Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Apr 1962, p. 16

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TEA AND BAKE SALE Cld$$ified The Peoples Market Place in your own home PA 82414 THE BARRIE EXAMINER ANNOUNCEMENTS nAYsrAliés LODGE MINUTE FROM DOWNTOWN BARBIE hIINETii POINT Wedding Receptions Beautiful grounds tor picture youll cherish Ample parking for guests con leniench We assume tn asponslbiliues while you enon yoursetll Facillues 01 dancing ell SATISFACTth ssumab PRICES riiiil PLEASE Cali PA 85198 mytlme alums mum In ume tor your ebud should be real pleuure and other wlu wan to know your chain Nule your child It quickly as possible and use the moduli nnl In Elm Bxlmlncr Birth Announce men 1th cell uur cimlned De plnment lvc the lnciudlnn the name end we wl publllb Birth Notice In the next edition or only $150 Telephonn PA Mlle or thin Classified rervlce DEATHS usLroNrlorence ire At the noynl vieiorlt llulpltn pm lie on hleldly Ann 24 I962 In her 73rd year Florence Irene Toner or Phelpaton beloved wile ot Tbomu skellon nertlnp nt hcr Ilte rerldence Phelpelon unui ms um Thursdny April 26 then to 5L Ptrleltl Church Phelpalon or requlenl lulu It 10 Am In terment St Illrlckl cemetery Phaiplton IN MEMORIAM llANNlGANIn Iovlnt usean of Jenna Cole Hanninn who pmed nwly April 15 Mt In der runny None knew her hut to love her None nomad her but In pulse Evor remembered by dlthler Kelly Lynn lilom lleler Notmt Ind brother blorrtl llANNlOANJn loving memory of sziil lllnrk who pulsed nwly April 25 llllli in Germny Cutler little cnlldren To come unto rile Lovngly remembered by other Kelly Lynn And Noll Cole COMING EVENTS DANCE Friday April 27 THORNTON ORANGE HALL Music by Paul Emms and his Green Valley Boys ADMISSION 75¢ DANCE Friday April 27 CHURCHILL HALL Burnetts Orchestra ADMISSION 51 Lunch provided Auspicos Churchill Chilli Willi Junior Farmers ciryfinxnniu CLEANUP CAMPAIGN April 23 May Sponsored by BARRIE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY All home owners businesses and Industries asked to cooperate SPECIAL TOWN PICKUP Thursday May All clty east of Baytield Street Friday llay Balance oi the city NEARLY NEW SALE Tuesday May to May inclusive AM PM IRHIITY PARISH HALL Good Used Clothing Household Articles AUSPICES Trinity Guild lt F1 Mrs Wollenden PA 61582 COCONVENER Mrs Wolfenden PA 85185 TREASURERS Mrs Magee PA 33539 Mrs Gremo PA 37783 Come To The NEW LIFE CRUSADE April 29 May PM FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Clapperlon at worsley BLOSSOM TEA AND BAKE SALE WEDNESDAY MAY 30th 230 pm 30 p1n Auspices UCW Burton Avenue United Church Adults 35c rChildlen 15c Springtime in Paris FELLOWSHIP HALL FRIDAY MAY 1962 2305150 pm ADMISSION on Call St UCW SPRING TEA AND BAKE SALE Saturday April 28 to pm At the hum of Mes LOHNE HANDY 162 REAL ESTATE HENDERSON REALTOR Iv comm snrzer PHONE PA em LOVELY TREED LOT North Anne St 130 frontage Just out of Iin limits Call Dor othy Wilcox VANCOUVER ST East end Lovely brick home Three bedrooms Large kitchen with dining area Lola ot cup board space Beautiful floors Immacuiale inside and out Fenced in yard Vegetable gar dcn raspberry canes 672 mort gage Call Dorothy Wilcox COMMERCIAL AREA This property has seven room brick home in good condition One car garage 66 lot and rea sonably priced Cnli Percy Ford ALLANDALE Five room modern bungalow Very large kitchen Basement apartment Rents at $65 month ly lIW heating One car gar age Paved drive Cnll Percy Ford NEW LISTING $12900 Desirable central east end location Priced under mar ket to guarantee move when school is out Lovely six room rug brick ranch style home Spotlch and complete in every detail Has NHA $7900 mortgage and carries for $00 Including taxes If necessary can arrange small second mortgage To see in