Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Apr 1962, p. 3

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SALES CONTESTIINTS WIN TRIP TO NEW CITY Winners oi Copaco sales volume contest are shown above alter an allexpense Barrie Has Greeting From Virginia Unique item on Monday was the twoway long distance tele phone call between Barrie Onv tario and Galax Virginia The occasion was Canada United States Goodwill Week celebrat ed annually by Kiwanis Interna tional call was placed irom Gaiax by the president at that towns Kiwanis club Dick Hale to the president at the Kiwanis Ciiib oi Barrie It was expedited by the local manager oi the Bell Telephone Company Kiwanian Bob Nelson and his counter part in Virginia also Canad inn The talk lasted almost 15 minutes and was given extra sound treatment so the members at both clubs having their weekly meetings at the same time could listen In addition to President Ross Stephens oi Barrie Heber Smith QC MP extended greet ings to the Galax president and Bob Nelson talked with the phone manager in that town oi 6000 in the Blue Ridge Moun tains at Southern Virginia Invitations were exchanged and one in articular was ac cepted or Kiwanian and his wile irom Barrie to visit Galax and he guest expenses paid except transportation return or one week in June or July The call came through quite clearly and the exchange oi gings iormed one oi the most interesting dinner meet ings Kiwanis has had in Barrie for some years Barrie Student On Honor List ABILENE TeraMary Mor ren the daughter oi Mr and Mrs Marren oi Barrie is listed on the deans hano roll at Abilene Christian Coileg ior outstanding grade point av erage last semester Miss Morren 1956 graduate ot Barrie District Central Coil egiate is senior French major at ACC She is member oi Aloha Chi national honor soci ety Ouartets Will Give Concert Barrie barbershop quartets and chorus singers are nractis ing their iavorite tunes ior concert Ilith on May The program will be present ed at Barrie North Collegiate and will begin at 815 pm The Tartans group of musicians from the Barrie Collegiate Band will be on hand to provide additional music The group of 40 singers is sponsoring the night to raise iunds to help pay for uniforms Also if any charitable organ ization is sponsoring an event to raise iunds said Bill Ryck man we would be glad to help the cause We welcome newcomers said Mr Ryckman Personal ly iind the group spirit is tremendous Thirty members of the group are travelling to Kitchener Sat urday to compete in provinv cial contest WORLD LUTHERANS Thousands from all over the world will attend the Lutheran World Federation congress at Helsinki Finland in 1963 DEATHS SmANAGnANJCSSIE Suddenly at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Tuesday April 24 1952 Jessie Campbell beloved wife of Robert Strnnaghaii or no ainire Street dear mother or Dor uthy Mrs Wullam McArthur or Thornton Mary ilIIrs Jack McAr ihur of strand Lillian Mrs AI Ien Bunting at Belicville Grace illirs lIIIItlaiid acobt Lorne Ens sci and Roy all or Barrie sister of Mrs Ernest Knupp or Thom ion twin star or Mrs Susan Mar shall innipes iirs Herman Lawson and Donald Campbell both oi Alherta also 15 randchtldrcn and nine greatgrandchildren in her mil year testth at the Jen nett Funeral Home Barrie Fun erl services Friday April 21 at pm Interment some Union Cemetery paid weekend in New York City Leit to right Mr and Mrs Clark Mr and Mrs Les Lougheed Mr and Mrs Leo Chnrboneau and Ed Sepiniski The flight and holiday arranged by Harris Travel Service was earned by these sales stall members City Will Spend $10793 On New Parking Meters Barrie will buy 173 new park ing meters at cast ai 510793 to replace present meters which are taking an excessive amount at the traiiic departments time to keep in repair Traiiic committee chairman Earle Williams said the pur chase would standardize servic LOCIIL AND GENERAL EASTER SEALS inck Butler reported at the Kiwanis Club oi Barrie dinner this week that 1375 returns from Easter Seals had been received with total sum at $3950 This was several dollars ahead at same date last year DINNER GUEST Dinner guest at Kiwanis Clllb on Monday at Community House was Garry Caldwel son at George Caldwell club presi dent in 1957 Garry is on the school teaching stali nt Tim mins this year LASHER 0N HIGHWAY Ontario Department oi High ways hos installed red flasher warning sign on Highway 26 at the junction of Brooks Beach sideroad Wasaga scene of many accidents STAYNER NOMINATION Town of Stayner will hold nomination meeting Friday April 27 to iill vacancy in council Councillor Alex Cul ham resigned to accept an ap pointment