Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Apr 1962, p. 4

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Walls Publisher Therm Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Brian Slaigbt General Manager MONDAY APRIL More Than One Reason For Physician Shortage Medical authorities in Britain are wor ried about the future supply of physic ians and the effect of shortage on the standards of medical care Not enough young doctors are graduating from the countrys medical schools there would be critical shorta in the United King dom now but for movement of doct ors to the UK from some parts of Eur ope and the Commonwealth and there has been steady movement of British doctors out of the UK to countries like Canada and the United States The main reason given for the depart ure of trained medical men and the ap parent increasing reluctance of students to enter the medical profession is the dis like of both the doctors and the potential medical students for the British national health scheme Certainly most of the doc tors who have come to Canada from Bri tain have been outspoke in their crit icism of the health scheme and its effect on the practice of medicine in the UK But granting the validity of this rea son there must also be other reasons Canada has not been producing enough doctors for its growing population dur ing the postwar years we have retained reasonable ratio of doctors to populat ion only by immigration the arrival here Of doctors principally from Britain committee of the Canadian Medical Association has urged the establishment of more training facilities and cam paign to induce promising students to take up medicine Yet we do not have fullblown national health scheme in Can ada It might be argued that the prospects of Canadian scheme are enough to dis courage young men and women from pursuing career in medicine It does nt sound reasonable but even if we acknowledge the argument it does not explain why similar situation is develop ing in the United States The American Medical Association says that there is no shortage of doc tors in the United States but the us Department of Health and Welfare says that the shortage of physicians is our most critical health problem We suggest that the cost of medical education and the length of time it takes for young doctor to begin to get any adequate return for the money spent are the mainfactors in the Canadian and US situations If there is to be great campaign for more and bigger medical schools and the students to fill them we must be prepared to spend more money on both schools and students particularly if we intend the physicians tobe to work within national health scheme Parliament Hill MP An ingenious suggestion has been made by Frank McGee Conservative member of YorkScarborough to remove one big objection to the provision of permanent Speaker of the House of Com mons He proposes that new constit uency be created the constituency of Parliament Hill the constituents of which presumably would be members of Parliament The Speaker would repre sent this riding The House of Commons would be bet ter off with permanent Speaker The House is indeed fortunate when it gets new Speaker who has substantial know ledge of parliamentary rules and pro cedures and the wit and toughness to apply them Unfortunately this does not often happen and in most cases the Speaker acquires full mastery of his job only towards the end of his term in of fice One could hardly expect it to be otherwise because the job is an intricate and difficult one calling for high qual ities of judgment intellect and courage as well as profound knowledge of pro cedure Speaker may take over the job with all these qualities but still need lengthy experience to bring them togeth er for effective control of debate The British system is to have perm anent Speaker who generally is elected by acclamation That means he does not have to electioneer but it also means that many voters in his constituency are thus disenfranchised The political part ies in Canada have shown no inclination to accord any candidate such an accla mation Mr Diefenbaker made gesture towards the idea of permanent Speak er in 1957 but has not repeated it Mr McGeess suggestion seems to pro vide way out of the difficulty of disen franchised voters The Speaker would be members member We think the idea is worth pursuing Down Memory Lane 70 YEARS AGO TOWN 8r COUNTRY Barrie Northern Advance April 14 1892 Ice entirely out of bay but snow squalls every night last week with pre vailing northwest winds Mrs McKee addressed temperance meeting Stayner 35th Battalion Simcoe Foresters will go into camp for two weeks at Niagara ontheLake for two weeks in June Mickie Dyrnent Lumber Co has large stock of logs on hand plan to open mill May Barrie Bicycle Club will meet this evening at post office square for short run to Shanty Bay William Shanacy of Grenfel was drowned at foot of Mulcaster Street when he fell off the wharf John Ross Robertson of Tor onto delivered address to local brethren on the History of Masonry Board of Health has ruled that no animal may be slaughtered within the municipality with out permission and points out it is illegal to sell cattle infected with tuberculosis Councils indigent committee spent $2000 in past nine months Many cases of measles reported in Bradford andBond Head area and good many geese seen in the Holland Marsh Robert Crawfords shingle mill was burn ed at Mitchell Square Ora Congrega tion of Cookstown Methodist Churchpre sented fur coat and address to Rev Robinson junior minister