time call Emerson Swain APARTMENTS T0 RENT Five room apartment two bed rooms garage Downtown loca tion Large three room apartment close to downtown Reasonable rent Call Percy Ford 101 RODNEY ST $13300 In excellent location Close to Cod rington Stone fireplace in pop ular Lsllaped living and iining room Three bedrooms Ranch brick bungalow Carries for $88 monthly including taxes Mttst be sold For full details call Rita Scandrctt QUALITY PRICED RIGHT $16500 Custom brlck three bed room ranch home with attached garage living room dining room with walkout to patio and fenced yard Heautllul large Hanover kitchen with separate dining area Designed tor tam ily enjoyment East end close to schools and shopping Owncl transferred First time offered Call Rita Scandrett EVENINGS LALL ltlTA SCANDREII PA was DOROTDI WlDCOX PA from PERCY For PA no EMERSON SWAIN PA 66505 Member turn nnu District and Ontario neni Estts nouns HAROLD ORSTER AND COMPANY Realtors 98 BAYFIELD 51 PA $0453 ANYTIME TRUTH WILL OUT Also value like this room brick bunga low Von nicely landscaped and fenced lot Partly finished rec reatinn room Only $1500 down and $90 month pays principal interest and taxes Call Norm Hesketh THE ONE CHANCE IN ALIFE TIIIIE acres with stream house and barn on good paved road 10 miles trurrl Barrie For the low low price of $7000 Some intelligent famil man will buy this why not you Call Curly KlnosteIrnan HOME AND INCOME Bay field Street Semidetached storey brick bedrooms one with sink living dining arge kitchen Dial Maryann Smith for convenience to downtown shopping ATTENTION MILITARY PER SONNEL Excellent lots for home building We have the builder the plans and the know how to get you deal with as little as $1000 dawn and less than the rent you are now paying per month Call PA 56453 new or drop in to see us at 98 Bayfield Street Any of our salumerl would be pleased to come to your home to show you plans and discuss your housing problems EVENINGS CALL Dotls Nuttycombe PA 951 Maryulllt Smith PA H010 Naml Eesketh PA Mold Curly Kluosternlun PA was Members of the Burl Distrch rtei Estate Board Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Iifiin St PA 61881 Bedroom Bungalows From $350 down and up PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE ROGERS CONNELL REAL TORS ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First In Same Home Salesforums in Quality Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENING CALL tut It It uookbPA um we Rooms PA WOWFA use coxhzu PA Hm umams Em ulsnuol ml man BOA BROWN CLIFF REAL 111R 82 HIGH STREEL BARBIE PHONB PA WI PA smith CINDMILIA 5789 crlll Genvy 1A 5735 DUNLOP ST Ev lov Donuln PA was Everti sheuweu am 2an 115 DUNLOP ST and others May Graydon KohlPA CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone PA MAI 03 Dunlap st lIlABEI MARSHALLPA um COREYwPA um MURIEL smutPA um Slouii Agencies Lid CENTRAL UNTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS 10 COLLIER STREET PA 85901 WISIUNG WILL NOT BUY IT QUICK ACTION WILL Brick semidetached close to downtown bedrooms with fireplace separate dl ng room garage Asking $17000 with $2000 Balance on easy terms DAIRY FARM 100 acres clay loam large shaped barn steel stabling wa ter bowls milk house built cooler implement shed large brick house F6 head Holstein 35 pigs full line implements all or $30000 with $13500 Located near Lake Simcoe 10 miles south of Barrie Member at the purple and Dumcl lleel Estto Board vlzlvmcs CALI MERV COULD 0RD zsm EDE GOULD 030 751E mail sLEsson PA H67 3ch flown PA Hm LLOYL llama DA 1K ILoltls HOCKLEY PA 5851 wUGHEEDSTAYNZR loom ROSE REAL Islamz BROKER 7n mPllv STREET eAluIlz CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member of the Barrie and District Real Zrtaie board Keith Marshall null ESTATE seem PA 87592 