ErrConstable Appears May Present Testimony TORONTO CPY Arrival at iormer Provincial Police Con stable Robert Wright on the scene just as Ontarios royal commission on crime was ad journing Thursday prompted speculation he will tcstiiy be iore closed session at the hearing today Wright iormer member oi the OPP antigambling squady was convicted last month with gamblers Joseph McDarmott and Vincent Feeley oi conspir acy to obtain information illeg ally rum police oiiieer All three are on bail pending deci sion by the Ontario Court oi Ap peal on an application inr aplt peal Commissio ncr Mr Justice Roach adjourned public hearings until Monday but commission counsel Roland Wil son said he expects private session will be held this after noon Similar prlvate sessions which preclude identification oi the witnesses were held April and Meanwhile Mr Wilson was to appear beiorc the Ontario Appeal Court today to argue motion by lawycr Walton Rose or stated case on ruling by Mr Justice Roach HAS REJECIED The commissioner has re jected the lawyers request to crossexamine call witnesses or even state case why he chose such course The decision is being appealed under the Pub llc inquiries Act Mr Rose who has been at the hearings as counsel for Me Dermott Feeley and Mr who testitied at the earlier pri vate hearings said Thursday night he is also representing Wright Thursdays session was takcn up almost entirely by testimony oi another frequent counsel for the gamblers David Hum phrey oi Toronto Mr Hum phrey is expected to return to the stand Monday The lawyers testimony deep ened the mystery surrounding ninevpage brlei which told the OPP bow to raid at club run plug in opposition to altering McDermottFeeley operation in Fort Erie lnsp Allan Stringer head of the OPP Peterbornugh area testiiied recently that man identiiying himself as Hum phrey telephoned him about the brief irem Toronto in 1958 that he subsequently received it in the mail and that he took it to tho OPP antigambling squad in Toronto SAYS HAS NO LINK But Mr Humphrey told the inquiry Thursday that he had no connection with the brief He said be suspected the document was prepared by McDermott though McDermott had never admitted the authorship The brief was howtodoit tor successiul raid on the old Ramsey Club in Niagara Fallr which at the time was be ing operated by an Italian Ca nadianAmerican operation Mr Humphrey also dis claimed knowledge of tele phone call listed in his name tram suite in the Royal York hotel here to Wright in Bella ville March 1960 He said he never met or spoke to Wright in any way directly or indi rectly until aiter he was ar rested When the former offi cer was arrested two months later Mr Humphrey acted as his counsel When asked for an explana tion at telephone slip showing the call and giving his name the lawyer surmised that some one had wanted to call Wright anonymously Mr Humphrey said he was unaware that $23890 account at the Royal York for five days in March 1960 was in his name until police oiiicer told him much later REMOVE FILES Following Wrights arrest the lawyer said McDermott and Feeley removed some files from his ofï¬ce while an OPP war rant to Search the office was awaiting execution Mr Humphrey testified police themselves unwittingly tipped him oil to the warrant Mr Moore had turned up at his of ice when he was out and while waiting for him accepted call for Constable Moore The lawyer said he had tele phoned for Coast Moore at OPP headquarters got an eva sive reply about the visit put BARRIE ELECTRIC MOTORS AUTHOR M0 9A ZED ItElAND N51 two and two together and told ticDermott and ieeley He described etiorts on be half oi the two gamblers in 1958 to keep their Frontier Club our Fort Erie in operation He had complained to several persons that it was being put out oi ex istence with nightly raids by Bertie Township police white the rival Ramsey Club in Ni agaru Falls was relatively un harmed He had gone to Bertie Police Chief Howard Johnston who re buiied him the Bertie police commissio Bowman Ontarios director oi public pmsecutions and anyone who would listen But his eilorts failed to keep the club from ioiding Earlier mursday former MP and an assistant crown attorney took the stand to deny suggestions they were involved with gamblers Anhur Jolley Progress Conservative member oi the legislature tor Niagara Falls from 13 ti 1359 said that at hchermotts request he ar ranged meeting between the gamblerand Chic Johnston But he did not know the meet ings outcome had not heard since then irom hchermott and had not been oiiered any in dueements irorn the gambler hlr loiley now registrar oi deeds for Welland County was at loss to explain our per sontopeison telephone calls listed in commission cvidEnce as having gone to his home in 1958 from Port Credit num ber known to have been used by Feeley He said be had never met Feeley and suggested one at the calls might have been from hicDermott tor the police at poinlmenL Donald Scott assistant Crown attorney at Niagara Falls de nied allegations in speech last fall by Liberal Leader Winter moyer that he was iriend oi hicDermoit and Feeley He said he had never met or talked on the telephone with either man TELLS OF DISAPPEARANCE During his testimony concern ing the Ramsey Club raiding document Humphrey told at Feetey disapoearing about the time the club was successfully raided in 1958 and hicDermott getting worried that he might has been done in by dis gruntled rivals thinking he had hand in hlutprinting the raid Humphrey revealed that lc Dermott put homicide oiiicers on the trail oi his partner but that Feeley soon turned up on harmed lt transpired the lawyer said that he had just become intox icated and headed for New York Mr Justice Roach was cur ious as to how rival gamblers would know oi the existence oi the briei at this time Those things had habit at getting around the lawyer said He told at l959 iallingout be tween McDermott and Frank THE BARRIK EXAhiilNER FRIDAY APRIL 27 196 tCurlyt Gardiner who had had hand in ntnaieg the ltusdund Club near Windsor oi which the Toronto pair owned Sllku He said Gardiner at this time was trying to get money irom hicDermott under threat oi spilling information that would put himand possibly Feeley in jail though hchetmott did not pay Humphrey said he went to see OPP Commissioner Clark but the commissioner did not seem much interested and turned the conversation to the question ol whether ltchermott had patch tiix somewhere in the OPP However was hardly the WbafgwonaerflIWay 20 be carried away léorbearfbéaf oUbkensy0ur dreams compel177g 793be For f7s £9 Uosmobfla 79 99 79 oil97 luxury ofa Mbrafunearoe f0 03 pererfy canirofleq GENEliAI MOTORS VALUE your Sena70 fIofitgï¬zsaljooffllflg will 39 9V3 Merit730 your firsfl 777ereis something extra about Olahing sIp smoafIyoro fiyi 32 ï¬rsfgIMpse of f719 one to talk to about that hl sold At more amicable point in the Mcocrmou Feclty Gur diner relationship during 1933 the lawyer testiï¬ed he look lp 515000 mortgage on Gurule ers Windsor horn WilirV at McDelrnutls behest to pro tect Gardiners wiic flguiiiai chance oi it being gamble away by Gardiner whom be de scribed as compulsive gam bleri Humphrey said it was strictly straw transaction to place an encumbrance on the prop erty that he received no money and that he gave Mrs Gardiner dislharge or the mortgage game foafseems fa beckon Zame Wfzmefi ry you bVéfSYen 77783f167 urgenfpower of Uos Hacker anyhe 2907 79 beef sfl lies Magda17 79 years afendurhg safsifgcflbn fyaf Johe 0ds owners74b Veg youl ï¬nd NINETVEIGHT HOLIDAY SPORTS COUPE wmrenlt um optionslat extra cost DANGER 233 BRADFORD 31 Chevrolet Corvoir Olds Cad Envoy Chev Truck Dealer ï¬g 91 FIELD morons LIMITED PHONE PA 6527