Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Apr 1962, p. 14

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Classified The Peoples Market Place in your main home PA 82414 It THE BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY APRIL 11 1M ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BAYSTAIRS LODGE IIIINETS POINT Wedding Receptions Bcautiiui grounds tor pictqu youll cherish Ample parking tor gucsls coli lcnicncci We assume tile responsiblhtics while you enjoy yourself Facilities Ior dancing etc SATISFACTION ASSURED PRICES THIAT PLEASE Call PA 85i98 anytime BIRTHS NEWSSTOIW When you the birth al vain child in Crammer cunning or Babys Beoa Family Irco Records and to the notice are available mail your thosa tar ay places rt DEATHS BEAnYAnnle Ii Suddenly an trtda April 10 lose at the innlswood Private Hospital tiar rie Annie at neatly beloved mile or the late Ernest Deatty and dear mother or ltlona thin Patterson and the late Snowden Crone Resting at the Jenneti Funeral Home 151 nradrord st Barrie inr runeral remite Monday Aprll at Wm interment Barrie Unlon Cemolery cLAuluzIlory Ellen at the home or her nation ora Mrs ilarvey Knupp or to Robertson Drive Guelph iarln on Friday April so lost Mary Ellen Falls in her hard year Rclovcd wiie oi the late David clarkt oi Thornton and dear roo ther or dea thin ilerbert Wright and Dora iltlrs IIInE Knupp bath or nuelph loving grandmo ther ot Virgil and Louis Wright and greatgrandmother or David and Bruce Vflghl nesting lit the iinghes Funeral Home Cookrtown until 1130 am Monday April 21 Then to Thornton United Church or service at 210 pm Interment Thornton Union Cemetery DANDYCharles nobert At the Royal Victoria Hospital name on Wednesday April 13 1962 Charles Robert iiandy or to Clappertun street Barrie in his 7er year belovcdhusband or iiary mrlong delr ether or Leonard and Shir ley Mrs Genriit Drown grand lather or Paul Joseph nobert and iiary Ann heating at the stack Icy Funeral ilome io Vorsiey st narrle or funeral service on urday April 21 at run inter ment Barrie Union Cemetery IN MEMORIAM ssIIrlIln loving memory or dear wire and mother Ella viola Smith who passed away April 1950 Days oi ladilesli still come oer in Friends may think the wound is healed nut they little Itan the sorrow That lies within the heart can eealed Sadiy mlssed and always re membered by her husband Cert daughters Freda and Willda and grandchildren suunrllthIr are or deer llay smurtnwa imay April 21 lost And while she lies in peacetui loving rnem and mother who passed alccil iler memory keep Lovlngly remembered by the ramlly we shall always CARDS OF THANKS MacLELLANDIllrs Muc Lelland and lly wish to ex press to their many iriends their heartlclt thanks tor the tokens oi Iymplth tendered them during their recent bereavement COMING EVENTS Come To The lNEW LIFE CRUSADE April 29 May PM FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Clappcrton at Worsley RUMMAGE SALE Friday April 27 930 am YMYWCA Owen Street AUSPICES GRENFEL UCV DANCING EVERY SATU DAY CABARET STYLE COUPLES ONLY PI NECREST $250 coupio For table reservations PHONE ELMVALE757R3 NEARLY NEW SALE Tuesday May to May Inclusive TRINITY PARISH HALL Good Used Clothing Household Articles AUSPICES Trinity Guild CONVENER Mrs Wolfcnden PA 61582 COCONVENER Mrs Woliendcn PA 05185 TREASURERS Mrs Magec PA 113539 Mrs Gremo PA 1177113 RUMAGE SALE Saturday April 28 ODD FELLOWS HALL COLLIER STREET Aitspices Central United Church Women For pick up call PA 33140 or PA 66103 itswonderful the way Classified Ads get re sults Phone PA 132414 MINUTES FROM DOWNTOWN HARRIS needs and Elhtivct In li place an snnouncem ni atlti birth on tier thiamine Classified PA cult Passed 0n PROPERTY FOR SALE Groydon KOHL REAL STAT BROKER 115 nUNwP si EAST PA 31252 ANNEXATION MEANS OVERNIGHT PROFIT 100 acre farm with exceptional ly good buildings Large front age on busy highway Situated within 11 mile of Barrie city limits Pcrlect for subdivision No swamp or waste land Less than $650 per acre This is an exclusive listing Please do not call just to obtain price and location 99 ACRES Mostly all workable