGE Down payment $1400 balance on uric NIIA Mortgage This Is ll roomy bedroom brick blin galow with real lamily sizc kilrfiicn and living room that has more than ample wall space attached garage only about two blocks from both pilbllc and high schools All services paid for by the builder ll yoil are look ing or new home make sure yoli see this Duo in my opinion it is the best dollar for dollar buy in the city CALL DAY OR EVENING PA 82379 Member the panic and Dlstrlct heal Illtnlo Bond HENDERSON REALTOR la coLLiclt srnccr PHONE PA 84673 NEW LISTING $2900 Desirable central east end location Priced under mar ket to guarantee move when school is out Lovely six room rug brick ranch style home Spotless and complete in every detail Has NBA $7900 mortgage and carries for $80 including taxes If necessary can arrange small second mortgage To see in time call Emerson Swain Evanlsz CALL RITA scANDRm PA Haas DOROTHY lercox PA 5354 PERCY FORD PA aIm EMERSON SWAIN PA 68605 Member or Barrio und District and Ontario lleal Estate Board Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Tiffin St PA 61881 Bedroom Bungalows From $350 down and up $75 monthly $8600 full price Contact any sales man EVENINGS CALL Karl Marshall FA 39911 Ipe Palmer PA was Emory Mlller PA 60553 Member of the Barrie and District Real Estate Board CARRSDON cht door to the imperial Theatre 45A DUNLOP ST PA 66481 Member or Barrio and District Real Estate Board MOVING For complete moving service safer and easier Call COOKE CARTAGE El STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT 43 Essa Rd Barrie FArkway 35575 AHOLD FOHRSTER AND COMPANY Realtors 98 BAYFIELD ST PA 56453 ANYTIME EVENINGS CALL Doris Nuttycomha PA E7957 Maryann Smith PA b4023 Norm Hesketh PA a7ola Curly Klaustcrmarl PA 854 Members of the Onrrie District Real Estan board cIIANcI up thctlmc in Darrin East End income property Duplex only $600 Tclophane HE 417 ram bungalow this weckcnd at as Queen Street Dirch iroln builder to you at great savings PHONE PA flMIA day OPE all day Saturday snd sun FIIANK NELLES REAL ESTATE PA 85568 huts IL ItOollrapA Hill ROGERSPA use Emitb OsmphsuIA on Rush GlnaynDA ham DUNLOP ST First Mortgage Funds Jdl Lougiln PIt min Ihsreli shellwsu Ora 271 115 DUNLOP ST Graydon KohlPA 84608 CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone PA will 93 Dunlop St llthiL lllAlislIItLLPlt mi COREYPA Hist llIUlIIEL JEFFEiIYPA Mid Keith Marshall REAL ESTATE niloxzit PA 82592 l5 cLAPPEltToN 5T BARRIZ PA um Ilcmber lisrrle and District heal math Hoard WHITE BRICK SPLIT LEVEL On quict Mountbatten Road Orig block school and bus Stol lar built with finished room on lower level giving sight rooms plus lull basement Only eight months Old Better than new condition NHA mortgage At tractive below market price ott cred Telephone PA 59973 MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and it you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 61801 lls Dunlap St New three bedroom home Large living room kitchen with large dining area lots ol cup boards and storage Oil heated Colored bathroom lixtures van ity divided basement Largo lot in good residential area close to stores and schools TELEPHONE 84281 huNGALDW our bedrooms rec reation room and attached garage Fully landscaped tenccd lot with patio Immediate possession Teloe phone PA 566 Fault BEDROOM House near clty Limits All conveniences Two bsthrooins dreplace attached gar age aluminum storms and scream Hot water heating Telephons PA Mm RANCH lian nrlcle IIIIIIEAIDW attached garage Three bedrooms largo recreation room close to schools large landscaped inc Mom tth payments slin Including taxes Tclophona PA 60156 LOVELY FAMILY horns shade trees bedrooms fireplace gar age many extras hot water heat ing with oil Full httll Ind base merit close to downtown PA Mm IMMEDIATE Possession AngIII $0500 