ENGAGED TO MARRY British actor Michael Ren nie 45 and Mary Gardner Premingcr pose in her New 3York City apartment alter announcing their engagement to marry They plan to marry In New York late this sum mer it will he llcnnies third marriage The bridetobc is divorced from movie producer Otto Preminger it will be her second marriage AP Wirephoto Ambulance Brigade Founder 83 Honeymooning With Bride 0t 75 NIAGARA FALLS Ont Ct William Pinnock sprightly octogenarian who founded the St John Ambulance Brigade in Canada is honeymooning here with his 7Syearaoid wife The newlyweds widow and widower before their marriage It cld on this traditional honeymoon spot following their wedding Saturday in the Angli can church at Burford near Braniford Mr Pinnock 83 indicated his marriage resulted from twinge of the old enterprising Spirit that made him pioneer In volunteer first aid work dur ing his youth in England South Africa and Canada The bridegroom farmer shoemaker and county coasta ble in Erant for some so years has lived in Burford for more than 40 years His first wife died last year after almost 63 years of marriage The new Mrs Pinnock for merly Mrs Coral Higgins of London Ont was widowed seven years ago Their families have been friends for several years EON BEST MAN Mr Pinnocks son Alfred of London was best man at Sat urdays wedding and Mrs Pin oeks daughter Mrs Daisy Maudsley of London was ma on of honor The newlyweds have tentative plans to live in tendon The South African war broke put in 1899 year after Mr Pinnoclta first marriage and Queen Victoria appealed for volunteers to treat the wounded in the field Mr Pinnock says he was the first man to volun teer and his group was the fore runner of the Royal Army Med ical Corps Among his most precious pos sessions is certifciate dated Jan 190 and signed by Queen Victoria thanking him for his service in South Africa Mr Pinnock moved from England to London 0nt in March 1908 with his wife and son Eight months later he and few friends with the backing of local doctors organized the first St John class in Canada at London NAME IS INSCRIBED Mr Pinnoek became the first St John Ambulance Brigade superintendent in Canada The fact is recognized in the stone work of St Johns Gate in Lon don England where his name is inscribed along with those of other pioneers of the movement throughout the world The Pinnocks moved to Brantfurd in 1911 and he organ ized more first aid classes there moving on to Burford in 1915 He became Brant County constable in 1930 and remained on duty as constable until few years ago Mr Pinnock has been invited to Ottawa May to meet Queen Mother Elizabeth during her visit to the capital TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by Flynn 93 Dunlop St Barrie musmn Asbestos 35 His Sell 45 Nor Ont NIL 197s Abltlbl to Dom Found 63v Moon Corp 531 Alsom steel Ema Dom Stores ut MnIn eorc sass Aluminium 25 Don Tax 2056 Alberta on Gt Lakes IW 15 Alta Not Gas I746 Gut Pow Bilc Fem FIFO Atlas Steel 31 Harris Form Page Hersey 2w Lak of blunt 68 Home Fit Qua Nat Gal Bank of NS 75V Home Oil 1314 has 5V1 dieli Tel Eli and Bay sun so asthma av rszlllnn 440 Imp Tobacco 151 Royal aaok sols Va on 343 Imp on 45 Salads sourut 149 Power 17 mo Accept so Simpson 313 do as of Com sm inland MG 55 Shawlnlgln 2m cdn erewcr lay in mm 32v Steel of Can say can 25 lnterprov an all TorDom Bk o7 jean Cement 31th Jockey Club Tm 0m 23 flan Chemical Lnbntt 15 Trans Mt 1411 6111 011 3034 leeland 145 Trad Fin 50 algsry PBWEI 22v one Pow an an Texaco 54 Con Mln5m 22 Money Ferg 13 Union Gas 21 on Paper 41 Nornndl 6G WEIhr GhW 59 ansumcrs no mi atomic an Dyna 106 Geeo Mines £9 Opemlsks 610 Husky Gunner as 925 gunman 9570 Cnn Devonian 390 Holllnger 25 mo Algom mi ppnmn Chill KerrAddison 535 sacr Gordon 15 ten Del Rio Lsmsquo 365 Steep Rock 605 oppor Rand Lorsdo 179 United 0a 114 on Hall 56 Maritime 74 Ventures 58 cnison Mines 11 Murrly Min 113 ilroy 17a Sullivan Luz Notmetal 233 wutscy 25 alconbrldge 5W Narthgaus can MOST ACTIVE STOCKS me can ndustilats up l2 bananars CONVENTION SIMCOE NORT me joint Corp Multt MLnerals