Within one mile or pavcd highway is now being used for garden purposcs chcn room dwelling with bath Earn 40 70 with silo Stcel atabling lint house included plus 10000 tomato plants Ready market established Total price 512500 For special attention call Bill Rawn ANGUS Modern three bedroom clean bungalow Five years old Available April 25 560 per month IN EAItIlIE Two bcdroom apartments heat ed Some available immediately and others May For lnlormation call GIIAYDON KOIIL PA aisoo BILL nAwN PA sum vcry HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY Realtors so EAYFIELD 51 PA 66453 tNYTlltlE OTTAWAY CIRCLE SUBDIVISION tclcphone call will bring plans and specifications right into your own livingroom EVENINGS CALL Darll Nuttyeombu PA 57957 Iiaryann smuh PA 840211 Norm IIcskcth PA orola Curly Kloostcrman all rows Members or the Barrie District Real Estate Board Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Tiffin St PA 61881 $500 DOWN Three bedroom storey and ball Located near Barrie Three piece bath $65 per month Full price only $6500 Call Emory Miller PA 61881 $1000DOWN year did two bedroom bunga low like new with oil wall fur nace Aluminum storms and screens Carries for $70 per month Call Emory Miller PA 61881 EVENINGS CALL Karl Marshall PA 1191111 Joe Palmer PA 60363 mory Inner PA oases Member at the Barrie and District Real Estate Board Sloun Agencies Ltcl CENTRAL DNlARIOS LARGEST REALTORS 10 COLLIER STREET PA D5901 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION We would like to show you this property located in the Village of Hillsdale room insu brick house on Vi acre lot with small barn Priced to sell at $5000 with 51000 down payment FARM 175 Acres 150 acres of clay loam 25 acies bush Excellent water supply large painted barns cement silo storey brick home with bath miles north of Barrie of Highway 93 Call us for further information Pirced at $2201100 50 Acres of Hardwood bush and Cedar mile from Lake Sim coe on 9th Cone of Oro Sev eral building lots Asking $4000 Member or the Barrie and District Ileai Estate Board EVENINGS CALL MERV GOULD 0110 1515 EDE GOULD one 2516 HARRY 51255011 PA onan onCA BROWN PA 111165 LLOYD HOCKLEY PA Mm FLORIS Hotme PA saals wUGHEEDSTAYNER 109W CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone 62419 93 Dunlop St IIIADEL llIAnsIIALLPA 6131 COREYPA outta iiIURIlaL JEFERYPA 65de CHANCE OF Liictiuie in Barrie East 12nd income property Duplex nicely trecd lot Garage About will hludle Telephonn PA LOVELY PAnnLY home shade trees hedroolru itreplaee gar age many extras hntwnter heat inn with on Full attic and basil intent Close to downtown PA soilrlt REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE stills MoonsPA um ROGERSFA use ithlI CImPBtUPA E115 lclliu Gany iA inan DUNLOP ST ree Losxtln PA aims maratt shotsall Oro 2910 Norman REAL ESTATE BROKER ROGERS CONNELL ONE DUNLOP STREET FAST First in Barrie Home SalesForemost in Quality at Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL rosiuLPA Lulu CDNNELbPA snas SIDSELIIS BAIutIl Disinltn Bull WAT BOARD CLIFF BROWN REALTOR HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA 50211 PA 6010 llelroars or use Bama iteal Litta Board Joan LangPA uni charlie headPA out Shelswell PA $996 PA 6870 First lllortgago Funds Available 77 interest 50 of Value No Fees Charged zveblnn call Jack Willaon PA Hut Norman shelnreli PA ml cm Howard Norris PA to move in PA 82580 HENDERSON REALTOR lit COLLIER sineci PHONE PA 112670 EVENING CALL luiA scANDttm PA uses DOROTHY wrwox PA oasis PERCY FORD PA tom EMERSON SWALN PA siltos Member or nanla and District and Ontario Real Litatn Boards COUTTS CO Real Estate Broker Owen Street Barrie EXECUTIVE TYPE $16500 Modern equipped bungalow six spacious bright rooms Ftniyled recreation room attached gar age aluminum storms and screens Terms arranged to suit purchaser Call Walter Coutts DOWN PAYMENT $1000 Full price $13500 3bedroom bungalow built three years ago Has many features such as div ided basement storms and screens Lot 51 157 within reasonable distance to schools and shopping Fine selection of comparable homes may be seen at your