Coiling wood yearns for canping factory and Newton Robinson reorganized its base ball team Start on building Brad fords high school next month Oril he opens new roller skating rink An election protest launched against Bennett Conservative in Simcoe East on the usual grounds of ballot tampering South Simcoe News purchased by Publisher Garrett of The Bradford Wit ness Patrons of Industry open gen eral store in Everett Fail wheat through all of Simcoe County looks green and healthy Water in Georgian Bay at Waubaushene reported at record low Diphtheria rampant at Victoria Har hour Other Editors Views EUROPEAN WAGE SITUATION Windsor Star Lower European wages usually are cit ed as major reason why European in dustries can compete so successfully in world markets They are very import ant factor though it is an oversimplifica tion to give them the whole credit There are offsetting influences such as larger fringe benefits in many parts of Europe The Barrie Examiner Authorized second class mu Post Office Department Ottawa and for payment of postage in cash may Sundays and statutory Holidays excepted KENNETH WALLs Publisher BRIAN sLAmar Gencnl Manager McPHERsoN Managing Editor annLEs WADGB Business Manager HARRY WinsoN Adurtlsing Muslch JOHN HOLDER Circulation MIMI subscription nu only by cmru weekly am year single my 7c ny mu in Ontario no car um unarmed sun three months arm mont Outlido Ontario mm year cunts cum $1000 year oulm or University Ave rotonto ltraot Montroal rm Welt Georgln alme Member of on Canadian Daily mumm ms umm Amt111m The Canadian no no on man nunn of circulations The Canadian mu is exclusively entitled to uu biletion of In new dispatches in thin am up um or Thu Associated Press or our um also an mm mm published therein Cthcm Vlncoll the necessity of Europe to import many raw materials shipping costs etc We have emphasized before that this wage factor is likely to be diminishing one If the prosperity of Western Eur ope continues wage increases there are inevitable There will be tendency for the wage gap to become smaller This trend indeed now is under way German wages now were the equivalent of $103 cents per hour in 1961 com pared to 82 cents in 1959 quite sub stantial percentage boost in two years Those in Switzerland now are 90 cents France and England 85 cents Holland 75 cents and Italy 65 cents There is drive on in both Germany and Britain for fur ther increases There still is quite disparity But the difference in production costs when other factors are taken into account is not as large as ltseems EXAMPLE OF ELDERS Guelph Mercury If young people are coming to value security above all else is it not mostly case of aping their elders The trend of modern governmentlis to offer social security asythe beall and endall and to repudiate the principle of greater rev ward for greater effort NEW EXPORT COMMODITY AT THE LIBRARY Tells How To Study To Get Better Marks How to Study and Get no Marita by Eugene Erlich As examinations draw near students are trying to improve their study habits and this timely book may give valuable information on how to study and get better marks This book gives special atten tion to every aspect of study and to problems likely to arise in classroom study library or laboratory lir Erlich the au thor is in charge of reading and study habits program at Columbia University The author shows how to im prove your memory write good papers study effectively in all courses and get higher marks This book in intended not only for the poor student but for any student who wants to do better How to Study and Get High er Marks not only explains study techniques which how to handle specific courses such asforelgn languages science and mathematics it tells how to make the best use of the science laboratory and the lib rary The author explains in detail how to concentrate on your studies and remember them how to organize the hours of study how to read faster and to understand what you read as well as many other important aspects of studying Mr Erlicb illustrates his sug gestions with sample study schedules extracts from text books ahd students notebooks diagrams and selftests on basic skills How to Write GoodAdvcr tlsement by Victor Schwab Mr Schwab the author is head of an advertising agency He is also keen student of advertising and is always on the lookout for an effective phrase that will distinguish good ad from mediocre one Over the years the author has tested checked and analyzed the elements of good and bad ads and from experience ob servation and research is well qualified to write this book The first part of this book deals with certain basic ele ments of good advertisement Advertising copywriters must know these fundamentals and practice them and it is the practice of these basic rules that will determine the extent of their success The author aims to provide concise speci fic and tested information an every phase of copywritmg Tho DriedFlower Book Guide in Methods and Ar rangements by Nita Cox Cur ico and Jane Calvert Gmn in colonial times the pastime of drying flowers was very pop ular Then there was period when this craft waned but once again it has been rediscovered Now many women pick their best flowers dry them and or range them to enjoy the flow ers out of season floWer that is properly dried will preserve all its original color form and structure inde finitely This book explains the interesting craft of dricdflower preparation and arrangement The explanatlnni and instruc tiona are easy to understand and to follow BIBLE THOUGHT For behold create new