Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Apr 1962, p. 12

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AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY CHURCHILL MRS PROSSER successlul ycar nT curling wrs climnxcd when over 100 TELEVISION attended the curlers party in Churchill Community Hall Pri day evening April 13 The evening began with banquet at 630 and Blnkc Constable was PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE ruunou APRIL xi Iowun rni Living Vorid Bugs Bunny Couninttmc Sun Leonrd Gal Newl Sports Dennis the Mencc nonio Hood Iluc Gun will rnvrl Peter Gunn 1cm Grudge rim Juliette cnc TV News Vuiner anc Sport hiovtc it Were King oceans 222 similar APRIL 21 Test Pattern Church service Popeye and cm Ncws and Weather sneokui French Good Thetr Country ciendu Camera Ccnldc Movie Mon the Law Davey coiltn Heriure zozo Ind New clilrenr Forum Movie My Favorite alohde llcxei rmne suilivn Hockey Pinyoiic mc TV New Welthcr News Sport cnnpnboli rioNnAr APRIL nus Test Pattern Romper Room and Fall out er sport Event Sundown Married iocn CFTO CHANNEL sliiURDIAY APRIL 21 sou Wrutltnl sou ill Time 530 Camera Room us Punch Ind Johnny mi The Flinttone 730 iililcmln 300 Feature Thetn ISIIOCCO Fight or th Weck 1045 Johnny Ech Show 1100 Crnu Candc nun ounc nuNnAv APRIL who Youth and Religion inao Around The World 1150 it is Writtcri ltlilcn Thnltra Language in Acuon Chlmplomhip and Jr Hockey iiovio iLoiiu nooni rim or the Matter Great Hymns Twenty Question Kiri To Win Accdcmy Peflnrmmfll Pork Chop mm Intermission Academy Performnu Wm 11 Andy Grlflltbr Show Loretta Young The Law and hir Joncl News Weather Sports Wrestling MONDAY unit 23 moo Free Ind Easy run Kin To Win Channel Nine Thcltn Lassie Come Horne News Protessors Hideaway rinn hon Cochise Spam Weather New Father Knows Bert Top Cat vnip stt limo ooeuae auaikh mill This DENNIS anwnonp Janna around no Open Home Dickie lienomoo Show Verdict II Youn Non Women Show iricndly Gilnl Sin Ring Around Rllxil Dluil Popeylc TV only rcinr not Farm Market Report News Wcttirr Sport chc any Thetn Don Mcsscrl uhiieo Donny ThomI Live normea Lu Room ror On Mon Festival New News weather Sportl News Crosrocdc TUESDAY APRIL 2i ind Tm Pattern um Romper Ronni ialoo roneve Ind Pm iuo Noonthy nepnn News wcctbcr Farm no ort Comlnr ent sinvle Abbott Costello Meet Frankenstein open llousc Amcdtan Muriui Theatr Verdict lr Youn Newr Vornen show Adventurer oi Bum Flowerpot Men itlxzin Dania Mike IIicrcuiy Three Stoogu Form iirhet Report Ncws lyether sport Dr Ktidxrc NHL Hockey King Vhitc Show King or nlmondr cacrv News wmher Sports News choriie chn TORONTO Shelley Bcrmnn rolrn Chrncu To Tell Thu Truth Jack Benny Ncws Weather Sport Better Lot Focus 50m P50PsPAPPEJI3N assassnsossuss Ea FFF 258 no one 1000 loan lino 1125 1225 TUESDAY Artur it no human in Action Free and Ensy It Kin To Win Channel Theire iAdvcnturrl of Torn Slwycr News vFflHFQPPAu Professors Hideaway Man From Cncblu soon chthcr New Bachelor Fthcr Route 66 Naked City Chccknutc Showdown vows Vcnthcr Better thA Focus szgocgssb 238 sport 557 has INSURANCE QUALITY WITH ECONOMY PROTECTION IS OUR PRODUCT SERVICE OUR BUSINESS BENTLEY CO PA 66583 ll Cnilicr St Suite 302 convener nt tbc committee Gordon Knecshnw president oi the menr curling club was chairman He thanked commit tees tor their cooperation and those who helped in any way Margaret Corner president 01 the Ladies club also thanked hcr committccs and the