convenience BIG BAY POINT LOT 150x150 $4000 will handle this four room cottage iully furnished winterized heavy duty wiring Good well sleeping cabin and storage shed This price includes an extra lot on each side of cottage Call Alice Worthington Stroud 211123 FULL PRICE $3500 Lovely our room furnished cot tage near beach on paved road Good well Nicely troed lot Call Alice Worthington Stroud 211m BUILDERS $3000 EXCHANGE For each of wooded lots 50 150 located on Puget St Beau tiful surroundings Call Gordon Coulis 45 NAPIER ST 512000 full price for three bed room brick bungalow Spacious Irshaped living and dining area Modern equipped kitchen Close to school and transportation Down payment $2500 Call Gor don Coutts STORE FOR LEASE Selection oi two stores one ap proximately 20 foot frontage by depth of 100 feet the other 20 by 50 feet fully equipped in new condition For further particulars contact Colitis Member or Barrie at District Real Estate Board PHONES Bitice PA Hills Evenings GORDON COUTISPA c1115 WALTER COITIsPA uni SANDY cumsPA 114231 ROSE REAL ESTATE BROKER 111 Tim amt71 BARR CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member or the Barrta and District Roll main Board MOVING For complete moving service safer and easier Cali COOKE CARTAGE Er STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT 41 Essa Rd Barrio PArItway 115575 new man Bedroom Brick ann galow Largo kltflhen storm wIn dow Ithahed EllAge Oil heat Sndflgd North district Clnsc to public and high schools Tric nhonn IA sirop BRAND NEW HOMES beautiful houses on Queen Street Brand spanking new Ready Completely soddcd cupboard space Must be seen to be appreciated Also one tbed raom income house on Sanford Street Very private Beautiful buy APPLY HILL AND McKNlGlIT Every convenience 44 of PA 68111 CARSON It Next door to the imparlal Theatre gt45A DUNLOP ST PA 66481 timber or me and District 11 Board HENRY ELRICK AND MICHIE l5 Owen Sin Barrie PHONE PA 95533 1111le OF TILE BARRIE AND DISTRICT REAL mTAlE hoAIlD CASTLE DRIVE New modern six room brick home Attached garage Large livingdining room divided by stone fireplace Beautiful kit chen with breakfast area No large bedrooms and live piece bath Finished basement with two piece bath and rec room also her and fireplace Laundry room playroom and workshop Lot is large and high with ex cellent vicw Asking price $25800 GOLF CLUB AREA Gray brick bungalow on tread lot Large living room and kit chen Three bedrooms and pc bath Attached garage Oil heat ing Finished room in base ment Asking price $16800 worn We arrange rirst mortgages tar Victoria and Grey Trust507 or value Phana PA 35533 titer honrr phone Bob slcwelllng PA class or Paddy cities PA com Keith Marshall REA FSTATE BROKER PA 52592 15 CLAPPERTON ST BARRE among PA 02110 FRANK NELLES PA 56636 Member Batrte and District neat Estate Board MOVING Dont target to transfer your INSURANCE and it you need extra coverage at any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 61801 113 Dunlap St New three bedroom home Large living room kitchen with large dining area lots 01 cup boards and storage Oil heated Colored bathroom fixtures van ity divided basement Large lot in good residential area close to stores and schools TELEPHONE 84281 PRIVATE 85 Melrose Ave Six rooms recreation room builtin TV mortgage easily financed PHONE PA 113605 MUST BE SOLD $1550 Down Bright six room brick bungalow with attached garage Private tread lot Ex cellent residential area block to bus shopping plaza and school AC oil heat Colored bathroom Hanover kitchen Al uminum storms screens and doors mortgage Tclc phone PA 55733 ANGUS New three bedroom brick bungalow modern raelutles Lot 10 210 teat Near Catholic School and church Down payment only $500 Toluphono HE F5417 ONE TO 12 ACItBa with new live room bottle I11 conventencl loniu mitt trcel And berriel Permian tractor and Implemcnrial 14th Line Innlrnl PA oloso Try All Examiner Want MI PHONE PA $2414 Ono PROPERTY FOR SALE ownll three bedroom bunllr low one ear old Small down payment elapbona PA was or tuetaer tniarmatiun LOTS FOR SALE Lot 50 it ran Brock and seatorth Smetl For