ARTICLES For SALE FREE Year Guarantee on all USED REFRIGERATORS FROM $59 MCFADDEN Appliance 123 PENETANO ST npswunzn lor sale Ipod in very good mndiuon 31 Telephone PA Meet alter pro rants MATHEW unite tar 1e Fin opiumlelb new arm Issi DUMONT portahla telvision lIn Good condition 8113 Tel ephoaa PA 6m curl LDANs $500 at on month Talephooa PA mo Cruconi ï¬nance 25 Dunlap at west 19m REGENT Relrigerator cu it Canadian Beauty Rllucttl tauIrqu Very clean Telephona PA RM 22 IIoRNnrr Cal Rina excellent condition persect or small gam nos Cal Rlllc custom flock ceuenl Shooting rlnr Cali PA way 8470 liter pm BOATS MOTORS 1r DELCRAIIr boat motor and 11111 hilly equipped In good co lion Desi oilcr Iccepird Telephone PA M648 dmclt quT 11foot cabin cruiser hull assembled and ï¬ber linseed windshields and root tar eluded cast at Itit and libelflau Inl 38M Sellinl or 3600 PII 60208 II CABIN CRUISER sale sleeps two 35 hp outboard motor electric start with generator Also In is tor $541 Telephone PA £7727 Under or months Two hp Johnson Outboard Motors flllrbollom punts In good condition Reason able Apply Little Late Cedar Park or PA 56839 DOGS 8r PETS TOY MANanan Pcdlme pup ples or sale seven weeks old Telephone PA own 51 DKRNAIID Chlmplun aired puppies or sale Registered Apply to Cedar Rock Kennels llerbert lilclnnes As Niagara street cou Ontario FRUIT 8r VEGETABLES APPLE BARN McIntosh Spy Courtlnnd and other varieties grade Mncl ILSD per bushel Fresh cider Phone PA $9201 coon acaAao Potatoes tor sala dsld Inspected and clean or an em Also Drive chain lor Cocks shutt Nahum Spreader Apply Al lan Bouncy Midnurst PA 137555 ARTICLES For SALE FLOWERS PLANTS 112th compiata hog plantings Junipen an and dart Grate Tnn Finn PA H9611 FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highsl prim paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses Smali animals removed Iron For last service phone EARRIE PA 3715 cohectl or uh to ZENITH 94130 iNO CHARGEI 1t honrv day days use NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Poxmcad Dnlarlo Licence bio Hat62 Nicst Montague Prop PASTURE To RENT PassURL tor renc suitable tor about head or unit rslcpnoaa PA 3411a PASTUBZ LAND or rent tor IMM mer months River road all to Highway area Apply to Borden Elliott Garage on 90 Highway PASTURE WTD To REE WANTED Pasture Palm to rent or buy Wflte giving details to no a1 errte Examiner LIVESTOCK 51x ImAn ot HeretordDurham stockers tor aa Apply Telephone iss EIGHT REGISTERED Sbflllhflfli cows IonIo due to tresnen and sans with call at toot Apply iiar rhall Farms llaerestoae or phone Orlliia PA 41259 STOCKS CATTLE It held OI choice Ilcrelard llclleu Around 500 pounds Vhltohouso rarms an Cookstoln chx Lnngrldn mlnllar Telephone coolmown 71 CHESTNUT hlAna yau old nd dle hone excellent brood mare zenilc guaranteed sound Veterin arians aerililcate supplied Last yurl toal may be seen Tclephonn Elmvaie retina Yonxsnuuss Selected and rom tered blurs Open and kind Ellis Paralers prices Vhiichousa Farms RR coobslown Dick Langrldgs mansxor Telephone Cooksiawn 4534671 POULTRY Jr CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and more puultrymen are choosing DEKALB PULLETS Started ready to lay and day old chicks Order now or early order discount For service or help on your poultry problems call Craig Hunter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS STROUD PHONE 17 FARMERS MARKET FEED SEED GRAIN um mun Gum Brant Em ley and Rodney Dlu cleaned and Ireaud Apply