heavens and new earth and fhovformer shall not be re membered nor come into mind Isaiah 85 Redeemed men shalloccupy universe purified from the blight of sin and irradiated by the glory of the Eternal One The authors explain that ex pensive equipment ls unneces sary but the work spacemust be dry and warm and because of that an attic is an ideal loca tion This book describes four drying methods that is sand drylng hanging the processing in glycorine and pressing Plant material to dry can be found anywhere along the roadside in the woods in the fields as well as your own backyard There is also com plete list of plant materials for drying with the proper drying method for each There may be plants not listed but found in your own region that would be worth trying to dry The latter part of the book emphasizes arrangements for the home as wellas for flower shows The authors stress ar rangements resembling freshly cut bouquets Pleasing arrange ments can be made with dried materials and ceramic figures and it is also possible to com bine fresh flowers with the dried ones Then too the ar rangements can be made up entirely of the dried plants The authors use many illustrations some in color their meanings How to Build and Race Hot Rods by Griffith Borgcson Mr Borgeson doesnt intend this hook to be an introduction to hot rodding but guide for the advanced redder The be ginner will nevertheless find many interesting sections prim arily those on How to Race Building Sports Rod and the GoKart Craze The author is an authority on the hot rod and safety and has gone to great lengths to get in to emphasize tcrviews with the top men of hot rodding Experts such as Les Eltchey Karol Miller tell of their experiences and give tips on tuning supercharging and fuel infections This book is well illustrated with photographs and drawings and along with the advice of experts will be of great value to those interested in this very popular sport Fears Held For Emblem WINNIPEG fCPManitobns floral emblem the ane mone is facing extinction be cause it in too widely admired Weir provincial horti culturisthsays the prairie ane mone as one of the first native flowers to appear on the Prair ies in the spring is particularly popular among bou not hunters and soon will be an feet to an other onslaught by thoughtless collectors He says that where years ago the anemone blanketed the land with its soft blue pink bloom now nature lovers are hard put to find patch Mr Weir advocates ban on uprooting for replanting gener ally unsuccessful and curtail ment of thoughtless picking FIRST CENSUS The first census in Canada taken by the French in 1666 to tailed 3215 inhabitants exclu sive of Indians QUEENS PARK Sport oi Kings Has Day In Court By DON OHEARN TORONTOit has been what you might call borsy ses sion The sport of kings and its various habiliments including the animals that are the main actors have had more than their usual day in court First of all of course there was talk of legalized betting But then there was one want deriul evening when NDP leader Donald MacDonald re lated at length the incredible details of how you start race track in Ontario Mr MacDonaldoa you may have read told the House how the new Rideau harness track to go into operation near 0t tawa had secured the franchises to get its racing dates To get these dates you must have charters And as there have been no charters issued in Ontario since 1912 digging one out can be fine adventure in detective work PROMOTE LUCKY In the case of the Rideau track the premiers were luck ier than most ln that they had the services of solicitor who had recently worked in the of fice of the provincial secretary All companies are registered in this office so he knew where there were some charters lying around Their task then was only to get control of them and to get the government to reactivate them The devious details of how this was accomplished wont be repeated here It involved get ting some very elderly gentle men in Grimsby to hold special meetings and filing papers to the secretarys office after brief lull of 60 years Sufficeth it was done And also that nobody was particu larly shocked hero Racing hm such back ground of hypocrisy profiteer lag and undertbecounter deal ing that nobody is really sur prised at anything about it SPORT 0F KINGS It is the sport of kings and therefore apparently is untouch able For years now as just one instance the racing commission has been holding what amount to judicial hearings in camera it this were in any other field pf public administration there would be public horror But in its case we could ihardiy care less At one point in the debates it was brought out by the opposi tion that the government gave $35000 for breeding of thorough bred and standardbred horses This the opposition members sadly noted was nearly five times the amount allowed to run the opposition office slap 000 But then of course there ll not one member of the opposi tion who would standeven an outside chance in the Queens Plato REPORT FROM UK Says Council lire Far Too ByllemEOOD WI fill mammalfer sLIIgINBUIGII Scotlandfl John Id WHY state for StaitlaudL bu stirred up tumult of protest which is like to have profound effect on forthmming municipal elec tion In Scottish towns and cities Subject of Mr hfucluyl pronouncements which are cre ating furor in the moat of rent being charged by munici pal councils to the counts of their council houses He has issued warning that Scottish council house root In for too low Ind that then must be in crosses in order to bring into balance the