Inlomltlon telephone PA Mm FOR SALE OR RENT Titus BEDROOM House in An rua tor ssle or rent per month or 2900 to $1000 down payment on sale Tllcphonn HE lasso mun Moat Home at ltIthtl Point with three piece bath hill sire basement with turnaee an down payment may telms Tele Dhono PA Mm BUS OPPORTUNITIES AUTOMATIC CLOTRESLINE EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE New revolutionary automatic clothcslinc needs no clolbcspins Huge profits now being made Applications now being accept ed for sales rights For lull par ticulars write ZipGrip Box obiBE Alliston Ont monfioss MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation oi Bills Home repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $1549 at $56 Monthly $3544 at $90 Monthly Up to $5000 and 60 month to repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT I4 Dunlop St PA 66477 IMMEDIATE lst 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all properties wrili Low MONTHLY PAYImNis TAILORED TO Yoult BUDGLT IF YOU NEED MONEY To consolidate dchls ay on existing mortgage mortgages coming due until Improvement Any worthwhile cause PA 60981 Mortgage Funding over SimpsonsSeals ht AND nil cklstlnl 1111111231 bought IDl ready Cash Also money leaned on vrvsenl mortgages Cull Ml Kent PA 15179111 51000 WANTED as first monllle Excellent property and good collv Itcrll Apply to Box 5011 hamlncr MORTGAGES1st and 2nd Dough told and arranged Commercial and residential moneys loaned on existing mensesz Barrie lilorb saga Brokers PA alsoi FINANCIAL NEED $50 TILL PAY DAY 11 cosrs ONLY 47c son TWO WEEKS Ask For PayDay Loan CALL PA 60203 Crescent Finance 26 Dunlop St BARRIE MONEY TO LOAN PRESCRIPTION FOR PAYING BILLS Pay cm off with lowcost lifeinsured 500m PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA RENTALS Low cost sPAcB or rent Clean modern buildings Suitable for commercial or light industrial Telephone PA H515 NURSING HOMES PATTONS REST HOME Prop Nellie Patton STAYNER ONT Vacancies now available tor welfare and convalescents Tele phone STAYNER 5521 DONER REST HOME Licenced pleasant home for elderly convalescent and re tarded Tray service Reason able rates PHONE 77 STAYNER or write PO Box 194 Stayner TELEPHONE DIRECTORY FOR UNLISTED NUMBERS SUPERIOR PROPANE New Phone Number PA 61861 Hwy 11 South RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS NURSING HOMES an some some doom Emil on this work semi no private roenu rind tannin can good tood TV room station we gon tor outlan relphone mu suede OFFICES STORES RENT MODERN OIHCB Building downtown Bar rie has limited amount OI spac availablcwill alter to suit Telephone PA om or PA 60805 APTS HOUSES TO RENT DELUXE APARTMENTS Conveniently located near schools shoppin and bus and within walking distance 01 downtown 0110 and two bedrooms OBalcoaics lBamboo Dupes OStovcs and ridges Ilndividuol thermostats oincinerators llree washing and drying soil as Chiany other line appointments Children welcome Sample suite may be seen by calling PA 83186 OVERLOOKING THE BAY At Dominion Shopping Plaza bedroom apartment Stove and refrigerator laundry tactil iies own thermostat Downs view Drive phone PA 5063 BRENTWOOD TERRACE Scli contained two bedroom apartment Living room kitch cn full basement with laundry tubs Central location Free parking Telephone PA mm ADJOININmK Beside Lake One and two bedroom apart ments complete with slow and refrigerator Use at washer and dryer Redecorated annually PA 61060 THREE BEDROOM Home with all convcnlcnccs Hardwood lloors Ap ply Alvin arose third house east or shcll station Guthrie No 11 nionway TWO neumoll sci contained apartment tor rent unmmlshcd hvo children welcome on month ly Allandale district Telephone PA 65017 ailer run FOUR nonltl unfurnished apart ment tor rent one bloclr rrnrn Post Ottlcc Private entrance Available immediately Telephone PA song or turther tnIoiilutlon ENJOY YOUR last month rent ireo Ono and two bedroom apartments ianltor service Rents from 535 per month Telephonl PA 82670 ior iurthcr lntormation TIIIIEE noon Apartment stave rerrlcerator heated Private cnb rance Ample storage Balcony Available Adults