mens club or cooperation concluding hcr remarks with an an propriziic poem on Curling The allowing prices were pre senin tor the various sched ules Day Rinks prcChristmas schedule inc Spence Norma Webb Verna Reid Aileen Hou ston First Schedule 15 Marc Corner Ruth Morris Verna Reid Donna Sabin 2nd Dor nthy Constable Norma Vcbb Kay Allan Jerry Small sec ond schedule ist Doris BaxtA er Ruth Morris Jessie Burke lnis Archer 1nd hinrg Cor ner Gladys Wright Reta AI Ian Aileen Houston Night rinks prcChristmas schedule Vcrna Reid Joan Robertson Marl Martin Aileen Houston First schedule lst lcssic Burke Mnrg Corner Doris Baxter Neva Ferguson 2nd Reta Allan Dorothy Donnelly inn Spence Audrey inughced second schedule ist Ev Wat son Dorothy Donnelly Ines Spence Audreyboughced 2nd Grace Donnelly Ruth Morris Doris Baxtcr Minn Kelly DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS New dance cruo Exchanges American hiatitanakn 12 Shinto temple gatirwny may onereu Play sponsor st 15 Enclosure 18 filter 186oid Sp 19 Insect 21 Apprehen live with ol 2415 Piuribus Sacred picture Coin Ulp Rosebuah support Pictlorm Gained Jasonl chip mar 10 Fodder pit 17 Help 19 himbien 20 Uncivii 21 Horned viper Enemy 251er 29Rcccntiy mnrrlcd girl 3010 nitIn 81Aquld measure 82Chccrlui MA wing 31 Bela motion 38 Angry 41 Structural bolt is skyhiuo 45Worahip Capt Standish 47 sitiy blunder II 8Tnlk DOWN Got hazard Skin mark 268hrub 59 gig up Them picccl 295mm or unlit rowi 3Antu iopo Mn saxro speak ILSchct urchin 351mm an littau aia IIIAIIIE EDI Yntcrdcyl Ann 385tubborn person colloq 39131 to Writing tabla dleeiorc Vtgor ti Ill Ellllflflllll nllonnlanpn VA AUTOMATIC WEATHERCONTROLLED DELIVERIES assure unfailing oil supply Ne calculate your rate of use and coralutty chuck It iguimt doytodny temperatures We know when you iced oil and make deliveries automatically You nnvcr row to worry about your fuel oil supply HIATINQ Oll lt KSUN 05 mn The SARJEANT CO LTD Mary Street PA 82461 YOUR GRAIN pIus SHURGAIN DAIRY CONCENTRATES WILL HELP INCREASE YOUR DAIRY HERD PROFITS FREE Theres brand new canytoread Custom MIX older waiting for you at Dill folder is Jampacked with acid and figures to help you get profitabic mum Grains are high In Energy but low In other assential hutrients ShurGain Dairy Concentrates are specially formulated to supplement your grain by providing these other essential nutrients thus enablin your hcrd to obtain maxtmum valuc from your grains ShurGain Dairy Concentrates make your grains complete and balanced in every way In addition they supply high lcvai at Vitamin to promote Increased rumon bacteria activity permitting more cfficleni digestion and release of maximum nutritive valucs from roughage also The result your home grown feeds become morovcluablo to you for low cost milk production and body maintenance Drop In lets talklabout your hard your milk production and profits HUHEAIN UNEENTHATE FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE CALL lRA WIISON cooasruwn CLARENCE CUMMING barium Gordon Kncuhaw presented the mens prizes The Adams Trophy presented by Frank Kcii Wu won layBlake Corr stable Gregg Davis Vic Small Bruce Storey 2nd prize to Cyril Spence Ruben Sinclair Bob Kneeshhw Garry Sawyer 3rd to Mac Stewart John BcU Grenville Hughes Adolphe Zeiv lire Orville Todd Trophy prev scaled by Robert Sinclair was won by Cyril Spence John Richards Don Sawyer Title bodeau ind to Harry Sloan Charlie Crobel Lucas Al Hooper 3rd to Frank