Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Apr 1962, p. 10

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vessel to complete the upbound Classified The Peoples Market Place in your own home PA 82414 10 TIIE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY APRIL 21 1962 ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BAYSTAIRS LODGE MINIITS POINT MINUTE FROM DOWNTOWN BARBIE Wedding Receptions Bcauliful grounds for pictures youll cherish Ample parking for guests can cnienccl We assume the responsibilities while you cnjoy yourself Facilities IoI dancing etc SATISFACTION ASSURED at PRICES THAT PLEASE Co PA 85198 anytime BIRTHS INTERESTle FAMILY 1st 113 can be nrlllrn wllb clipping from your Daily Newspaper of the Happy EventsBIRTHS ENGAGE quLVrs lnd VlLDDLNGs Nallrea for totso events an only $150 bring them to the Classified Coun ter or lelephone The narrla Author PA arllc MINDS Mr and Mrn Hinds Bl Amclln Street name are happy to lnnnuncc the birth of their daughter on rrlday Aprll ca m2 at the Royal Vlclorta Hospital AIKINSAt the Royal Victoria ilorpl Harrie on Aland April lo Mr and Illrs Atkins 41a Codrtngton Street Bar ric dauchrorl OETELAAltAt the Iloyll Vic forln llospllal nilrte on Satur day April 1962 to air and Mrs Gerald Octclur stroud 0n tarlo dauglllcr slIANKLAt tho Royal Victoria lloshllal narrlu on sun April 1962 to Mr and Mrs Gordon slmn RR Barrie daughter lap ll ozs SWANIii the Royal VictorIa lfospllal flame on Monday April 1967 to air and Mrs Dan Swan loo llolralc smut Dalrlr daughter nlenna DEATHS nElLLMIIcvcrcnd hmc 1L Sud dcnli at the Royal Victoria Iioa pital llarric on Monday April 21 1062 Reverend James room floor husband of Annie Bold and don father of Rosalind IIIIS allotson of panic and Cyril of Button Itesllnz at 1113 home Illelburne Ontario for funeral rer vtccs Thursday Aprll 25 at pm Tntcnnont nIelburne Cemetery divansOlive Isobel At the Royal Victoria Hospital narrle on Ilonday April 1062 Olive Isobel Scott beloved wire of the late IICIIInlt DIVERS Ind dcnr mo ther of ilarlon Mn Conrad or camp norden Connie Mrs Prince and Donald both or use rle Jnmcs of Stroud and slsler of Edward Tod Scott of oarrle Resllnlr at the lennclt Funeral Home narrle mncnl servlce at St Georges Allandale Anglican Church on Wednesday April 25 at two interment name Union melery IN MEMORIAM ItTAlLSELIaUSrln loving 1112111017 or dear wire lennle llarscllus who passed away April 24 1958 happy hours we once enloycd How sweet thelr memory still But death has left lonellness The world ean never till Sod1y mlsscd by husband Roy MARSELLUSIn loving memory of dear mother and grlndnlnthef lcnnle hlarsellus who passed away April 24 loss Four years have passed rlneu that sad day when one we loved was called away God Inlok her home1t was Illa 11 wuhln our hearts she llvelh still Lovlngly remembered by son Vernon daughters Lunda and Illr lorlc sonsInlnw Lorne and Han old and prandchlldren COMING EVENTS DANCE Friday April 27 THORNTON ORANGE HALL Music by Paul Emms and his Green Valley Boys ADMISSION 756 DANCE Friday April 27 CHURCHILL HALL Burnetts Orchestra ADMISSION 51 Lunch provided Auspices Churchill Chilli Willi Junior Farmers MIXED DANCING Wednesday April 25 930 To am IVY ORANGE HALL Paxtons Orchestra ADMISSION 75c Lunch Counter Ships Streaming Through Seaway MONTREAL CPlA steady stream of ships moved through the illsmile St Lawrence Sea way today after the giant inlnnd water system finally opened to traffic Monday The resumption of traffic was greeted with sighs of relief Irom shipping officials who for two weeks have seen vessels de Iayed by labor and mechanical problems Trailic is expected to be nor mal by Wednesday The waterway had been scheduled to open April 15 but opening was delayed until re pair of crack in the Eisen bower Look The honor of being the first trip belongs to the German freighter Transpacific She had previously gone through the st Lambert Cote Ste Catherine and Beaubamois IndlsWIIICII had opened on scheduleand anchored in Lake St Francis below the Eisenhower