Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Apr 1962, p. 6

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BARR EXAMINER WEDNESDAY APRIL 196 SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AND PLACES KITCHEN GOSSIP By EILEEN DIXON Maypoles flowers and little girls are sure signs of Maytlme Since we can think of no finer combination lets have party and serve Pink Almond Surprises These delightfully crunchy desserts are so light and dainty that one cant help but think of sweet little girls in their frlliy party dresses This special delicacycan be made in about 15 min utes and that 15 minutes can be day week or even month ahead if you have freezer You 588 the main ingredients are crumbs made from bitesize shredded biscuits and flavored with almond extract and butter and strawberry ice cream The crumbs are put in the bottom of pastelcolored muffin papers Then softened ice cream is mixed with toasted silvered almonds Spoon it on top of the seasoned crumbs and cover the ice cream with more crumbs Queens or MAY Thats all there is to it unless youre preparing it for the Queens of May Then youll want to put skewers or some kind of sticks in the centre of each dessert before you freeze it Just before serving re place the skewers with flowercentred lolllpops Make an attractive Maypole by sticking giant striped straw in plastic clay in the centre of serving plate Tie crinkly ribbon to lollipops and attach to Maypole with pin Cover the clay with tiny artificial flowers house You probably have some old ones around the Did you know that May Day feasts and Maypoles date from Roman times and that the Romans took the feast to England They honored the spring god dess Flora and called the occasion Floralla The Germans had the Maypole too but they also used the festival for planting trees That seems like good idea too but we prefer the Maypole and little girls as Queens of May of course the Queens must have crown so save the cardboard from Dads shim and cover it with gold foil Those old flowers that you found for the centre of the Maypole will be Just right to decorate the crowns PINK ALMOND SURPRISES cup soft butter or margarine 12 teaspoon almond extract cups bitevslze shredded rice biscuits crushed to 23 cup tablespoons brown sugar firmly packed pint strawberry ice cream slightly softened 12 cup toasted slivered almonds paper liners Blend butter and extract Stir until uniform Combine ice cream and Place paper liners ln muffin tins for easy Press heaping tablespoon of sugar aimon ds filling and storing Add cereal crumbs and erumbmlxture firmly into bottom of each liner Spoon in ice cream Sprinkle with remaining crumbs Cover and freeze hours or overnight Yield Nine servings ANN LANDERS Shortage Oi ShutEye Insomniacs Delight Dear Anir Lnndcrs Is it pos sible for person to go several days without getting any sleep It all Almost every morning my husband will stumble out of bed and say didnt close my eyes last night got absolutely no sleep dont see how this is possi ble but he gets very annoyed when challenge him had an aunt who had real insomniaBut this was quite different thing She used to walk around all night and never get into bed She read every thing she could get her hands on baked pies and cakes did petit point and cleaned closets We know she didnt sleep be cause she accomplished so much at night My husband losses and turns but he never gets out of bed Is it possible that he sleeps few hours and doesnt realize it Thanks for any information you can give me Dear Not only is it possible that your husband is getting few hours sleep every night but its likely Even bona fide insomniacs get some shut eye although often they dont remember and would swear on the family Bible they were up all night It serves no purpose to try to persuade such individuals that they slept People who talk about their sleeplessness are in the same category with those who like to talk about their op erafious They enjoy it TRUTH IS BEST Dear Ann Lenders My bus band and have been married for five years His first wife died when their son was three months old We now have boy and girl of our own and are very happy All three children look like my husband We have never told the oldest child that am not his natural mother Frankly see no reason to tell him now or ever Why take the chance of upsetting him emotionally Also if his brother and sister knew perhaps they would feel differently about him My husband thinks the boy should be told say what peo ple dont know wont hurt them Do you agree N0 BOAT ROCKER Dear NBR Your little motto is filled with fish hooks and booby traps What people dont know often hurts them and badly child whose natural mother has died should