as treasurer and utilities commissioner replac ing Harry ltlcCandish ii an election is necessary it will be on May APPOINTED MANAGER George Shaver former assist nt has been appointed mana er of idle Maple Leai Services oceteria at Camp Borden BRING CIRCUS IIERE Sheba Shrine Club oi Barrie nd Oriilin will sponsor Clyde Brothers Circus in Oriilia Com munity Centre June Barrie Arena June and Coilingwuod Memorial Arena June Pro ceeds this year will go to iurn ishing room at the addition to Soidiers Memorial Hospital in Drillia Last year the proceeds were given to Royal Victoria Hospital in Barrie CURLING AV AGINCOURT Two rinks one each from Barrie Kiwanis Club and the Kempcnielt Bay Kiwanis Club are curling today in the district bonspiel at the Tam OShanter Club Agincourt Meanwhile the annual closing stag party is DIAMONDS NEVER DIE but many are sleeping Let Reeves Craftsmen help you to awaken them to new Springtime beauty by suggesting new and exciting designs number of stock ring mountings availabe at sub stantial reductions at both Jewellery and Repair De ing and maintenance of meters The recommendation came out oi meeting between councils iraitie committee and the downtown merchants commit tee oi the Chamber of Com merce it was also decided at this meeting that both committees being held at Barrie Curling Club this evening MANAGER AT PLAZA Ronald Cooper has been named manager at the Stephens mens and boys wear branch store at Barrie Shopping Plaza in the west end to open about June Mr Cooper has been on the staff at the downtown store for several years RED SHIELD CHAIRMAN George Shepherd iormer War den of Simcoe County has been appointed chairman for the Sol vntlon Armys Red Shield cam paign in Creemore LIFE MEMBERSHIP Arthur Fallowiield 76 has been honored with tile mem bership by Creemore Curli Club He never missed sched ulcd game In the past 26 seasons and was so honored by the club at the closing banquet In the town hall TorontoDominion Bonk Trophy was presented to Norm Gowans winning rink by Manager Jim Nesbitt fonneriy oi Allandaie TWOYEAR CONTRACT Teachers at Coilingwood Dis trict Collegiate have accepted twoyear salary contract alt er meeting with the board mem bers OPEN ALLISTON OFFICE Barrie National Employment Oliice has opened branch in Alliston where an officer will be present each Tuesday and Friday for interviews in the de partment oi agriculture offices 40 APPLICATIONS Alliston school board received in applications for two vacancies on the public school staff for next term NEW CALF cums 4H cali clubs in North Simlt one have been reorganized this year according to Keith Clay assistant agricultural represen tative There are nine now in stead ot six The Minesing club sponsored by Barrie Kiwa nis has been divided into the 4H dairy club and the 4H beet club similarly at Oro REEVES JEWELLERS LTD partments REEVES 76 DUNLOP ST PRIVATE SHOWINGS in the privacy of our Diamond Room or at your home by appointment Call Since 1890 JEWELLERS LTD DIAMOND MERCHANTS should give iurther study to the possibility at establishing oii strcct parking lots The traliic re rt stated there wcre 1500 park ng spaces at all descriptions available in the downtown area It was suggested that temper ory reliei at the parking proh lcm could be obta ned this sea son by reducing the number oi allday parkers which number ed about 70 day in metered areas This would be accom plished the report said when an additional troiilc oliicer was on duty after May The traiiic committee report said extensive publicity should be given to the location of ex lstlng municipal parking lots including te erection oi signs pointing to these locations The public would also be asked to cooperate in the program to re duce alldny parking in the metered areas The traliic committee and the downtown merchants commit tee will hold iurther meetings to discuss oiistreet parking mark tor meat sales exclus ive oi chain stores ior reaching the million pound Will Not Pay For Mistake Council Agrees Chamber of Commerce will not receive payment tor parking survey wblc it claims the city asked it to have done on the understanding that the city would pay or the sirvey iinancc committee report was accepted that cost oi the survey done by McNamara Engineering was not city debt Council is being asked to pay or someone elses mis take Alderman Charles New ton said Alderman Earle Williams said that copy at the report was available in the city oiiice and was used by the city City Engineer Tamblyn said that the report would be usciul ii the city was planning parking development Alderman itiurray ltlllls said that the matter had been dis cussed at the time he was member