SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS HOLLOWS By MRS BOWDEN Charles Wright and iriend oi St Catharines were weekend Mr and Mrs Wright and lamin ol Guelph called at the home of the farmers parents Mr and Mrs Wright on their way home lrcrn Parry Sound Sunday ev ening David Wright is spending week atihis parents home be iore leaving Ior Brillin Colum bin He has spent the last few weeks in Philadelphia USA wth an electronics lirm Sun dn visitors at the same home were Mr and Mrs Lawrence Wright and baby Wendy at Mount Alben CBAIGHURST By MRS CASTON Mrs Susie Coward is home alter spending some time in Florida and Washngton Mr Gamble and son 01 St Catharines are home or East er Mrs Bert Caston is able to leave hospital and is spending some time with her daughter at Vasey Mr and Mrs Harvey Prince and Gayle ot Foterhorough spent the holiduys with Mr and Mrs Currie Baldwin Ralph Snider who was home or several weeks has returned to lite West Mr and Mrs Thomas Dunn are vsiting at Alberton Mr and Mrs Morrison and son Toronto are spending Eas ter with Mr and Mrs Woodward Mr and Mrs Hermon Har vey Bond Head visited Mr and Mrs Ern Caston on Sun day Mrs Mary Ellsmere and Mr and Mrs Huwes North Bay spent the weekend with relatives The heautiul llowers in St Johns Church Sunday were in memory at Mrs Eason Brook and were given by her daughter Mrs Archer Toronto HOUSE FIRE Era Caston had house fire last Saturday night but thanks to friends and neighbors it was kept under control There was considerable damage from wat er one gable was burned out and part of the root Mrs Gordon Smith is pat ient in Penetung hospital Norman Baldwin who has taken position in Toronto with gas company was home tor the holidays Glen Buker and children oi Barrie visited Stirling McCauley on Saturday Miss Sheila Green of Ross onWye England spent week with Mr and Mrs Pedling ham and Mr and Mrs Pea cock of Kirkland Lake also visited them Mrs Jensen oi Barrie spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Robert Jensen Mr and Mrs Robert Jensen and family spent Saturday in Gravenhurst Mr and Mrs Stanley Booth and daughter St Catharines visited Mr and Mrs Gamble at the weekend Weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Lewis Carr were Mr and Mrs Fraser Carr and Sus an Toronto and Mr and Mrs Cleo Lalonde Parry Sound TOTTENHIIM By ETHEL WICE Mr and Mrs George Hitehv man Toronto and Mr and Mrs Bob Hitchmon Weston were recent visitors with their mother Mrs George Cowan Mr and Mrs Oliver Beasley ot Rosseau spent Wednes day with the farmers sister Mrs Lloyd Leggett and Mrs Marjory Rogers Dr and Mrs Hoskin oi Tor onto spent the weekend with their daughter and family Mr and Mrs Fred Laird Mrs Orr and daughter of Richmond Hill spent the holi day weekend with Mr and Mrs Leonard Aberoethy Mrs Joseph Beliord Joan and Ricky are spending the Easter holidays in New York City Mrs Ruth Johnson and John visited Saturday with her mother Mrs James Henderson Mrs Lloyd Leggett spent the Easter weekend in Toronto with Mrs Jean Rose and Fraser Misses Joan Campbell and Betty Walsh are spending ter days in New York and Mrs Walter Hurl bert accompanied by Mr and Mrs Jack Hughson and Peter oi Alliston are holidaying in New York Mrs Jack Penn Sandra Janet and Howard Toronto spent Saturday in town Visitors with Mrs Wiee during the weekend were Mi and Mrs Jack Wine Heather and David Sudbury Mr and Mrs Creighton Wice Penetang Mr and Mrs Vernon Wice and Mrs Mervin Dale and Debbie of Schomberg Mrs James Tough is spend ing week in Toronto wth her son Bruce and family Mr and Mrs Fred Howes Toronto spent last Friday with Mr and Mrs Thomas Barnett Mrs Leonard Abernathy is spending low days this weak inHamilton attending Grand Lodge of the LOBA conference Mr and Mrs Mallton and daughters visited Friday In Stratlurd with Mr Mnllions lather William stallion and Sunday attended in Wilson lam ily reunion in Thornhill at the home ol Mn Maillons uncle visitors at the Wright homes iE Wilson Thirty were in attendance People at Toiletthan were sorry to team oi the serioue accident to Mr and Mrs Hex man Patterson Saturday morn ing when their car was struck by transport Mrs William Wakeï¬eld Tomato was also passenger in the car Mrs 3Pattorson and Mrs Wnkalieln are both in Toronto hospital Good Friday service was held in Fraser Presbyterian Church when Fred Laird addressed the congregations ol Tottertham Una itcd and Fraser Presbyterian churches in charge at the ser Taylor and it was well attend ed WONDER