Phone Eileen Ian or Notes are Inkndtd to cover the general social life of the city and district Weddings Innrvrnarlu birthdays bridge parties ant coming of Is parties visitor and tro velien are all item Interl ul lo the women redder of this page Your help In sup 9in this news will be greatly appreciated GULF OF MEXICO HOLIDAY Mr and Mrs Herbert Browne Napier Street have returned to the city from five weeks motor tour of the southern United States During visit to Missouri State the traveller were guests at the ranch of Mr and Mrs Van Doren One week of the holiday was spent at the home of Mr and Mrs Snell Corpus Christi Texas highlight at Galveston Tex as was fishing trip on the Gulf of Mexico Enroute home Mr and Mrs Browne were guests of the Southern Yacht Club New Orleans Louisiana and attended the International Star Yacht Club race SOUTHERN HOLIDAY Mr and Mrs Cliff Elrick Park Street have return ed from three weeks vaca tion at Ormond Beach and St Pctershurg Beach Florida The city rcsldents were accompan led on the motor holiday by their soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Brewer of Ottawa RETIREMENT PARTY An open house celebration will be held at the home of Mr and Mrs Douglas Fralick Painswick on Saturday April 21 from 730 to 1030 pm The occasion will mark the retirement of Mrs Frallcks father Frederick Allan Kelsey MISS ELLISON SHOWS Give New Life To Faded Fabrics When the green buds of spring peep around the corner after dreary and grey winter there awakens in most homemakers desire for fresh new guy colors throughout the house You can accomplish color changing job in practically every room in your home with your automatic washer and little dye according to Miss Pat Ellison Frigidaires direc tor of home economics Whole room color schemes can be brightened easily and just as quickly as curtains or drapes Slipcovers shag rugs and the like come from your automatic laundry equipment dyed dried and ready for use again Miss Ellison points out that using the automatic washer to dye household items is one of the most popular homemaking ideas of the year Theres little wonder why Homemakers are finding that for few cents worth of dye they can brighten faded but still serviceable items and keep them in use when otherwise they might have to be discard ed Such items are expensive to replace Most homemakers with an eye on the hardpress ed household budget delight in salvaging $15 or $20 worth of bedspreads nr rugs for mere dollars worth of dye The home economics director says that automatic machine dyeing is simple quick and really effective Because the dye is dispensed automatically underwater results are always the same uniform color with out trace of streaking Almost any garment or any household item can be given colorful new lease on life at any time All the homemaker has to do is follow few sim ple steps Drop the clean clothes to be dyed loosely into the washer tub Make sure that the ar ticles are free of stains before hand Pour allpurpose dye powder right from the package hub JACKET hospital bed jacket often is called nightingale alter Flor BARRIE EmilYER THURSDAY APRIL m2 PEOPLE AND PLACES Audrey Coulsnn PA 6537 511 Item the Canadian NB tionnl Railway alter 50 ycan service Mr Kelsey will make his final run on number from North Bay to Allandale Station Saturday and will be accompanied by his son Fred Jr and grandson Freddie Mr Kelsey was born in this area and attended King Edward School Burton Avenue CALIFORNIA HOLIDAY Mr and Mrs Justin McBride have returned to their Eugenia Street residence after spending threevweeks vacation in Cali fornia The McBride were guests of their soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Wil llnm Schlenslser and family of Baldwin Park While in Lon Angeles the Barrie couple visit ed Marineland Disneyland and many other points of interest VACATION IN MEXICO Mr and Mrs Dennis Moran Anne Street and Mr and Mrs Gordon Spring Codrlngton Street have returned from months motoring holiday to Mexico Visits to Mexico City and Acapulco were highlights of the vacation ENTERTAINMENT Mr and Mrs William Lowe Wellington Street West enter tained in honor of Mr and Mrs Roy Yorke Donald St Saturday evening Mr and Mrs Yorke are leaving the city to reside ln Huntsville Party guests included Mr and Mrs McPherson Mr and Mrs Don McLean Mr and Mrs Frank Ethorlngtnn Mr and Mrs Bill Lennox Mr and Mrs Ray Heaslip Mrs McPherson Mr and Mrs Ron Rinnard Mr and Mrs Ray Osborne all of Barrie Mr and Mrs Gary Richardson Toronto Mr and Mrs Vicktel Arthur Ont PROCEDURE TO MRS into the dispenser cup of the washer then place the dispen ser containing the dye inside the agitator With this intriguing automa tic dye dispenser thero is no need to dissolve the dye before adding it to the filled tub nor is it necessary to go through the muss of straining the dye through cheesecloth The dye dispenser is completely auto matic The homemaker never has to have her lingers in the dye solution nor for that mat ter does she evenhave to get her fingers wet She selects hot water wash and cold water