Latin American Place Gas steel or Call nowuomzs New You AVERAqu Industrial down 377 Rails down 32 Utilities down 10 TORONTO smca acaANGB max Golds down 05 Metals up our up 13 SIMCOE NORTH LIBERAL CONVENTION Sponsored by SIMCOE NORTH LIBERAL ASSOCIATION FRIDAY APRIL 27th at 8I5 pm HILLCREST PUBLIC SCHOOL FOR THE PURPOSE OF NOMINATIONS OF LIBERAL CANDIDATE IN THE FEDERAL ELECTION NswroN FRESIDENT of Toronto and onetime master Parks Board report stating no action would be taken with re arc to the alleged danger oi ditch behind Bothwcll Crescent was called an insult to the in telligence oi the people in the area in council last night Residents had complained to council that the waterAiilled ditch running behind homes on Bothwell Crescent was med ace in dilldren Several photographs were in troduced with the report show ing parks worker standing in six inches of water while clear ing snow from the ditch The MARGARET CARR Margaret Isabella Carr 89 died in Toronto April is She was the younger daughter of the late William and Eliza Carr of Thornton She was predeceased by two brothers William John and Sa muel James and one sister Mary Mrs Maurice Hill Sur viving nephews are Arnold Carr of Toronto Dr diaries Can of Halifax Orval Carr of Thornton and nieces Elise Sut clille and lsobel Carr of Tor onto The funeral service was held at Nrner and Porters Funeral Home Toronto with Rev Sanderson officiating Inter ment was in Thornton Cemetery MRS MARTHA IRWIN Mrs Martha Irwin died at New Toronto Mrs Irwin was born January 25 1884 at Grav Report Insult To The People report also said that residents were throwing refuse to the ditch This report is an insult to the intelligence and integrity of the people in the area Alder man Charlu Newton saidu It lnfers that the parks board cleaned all the snow out This is not true It Inferred that residents had thrown reiuse in the ditch This is not true The pictures were taken in the sal est part of the ditch Also piclt tures were taken of doghouse and fish shanty on private pro perty This should not have been done OBITUARIES enhursi Ontario She was the daughter of Robert and Angus Elliot resident of Angus most of her life Mrs lrwin was mem ber of the United Church Her husband William predeceased her on March 11 1952 Surviving relatives include daughter Mrs Leslie of Vic toria BC and two sons Oscar of Oshawa and William of Angus There are also nine grandchildren and four great Erandehildren Rev Willis conducted the funeral service at Jennett Fun oral Home Burial was In Angus Union Cemetery Pallbearers were Les Walkin shaw James Brennan Eldon Latlmer William Davidson Walter Mcliiackon sad Archie Duckworth Relatives and friends attended from Guelph Toronto Minesing and Barrie LONDON CF Sir Seville Garner former United King dom high commissioner in Can ada said today that despite Can adas logical geographical com munications with the United States she will retain her own Idenuty Speaking at luncheon given by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Great Britain Garner now permanent under secretary nt the Commonwealth relations office said there are overwhelming reasons why Can ada should remain distinct from the US First such great land mark in the North American continent should remain separ aterather than join with the US to form monolithic imlt perislism he said Also there is purely Cana dian tradition in the arts paint ing and literature These are living realities which reflect the way of life and attitudes have DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Addis Ababs Ethiopia Prince Shale Selassie at youngest son of Ethiopian Em perior Haille Selassie Elizabeth NJ Robert Crane Al formerpublisher of the Elizabeth Daily Journal Cornwall oohRobert Tur ner first Negro recreationdi rector of Cornwall who played baseball with the Chicago White Sox and basketball with the Harlem Globetrotters Pornfrel ConnMrs Mabel Brittain Bigelow as cofounder of the Rectory Elementary School for Boys at Pomfret Huntington NYSam Ochlle tree 73 who retired in 1552 after 42 years of traffic and editorial service with The