VALLEY By MRS HANDY Mr and Mrs Mnstyras Kris sgelis oi Montreal spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs ButhI Mr and Mrs Handy and Carol oi Codriogton visit ed on Sunday at Handyr Mr and Mrs Strnnoghon and iamily at Hamilton were Sunday visitors at Iiantlvs Greg Profit spent the holi days with his chum ut Coiling wood Carol Protit visited on Sat urday at Anion Mills Miss Ann Rubidge spent the holidays at her home in Tor UTOPIA Mr and Mrs Garï¬eld Coul son and lamin and Mr and Mrs Ken Dobsoa and lamily visited Mrs Coulsoo and Rus set during the weekend Visitors at the home oi Mr and Mrs Jack Ellis last week and ot the weekend were Mr and Mrs Sandy Dempster and Mrs Dempster ol Bar rie Mr and Mrs Millard Plait oi Orangevilie Mr and Mrs Vern Welland and lamily at Angus Mr and Mrs Jacks Ellis and iamity ol Barrie Mr and Mrs Jack Hirons and lamin ot Scarborough Mrs Hirons will remain her mother Mrs Jack Ellis for the week Mrs Ellis is much improved in health Visitors with Mr and Mrs John Mason were Mrs Dempster and Mr and Mrs Sandy Dempster oi Barrie St Georges Anglican church and Utopia United church will combine their services next Georges with Sunday School at 11230 and church at 1215 There will not be senice at the United church Weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Fred McCaan and Mr and Mrs Jack McCann were Mr and Mrs Ray Mills and iamin of Trenton Mr and Mrs Harry McCann ol Collingwood Mr and Mrs Ken Bush at Holly and Mr and Mrs William Orr Barrie The WA met at the home at Mrs Arnold Muir last Tues day The meeting began with Mrs lluir playing The Old Rugged Cross Mrs Gilbert McMaster read the litany from Living Message and Mrs lrene Elphick the Bible selec tion Visitors at the home oi Mr and Mrs Frank Elphlck at the weekend were Mr and Mrs Bill Tordili and inmily oi Clin lton and Walter Elphick oi Detroit Mrs Elphick Sr will return to Detroit with her son Johnstone ol Carley is vice was the pastor Rev onto it 7W Jame FURNITURE SHOWROOMS The House of Quality GREAT ANNUAL Regular Price LIVING ROOM Modern QROEHLER KROEHLEB SKLAR SKLAR SKLAR SKLAR TRDISTER SNYDER pc Sets and Chair seater beige 44050 pc Sofa seater brown 25950 pc Sofa and Chair soater olive 35950 pc Solo and Chair bmwn 232950 pc Sofa and Chair brown 33950 pc Soia and Chair Danish brown 21900 pa Sofa and Chair seater brown 29900 pc Sofa and Chair brown mohair 42900 LIVING ROOM Contemporary Provincial PARLOUR pe Sofa and Chair ltalian brown 35950 MUELLER KROEHLER BRAEMOBE BRAEMOBE BRAEMORE LANARK CUSTOM pe Sota and Chair contemporary beige 34950 pc Sota and Chair contemporary beige 44950 pc Sofa contemporary whitelilac 33950 no Sola and Chair French Prov beige 41950 pe Sela and Chair contemporary brown 37950 pc Soï¬a and Chair contemporary beige 38950 pc Sofa seater itaiian burnt gold 39950 BARRYMORE pc Sofa and Chair rose beige oontem 59500 STERLING SKLAR pc Sofa cinnamon contemporary 29950 pr Soia and chair team lounge brown 40950 LIVING ROOM Colonial SNYDER NANTUCKETT OCCASIQNAL TABLES Modern Provincial Colonial GIBBARD BAETZ WUNDER ELMIRA CHESLEY KAUFMAN KNECHTEL pc Sofa and Chair beige Sunday April 29 at St visiting his soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mn Exell Sunday visitors with Frank Exeli were Mr and Mrs Bill Exell Harry and Jack Mrs Stan Exell and Miss Joan Exell all ol Barrie Mrs Exell Mrs Andy Lakatos Jr and Mrs William Gollop attended shower or Mrs Buck Exell Saturday evening BRENTWOOD len members and two visit ors attended the annual meet ins ol the Sunniwood Womens institute held at the home or Mrs William Schell April Is The meeting opened with the Ode followed by the Mary Stewart collect Secretary and Convenors gave their reports for the year Mrs John Bell election oi ofï¬cers The meet ing was closed with serving at dainty lunch Winners at the weekly oi Collingwood presided tor the euehre acre Mrs Margery Allen Mrs Lu Nichols Mrs Dorothy Schell Mrs Bush net Allen William Schell pie can MAJORITY About per cent at Can Mrs Alice Trolt lom Lowden WWLUM Fred McBride Piper Gar centres of more than 5000 per DELI VERIES assure unfailing oil supply Ne calculate your rule use and carefully hack it against doytodoy lemporaturu We know when you land all and malts deliveries uulomallcally You never Have to worry about your fuel oil supply The SARJEANT ltSIINOIIIIgt HEATINO OIL CO LTD PA 82461 Heres where the biggest Furniture Sale Starts 502 SALE 34950 19950 27950 25900 25500 10900 22900 33950 25950 24950 33950 28950 