l5 cLAPPzRToN 5T BARK M0032 PA Cm FRANK 509 was Member Barrie Ind Distrte lleal Panto Board OSCAR BATES REAL ESTATE THORNTON PHONE IVY 291211 THORNTON Comfortable older seven room home on double lot Heated by oil furnace Priced to sell as owner has been posted to ano ther province GENERAL STORE Large building containing store post otfiw lockers repair shop Situated in village on paved road Yearly turnover about $62000 III heath fondue sale This store is priced to sell and good terms can be arranged FARM 100 acres All workable Large barn buildings silo water bowls Brick house Convenien ces Well located near village and highway Also 50 acres good $75 monthly $8600 full price Contact any sales man EVENING CALL Kurl IIInull PA 09917 DALSTON Aorplcas Dalston W1 TEA 35c ioo Palmer PII ms Bmflr bllller PA me Member ol the BelIll und Dlgtrlzt rtel Estate Burn pasture land with neck Reduc ed in price for quick sale Pun esslon For further information contact this office Mrs Eleanor Maw 05w Bates Try nu Cullener Want no Metron oi the InnIo loll nun Sam Jon LluFA um mulls turdPA um Norman ShelsWeIl REAL ESTATE BROKER PA M96 PA 55712 First Mortgage Funds Available Interest 69 of Value No Fees Charged emnp C111 hen WIlleou PA Heal Normn shelrwru PA ml um Dowrd Norfll PA GRAYDON KOHL REAL ESTATE BROKER PA 84252 PA 84808 FOIL RENT ANGUS Modeln three bedroom very clean bungalow Five years old Available April 25 $60 per month IN BARRIE two bedroom apartments healed Some available immediately Bill RawnPA 60197 ll Nul door to tho impennl Theatre 45A DUNLOP ST PA 66481 Member of Burllo Ind District Real nuts Bo rd MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and If you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 61801 112 Dunlap St New three bedroom home Large living room kitchen with large dining area lots at cup boards and storage oil healed Colored bathroom fixtures van lty divided basement Large lot In good residential area close to 5mm and schools TELEPHONE 84281 uuNGALow four bedroom no reatlon room Ilnd kluohed gnrage Fully landscaped lzneed lot wlth patio immediate pomulon lele phone PA 61566 CHANCE OF Lifetime In Darrin Catt End lneonlo property Duplex nicely Ireed lot Gar1e About 3250 will handle Telephone PA my 10 ACRES with new five room More all convenienus some lrull treev and berries Ferguson tractor and lnlpleInentu lltb Line lnnuni PA H130 manure Pouenian Anruv $8500 toil price 51000 down Plve room home double tarale picket fence 85 55 loot lot close to modern school Apply Vernon IL Auto Telzphone llz as RANCH um Brick hunglow Ittlched range Three bedrooms large recreation room clove to rehoois large landscaped lat lllolp thi payments not Including hue Ie ephone PA 350 MAKE AN arm Centrally locae ted older type duplex eonltvtlnl ol rooms and bath room and bath Heavy wiring oll healing large lot Outside Construction bevel rldlrll and lrIsuI brick Gyp roc inside Apply Do Barrie Examiner for further lnlotnutlon 81X 1100 Home In 1113 of Thornton Includes three piece bath Cupboards hot and cold wa ter karate Furniture onenerneld eight piece dining room mite beds stands and rocklng nluurv leie hone Ivy 19317 Robert Web the ll William EL Thornton mag BEDROOM nneb butane low lrsluped ttvlnrdlnlnz areas mover kitchen bathroom with boile vanity and tub enclomre finished buernenl Attncttvdy landscaped with man East end near school bus IIIDPL 62 NBA mortgage Dwuer moltened Cone Eggs any reasonable otter PA LOTS FOR SALE but so at an Brock end Senlorth SkeetL For Intolnlnllou telephone PA 37150 FOR SALE OR RENT Poms BOD Rouse ut hunet Point wltb three piece bath Pun vfze basement with tunlane law dawn vlyment guy Arms T210 phone PA $5341 PROPERTY WANTED menu In buying or bedroom ranch style bungalow with telan close to schools Rue