at the trniilc commit tee but he did not recall the city making any commitment lots Will Not Pay For Membership In Huronia Sites Association Barrie will not pay member ship in the Huronin Historic Sites and Tourist Association Finance committee chairman Frank Hersey said that the Cant Tax Curling Club Council Told The city cannot collect taxes irom the Barrie Curling Club council was told last night Finance committee reported that the Curling Club was lo cated on land owned by the Barrie Agricultural Society and property of agricultural societ ies is exempt irom taxation other than for local improve ments Alderman Charles Newton said the club avoided paying $2000 in taxes by paying $1 annual rent to the agricultural society He said that this ar rangement had been made some years ago when both or ganizations were in bad trian cial shape Finance Chairman Frank Hersey said the Curling Club and Agricultural Society were now conducting negotiations The city would keep an eye on the situation and the pos sibility of collecting taxes Mr Wm Straw PA 83745 to pay membership should not be paid because the city had already payed the full amount allowed tor municipal promotion under the municipal act to the Ind ustrinl Commission Will you stick to this policy in the future Alderman Gerr ry Roberts asked We are guided by the law in our recommendation to con ncil Alderman Hersey said You sneaked $500 for the industrial commission in the iorm of payment for an indus trial brochure Alderman Rob erts told Mr Hersey Mr Roberts showed council tourist map put out by the Huronia Association and said that Barrie got three direct mentions in the map Alderman Earle Williams said that the tourist brochures out out by the association were available in hotels and motels in cities such as Ottawa and were helpiui to Barrie motion to return the item to committee for iurther study lnnisiiii Township iiremco were pushed to the limit yester day iighting two serious tires within the space 7A hours Damage was estimated at $50000 when spectacular iire completely destroyed Longwood Lodge last night on the south shore of concession to The lrame building was mass at flames when firemen reached the scene building east at the lodge and well drilling machine in the vicinity were saved by the ciicrts oi the firemen FIGHT BLAZE Thirteen iiremcn taught the blnre and the heat was so in tense that helmets oi two at the men melted The brigade stayed at the scene until 430 am pumping water onto the smoking ruins Barrio citizens across the bay had ringside view at the iire and the glow irom the flames lit up the sky or miles The 13 concession road leading to the site was iamnicd with cars as slghtsccrs tried to get closer look The lodge was completely furnished and is believed to be owned by group of doctors in Toronto Earlier in the day the Innistil brigade had attended two brush ilres one of which threatened mink term The first call was to Butlers Snack Bar Services on the 14th concession east at Highway 11 Firemen almost had this biazc under control when they had to leave and go to another lire re ported nt the 8th line NOT SERIOUS The second tire was not ser ious but by the time the lire truck returned to the scene oi the first lire the wind had spread iiames in the direction PODDLOFF WILL RETIRE NEW YORK AmMaurice Podoloii president of the Na tional Basketball Associatlnnn announced Tuesday he will re tire at the end oi the 196263 season when his current con tract expires The stocky cigar chewing Podoloii was named president of the Basketball As sociation at America iorenin ncr to the NBA at its inception in the summer at 1946 ifir SINGERS Barrie barbershop singers come from all walks oi lite was defeated on tie vote John Koran leit barber of homes behind the highway and towards mink arm own ed by Earl Smith Workers hurried to remove breeding mink irom the pens as the names come close to the arm before fire crews eat me blaze under control icw yards irom the pens The pens contained expectant Damage $5000 In Lodge Fire mink and it is not known how the fire will aliect the animals Mothers are known to kill their young when excited Police Chic William Brown complained that drivers on the roads had not pulled over to al low the iire truck to pass and this had caused delay in reaching the iires Criticism 0t us Unjustiiied In Canada Kiwanis Speaker Says it you had choice as Canadian what other country in the world would you choose to live beside other than the United States at America Crit icism oi this great nation is entirely unjustified by people in Canada So said Wharton Russell an orillia lawyer in his ad dress to the Kiwanis Cluboi Barrie on