lntcnst of the fed ants and those of tho taxpay ers in general The point at is sun is the fact that muncil house rents are so low that they have to be subsidized by the taxpayers from their gen eral rates There are two sides to the story The taxpayers complain bitterly that their municipal taxes or rates as they are cali ed here are scoring in order to meet the heavy deficits on the council housecschcmcs The tenants on the other hand are protesting against their rents elng raised And they are much more vocal and hostile to the local authorities than are the taxpayers because they are being backed by Labor candi dates for seats on local coun cils And these candidates are making hot election issue out of the rent situation FIGHT 1N EDINBURGH in the city of Edinburgh the issue has become lively poli tical football between the Pro gressives or Consorvstives who control the council and their Labor opponents lbs TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Tips Make Housework Less 0i ll Strain By JOSEPH MoLNER Can housework be made ass for for woman with heart trouble Yes There are some tricks to it of course and these snmctricks can be used by people who dont have heart trouble This letter brought the matter to mind Dear Doctor Would having rheumatic heart lesion make ironing difficulty cant seem to do it without getting dizzy and feeling oddMRS honing com ared with some other househol chores can be heavy or light workdepending on how you doit Is the board too high or too low Do you stand up or do yoii sit on stool Do you keep at time Does the room get uncom fortably warm Do you do much bending to pick things up This last omild account for the dizzi ness If you have to bend over the board or stretch to reach it you are wasting energy and hence putting needless bur den on the heart The same is true if you stand up when you might better sit or if you walk across the room every time you have finished ironing garment to hang it at it too long up All wasted effort Make your head save your heels Have table beside the board for finished ironing Dont run back and forth Place the things to be ironed all in one pile or basket on bench or chair so you can reach them without bending Youd be surprised how much effort can be saved in fact the American Heart Association and research groups have found that simple but thought ful changes in kitchen can Rents Low Progmsires have worked out scheme whereby the amount of not will be linked to family income Where three or four one family crocong Ilnm money In use the rents will be increased in accordance with their means This has given the Labor pm real issue on which to fight the coming election and its members are making the most of it They are holding mass meeting of tenants making fiery speeches and generally trying to turn the populace against their opponents who have sponsored the scheme to increase rent mvcnues MINISTEES VIEWS In his warning to the author idea the secretary of state for Scotland said that he does not think an average of $150 to 8170 week for rent is reas sonable charge The average rent for council house in Scot land ls somewhere between these two figures He points out that policy of keeping rents artificially low is unfair to taxpayers with low incomes who do uotlive in council hous es Some councils have already actcd and increased rents Mr lilaclny is now showing that he means what he says The county council of lumbar ton shire decided not to increas rents for the present but to re consider the position in October Mr Maclay has bluntly refused to allow the council to extend the present rants until then lid hss issued an order to the ef fect that the present rents must not be continued beyond May 15 but must be increased after that date This indication that the nunister is going to be tough on this rent question is likely to influence many other councils to fall in line with his VIEWS days If the things you use of ten are near at hand you neednt stoop nor stretch to reach them Lazy Susan turn tables in cupboard help save effort When setting the table load small cart with the silver china and linens and you will make only one trip Use the some cart when cleaning trundle your supply of cloths and other materials along with you These ideas we know from experience sometimes save so much effort that semiinvalid have found they were able to do all their housework without becoming unduly tired Sounds amazing Yes but its true For when we stop and think about the way we ordinarily do things we often find that we have been wasting five or 10 times the amount of energy that is really needed to do the lob Dear Dr Molnerx have onceaday cough throat speci is said he thought it was broncbiectasis is there cure Is an operation neces sary fMRS Bronchiectasis is puddling of phlegmy material in dilat ed portion of the bronchial tub es Often infection accumpan ies it Symptoms are cough phlegm sometimes bloodting ed sometimes fever Positive diagnosis can be made by Xray methods Treatment varies with the severity Antibotics and pos tural drainage meaning tak ing time occasionally to Lil with the bead lower than the chest to clear the passageway are often adequate treatment In any case nose throat den tal or other infections above the bronchial regions should be eliminated in severe cases surgery sometimes is required save miles of walking in few HUBERT mlhahm Syndloou inc World right rumchIa The boss is always kidding me about my weight so today kidded him about his bald head and WOW Is he touchy

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