Lock She entered the Iroquois Lock the most westerly one in the sys tem at 740 am EST and then PROPERTY FOR SALE ROSE REAL ETATE BROKER nfrlN 8mm BARR BUYERS OPPORTUNITY Three bedroom split level brick home complete with red relation roam separate Inundry room plus ample stolagc space piece tiled bath equipped with aluminum storms and screens Carries for $95 month including taxes This property must be sold so make an ap pointment to inspect now and than make your oller This low down payment for an NHA resalc Immediate posses sion CENTRAL 510900 lull price Bungalow containing living room with open fireplace kitchen small den bedrooms bathroom full basement hot water all heating garage back yard enclosed with cednr hcdgc Good centrally lo cated home for couple or small family ALLANDALE $10900 5yearold bungalow rooms with bedrooms modern throughout including aluminum storms and screens lull base mont forced air oil heating arge lot 66 165 HOLGATE ST $10800 Optn fireplace in living room bedrooms lull base ment oil heating storms and screens laundry tubs This home is in excellent condition outside and inside Fully land scaped Iotr APARTMENT HOUSE Codrington St Older building completely rcnovaicd contain ing ancbcdroam apartments showing good revenue on very low rentals Call for lull infor mntion NORTH END $13200 bedroom bungalow about years old brick $1500 down payment close to all schools immediate possession NEWTON STREET $12500 lull price dulvn pay ment $1500 bcdrbom brick bungalow Large living room kitchen with dining area piece tiled bath recreation room for ced air all heating Very good location to all schools Owner is transferred to Toronto SHANNON ST Brick room bungalow equip ped with aluminum storms and screens Large recreation room paved drive garage 16 38 Iully landscaped lot This is well kept home and well worth your inspection ALLAN DALE $10500 lull price storey home about 17 years old bedrooms and bath upstairs Living room dining room and kitchen down stairs Full basement new forced air furnace large lot garage CALL oar on EVENING PA 82379 Alember or the Barrie and nunlei Estatn Board Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Tiffin St PA 61881 anINGs CALL Karl Marshall PA 119917 Joe Palmer PA soosa hoary Ilflller PA 0553 Member of the Esra1e and District Rul Ritalin Board HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY Realtors 98 BAYFIELD ST PA 56453 ANYTIME EVENINGS CALL Doris Nuttycombe PA 97957 Maryann smtlh PA 34023 Norm Hesketh PA 117015 Curly Ifloosterman PA 55435 Members of the Barrio fr District Real Estate Board HENDERSON REALTOR 19 coLLInn srnnzr PHONE PA Mm EVENING CALL RITA SCANDREII PA M365 DOROTHY VIICOX PA 58543 PERcy FORD PA 117930 EMERSON SWAIN PA oooos Member of narrle and District and Ontario Real Estate Board MOVING For complete moving service safer and easier Call COOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT 43 EssaRd Barrie PArlrwoy 85575 oiled through into the Great akcs Try All ExaminerWant Ad REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 5125 decorated rooms streeta wide ravine lot with 115568 for appointment $11500 kitchenvanity in the lpiece show this lovely home and sea it today $10500 average $13500 equipment gage 5I6800 Seldom soon at lhis figure here district mortgage llrls if MOOREPA aslif ROGERSPA 8153 OLDER STYLE DUPLEX QUIET CENTRAL LOCATION Here is your opportunity to live In tho ground floor of nice Income property and have the rent from the upper 4room apart ment pay off the mortgage The lowcr apartment has nicely An excellent location on quick deadcod mum down payment ls only $2500 with easy terms COUNTRY LIVING AT ITS BEST In nicelytrced location just miles south of Barrie very handy to drainstore shopping and school this most attractive bedroom modern bungalow with builtin garage and wide plant ers Faced with very eyeappenling Roman Stone it Is uptodnto in design and modern equipmentdouble sinks in the large bright Ill health forces the owner to vacate Excellent terms offered with one open mortgage