rinse Then she sets the load selector for normal full fill to ensure enough water to permit the clothes to move about freely dunng the coloring process Sturdy materials require complete cycle Lightweight and delicate garments require less agitation time As the washer goes through its cycle the clothes will be evenly dyed and then rinsed In just about 25 to an minutesthey will be ready for the dryer and thats all there is to it To clean the washer after wards let the machine proceed through its cycle with cup of detergent and it cup of liq uid bleach in the dispenser of course you always make sure that any spillovers are wiped off the counter top promptly Actually homemakers can re move bedspread wash dye and dry it and have it back on the bed in only about lit hours The same holds true for WINS ZANY Miss Dorothy iimmonr above models her Banana Split list which won first prize at the zany hat contest held at the meeting of the MOTHER DAUGHTER BANQUET Although some groups favor banquets during Girl Guide week the majority of packs and companies traditionally hold the annual mother and daughter banquet In the spr log The current banquet season was ushered In by sixth Ear rie Brownie Pack on April 12 when mothers were guests Head table guests were Div ision Commissioner Mrs Carter District Commissioner Mrs Gray Mrs Gerry Coughlin president of the Cath olic Womens League Captain Corrlgsll and Lieutenant Saunders of Sixth Barrie Com pany Brown Owl Baker Ninth Barrie Brownies Packy Brenda McMahon and Division Public Relations Secretary Mrs Robert Martin Place cards and centre pieces wero adept creations featuring tosdstools and other brownie symbols all work having been done by Brown Owl Mrs Glorglannl Alter dinner Mrs Carter and Mrs Gray spoke to the as sembled mothers and gifts were presented by the brownies to both commissioners the brown owl packy and Mrs Corrignli It was unfortunate that badge presentation was not possible since the order had been held up in the mall However the girls involved took their disappointment with the usual cheerful brownie smile Division Commissioner Carter was able to enrol one twecnio Sharon Light which helped to lend ceremonial effect to the evening vote of thanks in extend ed from the brownies to all those who helped in making this such memorable occas ion panicularly Brown Owl Giorgianni PARENTS OOMMIITEE The Seventh Barrie Pack Parents Committee met April 16 at the home of Mrs Young with very good at tendance The evening was spent in discussing plans for the an nual banquet to be held on May 16 at 545 pm in St Giles Parish Hall CHOCOLATE BAR BALE Brown Owls Captains and Commissioners gathered at the home of Mrs Robert Martin Steel Street to finalize plans News Of Kempenlelt Division Of The Girl Guides Of Canada Chief Guide Lady Baden Pow HAT CONTEST Beta Sigma Phi Sorority 1h chapeou Miss llmrnonr own creation She Is holding the hat designed by Mrs Doug King of the club sec ond priu winner Ing campaign Guest of the evening was Is McLaughlin salesman of the chocolate bar company who explained the campaign meth ods used previously by other groups and offered useful sales tips COOPERATION NEEDED This year the guides and brownies are being asked to do great deal of extra work in assisting with the Interna tional fund It is essential that parents encourage their daughters to put forth their best effort In this project Where one finds an enthusi astic mother one also finds zealous child Since brownie and guide both promise at their enrol ment to help other people It is only expected that she should do all in her power to live that promise lblr II promise not to be lightly taken If child does notfully understand its impli cation or the parent disagrees with its application the girl should never be enrolled The Girl Guide of Canada have been active and stonde growing since the movement made its Canadian debnt in St Catherine In 1910 Unless an organization has something more to offer than an indulgence in selfish inter ests It cannot prosper The growth of guiding In It self proves that it is valu able asset to the national scene and not just passing whim How can the leaders expect to realiu their shit of load ing the girls on the path of good citizenship and unrewnrd ed service if thwarted by the home It Is unfortunate that parents do not take am to learn the aims and ambitions of the movement hoforl their child ren join Girl Guiding is designed to help girls prepare themselves for happy useful lives with the promise and laws develop ing spiritual value desire to be of service to others and strong sense of Integrity Let us not be guilty of pet ty selfishness but take the lead from the beloved World e11 who insist that there or nto problems only opportun ires This is the opportunity girl need to prove their willingness to be hue girl guide not for the international fund rais llt Installation The April meeting of Ivy Womens Institute was held at the home of Mrs Hoggarth Roll call was answered by 15 members Minutes were read and bus iness descussed Achievement Day for 4H girls