tenable down pnynlent Reply to Box as Barrie uniulnar BUS OPPORTUNITIES AUTOMATIC CLUIBESLWE EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE New revolutionary auwmadc clothesline needs no domespins Huge prufiLv now being made Applications now being accept ed for sales igth For full par REAL ESTATE RENTALS RENTALS SUMMER RESORTS MORTGAGES AFIS HOUSES TO RENT APIS HOUSES To RENT WHERE TO GO RTE Ill mar new Mortgage Loans Anywhere onall properties WITH LBW ONTEY PMmm Human 10 YOUR BUDGET IF YOU NEED MONEY 10 moqu debt on oil mulls monqu ODr mnllla coutlng duo ollom improvement Ally worthwhile um PA 50931 Mortgage Funding UV SimpsonSears MONEY AVAILAEIE FOR Consolidation of Bills Hm lepaln elC N0 BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $1549 at $56 Monthly $3544 at $90 Monthly Up to £51300 and 60 month to repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT I41 Dunlap St PA 66477 lul AND 2ND exlotlnx Honerev boughl for rendy cub Alto money loaned on yreenl momget Cnu llr Mlller PA ml RENTALS low can IPACI for rent Cletn modelp bulldlnu Sultava for eomlnerelnl or Item lndultlnl relepunr PA 66175 NURSING Homes Ix on MIan tbru roads uumull ed npknleleut for rent Eton Ind rvlruertlor sup lied Clone to bus Telephone PA Int AND prim tom room up mu lplflmsnt units but one um euppued minty Apply It 11 Dnekwortn street Intruuwum belted upper lrtlnrnr for non 0n bedroom erv rumbl RDL Telephon PA um wrulmmm bested npuunenl for rent tell contained four rooms and bath bury tllnl porting in Queens Perk nu leip and PA 5m two Balloon heeled npnrtnunt In Mind floor or modern triple on 51 VIDccnt Strut North 38 monthly Auueblo noon Telephone PA um TWO HID00M oratorpulled nu den lrtlnent cut end Latina leilltl love refrigerator nut and wkte Perkin Clare to bus Adults Telephone PA Mus youl noon untumuhed span Inent Itvr rent One bloek from PM otllee antto entrunce IIvttlble lmmedlnlely Telepbouo PA ml for further Intonation mun noon lumubed no merit Centnl Putin Laundry lnellltiei Also two room Drwly lurnlbed epnrtnlent lelrpbanv PA uloo nvnlLIqu June Two bedroom npertulent with stave relrlnntor wuner nnd dryer Rent 90 per month Telephone PA Hm or cell It I23 Cook Street rllnn uuvunmvnzn noouu lor rent Ill conveniench nemeen tot Iove parkluu Plzlle odulu only Locum nur mnn Tele phone PA ow IZLY CONTAINID unlumlthed two bedroom upper duplex lor rent very czntnl chlldren wel come Available If Telephone PII H759 allel 510 pm DON ER REST HOME Licenced pleasant home for elderly convalescent and re tarded Tray service Reason able rotcn PHONE 77 STAYNER or write PO Box 104 Stayner nun opus Nunsmo name Buill Ior III work bum na pnvate roams klnd nurslno enre load food rv roaml nation us run for eutlnu Telephone mu Strand OFFICES STORES RENT MODERN office Building downtown liar ric has linliled LilliKm of space availablewill alter Io luit Telephone PA 03293 or PA 50865 GARAGES FOR RENT LAlIaIz two rtzii In tor rout suitable for Ilrge truck or cur my be eeen nt 121 Mary street or phone Roy HIrItUnp PA 5005 APTS Houses To RENI ADJOINING PARK Besude Lake One and two bedroom apart uIents complete with stove and refrigerator Use oi washer and dryer Redecaratcd annually PA $1068 DELUXE APARTMENTS Convenienlly located near chpols nhoppin and bus and vithin walking distance of Jowntown One and two bedrooms CBaunies OBamboo Drapes Iswvcs and ridges olndividual thermostats Olnciuerators OFree washing and drying facilities Gunny other line appointments Children welcome Sample suite may be seen by calling PA 88186 The Garden Terrace Comer Queen and Duckwnrthl Modern llama two bedrooms large living room tiled kitchen with dining area all heat with air conditioning full basement serviced landscaped grounds bamboo drapa 336 month PHONE PA 52140 BRENTWOOD TERRACE