Call PA 85568 4BEDRO0M HOME ALMOST NEW ONLY SI Situated on wide lot in the North and of town this Groom lll storey home is ideal for the larger family of moderate means All rooms are fairly large the kitchen being much bigger than Uptodoic and modch In every way this one invites your immediate inspection The carrying charge only $70 per month including taxes Phone PA 55568 today LEAST EXPENSIVE HOME IN FINEST BLOCK 91 MELROSE AVENUE Here is topnoich value for this money Iessly kept hrlck bungalow set in lovely ranchfenced grounds with an extra wide patio lit the rear vlth big bright kitchen rec room and aluminum stormscreen $3000 down will handleand its 5Vz bank mort CUSTOMBUILT 3BEDROOIII RUG BRICK WITH SEPARATE DININGROOM low with garage on wide 67 It lot in the RodneyStrabane Expcftly planned with extra space everywhere for real largerInmin comfort this beautifully kcpl ncwly decorated home is offered at only $3000 down with one EVENINGS CALL MEMBERS BARRIE Sf DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD many big beautiful trees lilinl Call PA bathroom etc We are proud to 500 DOWN Its oneawncr spot lts 3bedroom house is the true Groomcd ranch bunga privote 61s 73 open FOSTERPA 5514 CONNLLLPA 110755 Of rug brie of rooms Living room with pretty 4piece tiled bathroom air all heating Lot 57 154 Reduced in price See this and down payment only $2000 SPACIOUS and pressure system furnace Baffler Smith CampbellPA Mm Fergu Ganey IA ll7952 CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET BARRIB PHONES PA $0241 PA 60242 BUNGALOW 0F PLEASING DESIGN just years old an NBA homc Good arrangement interest and taxesl Schools are near by alto church and shopping FAVORITE AREA This home is in Shanty Bay and close to school on paved road Contains two apartments both with spacious rooms Oil heated bathroom septic tank Driveway and garage Full prlce $9500 with plenty of mature trees makes this valuable property Good solid house of cobblestone with roomy accommodation leo rooms and apiece bathroom on main floor along with 11 ng room separate dining room kitchen rooms and 4piece bath Full basement good well septic tank Further information from this office number or no harm Real Estnta Board dining area bedrooms and Full basement is painted forced Carries for only $74 principal make an offer 13d No 609 GROUNDS ed Second floor has bed On Ilwy No11 two miles from loan LangPA um Cbuliu ReadPA oza17 DUNLOP ST 50 of Value zv Jan Longtin PA 60743 Evlrctt sbelxweu On 2919 Norman REAL ESTATE BROKER First Mortgage Funds Available Interest enmit Haward Norm PA 55463 SheIsweII PA 89961 PA H742 No Fees Charged mu Jack thlson PA 34331 Natman snelswell PA 89861 Keith MarshaII REAL ESTATE BROKER PA 82592 is CLAPPERTDN ST FARM 100 acre farm approximately miles south of Barrie on good road one of the very best farms In the district excellent build ings all modern conveniences milk contract Call this office now for further information LOW DOWN PAYMENT Lovely bedroom home central ly located This home is in im maculate condition for only $10000 easy terms EAST END See this bedroom bungalow now in good residential area close to schools and shopping For only 513100 with low down payment Balance on easy terms nAiqu Indoor PA balsa FRANK NELLES PA ossra Member name Dlrmcr Real 121am Board CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone PA 1377419 93 Dunlop St llfAan MARSHALLPA 6834 COREYPA 65485 iluRInL EfmrPA was New three bedroom home Largo living room kitchen with large dining area lots of cup boards and smroge Oil heated Colored bathroom fixtures van ity divided basement Large lot In good residential area closo to stores and schools MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 61801 113 nualop St OWNERS three bedroom bunga Iaw one year old Small down payment Telephone PA 0585 for further Information CHANCE or Lifetime in Barrie Elst Dad Income property Duplex nicely freed lot Garage About $25231 will handle Telephone PA ANGUS New tbrca bedroom brick bungalow modern facilities Lat 70 230 feet Near