Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Apr 1962, p. 4

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INNlSlII NOTES New Fish Ladder Provides ll Display non We recently watched one of the best fish shows to be seen Ind one which will last for only few days during the trout spawning season This was at the Nicholson Dam near Allis ton on Highway 89 The new fish ladder installed there does not get all the aspir ants in the fish world to head that way at first The big ones have the idea that they must propel themselves over the threestage darn over which the river flows very swiftly These big trout can flip them selves high into the air six to seven feet and land well up on the slide which forms the first stage of the dam There they are caught inythe rush of the downpour of water and while we were watching we did not see any make the second or third try of course one could not know if any of those who made the first jump were among the ones who continually kept on trying The fish ladder over which thousands of these fish reach the upper river is at the north side of the dam and is well used by the persistent travellers The season is not yet open ior these game fish and signs along the enclosures at the dam warn all that the spot Is fish sane tuary Crowds of people were com ing and going on Sunday and we were told that later in the afternoon police control of the highway traffic was necessary Boy Scouts had tent erected near the road fence with well stocked supply of refreshments which they expected to sell to the onlookers it certainly was nature show and one which is right in our own backyard HIRING After many special meetings one of which was held on Sunday aitcrnoon the mem bers of No school area board fioalized the hiring of seven new teachers to replace those retiring or leaving the area at the end oi the year in June Through an advertisement placed on the bulletin board at the Teachers College in To ronto and an advertisement in The lkarniner the board had 35 applications all of which were given equal consideration The special meeting on Monday night was to finalize the tram sections and enable the com mittee manners to obtain the signatures oi the new teachers The arrangements were made within the schedule oi salaries as set out for the boards al Iowances I00 PUPILS With the expectation of at least 130 new pupils for the schools of the area and loss of about 35 who will graduate the north area board is hoping that with the unused room available at SunnyBrae School in Stroud and rearrangements of seating in the otherschools it will be possible to seat all iLs pupils for next year However several new homes are underway around Pninswick and it in very likely that new unit will rave in he built some where to handle that increase subdivision north of the 14th is said to he sold out of build ing lots and if these buyers commence building soon it will place an overload on the pro Trucking Depots Are Quiet Following Violence Threat MONTREAL CPLPolice re ported all quiet mesday night around the main Terminals of three strike hound trucking companies where violence had threatened earlier in the day Its up to the municipal po lice now said provincial po lice spokesman The OPP had been called in by municipal de tachments on Montreals west em outskirts when it was feared that members of the striking Tn ternntional Brotherhood of Teamsters find might try to interfere with truck movements Meanwhile two officers of the federal labor departmentC Polricr of Montreal and Ainaborough of Toronto pre pared for talks with both sides here Thursday and Friday The Teamsters walked out to days ago after rejecting con ciliation bonrd report recom mending that they be given tocent hourly pay increase The union naked for sorent boost in the present rate of $155 an hour 601 TNJUNCTIONS Eight oi the nine companies affected by the strike secured US Newspaper Views Decline In Canadian Image An Issue WASHINGTON CP The Washington Star suggests that Canadian prestige abroad has declined and that this rather nebulous issue is something the Liberals could exploit in the June 18 Canadian election This is point on which anndians aresensitive