Self contained two bedroom apartment Living room kitch en lull basement with Laundry tubs Central location Free parking Telephone PA om mm summon epaxtment In rent In new buudtnz washer dryer and Iinllor uniu 81199114 Alelahlc Immedhlely Telemann PA 92352 of DHhey Information 362 modern this room Imr fumhhed lpanment Sputum rounds and rwlmmlnl pooL Also two 11qu furnished mmut Au eeotul Telephone PA 35082 mammal modeln our room apartment with bath Hero ad not water and have unpplletl located In Ankln Telephone in Camp Borden vzxy CZNIDAL Two bedroom apartment In new hulldIDK Stan and nfflzntor Illpulled Laundry latInna uuo nunnnu nvuunbln lly Ielephuue PA um TELEPHONE DIRECTORY FOR UNLIST ED NUMBERS Liculars Write ZipGrip Box oerBE Allutoll Ont MORTGAGES uoDraAGflm nut 2nd IBM Ind muted Comm and residential ulnneyv loaned on extthin menuyet Barrio wort nlo broker PI 56301 SUPERIOR PROPANE New Phone Number PA 61861 Hwy 11 South BOX 423 tonal two bedroom unlulnlrhed nportrnent heeled eornpletely tell contlned clone In schools on but route on monlbly Apply Cblrlu Newton PA Lmo CDzDuoonl Dunnlow with genre lor rent on Dnltou street Avalllble May 1951 Awly It haven Canneil ltultorr Ieloe Phone PII uses nmAmvt three room lurnlllt ed lplrtment tellennulned Cem Inl iopttlnn suit buelneu rim or couple Avnlloble my Tele phone PA um uulroN IVE rbree mm up lumllhcd lpirtment to rent on lieled hot water slave end re lrlrentor Prfvnlo bnlh Apply Centre st for lurthzr lnloruntlon LARGE b11th three bedroom apartment Central looLion Ilea eanable Ilurt be seen to be up predated Telephone PA Meal or PA Mind mu BEDROOM Home for rent In Aritlll Modern canvcnlencu 10 month For lpvalntmedt to anlvpeel telephone PA um liter ytn HEATED munmlnzo oeu conulnetl aprrtnlent Ilroulld floor Three lrge room Near uhool Perkins Prlvete enlnoeu us monthly lelep ENJOY Youe alt onth rent lree One end two bedroom lpiflmentl faultnr lervlce lIento from 585 per month Telephone PA rum tor further lnlnruutiou IINGus Two bedroom lpnrtmeut for rent bath uparnte entrance and page as per month Call lit as Margaret street Anti or tele phone Ivy 22m utter uNPuannlnzn oell contained three loom aplrtmzrlt Hot water heated stove relllgzntor end rare ovllzble Ill mlnulcs walk from downtown Telephone PA Mm TWO APAltnlzNls ln trtplex paeluur one km two bedrooml rurnuhen or unturnuhed nil contained newly deeanted cellent location near plan Ind beach Telephone um mummp Home at lllnett Point for nut unlurntlbed Three bedrooms ltvlnx kitchen and um porclt All conveniences Apply at 69 John street or telephone PA mu Poulz Dorm tarnished apartment Heated refrigerator Ind bevy duty Move hardwood IIDOII three piece haul Avnllable April It Alwly Armstrunlzl Hardware 98 Dunlop street East mzw turn Modem one um two bedroom nparhnenu overlooking oreulc Kempenlett my am we tel arkln and Inner service the ed unlined wuhln to calm PA Mm MODERN one end two bedroom lplflmenll east end 61m BID boo drapes Venetian blinds Auto made laundry llcllltlu palking Telephone PA ems tor timber Intonation DESIRABLE upper duplex heeled large bright llvlnp room and klb then two bedroom game Bee tween Five PointI Ind West End Shopplllt Centre Avalhhle May Telephone YA 741 men Banal unlntntrbed ppm meat for rnl stove and null enter me of washer Ind dryer central location Newly decanted Telephone PA mm for further Information mm MOM belted lpmut prlylle bath modern kitchen with refrigerator and null newly de curated elm to whiten rtnru chmhel banks Inn line rate phone Mass ELF CONTAINED unturn hbcd Iiulzd three mom an ment with bath in tflplex ewly decorated Nlce neighborhood Partial Close to schooll Dun and lhopplnl Telephone PA66567 11241011341532 our room aparta ment with private bath Duo stop at door lieted Avllabie