Abstalners Tele phone PA 58559 st Vincent Square LnnGC bright thrcc bedroom apartment Central location Rel sonabic Must be scan to be ap preciated Telephone PA Moat or PA Mini AND Bennoolii Apactmen unturnishcd hosted separate ent rancc Clean and reasonable Close to West End Plan Telephone PA some UNFURNISIIED heated apartment tor rent solt contained our rooms and bath heavy wiring parkan space In Quee Park area Telphone PA Mi DnsntABLll Upper Duplex lar bright living room and kitchen two bedrooms Hcatcd 10 min tes walk Five Points minutes West End shopping centre Av able now PA 111111 TWO APARTMENTS in triplex spacious one and two bedrooms rutnished or uniurnisbed sell contalned newly decorated Ex cellent location near plaza and beach Tclcphonl PA 31114 FoUrt nooai ruralshed apartment Heated and heavy duty stove hardwood floors three piece bath Available April 11 Apply Armstrongs Hardware no reirlgerator Dunlop Stzcet East APTS HOUSES T0 RENT an BAauInr Apartment tor rust one bedroom sellcontained Telephone PA amt UPPBB nUPiBx two bedrooms Iielng room kitchen bath Cona pletely AeLIltontl1ned Available May 11 Campbell Avenue 215 111onva Ive bedroom hub galow years old rully modern Central Close to schools Avail able July Telephone PA was Lanna modem three room an turnlshee apanmenL Spacious grounds and rwirnmlnr pool Also two Smom tarnished apartments All central Telephone PA csoai Uhrunmsnizn modem lo room apartment with oath that ed not water and atove moaned Located in Angus Talepbnno camp Borden merit Private bath Modern kil eben Rested Telephon PA 8545 BY CENTRAL Two bedroom artntent in new building stove reirlgerator supplied Laundry isclitiu also parking Available bisy Telephone PA 32100 humor 12 Thch room un turnlahed IDIrtment to rent on heated hot Irltcr Slow and re trixerator Private bath Apply Centre st or turther lniomauera Two ngnnooll Home or not in Ann biodern conveniences Per month For spoolntment to Inlpect telephnno PA cam alter pm nBAlBD UNFUnNIsIIeh sell contained apartment ground floor Three large rooms Near school Parking Private entrance monthly Telephone PA 09228 mo BEDROOM Upper haplex oil heated basement Iacllltles On Napier street Available immedi ately Apply at St Vincent st or telephone PA M960 APPLIANCE SERVICES APTS HOUSES TO RENT NICE AND 3111 thru room up stun upmmenl Lights beat ands water supplied as monthly Apply at borirwonb street mm nmaooal apartment or rent in new building washer dryer ono Janitor rervlre supplied Available immediately Telephone PA 51351 or iurtaer Inlormluan rim BEDROOM bested tptrtment in bottom tloor or modern triplex on SL vlnrent street North on monthly available soon Telephone PA mot nBArBD tour room small arse ment with stove and relrlter or included Central Private ent rance Telephone PA c1717 tor lurtber iniormstton nine nooll sell contained apartment tor rent iurnlshed Close to hospital Also baehelor apartment tully tarnished iele phone PA HIM rnnnc UIDRODII House plumb ing tile noon hot and cold wot er Available now Apply 11 Ft RR Angus Neal new bridge on so Ingbway mo BEDROOM unfurnished 111D sent apartment east end Laundry iaetlitter stave retrtgcratnr nest and WILEY Parking Class II hIIL Adults Telephone PA sous ahlALL Faint noon Duplbx II Angus Ill conveniences tiled kIt chen and bathroom Private ent rance large yard suitable ior gap den Telephone HE mos 11sz noon ment Central iaellities tarnished spart Parking Laundry Also two room newly tunnlrned apartment Telephone PA woo AVAILABLE NOW itindern heal ed two bedroom apartment in stroud apartment houseI Adults raterred No oblectlon to baby to or awimmtng pool soc month ly Telephone strand in BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year Tlephono PA 112414 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE 24hour service 14 DUNLOP ST PA 61142 ADVERTISING WARWICK WEBSTER LIMITED litatchedosh St ORILLIA canvanrlsmG OPROMOTION oPUdLlClIY ORILLIA 3252752 11125 3151689 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS FACED WITH DRINKING PROBLEM Perhaps AA Can Help WRITE PO BOX 501 OR PHONE PA 60706 DRIVING SCHOOL Learn to Drive the