As sociated Press MontrealMoses Gutman 47 vicepresident of the Canada Spring Company Toronto William MC Nurney vicepresident and gen eral manager of General Tire and Rubber Company Limited of Canada Stratford Stewart Cooke 48 president of International Artcrafts Company TorontoDr John Davidson Ketchum 68 retired psychol ogy professor at the University of music at Trinity College LIBERAL ASSOCIATION School Port Hope Ont evennonr WELCOME Says Canada Should Remain Distinct From United States no hesitation in expressing my faith that these things will pre Vail The guests at the luncheon in cluded George Drew Canadas high commissioner in London Garner said he thought Drew would agree with him that re cently some British journals and television programs have presented an image of Canada that anyone familiar with the country would not recognize Garner said Canada is mic rocosm of the whole Common wealth and that without Canada there would not have been Commonwealth as such In world threatened with communism and raciolism Can ada and the Commonwealth could htond out as guiding light of the true multi racial association that presented its own ideas of fair dealing and tolerance Predicts Real Prosperity Kick WOODSTOCK CPt Pros perity will bloom in the early 1960s Public Works Minister David Walker told the Progres sive Conservative nomination meeting for Oxford County Tuesday night The depression is over now he said Were on the high road to one of the greatest prasperities this country has ever known The meeting named Wallace Nesbitt member of Parliament for Oxford for eight years to contest the riding in the federal election June 18 Grant Structure Not Effective Alderman Frank Hersey said last night that Ontarios grant Nurture to municipalities was not as effective as it could be in attracting province Mr Hersey said Quebecs sys tem of provincial grants was more favorable to industry Council accepted finance committee recommendation that meeting be arranged with Ar thur Evans MP for Cent Simcoe to discus the present grant structure and the effect it has on Barrie Certiï¬cation industry to the asses FORCE Vote May Maj Gen Alfred Star bird heads the 12000mm task force which will carry out the series of nuclear weapons tests in the atmosphere over the Pacific The shots are ex pected to begin within few days perhaps less AP Wire photo Will Address Nominating Convention Hon Leon Balcer federal minister of transport and Hon Earl Rowe MP DuiferlnSim one will be speakers at the Simcoe North Progressive Con servative nomination meeting certification vote will be held May at the Canadian General Elemtr Plant in Bar me The vote was authorized after Labor Relations Board hear ing in Barrie yesterday The vet is result of the diorts of the United Electrical Workers union to obtain union representation at the Barrie OGE Worlu Wins Sunnidale Council Seat Fred Martin president of the Oakview Beach Ratepayers As sociation won the vacant seat on Sunnidale Township council by acclsmatioa last aght The seat had been made vs The coaventlon will be held C3 by the death 01 Counclliol May at pm in Ceiling wood District Collegiate audi torium Heber Smith sitting member has announced he will placeï¬is name in nomination No other potential candidates have an nounced themselves Mr Smith said 512 delegates would attend the PC convention with 230 from Barrie George Bailey Glen Lewis the other nom Inee who allowed his name to stand failed to qualify by the pm deadline lastnight Other nominees were Gene Langevin of Wasage Beach and Ed White of New Lowell Both declined their nomination The new councillor is real estate man in Oakview Beach WEATHER FORECAST Synopsis Today will be mainly sunny and warm over Southern Ontario and cloudy and cool over the remainder of the province Showers are pre dicted tonight and Thursday for most of Southern Ontario Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron southern Georgian Bay Niagara Lake Ontario re gions Windsor London Hamil ton Toronto Mainly sunny and warm becoming cloudy with chance of shower this even ing Thursday Mainly