Catholic School and Church Down payment only $500 folephon HE 95417 ONE TO 12 ACRES with now live room house all conventencs some fruit trees and berries Ferguson tractor and Implements 14th Line Innlsfll PA 51330 RANCH STYLE Brick Bungalow attached garage Three bedrooms large recreation room close to schools large landscaped lot alon lhly payments $102 lncludLng taxes Telephone PA some MAKE AN om leraIly loca tecl older Upe duplex consistan of rooms and bath rooms and bath Heavy wiring on heating large lot Outside construction bevel siding and 1115111 brick Gyn roc inside Apply Box as Barrie Examiner for lnrther Information THREE nannoonl ranch bunga law Lshnilcd livingdining areas Hanover kitchen bathroom with butlttn vlinlty and tub enclosure finished basement Attractlvcly landscaped with patiol East and ncar school bur shop NBA mortgage Dwner transferred Con lldcr any reasonable offer PA 66091 FOR SALE OR RENT IoUIt 11001 House Illlnctc Point with three pleca bath mu Alla bnsclnerlt with furnace Low down payment Euy tcrma Tel Phone PA 115147 PHONE PA 824 TELEPHONE c4281 Try An Examiner Want Ad Nut door to in Imperial Therm 45A DUNLOP ST YOUR OWN LAKE Fed by two streams never goes dry Very suitable for trout Build your summer home on acres close to Barrie Call Happy PA 66181 SUBURBAN HOME Wt ACRE bedroom home lull basement hot air healing low taxes close to school Also barn 20 36 low down payment hill price only 510000 CalI Gerry hIaII ory PA 66481 evenings PA 87072 150 ACRESMILK CONTRACT Large room brick house with all modern conveniences barns steel stable very well equipped new 5110 Will sell 50 head of Holstein cattle If buyer so desircs Stream across cor her of property Selling of bargain price Call Rnlph ROSE REAL ESTATE BROKER 73 mild sfnnirr alum APARTMENTS FOR RENT Allandale bedrooms garage $75 available how small fam ily welcome Allnlldalc adults only East end lower apartment one bedroom family with one child 375 East end one bedroom adults only $70 available now other apartment to choose from can DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member of tho Ecrllc and Dlltrict II Lime Band bedrooms $75 Bonkc PA distal evenings PA cocoa FAMILY VALUE For $2000 down you can own this lovely bedroom storey and half attached garage alu minum storms and screens full bnscmcnt oil heating Within one block of school Low month ly payments For Inspection cflll IIIBSCII Carson PA 66481 eves nings PA 66101 BRAND NEW Low down payment or bed room brick bungalow with at tnchod garage You must see this now Immediate posses sion Call Gerry Mallory PA 06481 cvcnings PA 87072 LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS room bungalow in excellent condition bedrooms kitchen living room piece both new oil furnace Will make line start with small income For Inspection call Ralph ankc PA 66401 evenings PA 50803 PA 66481 Ilcmbcr of narrla and District Real mute Board LOTS FOR SALE 101 In 111 ram track and Scafortn Strccts For Information telephone PA 37250 PROPERTY WANTED INTERESTED in buying or bedroom ranch style bungalow with lzaralze close to schools Ror sonable down payment Reply to Box 65 Barrie Examinen BUS OPPORTUNITIES AUTOMATIC CLOTHESLINE EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE New revolutionary automatic clothesline needs no Clothespins Huge profits now being made Applications now being accept ed for sales rights For full par ticulars writ ZipGrip Box GEMBE Alliston Ont MORTGAG ES IMMEDIATE lst 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere On All Properties NEW LOW RATES PA om MORTGAGE FUNDING over SIMPSONSSEARS 179 DUNDOP Sr MORTGAGESIst and 2nd bought sold and arranged commercta and resldcntlal moneys loaned on existing mortgages Earril Mort End Brnkcrs PA scant FINANCIAL NEED $50 TILL PAY DAY IT costs ONLY 47c FOR TWO WEEKS Ask For PayDay Loan CALL PA 60203 Crescent Finance 26 Dunlop St BARRIE RENTALS LOW COST SPACE for rent c1eae modern buildings suitabl rer commercial or llght industrial Telnpann PA H575 NURSING HOMES PATTONS REST HOWE Prop Nellie