be told his father has remarried He should be told as soon as he can un derstand what words mean Parents who try to conceal in formation of this sort do their children an injustice All too frequently the child learns from an outside source when he is half grown When this happens the shock can be devastating one PAY TELEPHONE Dear Ann Lenders Our niece attends college which is short distance from where we live We have invited Debbie to spend some weekends with us because most college kids ap preciate break from dorm life Weve tried to make her feel at home but Im afraid we overdid it Debbie was here for week end last month The telephone bill arrleved yesterday It showed two longdistance calls which amounted to $1330 No one in our family made these calls They were placed on the days that Debbie was here My husband says the amount wont break us and that we should not embarrass her by bringing it up am annoyed Notes are intended to cover the enerll social life of the city and distrch Weddingl lanlvcnarlcl blrlbdn bridge parties and coming of In paruu Hilton and In roller an all llrm of Infer csl to the women render of Ibis pm Your help lup plying this news will be really appreciated ENTERTAINMENTS Prior to her marriage on Saturday at Collier Streci Un iled Church Miss Audrey Non lnne Haighi of Ablen Mills was entertained at many part res Miss Beth Cathcart of Beclon was hostess at per sonal shower in honor of the bride Guests were present from Toronto Anlcn Mills and Barrie Mrs William Pratt and her daughter Miss DiAnn Pratt were hostesses at kitchen shower and bullet supper party at their Mary Street residence Miss Frail was bridal alien dant at the Saturday wedding Members of the Collier Strcel United Church choir enlcrlained Iiss Haight and bridegroom Thomas George Henry Park of Belfast Ireland at dinner party in the church parlour The couple were presented with an clcctrlc tea kettle community shower was held in the Anion Mills Com munliy Hall in honor of Miss Haight who is on the teaching staff at the Anicn Mills School The Ratepayers and Trustees association prcsenicd lheAprilv bride with an electric toaster Mrs Gilbert Ilaight mother of the bride entertained at trousseau ten in honor of her daughter at her Anten Mllls residence Pouring tea at the event were Mrs Arthur Gar vin of Barrie Mrs Dodd Port Credit Mrs Wil liam Pratt Barrie and the bridegrooms mother Mrs Thomas Park of Belfast Ire land Tea hostesses were Mrs Lorne Wilson Mrs Lawrence Scull Mrs Bill Hankln Mrs Delbert Priest Mrs Dave Ken well and Mrs Leighton Adams Preslding in the rooms where the trousseau and wedding gifts were displayed were Mrs Donna Bull Toronto Miss June Cole Anten Mills and Miss DiAnn Pratt of Barrie BIRTHDAY PARTY Miss CaroLMolfatt daughter of Mr and Mrs Clare Moifalt Codrington Street is entertain ing at pariy this afternoon to mark her lath birthday Party guests will be Misses Leda Kayncs Sharon Turnbtlll Mary Green Donna Tnleman Julia Wray Norma Doidge Brian Mrs Fisher Hosts 4H Club Girls The seventh meeting of the Holly Apple Seeds was held at the home of Mrs Fisher The topic of discussion was the art of garnishing fruit spec ialties and fruit table arrange ments made of fruit Members participated in mak ing fruit fable arrangement Mrs Fisher demonstrated how to make cheese tray Misses Elaine Bentley and Jean Fisher demonstrated how to make fruit drink Miss Connie Brown displayed three individ ual fruit salad cups which had been prepared at home prior to the meeting Refreshments were served including fruit bred made by Miss Pat Johnson and fruit jel lies and apple bars made by Mrs Fisher At the close of the meeting members were reminded of the 4H Homemaking Achievement Day for South Simcoe which will beheld at the Ivy Corrunun ity Hall April 27 42 DUNLOP ST gone by Discover the beauty lino wool rol pnling odds to your home Cuiireil David Sioit John Du some David Shelwell Brian Parker HOLIDAY GUESTS Maslers Paul and Richard Bollcsu of Burlington are spend lng lhe Easter vacation at the home of their grandparents Mr and Mrs Grnydon Kohl Shanty Bay Road Mr and Mrs Hamid Cooper visited with their sonlnlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Hurdle of Aurora at the weekend SATURDAY RITES Belth Pentecostal Church Barrie was the selling for the Saturday marriage of lilrs Bessie Bishop and Roy Edward Green of Barrie Rev Stephen Iilley officiated at the after noon ceremony reception was held for the immediate family The newlyweds will re side in Barrie Sgt and Mrs Kcn Cooper and son Harris of Downsvlew were weekend guests at the home of Mrs Coopers parents Mr and Mrs Elgin Harris Ecclcs St North They also attended the christening