rull price 32mm down Plvs IOnm home double garage picket lence as as that lot close to modern schooL Apply Vernon IL Angus Telephone HE 95444 MAKE AN OFFER centrally loca ted older type duplex consisting or rooms and bath rooms and bath Heavy wiring all hutlnl large lot Outslde construction bevel siding and lnsul brick Gyp roc inside Apply box 63 Hartlo Examiner for rurther lniolmstlah FOR SALE OR RENT Faun BOOM House at Mlnets Point with three piece bath Full size basement with lumacebpw down payment Easy terrru Telli phone PA Man PROPERTY WANTED LoT WANTED or hours an the edge or town prererred close to cagol it possible Telephone PA BUS OPPORTUNITIES LuNcu non for rent at super icst station Hwy 21 in Coohtown For iurther details telephone Cookstown 4534471 MECHANICS independence Sen vice Station Ior lease Good call onage Well cqulppcd Call Harry MEMBLRS uAlqu DISTRIVI hm PROPERTY FOR SALE ROGERS CONNELL ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First in Barrie Hotn Solesforemost in Quality of Service TRUNK LINES EVENINGS cALL msrmPA out caNNzuaPA $975 ETA BOARD CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 82 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA bow PA Hm Member or tho am In latu curd Joan LustPA ulli Chlrlll headPA IuiI Norman ISIieIsweII REAL ESTATE BROKER PA 9961 PA WU Available 77 Interest 60 at Value No Fees Charged zvmnin can In Wuhan PA ml Norman sbvtswsll PA mi Howard Norris PA was lGRAYDON KOHL REAL ESTATE BROKER PA 84252 PA 84808 Bill flownPA 60177 BUS OPPORTUNITIES Service Station FOR SALE Fully equipped garage Automatlc car wash Good gallonage Good location FOR FURTHER DEIAHS TELEPHONE ALLISTON HE 59987 MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE 1st 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all properties LOW MONTHLY WITH PAYMst TAILORED To YOUR bUnGLI IF YOU NEED MONEY ITO consolidate debta ay on existing mortgage mongsges coming din omo improvement by worthwhile cauu PA Moat Mortgage Funding OVEI SimpsonsSears NEED MONEY We will loan you the money you need to pay all your outstanding accounts on first or second mortgage loan with monthly payments as low as $35 Includ ing interest loans made for home improvements or any oth er useful purpose Existing lirst or second mortgages or agreements for sale purchased or cash For fast contideotlal service write to Kitchener Mortgage Exchange 251 King St West Kitchener Ontario our representative wlll be in Barrio two days every week tor interviews MORTGAGE FOR SALE $3500 second mortgage Five year term 7¥s interest re paying $40 monthly principal and interest Well secured Will sell or $3100 Apply to Box 74 Barrie Examiner Int AND 2ND existing Mortgages OFFICES STORES RENT REAL ESTATE MONEY TO LOAN PRESCRIPTION FOR PAYING BILLS Pay em all with lowoon tilelmured ECOTIA PLAN MAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA RENTALS Dow Corr Inc or not clean modm buildinu Suitable tor commudll or light industrial Telphone PA can NURSING HOMES PAIIONS REST HOME Pro Nellie Patton AYNER ONT Vacancies now available or welfare and wovalerceula Tole phone STAYN ER 55 DON ER REST HOME Licenced pleasant home or elderly convalescent and re tarded Tray service Renoir able rates PHONE 77 STAYNER or write PO Box 194 Stayner Ann DEN Nuamm noun Bullt or this work aunt and prlvlto rooms kind nursing care good iood TV room station son on cutiau Talephcos mu stroud GARAGES FOR RENT LARGE two stall garage or rent Sultable or llrxc truck or car may be seen at in Mary street or phone Roy chhung Plt um MODERN Ollico Bullding downtown Bar rle has limited amount at space availablewill alter to suit Telephone PA om $0365 APTS HOUSES T0 RENT The Garden Terrace Corner Queen and Duckwortbt Modern home two bedrooms large living room tiled kitchen with dining area all boat with alr conditioning