Patton STAYNER ONT Vacancies now available for welfare and convalescents Tele phone STAYNER 552 In EDEN NURSING HOME Built for thIl work Semi and prlvntn ranmE kind nILrnIng care good food TV room sutlnn Wm gnn for outlngl Tollphnnl lulu DELUXE APARTMENTS Conveniently located near schools shopping and bus and within walking distance of downtown 00nd and two bcdroorns IBnlconlcs lBomboo Drapes Slaves and fridges olndividunl thermostats Ilncinerutors OFrce washing and drying facilities OMany other fine appointments Children welcome Sample suite may be seen by calling PA 83186 BRENTWOOD TERRACE Sclt contained two bedroom apartment Living room kitch en full basement with laundry tubs Central location Free palcking Telephone PA 89238 Pourt noon Apartment with bath for rent Tclcphonc PA M749 UPPER DUPLEX two bedronml living room kitchen bath Coni Plclcly rollcontained Available May II Cnmpbcll Avnnuc LARGE modern thrco room un furnished apartment Spacious grounds and swlmmlng pool Also two lroarn furnished apartments All ccntnl Tclcphnnn PA Hoff UNIURNISIIED modern four roam apartment with bath licat ed not water and stove suppllcfl Locatad in Angus rclcpbono 119 Camp liorden VERY CENTRAL No bedroom apartment in now oulldlnc Stove and refrlgcratur supplied Laundry Inclltlcl also parking Available hhy 11 Telephone PA 84108 BURTON WEI rbrce room un furnished apartment to rent of heated but water stove and re frlgcratnr Private both Apply Contra St for further lnlormntlon TWO BEDROOM House for rent in Angus Illodern convcnlnnncs 570 per month For appointment to isnspcct telephone PA Hm after pm unnusn UNrUnmsnrn sell contolned apartment ground noon Tbrce large rooms Near school Perkins rrlvate entrance 55 monthly Telcphnnc PA ems TWO nnDRnoflI self contained apartment for rent unmmlabed Two children welcome 57o month lyl Allandale district lelcpbone PA 53037 after ma AND BEDROOM Apartments unfurnished hutcd separate out rance Clean and reasonable Close to gust End Plaza Telephone PA 66717 uNlunmsmzn self contained three room apartment Hot water heated stove refrigerator and garage available 10 minutes walk from downtown Telephone PA 23 TWO APARrllIENrs in triple spnclous one and two bedroom tarnished or unfurnished self contained ncwly decorated Dir cellcnt location near plaza and bench Telephone PA 1371341 FOUR Ronni Lrnlshed apartment Heated refrigerator and heavy duty ltove hardwood floors three Plzcc bath Available April 111 APPIY Amtrongs Hardware 08 Dunlop Street East NEW AND Modern and End NO bedroom apartments WETIDOKHS SEEM Kempenfelt Bay 3540 WB 081 arising and janitor SAME included Automatic washing fa unmet PA 02907 MODERN one and two bedroom apartmenu east end Ban1a Barn bna drapes Vencflnn hltnds Auto mntlc laundry faculties Parking Telephone PA ozolo for further Infomntlon DESIRABLE uppnr duplex heated Large bright living room and kit chen two bedrooms garage Be tween Five Points and West End shopping Centre Available May Telephone PA 84741 THREE noolvl unfurnished apart merit for mu stove and refrig erator use of washer and dryer Central location Newly decorated Telephone PA 39215 or further Infamatllm THREE Room heated apartment private bulb modern kitchen with rcfrlgcrntor and range newly da curated Close to schools stores churches banks bua une Tele phone Hills $6 4er comamno uarura lshed heated thrco room apart ment with bath in triplex Newly decorated Nice neighborhood Parking Close to schools bus and shopping Telcphone on 3551 UNFUTLNISHED four room apart ment with private bath Bus stop at door Heated Available immedi ntch 575 per month Located at 117 Gunn Strect Telophonc PA MODERN Office Building downtown Ear rie has limited amount of space availablewill alter to suit Telephone PA 82293 or PHONE PA 82414 Strand Dino OFFICES STORES RENT No Room unfurnished apart ment with kltchcnetto separatn three piece bath bent and lights lupplled 0n bus route Near Gen oral Electric Telephone PA omz alter 530 pm UNFUIINTHHED Upstairs Apart merit separate entrance Host water mirlgcrntor and stove