of Mrs Coopers niece Jennifer Elizabeth Har ris of Ottawa at St Giles An glican Church Sunday The couple also visited at the home of Mr Coopers parents Mr and Mrs Harold Cooper Ross Street RETURN TO CITY Mr and Mrs Hap Emms Dundonald Street have returned to theclty alter spend lng the winter months In Nia gora Falls where Mr Emms ils ownercoach of Niagara Falls hockey club TORONTO GUESTS Miss Madeline Hargreaves and Jack Hargreaves spent the weekend at the home of their parents Mr and Mrs Hur grcavcs Amelia Street Made line is resident student at St Josephs College Morrow Park and Jack is member of the Toronto police department traffic division SASKATOON VISITORS Boihner Napier 51 left the city for Saskatoon Saskatchewan due to the ill ness of his mother Mrs George Bothner of that city NIAGARA FALLS VISITORS Mr and Mrs Seagram David Jimmie and Katherine all of Mary Street spent Eas ter weekend at Niagara Falls and were guests at the Brock Hotel EASTER IN OTTAWA Mr and Mrs Earl Hunter Donna and Debbie Reid SL and Mrs Fred Lowe Bradford Street motored to Ottawa last Thursday and spent Easter weekend as guests of Mr and Mrs Joseph Hunter WEEKEND GUESTS Mrs Robins of Oro Sta tion Mrs Rafson Miss MeDermid of Toronto and WH red Frost of Guelph were weekend guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Don Robins New fon Street WESTERN VISITORS Mr and Mrs Bayard Spar harn Kevin and Lynn of Fort St John British Columbia are holidaying at the home of Mr Sparhams parents Mr and Mrs Sparham Theresa Street Mrs Ray Hunter of Vancouv er British Columbia is holi daying at the home of her son inlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs John Craig Owen Street NORTH BAY GUESTS Guests at tin home of Mr and Mrs Wigs Strabnne Avenue during the weekend were Mrs Wiggs sister Mrs Hart Miss Erin Hart and Michael Hart of North Bay Erin and Michael are remain ing for the Easter week holi days with their uncle and aunt VISITORS FROM INDIANA Mr and Mrs Fred Pearson Strabane Avenue are enter outLg ibraaeried PA 83588 Rocophlrc the glacial air of days Finest carpet value you can buy Pure wool loomed in Canada Varnelre lainlng llrs Pearsons sister Mrs Patterson of Rll5hlt ville Indiana and Mrs Patter sons daughter Mrs Charles of Indianapolis In diana Mrs Patterson and her daughter are on mule lo Hali fax Nova Scolia to attend the graduation ceremonies at Dal housie University where Mrs Pattersons son Paul will re ceive his MA in Nuclear Phy arcs COUPLES CLUB Vlllowdale United Church Couples Club will meet Satur day evening at the Bowling Academy Dunlop Street Fol lowing the games refreshments will be served at Collier Street United Church Fellowship Hall Prizes will be awarded to the winners Conveners of the ev ening will be Mr and Mrs Ross Cook and Mr and Mrs Fred Daiken BERMUDA HOLIDAY Miss Judy Craig Mary Sf Miss Dorothy Davis Drive and Miss Sylvia Synnolt Sunnidnle Road are holidaying in Bermuda for one week The city residents travelled vla TCA and are guests at Rich mond House Pembroke Ber muda GUESTS AT BUFFALO Mr and Mrs John Reid Owen Street have returned to the city after wceks holiday in Toronto and Buffalo New York Mr and Mrs Reid were gucsis at the HillonSlailer Ho fel in Buffalo En route home the city residents visited Niav garn Falls Ontario slaying at the SheratonBrock Holcl BAKE SALE The Barrie Band Mothers Association will hold bake sale on May 11 at Cottys Clean ers office llil Dunlop Street West The sale will commence at ll mm Proceeds will be used to assist the bands trip to Seattle Mrs Robert Maloomson was guest of Mrs Robert Suther land Mulcasicr Street at the weekend Mr and Mrs Stewart life thlrlcr John Street have re turned in the city after vi ing at the homes of Mr life Whirtcrs sistér Mrs Dick enson and his brotherinlnw and sister Mr and Mrs Logan of Hamilton The Me Whiriers were also guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Joe Delaney of Ancasfer TROUSSEAU TEA Mrs John Lavender RR Barrie will entertain at tmusseau tea on Saturday alv ternoon and evening in honor of her daughter Elaine Joan Lavender May brideelect Miss Lavender will marry Thomasfiobert Spencer of To ronto son of Mr and Mrs Horace Spencer Toronto The wedding will take place at Fair lawn Uniied Church Toronto May 12 rHillsdale WI Install Officers The April meeting of the Hillsdale Womens Institute was held at the home of Mrs Drennon The secretarytreasurer gave the auditors report for the past year Owing to the absence of the past president the installa tion of officers was conducted by Mrs Thompson The moilo the best board of education is the shingle was commented on by Mrs Dren non Roll call was answered by 10 members gift was