lull basement Oswvea and lrldges OIndividual thermostats olhclnerators IFrec washing and drying facilities Olllany other line appolntmonts Children welcome Sample sultc may be reel by calling PA 83186 BRENTWOOD TERRACE Self cootalned two bedroom apartment Living room kltclp ch lull basement with laundry tubs Central location Free parking Telephone PA 59238 UNPUENISHED two bedroom uIl contslned ground floor apartment All utilities supplied Dunlap st Wut ares Telephone PA mus ImvuimlsIIIID heated upper arthicnt or rent one bedroom at reasonable rent Telephone PA L782 or rurther details Tmlze noon unlurnllhed ult contalned heated apartment or rent separate entrance Adults Apply in nunlop St East RENTALS tells MALIY Looled Apartment or rent Stove and nlflztralof supplied Two bedroom Market Pl ace in your own home PA 82414 All this or only £60 per month and than ten Includes beat and DAYS PA 66 as It Mom Your rum um tarnished noun or rent at in Own nun Tlhytim PA wit mu loom unlumiaeed apart mi ullltonlaln¢L Hut and hue an Era soon II it Pmtanx ru Two mum Room to Mt unt housekeeping Kitchen room Clad to 6mm do Mlvll An ledvbm PA taxis Tall BOOM nilcontained hula od apartment lion and rclrirrrs tor Control location Oiidtrut parking Avallabln now Tclsphlnu H000 MODLIN tam laer mm tall eontsined apartment tor rcpt ntovn and trunnion supplied Close to bus Last end Telephon PA MIN tor iurrher idiomaticn no pl Mom Two bedroom buhnww central elm Ia uhooll Avail June school tucbm prcrrrred Tellphm PA $170 or molntmmt to inspect mall nnloou modzrn hams all ronvenlencu conveniently lb csted to Camp Borden and pants Hardwood and ills nccrs Garden and garage Telephone olul Ivy BIIIOIII our room Inull apart ment with navl lnd relflldrltor included Control Private ebb rsnce Runnable rvnt Telephon PA tom or lurtber iniormstlcn cLIAN comrortsble upper thres room apartment or rent lulrlger slor stave but water and lights supplied ault caupll hruonsbla rent Telephone PA Hui 11ml noon meni central lsclllilu tarnished PA loo AVAILABL lulu Two bedroom apartment with no relrigersior washer and dryer Rent no per month Telephone PA Illlb or call It Cook Elrut until two bedroom unlurnlshed apartment heated complltely ult rontdlned clot lo uhooll on Ill route on monthly Apply Cblrlu Newton PA two mill Immmallzn Rooms of rent all conveniences lienlun tor stove parking Plcue Idulu only Lacltd near areal Telk phanl PA pm Two summon ull contained arialent or rent unrumlrhed srsgo children welcome no Allsndsld dlurlet Tclrghonc PA mi lor lurther lnrornution TIIIIIZE ROOM Iumlshed Ivarta merit close to downtown Heated Iurnlsbed spart Parirllll Laundry ttvn room nely apartment Teltvbono and hydro suppued Telephone PA 1457 dlyla and PA 57 new Iiucrnrnt lacilltles At so Napier street 15 monthly Available May Apply St Vincent Street Two ROOM unrurnlshcd Iparv ment with kitchenette tepsnte three piece bath but Ind ughtr supplied on bus route Near Gen sl Electric Telephono PA in er 530 $111 UNVUIINIIIIZD three room lplrte ment or rent healed hot and cold wIer stove included Private entrance Avsllsble my phons PA M547 or urther do palm noon unrnrnished heated apartment completely bellcohqu cd laundry and parsing utilities Newly decorated oalriey Park till Irlct Avallsbis now Telephons as used wwnlvinm Apartment for at ullconlalned Colulstl of living room kitchen bedroom and ball Rankine and nlfllentor luv lled Rent for $7 per months Telgphdnl PA 52485 or PA 32311 Prlvdle Two imam Apartmenta our rooms and two mm Cen trot location Heat light and wa ter Included Apply at Blyfleld Street mzz BEDROOM student or rent In new In Vilma dryer and Janitor urvlcd lupplted Available Immcdlztely Telephone PA 152351 or unlit luformlthm Two ammonia sunglows or rent on Hlfhvuy 400 But mill Ioutb nsrrlc on 5th Caucasian Thornton Racists telephone