cloudy with showers and cooler winds southwesterly 15 to 20 becom ing easterly 15 by this evening and increasing to 20 to 30 Thurs day Northern Georgian Bay Hali hurton and Timagami regions North Bay Sudhury Sunny with cloudy periods today and Thursday little change in tem perature Winds northeasterly 15 today easterly Thursday Algoma White River regions Sault Ste Marie Mainly sunny becoming cloudy with showers this evening Thursday mainly cloudy with scattered showers little change in temperature Winds easterly 15 to 20 Forecast Temperatures Low tonight nigh Thursday Windsor 50 75 St Thomas 50 75 London 45 65 Kitchener 45 65 Mount Fore 40 so Wingham 40 60 Hamilton 45 65 St Catharines 45 65 Toronto 45 65 Peterborough so 60 Trenton so 60 Killaloe 30 50 Muskoka 35 55 North Bay 30 50 Sudbury 30 50 Earlton 23 50 Kapuskasing 24 45 White River 25 50 Moosonee 10 40 Sault Ste Marie 32 55 WINTERS IIAVOC Now is the time to let us install Heat Cables on your roof and caves to avoid the destruction caused by winter Ice and PARRY ELECTRIC water 130 COLLINGWOOD ST WE ARE ELECTRIC PA E3856 HEATING EXPERTS SERVICE and SATISFACTION GUARANTEED THE liquor LICENCE ACT NOTICE or HOLDING AN ADVANCE POLL MUNICIPALITY OF THE CITY OF BARRIE Notice is hereby given that pursuant to The Election Act RSO I960 Chap 118 Section 77 poll will be opened on The twentyeighth clay of April from I0 will be located at until 730 pm Standard Time The polling place for the Municipality of the City of Barrie The l00F Hall at 35 Collier Street for the purpose of receiving the votes of voters who expect to be absent from the Municipality on the day fixed for polling The ballot box will be opened and the votes counted at pm Wednesday the 2nd day of May at the City Hall Dated at Barrie this sixteenth day of April 1962 STRAUGHAN Returning Officer an 2WL TIE BARRIE EXAIIIINER Billy Seharfe l2 of Ottawa landed fully clothed in bone chilling water in his struggle with this 25pound carp Billy handed the line to friend Eichmann Has Bible JERUSALEM Reuters Former Nazi official Adolf Eichmann sentenced to death by Israel as mass murderer of Jews now has Bible and has agreed to accept spiritual advice Canadianthorn Prot estant clergyman said Tuesday But these facts do not met essarily imply change of heart on Eichmanns part said Rev William Hull native of Winnipeg Hull said he has twice visited Eiehmaan who was convicted of organizing the murder of 6000 HERES HOW IT WORKS 0n Ballot WilfredCoekburn Shanty Bay Flynn New anell Mrs McKenzie 13 Collier Momhuluquetfu Peel St Mrs Kelsey 85 Maple Ave YORK PORK BEAN BURNS FRESH PICNICSI COPACO BURNS MARGABINE DELMAR REG 26 LB COPACO PURE PORK SAUSAGES TRAYvPAK REG ADI FREE DELIVERY ON 23 COLLIER ST Free Shopping Draw 67 WINNERS so FAR FOR TOTAL or $30295 ISNT IT TIME YOU TRIED IT Just Fill Out Ballot Showing Amount OI Your luiclltisr Every Weekend At Least $5000 Of These Ballots will Be Drawn Winners Can SHOP FREETI Amount Shawn YOU MUST save voila TAPE and PRESENT in To WIN HERE ARE LAST WEEKS WINNERS Mrs Vincent 1E0 Saskatchewan Blvd Mrs Johnston RR Strand Lloyd Livingston an Shanty say Mrs Medbursl RR Barrie McDonaugh RR Barrie Mary Taylor RR Barrie Anthony Hackey 82 Dunlop and win BIG 20 OZ TINS REG 2351 SMOKED PICNICS onosas $500 UP HAMMONDS HOME DISCOUNT WEDNESDAY APRIL 19 BIG chcn and wrestled in the waters of Dows Lake in southwest 0t tawa for 10 minutes before getting the ï¬sh to shore The carp has girth of 23V in dies CF Wirephoto 000 European Jews during the Second World War Hulls wife Lilian who speaks German acted as later preter at one of the meetings She is the first woman who has been allowed to see Eich mean in Rameleh Prison where he is held pending the outcome of his appeal against his death sentence The minister said the talks were confined to spiritual mat tersin relation to his soul and futgre judgment the minister SDI HISTORIC ART ReachCanadian woodvcarv lag mostly for churches flour ished as early as 1675 $44 $793 $356 $640 $351 $416 $334 $464 $417 $357 $266 $255 Total $500 SPECIAL 29c 39c lb 411 lb SPECIAL lbs 87 lb 38c PA 60961