The tar says in an editorial They Sees Unity Long Way Off BRANTFORD CPLchurch unity still is long way off Rev Decourcy Rayner of Toronto editor of the Presby terian Record said mesday night in an address to the an nual meeting of the Presbyter ian Synod of Hamilton and Lon don One of 350 press correspond Inta who attended the assembly of the World Council of Churches last year in New Delhi Mr Rayner said separ ate communion services during the sessions were striking in dication that unity is still far away if all churches cunnot sit to gether at the Lords table how can there be unity he asked Raid Sex Club Mates Traded SAN BERNARDINO Calif AP Police said Tuesday theyve uncovered sex club of some 18 married couples who visited each others homes to swap mates for the night Two couples were arrested District Attorney Lowell La thrup issued complaints Tues day charging them with con spIrlug to commit acts injurious to the public morals and out rageous to public decency Detective Leonard Alter said live been vice officer for 11 years and never saw anything like this before Named in the complaints were Harvey Braswell 65 and his wife Sarah Ethel 60 of suburban Rialto and Steve Ferancc 42 and his wife Helen 38 of Riverside have smarted and understand ably so at any implication of junior partnership with either Great Britain or the United States The Star suggests also that Canadians are gripped by mood of national frustration and restlessness which the election may help to dispel As for the substantive issues between the two major parties they appear to be more emotional than definitive Both are disturbed about Britains approach to membership in the Common Market and its pos sible effect on the current sys tern of preferences in Common wealth trade Both would like to protect this system and the Liberals are criticizing the Conservative approachnot the objective As usual both are concerned about the extent of United States economic influence in Canadabut fully aware of the reciprocal benefits in our dose commercial relationship llrgue Argues For Liberals SWIFT CURRENT Sank CmThe Liberal party will give Canadians asound busi nesslike governmen Hazen Argue Liberal candidate for Assiniboia and former CCF NDP House leader said Man day night Mr Argue was speaking on behalf of Irvin Studel Liberal candidate in the Switt Current Maple Greek federal consti tueney He said the Liberals would establish national economic council with labor manage ment agriculture and govem merit representatives to pro vide leadership in the nations ECDLICIW This has been done in Eu rope surplus of jobs was the result Mr Argue said He also outlined the Liberals portable pension plan under which citizens would contribute onehnli of one per cent of their annual income into national pension fund The government would match this retired couple would receive mini mum of $735 month he said court injunctions last week or dering the strikers not to inter fere with trunk movements or to post more than three pickets at one gate The Teamsters complied but relniorcementa patrolled com pany depots in dozens of cars or milled about on nearby streets Some companies reported suc cessful movement of goods in and out of their depots by non union truck drivers although union spokesman said pickets were ordered to stand their ground in front of trucks try ing to enter or leave Three of the companies also filed formal complaints in crim inal court and summonses were issued against five union offi cers President Rod Hayes of team sters Local 106 secretary treasurer Jean Bertrand and executive member John Landry Alexander it and Gerard Bonneville were or dered to appear in court by Mayl to answer charges of conducting an illegal strike The complaints were filed by Smith Transport Drummond Transit and inter City Truck Lines who claimed the Team sters did not wait for the com pulsory sevenday cooling period after rejecting the con ciliation hoard report before calling the strike No companyunion talks have been held since the 1400 driv ers and warehouse workers visional accommodation nvail Booth after his retirement iol able KILLYLEAGH SCHOOL Three members of the board including chairman