Clarkwn OOL TAleg mu ppm DUPLEX Isva bedrooms living room and kllclacn Olly tiled our piece bathroom oil heated Laundry admin Immedi site pomnlrm Telephone Im entrance Over Filter Quzzn villa Available ImmedllLely Telephone PA 31432 BOOM unrumlsbcd apart mellxth unlicgiifga private entrance er alldmln welcome elm to uhool Ind but PA um suer pan $30 monthly 55 Cumberland street PA meat with badl Had private entrance garage Two APAIznlmb mlcloul one and two bedrooms unllshed contained 75 HOUSES TO RENT CONVENIENTTO EDGAR Three room unlurnlsbed apart driveway garden hydro In Dalston seven miles lrom Barrle Convenient to Edgar BVIZNINGS PA 65111 ROSE rizItL DIItrz Ilium 11mm tram BARR RENTALS APTS HOUSES To RENT ANGUI Two bedroom panmecl or rent bath upsratn enlr and gusge us per month Cs Margaret Street Angus or phalu ivy mu um pm lmnmtllulzn Lana titres apartment with hstb Prints trance M5 Per month 1ch PA um uzATID uhrnlllrtlallzn ull routslned apartment ground floor Ibru larg roam Near Khodl Pastun iPdull entrance month Telephons PA cm Ting IOOM Itpsnmrnt lian hhed ti APARTMENTS to Allllrméziirliviuefdd ron RENT any in Allandale bemaenu garage 75 available how small lam lly welcome Allandalr bedroom adults only East end lower apartment one bedroom lamlly with one child 875 East end one bedroom adults only 870 available now other apartments to dipole Irom mu DAY on nvahnvo PA 82379 labor of the Barrie and maltch Thai Estate Board NEW FURNISHED APARTMENT Central Brand new furniture $75 and appliances Private Large plcturcsquc wlndowr new color ed tlle bathroom Excellent or adults Telephone PA WI daya or evenings Two BIDIODM Hall or root to Anna Modern convenlencu 110 month ror Appointment to aspect telephone PA um all pan IIImIoN am Thu room lin rurnlsbrd apartment to rent oil heated hot watcr lion and rev Ingertor Pflvato bath Apply to Centre St lot 1111th Womlflon IJFIZR IJIJPLBX room And Kim deck Newly decor ated Heated Sellwnulned and mm tacitliles In east and in brill dlepbtm PA 5m Amltmvu three rwnl turbid ed apartment uilonulned CEO ml lulllon Suit bullpen III of couple Avallnblo Ill Tel pbm PA Hm 10174800 iiiulsth artme vs duty stove hardwood noon three piece bath Avlllable April 11 Apply Armstrongs Hardware Dual Strut Ban LARGE mull nooni Apartment nlflltrllor Ind he garage avallablz in minutes wallr tram downtown Telephon um PA in tflpltx or unlurnllhed tell ncwly decorated he cellent location our plan and beach Telzphone PA Hm AVAILAHLE Now Modelb hula ed two bedroom apzflmcnl in siroud apartment home Adults RE AND Duncan apartmentl unlurnisbed heated separsls eo Elwelcgg End rel150fm Clou es an bone PA we RSI at By ALICE nachos LIVELY LIVING Classic casual with lively no stampa please or this pattern Print plainly SIZE NAME AD DRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS care at Barrie Examiner Pate tern Department so Front St Tomato Ont SPECIAL SpringSummer Pat tern Catalogready howl More than too sparkling stylusrun mg Breton No oblectlon to baby so at swimming pool DIOan Iy Telcphdno Strand 48 BUSINESS sport day dance work travel All sizes Send 35 cents SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Dow Rates By Month or YBar Telephone PA 32414 AND TV SERVICE ONE BEDROOM Apartment on jfflbgggalfigf emergent APPLIANCE FLOOR COVERINGS age lrnnsedlste possession 47 SERVICES arovs street that Telephone PA BARRIE PA 53° TONYS APPLIANCE FLOOR WALL TILE Sales Service Moll service 24 Ma 16 Ave 147 DUNLOP ST as bug Wailing PA 61142 Mega Ceramic ie itétltliéfii warm on FACEDWITH DRINKIJ PROBLEM Perhaps AA Can Help WRITE PO BOX 501 arpcts OComplete line of samples FREE ESTIMATES DAY 0R EVENINGS WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED FREE PARK ING PHONE PA 55562 serviced landscaped grounds In or rent best and water supplied in it box teat MFa bamboo