will he held in ivy Orange Hall on April 27 at pm All members are invited to attend District annual to be had on May 14 in Churchill United Church Plans were descussed to hold supper for the win ners of the EssaInnisfil School Hockey Club Plans were also made to serve lunch at Applegates sale Convenors gave reports on meetings Mrs Esten Davis was in the chair for election of new of iicers which are as follows President Mrs Henry Davis drapes and slipcovers thanks to modern appliances ence Nightingaln renowned ours tm lrimrnn War First VicePresident Mrs McDermott Second VioePresi Mrs Esten Davis Presides just one who wears uniform 0i Officers dent Mrs Cochrane Scores tary Mrs Reid Treasurer Mrs Chipchaoe Home Economics And Health Mrs Sturgeon Citizen ship and Education Mrs McDermott Agriculture and1 Canadian Industry Mrs Hoggarth Historical Research Miss Dunnlll District Director Mrs Chipchase Press Mrs Car Mrs Iohn McLean Elected President Oi Clowes WI Clown Womens Institute held it April meeting at sin Nor man McLeans home The pres ideni Mrs Fraser opened the meeting the meeting Roll call was payment of fees The motto was wise man changes his mind fool never does Officers elected for the cur rent year are past president Mrs Inwrenc Fraser presi dent Mrs John McLean vice president Mrs Charles Slrnp son second vicevprelidcnt Mrs Kenneth Dicker recre tary Mrs Kcith Leer tress urer Mrs Norman lennel district director Mrs John Ls vendor Conveners agriculture and Canadian Industries Mrs Dee Partridge home economics and health Mrs Peter wardenaor resolutions Mrs Perry Rooney citizenship annd education Mrs Fraser historical research and current events Mrs Leila Dicker public relations Mrl Gordon Shclsweil auditors Mrs Harold Wright and Mrs Charles Simpson Lunch committee Mrs Percy Bonney and Mrs Charles Simp son program committee Mn Mabel Evarett Mrs Charles Simpson Mrs James Partridge Mrs Kenneth Dicker Mrs Bet ty Dyball sick committee Mrs Alfred Benhnm and Mrs Lelia Dicker press secretary Mrs Lavender Hostesses for the meeting were Mn John Beardrall and Mrs Norman lennel Convert Butter To Oil State OTTAWA CPIThere have been 100215629 pounds but ter converted to butter oil slnca March 1958 written Corn mons rcply said Wednesday of this 1752087 pounds of the all have been sold for 31374427 and stocks to date total 76474 292 pounds worth more than $61200000 The Information was given by John Charlton parliamentary secretary to the agriculture minister in reply to John Math eson LLeodsi Butter oil can be turned back to butter and was pressed into use during the butter surplus crisis because It reduces stor age space required No loss has been met on the conversion said the reply AIR CARGO International airline export have forecast zoo per cent In crease in air cargo handling between 1962 and 1m Your Guide to FINEWINE JillLL MARK CREAM SHERRY the perfect choce CHATEAU ltCARTIER THE STILL WINE FOR ALL OCCASIONS ruthers Public Relations Mrs Cochrane Refreshments were served by Mrs Cochrane Mrs Carruthers and Mrs Eaten Dav is who assisted the hostess Planning We to gladly Help you select your entire ding wardrobe colour coordination Advise on accesorioe Reconunend dressmaker 0F EARRIE 16 Collier St IHE PARKDAIE WINES lTD Wedding Make mggentions as to appropriate jwénc Slop PA 37712 Wed YOU MAY THINK ALL MAKES OF DRYERS ARE ALIKE BUT 00K AT All Yflll ill lllflM FlillilllAIllE You get unprecedented reliabili tythanks to the l5Year Life time Test in which Frigidaire Dryers are run day and night to equal 15 years of home use Every engineering development is watched for weakness that mightlead to breakdown during the test and corrected when detected Your 1962 Frigidaire Dryer is as reliable as science can make it Also look for Porcelain enamel ONLY FRIGIDAIRE norms own cuorca or rig mass canvass Flowing Heat System no your cloths are dried quickly safely by blanket of air with no hot spots The Exclusive Filtrntor which means no venting or plumbing is needed and you can connect your dryer anywheva on an inside wulL Nylon Mesh Lint Screen which catches all the lint and is handily located on the dryer door so its easy to remove for clearun Wrinklesaway Wash and Wear set ting that saver you hours of ironing Lima Automatic and timed drying Just match fabric on Cycle Selector to get correct drying time automatimlly or set time for special loads ï¬nish on the drum 180° sideopening door recessed toe space recessed spill guard top on FRIG BUILT BY CANADIANS SEE FOR YOURSELF BARRIE 40 BAYFIELD ST EMMS 47 DUNLOP 51 WEST orvrrs AT no DUNLOP 51s PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS Your Authorized Frigidaire Dealer For Sales and Service HARDWARE lT YOUR AUTHORIZED FItIGIDAIRE DEALER IN BARRIE WE EEATURE SEItVICE AFTER SALES SEE and BIIYtTHE NEW I962 ERIGIDAIRE THE KINGOF VALUES OnorclzR out of Frlgldslrl Dryers hlvd utterlqu mm cycle Selectnl to vs you automatic or times dryn who all mhbls but on ADVANCEDAPPLIANCES DESIGNED wer vou MIND FOR CANADIANS AT YOUR FRIGIDAIRE DEALERS PA 83664 arcnuc ud PA mm li¢lllgn