WIqun Ora lord On station phone us on aAr am straw tor In lured Hay A311 viuians Van nameless RR Anicn nuts Tcir phone 96 Mine111 FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Case New Holland David Brown Beatty Farm Equipment 176 sunroN AVE PA arm CASH TRADE TERMS MINESING MOTORS Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 103 MINESING AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE IN LOVE WITH CERTAIN NEW CAR Buy it now with lowcost liloinsuer SCOIIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK or NOVA SCOTIA BRAND NEW lssz VOLKSWAGENS ONLY $1737 Excl Licence Gas PIERCE MOTORS 81 ESSA 10 Dow Hoe to Pay use MOA tied convertible or nil 130w miles recent tunwp note and tonnaau cover 11M IIio pbons PA mu 1m PLYMOUTH car or sale Aut oInaiie lrlnunlulon radio two tone Good shape Telephone creo more 29 DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Milkers Vacuum Pumps Wash Tanks Separators Parts for any milkcr HANK BROWN RR BARRIE ilIOLLYI PA 50338 FERGUSON trlcior with rebuilt motor lor sale No iurther use tor Will sell reasonably Telephone hill at PA NOEL 1950 roltn tarm tractorr In good condition Priced reasonably Tele phone PA 54197 alter poor MASSEY IIARRls No Seed and Penilircr Drill runs also Red Clover Seed Apply Howard camp bell On all ISSE FERGUSON trlclor tor sale Also heavy duty Drarborn loader and bucket Good condition it Graham Huntsville Telephone Ilium AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE See VIAU RAMBLER VIAU MOTORS LIMITED 17 GOWAN STREET PA 66488 222 BLAKE ST PA 6132I me AUsTlN good Mild car 50 cash or best otter Pin muriler and nails battery In road condition Telephone PA 50731 1955 IIGA Convertible wire wheell radio and additional set of mow tires Will accapt but alter over that Telephone Zlmiuln too even 1961 AuaTrN 550 two tone gray Near perfect condition new tins Must sarrtllee or quick uln TEL ephone PA coast Ire over plymonu Telephone PA 1053 ms METEOR two door hardtop Automatic Custom radio whit wail tires sataty addad dash Par tho low law co ol Telephone PA woos NEED cAsn sea Seaboard rin Anac Your Lelianil Nelflihnr 10 monthly iii Dunlax Skins Barrie Telephone as ten FORD private indie new tire on root good snow tires an inch tnlnplctt new exhaust syo tom Good mechanically body Air 5175 Telephonu PA 51515 150 TORI Pairlahe in deep mot aliln green matching interior Deep tread white wall tires Custom radio This car as new 511 down take over payments Telephone PA 57053 195A COUNTRY Squire lilnl pass engcr warun automatic tnnsmb slon hrauutul sea green deep tread tires This car can be bought or 325 down and $1450 per month Tclnphone PA 51083 1951 DEL Am Chevrolet tourdoor sedan in sunburst ycllow with matching yellow and black Interior Custom radio All new tires This Is nne owner car in lmmacullte condition 550 down 550 per month Telephone PA $7051 IsPr hlLTRIrz Travel Trailer ully equipped with last hinteor AUTOMOTIVE MOBILE HOMES LONG TIMIu ride 5cm line Good condition Reasonable Telephone PA 5997 CHAMPION labile Home LI to Jm In Dental condition You have on see this one to ap rceiate it completely tunushcd Edudhx TV vacuum cleaner Ind bed clotMu Bil db NutIL Set It hemmed ï¬ll Ion A11 Barrie in trAllsr park CARS WTD TO BUY ORV HARDY MOTORS BARRIES NEWEST CAR LOT URGENTLY REQUIRES USED CARS TRADE UP OR DOWN WE WILL LEN YOU MONEY ON YOUR PRSENI CAR 178 BRADFORD PHONE PA Hm Try An Examiner want All PHONE PA 82414 LOST FOUND BIAGLI rural male lost Wed