presented to Mrs Rowat Mrs Frawley gave short talk on resolutions stress ing the point that these should be considered at higher level than in the immediate communlt ity the hostess assisted by Mrs Dunn and Mrs Tex Watson Milling LUXURY TWIST BROADLOOM byEEIS Free Edgchlll Refreshments were served by OES Reception At Collingwoo Held In Honor Ol Mrs Kohl The Temple building in Cal lingwood was the setting for gala event when Ban Accord Chapler No 247 Order of the Eastern Slar honored Mrs Graydon Kohl Shanty Bay Road at reception to cele brate her election to the office of Associate Grand Conductress of Ontario Order of the East ern Star The assembly hall was decor ated in spring colors of green and yellow tall standards of flowers and garden umbrellas The guests were received by the Worthy Matron Mrs Jack McAllisicr and Mrs Kohl By ESFRELLITA You should make good head way In business and occupuv tinnal dealings now even though you may run into some uncxpccicd situations Ability lo cope with change will be the criierion by which to measure advancement In personal rela tionships bc attentive to the needs of others careful to avoid misunderstandings FOR TIIE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that where lob matters are con cerncd you will have work harder this year and show willingness to shoulder few extra responsibilities New op portunities will come your way but of course it will be up In you to take advantage of them Where finances are con cerned conservatism will be essential Except for brief pi riods in September and De camber aspects in this connec llon will not be very stimulat ing downtoearlh policy will keep you in the black how ever Good chances for travel are indicated between July and Sep tember and fine domestic and sentimental relationships should prevail for most of the year ahead In fact unmarried Tau rcans may find themselves altarbound early in June in mldScplember or in mid No vember Where family matters are concerned there could be some stress in August but alertness to the possibility can help you prevent it The worthy Grand Patron Oniario Alex McDonald of Cooksville and many of the grand officers were present to add to the pleasure of the eta enlng Also Mrs MrKcrclh Rl iorfhy Grand Trustee of the General Grand Chapter and past grand matrons and patrons of the Grand Chapter of Ontario Alter the formal opening and Introductions lhc guests were leniertaincd bya male scxleiie from Slayner and Miss Jessie iCsrelool nl Collinguood uho rendered two beautiful The accompanist Mus Mrs Clar enrc Brounrldgc of Slayncr Mrs Kohl was the recipient ol many bcouliful gills among uhich was matched set of luggage presented by the chap fers of Dislricl No delicious plate luncllcon was served oi the close of lhc even ing ihc head fable being done in caravar selling Guests were present from Sudbury North Bay Toronto Ilumilto Grimshy Valerrlouo Si Catharincs Eraniford Til lsonburg landon Sarnia and all Ihc surrounding disiricls nu mm SPECIAL for limited time only ONE FREE BOTTLE in each carton 7c off reg price KIST BEVERAGES Muskoka Phone FA 2132 orillla Free and leg bands are trimmed with babys comfort you rs for 24 labels or cereal box tops from Heinz Baby Food Heinz Baby Foods have gift for every baby in Canada Famous KELTON Soft Band baby pants made olspecial Vinylite film Kelton Soft Band baby pants stay soft even after countless washings they have double rein forced staflat seams thatwill never split and waist elicatc rayon for Theyre durable Theyre waterproof And theyre yours free with 24 labels from Heinz Bab to one pair per baby HEINZ BABY Foonsfm OFFER EXPIRES may is 1952 Foods Offer limited and feel that due should be Jim Send 24 label orurenl Box Tops from any Heinz Baby Food handed the bill and given chance to make it right What is your opinion BURNED Dear Burned More is in volved here than 1330 lf Deblt bie made these calls she dis played shocking lack of in tegrity By all means discuss it with her Ifshe made ihecalls she should pay for them MOUNTAIN RANGE Including Mount Logan Can ndns highest at 1985 feet the Yukon has more than 20 peaks above 10000 feet Mothproof Scottish oxpcrh Heres chance to yin Imnl 12 011mm rug plus Dominion Rubber Deluxe on pet cushion is go wllh Hurry 0nelnunumunme Nothingfobny Jutvhltlhnlfora no nu out may hunk rugs and carpeting deftly Crafted for elegance and durability rrumro BABY good th do yourbbby new In El liIoIirun with on coupon for leominafon Ontario Heinz our PANIs Ndlsn so wanled mm largo El minim El extra large allow we delivuy plon whil Addnu fivhlzonJm Mnymblmffon of land Cam ropx mulling 24 seaplush sum

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