ImmzdIv ately $75 per month located kt agGunn StreeL Tzlzphone PA suoud lDlml but Adqu nnlcntd Nu collection In om Ie ot Ilmmlnl ML month Tclepboln Euclid Nmr duct print one no thve uncommon three room kprtment width Drtvllo both tell eonuined Toronto street omelet Cler to bus stop Telephone PA varL nvund floor one bed room upurtnunl Laundry lulu the CentnL Welu end but In eluded on monthly Avnluble ll Apply Peel street Aplnmcnt wnxnu Youur couple for clean unturpuoed ultconulned up mull New norm nnrr relrll vnlor hydro uni ruppilea Ren eouabl rent Phone PA um after p11 DZDIIJOM Apartment on nuln floor trout and title ult Plate heeled tued bnlhrooul etor ue lusuledlnte poueulon 41 Grove street not Telephone PA um or PA Mow UNnmNIsz three In rooms end bnlh on ground floor lung and relrlurtor optloulL Privqu vernnnuh Iher nnd dryer Plrklll Included PA bowl new tune PA Mm munmlmn modern upmulent In print home clou to but nap em end pllu Pllvele entrunce end plrflnl luctlillu Avllbie Immedlnlely Telephone PA mill or prtltuIn ml noon heeled eputnmtt for rent lmmediue ponenlon Completely ulteontnlned CenIrl location Apply Dyek Food Merkzl Isa CoIIler street telephono PA 55119 mnALLY Loule Two bed room npmnlent Ilet weter hr dro stove Ind relrlgentor sup viied lnluledlnte pomstun Over the Filter Queen Olllce 37 mole Avenue Telephone PA Mm CENTRAL Locatlnnl Unlumihed modern tour room npurtment roul pIeIely uilcontlned electric fire place ample upbotrde stove re Irlgenlor lionI no monthly ldeei lor urlnut couple PA pom VUBNIIIIZD Avlflmtnl tillle aund new ruenltun nd lppllnu cu Prtvnte Lupe putumque windows room Excellent tor ldIIILI 35 monthly Telrphono uml dy or nitht 15 ONE BEDROOM Apartment rtove and relrlrenlor wormed Alec two zbedroom apprtmcntl Laundry IncllltIH In new Apart ntent bulldln Telephone PA Lem TWO uanqu tell eontuined pnrtment for rent unlumhhett iGnrlgc chlldren welcome s15 niiendale dittrtct Telephone PA won for further inloruutlon THREE noon lurnlebed apert mrnt clone to downtown Heated end hydro supplied Telephone PA p25 dnyl Ind PA Hm evm nu UNyuansllED three main lpurt ment completely IeIleontnlned heated Located on Pcncunl 5L time to itnrex school and but Telephone PA 60520 uPPlzII DUPsz two bedrooms living room and kitchen lolly IIlcd your piece bathroom on hekten Laundry lnclllllee immedi ate pollelslon Telephone PA 91209 lllnelz norm rellcontelned un Iurnllllcd heated upminonl Newly accreted Water hydro rtove Ind refrigerator supplled PrIvte ent runce Queens Perk area Telev phone PA mu POUR non modem apartment nlrel plpcc bath out floors stealn heated stove and relrlzera tor Downtown aver errht Clean gmfio monthly Telephone PA UNPURNIBIIED Upper Duplex all heated in 12 rltllnz room New urch Bathroom bedroom and modern kitchen Newly decorate Prlvnte entrance Dayneld 5t 75 Telephone PA 83690 ULTRA nloDlmN unlurnlshed one bedroom nprtment Prlvte balcony rant and rear Refriger Itor and drapes Iupplled Centrni ly located Ideal for young mar rled couple Telephone PA um MODERN hauled llconnlned one and two bedroom Iplrtmenu Drapes novel zenlumen Close to store on pnved ma village 01 mt Oro mile from crime 12 tune from wear Station 50 53 and 15 Jenninn PA assn or Oro 59 count my be seen on weekendn WANTED TO RENT WANTED you two month Film Ished seueontalned two bedroom npartment house or cottage purl ueso nun and wife erte Box 72 Burris Examlum House WANTED witth nech mile of Barrie huvlne easy access to public rehool Reeponxlbie Orll Ilu lulllily wtrlr to rent with nptlnu Lo buY APPIy to Erik Barrie Examiner or telephonic PA 45464 Ozilflu ROOM BOARD In or unueman Telephone PA 5325 after pan Doosl AND DIth available on Essa Road In privlle home All home cooklng and touches peeked For further lulormatlon telephon PA 66251 ROOMS