Bruce wine reported they had attended meeting the ratepayers of the Killyleagh section and had been asked to provide transportation for pupilswho were not requir ed to pat more than tvo miles There had been proposal made by the south area board to have this section not into that area but Mr Nice minn ed that the ratepayers had not favored that idea This side of the township which is cut by Highway 400 is on the verge of expansion when the new in sidede is opened PRESENTATION Having been out of contact with the doings of the school area boards we had missed mentioning the presentation of travelling bag by members of the No board to Lloyd IMPERIAL STARTS THURSDAY ALSO SHOWING Lust showing Today Hayley Mills In WHISTLE DOWN THE WIND walked out April 14 Thursday Night Is Kinsmen Bingo Night Kilt ODD FELLOWS All Thurs Iipril 268 pm 20 GAMES SHARE THE WEALTH GAMES $25000 JACKPOT 20 Numbers Called $2500 Consolation Prize HELPKIN HELP RIDDLE STARTS THURSDAY FOR THE HAPPIEST ENIEtTAINMENIE THAT EVER HAPPENED MATINEE DAILY pm lowing the election Mr Booth hadserveddiyearsasnadsool trustee firm as member at the hreernan board at St Pauls then when the area was set up he continued to be elect ed to the area board The members felt that his long service deserved recogni tion and arranged the presen tation We will endeavor to as certain when bfr Booth is tak AII prices shown In this ad guaranteed through Saturday April zaih me CHOICE QUALITY vAaP CORN Rug on an eAvs 11a lnxoffonatripwithhllhag Trustees Boy Lennox Fergu son Frauds Roy Goodiellow and William Gibbins are attending the educational convention in Toronto this week ASK APPROVAL Edgar Sturgeon secretary of Area Public School Board ap peared before wuncil with re ucst for tentative approval him to page thirteen please PINEAPPLE ORAFEFIUIT THE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY APRIL 25 198 To Discuss Transmission OTTAWA lCPRepresenta tires of the federal government and eight provinces will meet here Monday to discuss long distance transmission of electri DRINK 3wm100 CREAM 8TVLE NFLOZ TIN 400 AAP CHOICE WHOLE WHITE POTATOES 6hrl00 Ben Ilm 3598AVI Io 20FLOZ TIN RIB tln 37° HAVE 116 CHOICE OUALITV AeP PEAS 91 iii100 ZOIIoz tins JANE PARKER cal power Resources Minister Dinsdale announced Tuesday All provinces except Quebec are represented Newfoundland is sending an observer pro jecfed national power grid on visages the tapping of nowdis tant sources of hydro power plus provincial interchange of REG tins 27 SAVE 22 100 RAISIN PIE 1401 39c REG tins 45 SAVE 13 Regular 49 SAVE 10 Canadas Finest Duality Government Inspected onII Grader Meats CANADAS FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND aver BEEF ROASTS BLADE BLADE BONE REMOVED SHOULDER run cur 47 Loan shoulder Cut GROUND CHUCK Bonnie Solid Meat STEWING 59 BEEF Is 59 WELL TRIMMED SHORT or CROSS RIB ROAST Schneiders country Style Pun PORK SAUSAGE Maple Leaf Sweet Pickled 49 BACK BACON News I579c BIG BARGAINS IN NATURES BEST California Valencia Fancy Grade ORANGES 69 Ontario Grown Controlled Atmosphere Fancy Oradl MelNTosH 3lthEalohag39¢ Mum Salmon Fluh No arm Jumbo am so CANTALOUPE Inna Colour Putin Added RASPBERRY JAM 2461on 39 Heinz Strained or Junior Rep bl AVE 56 39 in toonave 60 Florida New crop Fresh Grun No Grade CABBAGE 10 Arkanlal Curly Leaf No Grade Washed Trimmed SPINACH Juno Parker Tropical Sale 1001 cello ba919t BAKERY FEATURES Reg sagsave We BABY FOODS 65flwvim59c ummammimm SuperMurkers luv mow pinupinn CHIFFON CAKE I45¢ In Parkar Reg pkg ageSAVE so CINNAMoN ROLLS p33 Jar Parker Rep loaf zioaAVE 1e BREADBOA Whole Wham 2401 loaves 5r HURONIA ND cutout razor ama Omg Pakoo 10 on Deal TEA BAGS pkg of 60 75 Jane mm Daily man 213 locus 51 WHITE SLICED BREAD 2402 loaf 20c Lihnrty Red CHERRIES 6floz btl 25 Buy Get Free Rohlri Hood Angel CAKE MIX Special Price for 100 We GRAPE c0NcaNrRAre 6floz unless an Brown In Tornto awe llBBYS BEANS TONIGHT THURS AND FRI PRICED Low AT As of KLEENEirj POPUP rIssur 4993 tirl tit llllfi ill mums DAVID FAMOUS EVE AT PLAYERS THEATRE 750 and 945 er Today Only in Color lfIoz llns 39¢ WALT DlsNEYs BABES IN TOYLAND

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