nesday irom Llitla Lara Annrs lo the name Timmy Piuu call PA team PERSONALS cUnoM TAILOluNG repairs and alterations tor ladiu Ind ganiita men he workmanship Cornr or Dunlap and Fred Grant stmt Over lichonl Cot 5M Talk phone PA 370 WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Governmeni Chartered School Through training in all bran ches oi beauty culture DERIVIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 12 WORSLEY ST PA 88962 APRIL SPECIALS 25 OFF PERMS $850 AND UP Quickie Shampoo and Set Cream Rinse $150 RUBYS BEAUTY SALONS 124 Dunlap Si EPA elm l7 Essa RoadIA Mali Na appointment necessary BEAUTY silaP Coidwaves etc by certified hairdresser in your guns home Phone Bernice at PA EASTER WEEK SPECIALS April 23 Saturday April 78 Monday l0 HELP WANTED SALES HELP AGENTS Establishing New Sales Division FOR BARRIE ORILLIA MID LAND CDLLINGWOOD AND DISTRICT Canadas largest manufac turer of Aluminum Pro ducts offers outstanding opportunity for men who desire higher than average earnings security and do sire advancement Experience Not Necessary You Will Earn While Im Learn Our Sales Training Program The Finest In the Industry WE OFFER Weekly Drawing Accounts Yearround earnings Qualified leads Top sales material Radio TV Newspap er advertising sup port MANAGERIAL POSITION T0 EXPERIENCED PERSON For Interview Call DUMONT Aluminum Prod ucts 40 MAPLE AVE comer oi Dunlap COME IN OR CALI PA 61879 FOR APPOINTMENT as apprentice to learn all phases of the printing trade at The 0m towgolfergumes can Enrrie Examiner Some know edge of typing preterred This FEMALE HELP position offers secure tuture rvrlsr to train teletypa lot and all employee benefits ter perlarator than be able to Apply In person to typo minimum so words per min MR SHEPHERD ule Apprenticeship training per lod WILD Hood ldVIncemEnl possl hlllLlcl Apply between and to pm Composing Room Parcrnln The dam Blhlc Examiner I0 HELP WANTED WANTED Operatoi or National Cash Model 3100 accounting machine Apply MANSFIELD RUBBER CANADA LTD BARRIE ONTARIO Person to tario licence Apfiysgxm Iann On ck ITI Pin Airmin FULLY exvtrlcnced renlar privaia secretary required tor manutac luring company Requirements shorthand at least 100 words per minute typing on words per min ute Reply in writing liitlnz or pcrlcnre and salary expecled to Box 57 Barrie Examiner FIRST AND Second Cook er year round employment at tlrunswlcx Hotcl Parry Sound Must be avail able by Approximate dilic June Apply in writinc sivlng phone number stating axe experience and retercncea lrorn last employ arr to nor 580 Parry Sound MALE HELP YOUNG MAN WANTED nAmDflISSER maï¬a Elm Dn THE BARRIZ EXAMINER MONDAY APRIL II III FEMALE HELP YOUNG LADY REQUIRED BY LOCAL FINANCE COMPANY FOR THE POSITION 0F CLERK STENO Neat appearance essential Age between l923 Excellent working conditions TELEPHONE PA 85903 FOR PERSONAL INTERVIEW MR MIFFLIN MALE HELP FUTURE lN ELECTRONICS YOU can oecome specialist Trail at Dec trusted name In Electron ics halnlng since 132a Automa tian TV Radar Etc Free uookiet AcI vsw Day classes start May 10 Toronto tlontrcai or Home study lny limo RADIO COLLEGE OF CANADA King st Tommie Ont smau MAN or dairy in wager itelerenus prerarred Apply our as name Examiner rnIIAN or IlIlnirtInml Required Immediately Telephone PA Mast Iar urtilcr Inlormatlan EernIchIID Iloukkccpcr full or plrtrilrnc Apply in mrsan to llohinson Hardware 31 Dunlap St East SUPERVISOR Operator required Immedihioly tar small well lithe llshad lul