draped $86 month lmniandnzn three room dipr gggfrgpgggflxmgflrgfi out lol ranking7 everyday dries so PHONE PA 5240 filleld 232 125nt or telephone pa Most or PA ing delight Sow it or Spring close to stores school and bus 71 In cresp cottons Choose smart DELUXE TlFhm PA 5m Liza 1315 Itjhreedroom limlam or Iguahup sleeves l7 new rinted attcrn itll sea Conveniently located near N7 mm mm gnrafodntovr and rclrluratorlup schools Iboppin and bus and xii isviva LIsedirgtoiismyTtmhg plied Available immediately Rent 55 19 12 74 15 13 20 within walking finance of mm mum mm reasonable including rage Ad Size is takes yards aMnch dawmawn roent bonding Telephonn pA THIN0M PA P3857 fabric cane and two momma uivnnmlsrlgp cell contslned 59 Fen 50 Fen 331 53 ba quunNiIlizo two bedroom three room apartment Hot water pains Ontario residents add large upper duplex oll bested heated stove reldgersior sod cents sale sax Mr Miller PA ml ml evenings PA Him old existing mortg lon Broke was FINANCIAL EED $50 slessor stoutt Agcncies Ltd Ile altors lo Collier st PA 35901 Want Ads SELL Most Anything em lpartlnent now eeaurc Spray Painting Ag wgngggm Bugle gamma zxczriIONALLY LIIis on room shsped living and dining ares tvo Wu Sim Zoe aym My DAY lzmaotlhdtfilffli lavarrzrogs an one in ms an 47C tilt Ttlltor° and srucco STON noon F0 7° WEEKS PROPERTY wro To BUY QUIKBRIK AND Rflflfigfimgfifigw Ask For PayDay Loan WANTED PLASTERING fimgéwm CEILINGS ROOMS CALL ARCHWAIS PATCHES PHONE PA 61618 PA 60203 C°ages size no Estimata WELL meme ln BarrieOrillia District SlMggéeQmeRm Crescent Finance BUYERS WAITING mu WELLS DRILLED 26 Dunlop St BABRE Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA $2414 bought or ready cash ADO money loaned on present mornEu CILI 55mm 131 MORTGAGE wlnted an excellent 5vyurold bllulllow In Karrie Call Gerry Mallory PA MORTGAGESlat and 2nd bought and arranged commercial and residential moneys loaned on Enlril Mart VERY CENTRAL MI Telephone PAVBLMI Telephone PA $3011 abutment very central PA tut Two bedtom lpartmml In new bulldlnfl Stove and nfflznalw WEN hunt11 lltllltlu alto parking Avaulbla Two BOOM mulled apartment Heat hydra and water included in rent Neat snd clean close to downtown Sulbble or cwylla LAME two bedroom furnished bachelor apartment Olly Inmllhv ed and single bedroom Telephone spacious UNTUFNISEED one bedroom apartment or rent Priv ate entrance and bath centrally located Heat and water supplied Telephnnl PA 36159 or PA 8651 mt noon cellcontained Im lurnllbed Tinted ameni Newly doorted Writer hydro stove and rerrlgentor supplied Private ente mice Queens Park II Telb phone PA 66321 murmur Upper anlzx all lieted 13 12 Ilulfll Im Nell HM Bathroom bedroom and modern Hidden Nzwly decorated Seeding haloslulu Lawn help mohufimoflflm EL 5m ORAN lg mdgeertiuzsnn limp and car me am nu Dance or estim mm Am In fig gigs Arnold bees Plnnrick PA merit separate en nu Ingnftfllggg PAINTING AND Dorommn and Lawn Mowing Plaza Available immediately Izlb PAPERHANGING done or the summer months Will phone PA 51161 rar further ticularx m4 LLY heated New mad Sloufi Agencies Lid BARRIE REALTORS IO Collier St PA 85901 EVENINGS PA 34952 Charles Lawson Propr LANDSCAPING DoranLLING landscape garch ing nursery stock Frec estimates Telephond Eszder PA $71456 START EMILY or your Sodding OR PHONE PA W06 EXCAVATING FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Gradin Water Delivery Crashed stone Hall yard Backhoe tor hlre aIno dispose of those unwanted articles from spring cleaning Also have well rotted cow manure or flower beds or vegetable gardens cowano slum AND son Painting and Paper Baum PULDS NSIAIJED BY LICENSED DRILLERS FREE ESTIMATES Coupland Drilling RR BARBIE PA 87646 May 60 Coiled Its wonderful the way Classified Ads get re sultsl Phone PA 82414

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