32950 27950 26950 28950 42950 21950 24950 47950 34950 pc Sofa and swivel chair browngreen 41950 29900 570 on THIS SALE WILL CONTINUE UNTIL THE ABOVE LIST OF ITEMS IS SOLD beginning tomorrow save up to on fine furniture at Harry Lowes storewide DINING ROOM SUITES olooAnn GIBBARD pe suite French Prov cherry GIBEARD Andrew Malcolm pc suite French Prom cherry HONDERICH pc suite modem walnut pc suite ttatian Prom wal Regular Price SALE OCCASIO 41500 46950 KRDEHLER 12200 56950 KAUFMAN magma 58900 renown 74950 55900 SKLAR pc suite modern walnut 49L00 37950 SKLAR KAUFMAN pc suite modern Wiantlt 4osoo 29950 SKLAR KAUFMAN pc shite modeni walnut Joana 12900 SKLAR KAUFMAN pc suite modem walnut 49950 36900 51mm VILAS pa BuffetHutch Col antique BandE orbnooni SUITES GIBBARD GIBBARD pc suite modern chrome 27450 pc suite modern walnut pc suite Colonial solid walnut VlLAs pa suite Colonial antique 48000 35000 14100 9500 SKLAR CUSTOM 5isoo 39950 BRAEMORE 5349 41900 anmmoan Andrew Malcolm pc suite Spansh va butternut 84l00 58950 KROEELER pc suite modern walnut KNECHTEL pc suite modem briar walnut BRAEMORE 3asso 27950 36950 28900 KAUFMAN pe suite modem walnut 35600 27925 BRAEMORE MUELLER KAUFMAN pensuite modern walnut 31950 20900 nonnnhrca pc suite modem walnut VILAS pc desk Colonial antique 10900 05000 28750 8450 LAEBOY VILAS 1pc desk Colonial regular10500 3150 SNYDERS Goon MEDALOhair men French Prov IlRNilllRE SALE Regular Price NAL CHAIRS Modern Chair and Ottoman turquoise 16950 11900 Chair Panish beige Chair and Ottoman brown 11200 Swivel Rocker Chair brown 5995 9935 Swivel Rocker Chair green Swivel Rocker Vinyl green 1195 Recliner Chair tangerene tt950 Swivel Rocker Chair green Swivel Chair gold contemporary Chair whitegold contemporary 8950 Chair mellon contemporary ii350 15950 Chair violet contemporary Chair green French Provincial 8950 Chair antique whiteblue Italian PM 9950 7850 Chair gold velvet French Prov 11000 OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Colonial Recliner Rocker natural tap vaivel Rocker chair gold tap 1t950 vtLAs pc mousse base regular 13250 9450 CORONATION Cricket Rocker clinmgreen print 7550 VILAS pc writing table antique 4700 3575 MATTRESSES BOX SPRINGS SEALY SERTA slMMDNs LANG MAnsnAu moons SYLch STIFFEL SLEEPMASTER MERCO VILAS Fire Side chair natural print 12000 NANTUCKETTZ sealer love seat goldbrown 10000 LAMPS Modern Provincial Colonial SUNSET ELECTROLITE CAMPBELL Mary Street SALE 12950 7200 7900 4495 7450 8950 8950 6750 OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Contemporary Provincial 14950 BARRYMORE Chair olive linen contemporary 21950 17500 14950 11650 6850 8950 12450 6950 7450 5950 8250 Inns pg suite Comm antique Muwmso 34900 NANTUCKETTWing Chair gold 10950 17650 14900 9450 5950 8950 5950 on Lly Cnnadlan Daylight proposed tv sat andie peasants Canada agai Savings likely to most Canal clocks allet But the ma extra evenit despite the transCannot counter mil entire provi standard till Use at da panded ter spanned nrc the year sin tion to Can Cross The Canzldia this year observe dayl six months though pr FRANKLIN Scientistst Franklin not what he United State he urged tlu put their cloi tallow and It was leading natir campaign of engineer Sat mapped the 0rd time SI BON Mrs Ray home Sunday joyable trip Mr Armitt Mr and MI and Paul visited Gordon Satu Mr and and Velma visited Mr Smith ttt Wi The stewal Church held supper in th night when company so variety of col Ed two inICiE The laides Chitrch cater for the bowll night The Women panied by Brownies n1 last week at Simeoe Mano provided for UNITED CHI There was lcndance at of the UCW ship on the was led by Music drama used in prese Easter Thank Scenes depicl oi the Cruciii while Mrs ii Were you Cruciiied my This was Easter Thank on Giving man was others taking It Grimshaw Mrs Wilcox cox The samt assistance of iam Bateman short drama Bible times esis 221548 one on Matt film strip rection was place of the study Mrs brie comm of Isaiah rel program alrea The program silent prayer of Light whos eth and the short busir conducted by Mrs William ment was mat byterial Rally Alliston on Ma be no May UCW but as are urged to social tim with Mrs Bra liam Sutherlant Jackson as has STB By MRS DIV Mr and Mrs and daughter guests at the ding in Collier Barii9 Saturda telegram ed from Mrs ing of her st plane in Hollal Put clocks ai April 29 when time will come Congratulations Painswick who jackpot in the Stroud Mr Taylor is Toronto General condition is imp is able to he ches Mrs