TO LET FURNISHED nooln mated ne meeratpr rangetle linen mppued Apply at nety Street nmIe FURNISHED BEDROOM Ln quiet well kept home Downtown ares Palkins Genuenlan only Remn ablc Telephone PA Lam CLDAN print bedroom cur rent In modern home Parking facul ties Essa Road dlrtrfet Telephone PA 55750 or nether details NICELY turnhhed healed bed mo noon untumuned apart mm with kitchenette upmle three piece buth llent and tight uppileo 0n bu route Near Gen enl Eledric Telephone PA Hm Liter no pun runsrem three mm upm ment east end Good Ioeatlon on bill mute Hydro but runwa or and stove rupplled Newly de canted Parking Incllfuu relo phone PA 86030 mulan Upstate Apart ment separate entrnee Heal wnler telllunar Ind parking In lltlu Violnlty of Well 2nd Plan Avalhble ltnnledlalely Tele phone PA 51161 for further pan llnllan alumnus largo five room apartment uvnlleble Immediately ll new modern hulldlng Autom Ill laundry maintenance service slave and relrlgenlor opuonaL Paved ozrklnp ladlltlu Par lur Ilnrmztlml teiepnone PA 14w mum 1mm page slttlug room lor rent in quiet home Gentleman preferred Arena location Telephone PA 66007 nllmm wmu housekeeping room for rent stove and refflleralm West end WItb parklnp facilities Telephone PA moi 0ND unlaln clean mom for rent Linens supplied on but route Homekteplnz Ir desired Telephone PA Mun evening or further pne Linda PERMANENT IIcotner pemlnner or slende employed gentlemen lute reasonable hy the week or month Kitchen pnvllegel Telee phone PA 59092 between to aflllnoons nr to eveuiull lwcl DNPDENIHDZD or Pitrnlrhed menu with pink Private entrance Allnone dlstrtct Bullpen coupll preferred Abllalnelr monthly Donia oleu home Telephone PA Try An Examiner Want All new enlored llle batb en new Illme Gpumznztit Eur plus 21 Dunlop Street Well Tel phon noon ARTICLES Iov SALE SPRING SPECIAL FURNACES Forced all new oii or gas sumo Interest up to from buy now belnre further increase Used Oil Burners for sale PHONE PA 60391 OR STROUD IRS PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner lf you would like to have re prints of any new pictures taken by our staff phnlogre pliers please call at our buli nese office We are sorry wI cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints 5x $100 IO $l25 plus tax CARTERS Retinisb all furniture otilce modern antique alsl metal ca binots etc AND ESSA RD PA 89831 FIREWOOD Spring Clearance Sale Starts April 30 Dry Slabs for Fuelconvenient loading on any size truck or trailer Price Whilc It Lasts 0n Tile Ground at Alliston Hardwood $200 per single cord Softwood $100 per single cord Terms Caslk PETER THOMSON AND SONS LTD ALLISTON TELEPHONE HE S7321 Barrie SECONDHAND STORE Has all used goods plus new slightly damaged Items way below original cost We also buy content lots 55 DUNLOP ST Phone PA M427 FREE Year Guarantee on Used TV picture tubes plus 30 day warranty 349 AND UP MCFADDEN Appliance 123 PENETANG ST DAIIN TIMBER for sale varlaul lenfltlu also quantity of Codr Rails Telephone 1mm Ellnvie Ntnses ilkrealm uniform for late size 12 Twopiece Tele phone PA wear after pm By ALICE BROOKS SUNSATIONIIL Cool pretty and quick to sew its the munmun No fitting qproblems pop it over daughters head to wear as rundress smock beach covere all Pattern includes pretty nan tics Printed Patient 4822 Child rens Sizes Size dress yards 35inch fabric Send fifty cents 50 cenlsl in coins Ontario residents add cents sales tax no stamps please for this pattern Print plainly SIZE NAME AD DRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS care at Barrie Examiner Pat tern Department 60 Front St Toronto Ont SPECIAL SpringSummer Pat tern Catalogready now More than 100 sparkling stylessun sport day dance work travel All sizes Send 35 centsl

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