Park UNFURNIEIIED and water supplied monthly Apply at in Durkwonb Street huttd upprr ourunml for rent One bedroom cry reasonable rent Telephone PA 52311 UNYUnNISllED healed apartment for rent relf contained four metas and bath huvy wiring plfklnl mice In Queen Park area Tclphone PA was rnnzz BEDROOM anment or rent in new build wlshzr dryer and roller Icnlm supplied Available medllldyl Tnlcphann PA 34351 for further tnlolmltlnn Two nanoo healed apartment in bottom floor of modern triplex on st Vincent Street North 385 monthly Avauabla aaan Tclcphnnl PA mot me around unfurnished ma dcrp aparlrnent cut end Laundry facililles stov rrlriltcntor hut and waler Parking Close to bus Adults Tclcphnnn PA oIul UR ROOM unfurnished apart meat for ran One block from Post Olllcn Private entrance Available Immediately Telephone PA 66113 or further information rlfnnn R00 furnIlhrd apart meat Central Forklift Laundry facllllles Also two room newly furnlahed apartment Telephone PA M100 AVAILABLE run Two bedroom apartment with clove refrigerator washer and dryer lrent 90 per month Telephone 51119 or call It 128 Cook street SELF CONTAINED unfurnished two bedroom upper duplex for rent Very central Chudren wcl come Available May Telephone PA 34759 Iltcr 530 on apartment with privatc bath roll LARGE two bedroom unfurnished Iplnment heated completely self contained close to schools on bus roule $70 monthly Apply Chnrlcl Newton PA Help us znnnnoonl Dunglow with garage for rent on Dalton street Avallable lllay 1961 Apply at Rogcrs fr Council Realtors Tole phone PA 5556a AVAILABLE Now lllodern hub cd two bedroom apartment 1n slroud apartment house Ariqu preferred No oblccllan to baby Use of swimming pool $58 month 1y Tcllphono Slmud ls NEWLY dccor brlxht uni lrlctlvo unfurnished thrcn room contalned Toronto street dLrtrict Close to bus ltop Tclcphono PA 66655 Pnlvnrn ground floor one bed room npaftmcnt Laundry facili tics Control Water and heat in nludtd $55 monthly Available any Apply Ich street Apartment Inner Rooil unlnmlshcd apart ment completely selfcontained Parking and laundry fncllltlcs Hunt and water supplied Close to downtown rclcphone PA oseao for further detnlls ONE BEDROOM Apartment on rnaln floor front and ride ent rancc heated tiled bathroom stor nlzc Immodlatc possession 47 Grove Strcct East Telephone PA 65711 or PA 53530 FURNISHED three roam apart rhcnt Bcdraom living room kitch enetto and bathroom Central lo cation Suitable for two adults $65 per month Telephone PA 66143 UNFURNISHED three large rooms and bath on ground floorl Range and refrigerator optional Private verandah Washer and dryer Parklnft included PA 00031 oven Ings PA Mo UNFURNISIIED modeln apartment In privatn home Close to bus stop east end plaza Private cntrnncn and parking faculties Available Immediately Telephone PA 37215 for partlculur mRnn Ronni heated apartment for rent Immediate possession Completely rolfcontainedl Central location Apply Dyck Food Market 150 Collier street telephone PA 115139 AVAILABLE lmxncdlntely Upper duplex with sunroom hoot and water supplied nicely decorated Last tenants years Two large bedrooms Adult proforma Near flogger Lumber $75 monthly PA of CENTRALLY Incntnd Two bed room upartment Heat water by droatove and relrlgcrntnr sup plied Immedlntn possesslnrl Over the Filter Queen office 117 Ilfaple Avenue Telephone PA 53487 FURNISHED Apartment central Brand new furniture and applian can Private Large picturesque windows new colored tlle bath room Excellent for adults $85 monthly Telephone PA Manx day or night man ILDDM unfurnished apart ment with bath Completely load ernl Private entrance In Dalston seven 13ng frolgaBnlrxnlIgltldConilIenlé eat to or cu as er and bydra Telephone PA 6844 day PA 58413 cvenIlle nNE DEDRDOM Apartment stnvn and refrigerator luPplled Also two Zbcdrnom apartments Laundry facilities In new apart ment butldlnzl Telephone PA 58674 nxcnrnoNALLY largo ave room lpanmcnt available Immediately In new modcm building Automa tlc laundry maintenance scrvlcn stave nrld refrigerator optional Paved