Monday at CommunA ity House Mr Wharton has extensive business connections in the United States He was introduced by Roy Topping and thanked on behalt oi the club by Dr George Leggett Two questions he was asked continually by Americans were Why does Canada discriminate against US magazines Why is Canada sending strategic materials to Castros Cuba There has been widespread publicity in the US over these two questions Mr Russell stated Fitteen years ago it wouldnt have caused ripple in the press But never since their days at independence have the Americans beat the bushes so hard in search at iriends believe it all start ed in 1957 when the Russians sent man into space and beat the US to the punch COMMON BACKGROUND Historically we sharcwitll the United States common background in language cul ture and other things There is absolutely no suggestion made now that Canada should become the 49th state We in Canada have no history at col onialism or segregation The United States new values our Norman Shelsweli real es tate agent Rally MacLean service station operator and EWEST coarser lions mausoleum We Use This Failiin Room For Bill PLANINGFMI PA 33745 4s ANNE si BARRIE opinions as well as our friend ship hlr Russell pointed out that Canada last year shipped nine million dollars worth at non1 strategic goods to Cuba like potatoes and newsprint but imported $25 million worth irom Cuba ii strategic goods are getting into Cuba oi Cana adian origin they are probab ly leaking in from some US port such as Miami Mr Russell asserted Just how do you talk to an American cit izen who misinterpret Canad ian policies suggest that you reiiect on the inherent goodwill oi the US people This good will is very slowly buiit up but can be dispelled very quickly it is not the policy of the US government only of some individuals One factor is that our American friends tend to be much inilucnced by the success of certain large corpor ations LACK CAPITAL Right new Canadian nation alism is prominent in our thinking But the tact is we havent got enough capital or the proper development of our natural resources The influx of US capital is giving work or Canadians and taxes and op ening up areas or iurther de velopment Canadians enjoy standard of living almost corn parable about 10 per cent less to the US This ted in cams paring 15 million peoples stan dard with over 200 million population in quite iantastie We must not forget that it in the American public which sub sidizes the Canadian purl chaser FROM ALL wsixsuor LIFE Bill Ryckmaa insurance agent gather to sing char us Photo by Ray Atkinson Everything Yes when you finish Family Room in your home youve got room that is ideal for everything from informal entertaining to childrens romping Phone and let us Show you how this investment can help you live better at prices you can afford Visit Our CompleteIDisplay Rooms Added To Our Showroom And See The Products In Use an iiilionszssrilvlliiss WIIBIIMIINSIIIP and SATISFACTION GUARANTEE PA 872495 Shou York The policy the Ontario so preaching the gt jtlcn was clearl to establish Yr Like the in will be mall lday existing eminent grant from wellheel dustrtalists Undoubtedly ity and cred people of Onto have gone to southern west York is met versity Torr to the point lunwieldy Onl been to keep practical ant big percen come irom all two basic reas is top flight in badge of distlr the outsiders there is no uni munltles or wt If York had other southern have been as iri Toronto isphere of mere in evidei dominated by Sumi Section 34 Act deals with election to mui der this sectic Thomas at Bra Toronto residel from membersl dora and Woo tagers whose the township they could vet tions but C01 while living in Theldecisior proper so the township residents by cent of the or pay three uar taxes If ey are being suhj representation 40 YEARS AG Barrie Exnm Simpson ele Baseball Club Stmcoe League league with so groups vicepresidents rotary and And Action or Simone North instrumental II of all Grand Who took part of Education said an invitat itn provincial over unequal money for schc another 100 ac coe County not reforestation ntsfll Educatior Goodfeliow pre instruction at needed in turn tendance at El or increased in PUBLIC ML on Dr Andrew Board of Broar SCanadian Asscr The Ba Authorize Post orrn and tor pa natty Sundays In mum and itiePB CHARLES is nanny JOHN non Subscription rate $1320 year Sintzio 100 year 00 six month on side Dot $1000 year Otiices ins Univc jisirert Montreal ii yer Mcmbzr or the Ilshei1 Association Audit eurenu or ci The Canadian Pro nose or rapubiicatiot papcr credited to motor uni aim to

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