installation The MIClt ccsstul applicant should have and years optrallnr cxpcrlcnco with conventional 11m equipment and basic knotslodge accounting Reply in writing to Box 511 Olrrlo Examiner MALE OR FEMALE BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERATOR Experienced Burroughs Scnsl matic Operatal for Accounts Receivable with knowledge typing Permanent position with local Iirm Employee hcnetits day week Apply In writing stating experi ence ago and starting salary expected to BOX 51 BARRIE EXAMINER SUCCESS STABILITY SECURE FUTURE HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH zind STANDARD DEALERS Repairs to All Makes OML and NAL Towing 75 BAYEIELD ST PA 84165 mi AUSTIN Sedan for slic in good condition Priced reasonably Higgsqulck sale Tclophono PA ED GRAIN TIMOTHY SEED Good Supply of power cleaned Climax Timothy seed at moder ate prices PHONE YOUR ORDER CRAWFORD AND SONS CALL 1910 0R0 RED CLOVER SEED for sale Iclc phonu ht Culharn 71m hlinasing Ranch Wagon recently overhauled and In top mnchanlcal condition wired and hookad up or trailer Also aIt car top Pram with oars datlchnblc sail ruddar and heel Prater to reu as complete unit PA 6635a MOBILE HOMES roos ELBNDALE Mohlla Home like am No dawn pay mont lec over low monthly Pays merits call anytime Telephone PII 117359 Children and SchaalAge Teenagers Cokciime Special Prices Prevail All Easter Week SHAMPOO AND SET $100 STYLING SHAMPOO SET 3150 MISS PRETTY PERMANENT WAVE $750 COMPLETE All appointment is necessary at these prices Please mention this ad JOAN GARRICK HAIR STYLISTS 38 MAPLE AVE BARBIE CALL PA 846 GAPAGLS $259 TRAILER SEASON IS HERE RUSSELL INCVIHTILIJSRCH MOBILE HOMES YOU TO INSPECT THE ALL NEW BEAVER EXGENERAL TODAY Quality features you find in Eeaver Models 16 Gal Water Storage Tank Marine Pump Propane Light Foam Rubber Dinette Cushions Jalousie Ohio Windows with screens PRICED FROM $1135 ACCOMMODATE UP TO SSELL CHURCH Exclusive Franchise Dealer HWY 11 SOUTH PA 89866 AUTO RADIOS Transistor Powered Completely Installed Month Guarantee 3850 Up RAEPDERRY PLANTS Latbam Viking chict Taylor $450 per ibo strawberry Plants Premier Temple HarvestKing Sentan nunlap Paymuter Redcnlt Span klc Earlldlwrl Cavalier $150 per 100 $10 per 1000 Certilled Sccd conrs Giadloll Bulbs ms prr too $20 per 1000 Cartlild Sized Potatoes Kcswlck Sebago other potatoes lar sale Huron cilin wa warba Pontiac Art Wright Valley Gnrdcm PR 54808 Gil Iurd RR BOX 80 BARRLE EXAMINER THE CAR AND TRAILE PAGE menu is Isuqu FREE COFFEE £° To Our Customers Willie You Wait BEAVER LUMBER IS YOUR CARREADY FOR SPRING 127 BRADFORD ST PHONE PA 89038 TODAY FOR AN APPOINTMENT TO HAVE IT CHECKED AND SERVICED BRENNANS ESSO STATION con BRADFORD AND HIGH srs BARRIE WVITES YOU TO INQUIRE ABOUT THEIR PREFAB PRECUT BUILT T0 SPECIFICATIONS PHONE PA 8554l CAR INSURANCE FOR EFFICIENT PERSONALIZED SERVICE CONTACT MAXWELL INSURANCE I25 BURTON AVE BARR PA 82965 ALL OTHER TYPES OF INSURANCE YOUR INDEPENDENT AGENT JORY MOTORS BRAKE OVERHAUL FOR SUMMER DRIVING FREE BRAKE TESTING ALL worm GUARANTEED CALL us TODAY PA 84165 75 BAYIIIELD ST RU 170 BURTON AVE BARBIE ONTARIO ALLANDALE RESIDENTS Your local BA Service Station at 108 BURTON AVENUE is now under title management THIS SPACE AVAILABLE VISIT KENS BA SERVICE STATION Fol lols FOR TOPS IN SERVICE SNACK HWY 27 PA 87191 Roy Fol liot Specializing In CROAD SERVICE OMINOR TUNEUPS TIRES 100 BURTON AVE uncanny oroauut oouax sisab PA 824I4 Auto Radio 29 Couipr And IIIFl PA oosn