Safe Way in Dual Controer Car PA 60501 For rates and information Learning How To Drive CALL JOIHiS DRIVflIG SCHOOL PA 61277 For Rates and Information 111an nooltl uniurnlshed apart ment completely setscontained Parking and laundry facilities Heat and water supplied Close to downtown Telephone PA 35389 ior runner data UNPURNIsIlDB three room he ed apartment completely sell eontatned East end close to shop Plng schools and bus 310 month ly Available Immediately Toll Pltnne PA 373 SELFCONTAINED two room tun nishzd heated apartment with three piece bath Front and back entrance Suitable for bachelor or couple Apply 11 Bayiield Suaat or telephone PA 66715 TWO Bannoonl Apartment with living room kitchen dining area Selreentalbed heated Centrally located on corner Street AvaUahle June Telephone PA moo Alter PA 095 ONE BBmtooM Apartment on main floor front and side ent rance heated tiled bathroom stor age Immediate possession 47 Grove Street East Telephone PA 711 or PA 641530 FURNISHED three room apart ment Bedroom living room enetie and bathroom central lo cation suitable or two adults $65 per month Telephone PA $6243 mmsnim Apartment central location Quiet scenic view New appliances Modeln colored tlla bathroom Suit adults or bustnesr people so monthly Telephone PA mat UNPunrlrsIIED three large rooms and bath on ground floor Range and rcirlgerator optional Private verandali Washer and dryer Parking included PA Mani even lngs PA 61012 COMPLETELY relt contained urn turnlshed apartment with stove and refrigerator hot and cold wa tor Private entrance Very ceri unl Has to be seen to be appu ciated Telephone FA mu AVAILABLE immediately Upper duplex with sumcorn heat and water supplied nicely decorntcd Lnlt tenants years Two large bedrooms Adults preferred Near Eggs Lumbcnfifl monthly PA iii Igor Ia ORILLIA SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING Serving since 1956 FOR APPOINTMENT ANY TIME PA 66551 EXCAVATI NG FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Hall yard Backhoe tor hir DENNIS MORAN 23 Anna Street PA 4907 FOR SHOVEL WORK Excavating Backhoe Clam Drag Line Cement Busting or raising steel 55 11mm shovel front loading levelling or backfliliug Dozcr work and hitching phone Stewart Con ltlilction PA 117321 HAIRDRESSERS CLmFORD HAIR FASHIONS Individual styling Moderate rates FRED GRANT SQUARE PA 60491 FLASTERING STUCCO STON QUIKBRIK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS ARCHWAYS PATCHES Free Estimates Budget Terms SIMCOE QUIKBRIK Phone Smith Latroy 60M Collect Barrie rs wr COX DRIVING SCHOOL EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1920 RR Harris PA 66956 Have Your SPRING PAINTING Done Now For Experienced Painters Contact LLOYD CONRAD Phone Oro 3723 Painting and Decorating Rates Reasonable Free Estimates EXPERIENCED PAINTERS GARRY VAN GENNIP Phone PA 87601 any timl FLOOR COVERINGS BARRIE FLOOR WALL TILE Sales Service 24 Maple Ave Opp bus terminal inolcum and Vinyl tila heet goods OCeramic tile liiardwood flooring oCarpcts ocomplete line of samples FREE ESTIMATES DAY EVENINGS WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED FREE PARK WG PHONE PA 85862 EVENINGS PA 134952 Charla Lawson Propr LANDSCAPING nommLING landscape garden ing nursery stock Free estimates Telephone Rahdcr PA 37156 nomnnbma Be ready tor spring planting Now Is the time to get your gardens mtirttllcd For tutthet details telephone PA 58814 START BAItLY for your Sodding Seeding RotaTilting Lawn Roll in and Fertileug Lawn and Gar den maintenance For estimates Baggage Arnold Does Palaswlelt PA It RADIO AND TELEVISION SERVICE 24 HOUR SERVICE ALL MAKES 0F RADIO AND TV BAYVIEW ELECTRONICS 19 Adelaide Ste PA 09603 REFRIGERATION HOOD REFRIGERATION SERVICE Domestic Commercial Airconditioning 31 PRAII STREET PHONE PA 61673 STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 33gtClapperton St PHONE PA 134562 WELL DIGGING WELLS DRILLED PUMPS NSTALI ED all LICENSED DRlansBS man ESTIMATES Coupland Drilling an 281an PA 87646 Copy for Want Ad Section accepted 1mm Ii 911 Day before publication Poona PA szili

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