Keii Gordon Kneeshnw Bill Johnston Keith Kcil John Allan Trophy presented by Howard AUan to Jack Constable Ro land Corner Bruce Storey Joe Sawyer Mr Allan in present ing this lmph thanked the club or making him life member having completed 50 years at curling Second prizn toEarl Gilmore Edgar Stur geon Russell Stewart Russell Gardener 3rd to Jack Rcivc Art Wright Ted Heal Jack Riddell game oi cuchre was en toyed by everyone Prizes were won or loilows high lady Sylvia Richards low Rita Richards high man Ernest Kneeshnw low Earl Gilmore Mr and Mrs Jack Shana hah at Phelpston visited Mrs William Paterson Sunday Cyril Spence is in Hamilton or two weeks The UCW wiU meet in the United church on Monday ev ening April 73 at ii oclock Miss Beth Huddleston Rog missionary home on lur lough irorn Ecuador will his the speaker Everyone is wel come Miss Barnes and Misses Gaby of Toronto Mr and Mrs EI rner Graham and Susan oi Cookstowri attended birthday dinner on Sunday at Mr and Airs William Akcrs in honor oi Mrs William Hiilock Mr McConnell oi Toronto was the speaker at the United church service Sunday mom ing April 15 Special music was provided by the Junior dioir directed by Miss Mar garet Campbell Thornton tiawkeslone and Churchill Young People will present their plays in Church ill Community ilali Wedncs day evening April 25 at oclock Special senices are being held at St Peters Anglican Church Churchill and at St Pauls Church Stroud this week Sorry to report there are several cases at iIu in the conununity COOKSTOWN ransomi NEWS Mrs Doug Ross Dennis rind Janie oi Orillln were guests on Sunday at Mrs Lennard Ross itiiss Barbara Baker Schom berg spent is low days with her grandmother Mrs iioisie Montgomery Other recent Vis Itors with Mr and Mrs Mon NO MONEY DOWN Payable Over Mths For Our Budget Sav ing Food Plant EAT BETTER FOR LESSI Free Delivery Up To 100 Miles KLEERPAK FOODS PA H50 gnmery were him Etta Parr of North Bay Mr and Mrs Irvin Haliingsbead oi Schum bcrg Mr and airs Codi Attkinson and Mr and Mrs Melville Sampson and son of Nobelton and Mr and Mrs Cecil Baker oi Schomhcrg hits George inyes has re turned home alter threevweck visit at Daytnnn Beach Florida Air and Mrs Norman Bak er spent the weekend in TM onto with lilr and Mrs Ray Huckeit Dr nnd Mrs lrvin Pcever and family ui Pittsburgh Pa spent the weekend with the licensed Plumbing Mechanical Contractor who sells inriallr and guarantees MILLER AND GORDON PLUMBING HEATING 93 PEEL ST PA 349 tattcrs parents ilr and Mn William Goodle ir and Mrs Frank Hughes oi Aurora visited Mrs Bmiey on Sunday Mrs George Davis is not Ient in Stevenson Memorial Hos pital Allisinn INSURANCE Save with State Farms Iow insurance rates for careful drivers See me CHARLIE HEYWORTH nerm St sec HARRY PROMM 3i Oak St PA 64453 STATE FARM MUTUAL Aviormu imnncr rumor CANADIAN HEAD OFFICE TORONTO 25 nunnu gt Whatever your plumbing or heating needs onlyla licensed PMC can sell install and guarantee PMCa licensed Plumbing and Mechanical Contractor Hes Professional the only manfully qualified to select and install Plumbing and heating equip ment Because he sells and installs he is in the unique position of being able to guarantee both the product and workmanship Call licensed Plumbing and Heating Contractor Hell save you time and money AMERICANStandard plumbing boating air conditioning sold installed and guaranteed by professional your licensed PMC

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