parking facilities For fun tber information telephone PA Mixed or PA 113334 MODERN hcntcd selfcontained one and two bedroom lpnrtrncntl Drapes stoves refrigerators close to store an paved road village at East Ora miles from China 12 miles from Edgar station 5517 $53 and 75 Jennings PA 35573 or Oro 69 collect May be seen on weekends TWO nnDnoole kitchen stove and refrigerator Living room din ing room lectflc flreplace sun room bath Hardwood floors Laundry with dryer In basement Private entrance front and rear garage Hot water heating Adults only No pets Vcry central loco Linn Available now Rent so monthly Contact Cllff Brown engulf phone PA H241 PA M2 ROOMS TO LET FURNIsIInD Roan Heated no frlgerator rangette linen supplied Apply of Mary strecznnrrlc FURNISHED Bedroom for rent Central location Douro optional For further Information telephone PA c7551 rooms with sink Private entrance ing tncllltlcs Vicinity of West End Plaza Available immediately Tole PA 60860 hone PA 511o1 for further pan cull Allandale district nuslnesl cnupID preferred Abstalnnn monthly RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS PROPERTY FOR SALE GARAGES FOR RENT APTS HOUSES T0 RENT ROOMS To LET until EA Rs 52 it15hti°°£nslli consonant ONE DUN smam EAST phone Royal11cm 33 riletériéiiurXpéiifi bu i°e3ofii°£i3i MN Firrl In Barrie Homo SalesForum in Quality at Senna 85568 TRUNK LINES ms Houses To RENT 253tfi1°eih zlrl=2i22la Parking Genxlcman only Reno ablr relepbone PA G62 anAN bright bedroom for rent in modern home Pnrhlnl facili ties Eur Road dlsfrtcr Telephon PA 85750 far further details BRIGHT warm hourerreplnx room lor nut store and refrigerator Well and won plrkInl Ilcllltlrl Telephone PA moi ONE BRIGHT cleln room for rent Linens guppllrd on bill rou Ilouaeaeeolnc lr desired relepho PA 50130 evening for lumbar pan tleulara colIPLGLr Iurnlabed room and kitchen with refrigerator and rtovc reparal entrance Alro housekeeplnr room Mllh refrirrna for and alovc Downtown location Telephone PA 33594 PERMANENT noomrr pensioner or steadily employed gentleman Ratu reasonable by the week or month thchen prIVIIEgeL Trie phone PA own belwren to afternoonr ar to evenlnll Pa ARTICLES for SALE SPRING SPECIAL FURNACES Forced air new oil or go $1100 Interest up to 2311 lrom buy now beforefurthcr increase Used Oil Burners for sale PHONE PA 641391 OR STROUD 41R5 PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner It you would like to have re prints of any news pictures taken by our stuff photogra pbcrs pleasn call at our Busi ness Office We aro sorry in cannot occeptpbons orders Glossy Prints $100 8x 10 $125 Plus tax ITS SPRING HOUSE CLEANING TIME GET CASH for useful Items stored in your attic garage and closets If you dont want it some body does USE FAST ACTING BARRIE EXAMINER WANT ADS PA 82414 GE REFRIGERATOR for sale Very good condition s10 Tele phone PA Malls after pm BARN rlllrnnn for sale vnrlnul lengths nllo quantity of Cedar Ilalls Telephone 741m Elmvale NURsns MATERNITY uniform for solo Size 12 Twoplch relu phone PA 544937 nftcr pm no KENMORE Electric stave fully automatic roussoric ovcn window less than on year old Leonard no frlgcrator automatic defrost fam 11 slxc Moving to Toronto Ind would like to soil Telephone PA 80143 or apply Iai Toronto street after By ALICE BROOKS THE NEW LINE Dcmibclted princessa time less classic with Springs im portant incurved waist Sew it with square or high round neckline in singing bright shad es of cotton linen or silk shunning Printed Pattern 4310 Misses Sizes 10 12 I4 16 18 Size 16 takes yards 35inch fabric Send FORTY CENTS 406 in coins Ontario residents add cent sales tax no stamps please for this pattern Print plainly SIZE NAME AD DRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS care of Earrie Examiner Pat tern Department 60 Front St Toronto Out SPECIAL SpringSummer PatV tern Catalogready nowl More than 100 sparkling stylessun sport day dance work traveL Qulct Glenn borne Tclaphnne PA aorta All slzesl Sondtis cont

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