Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Apr 1962, p. 1

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OUR TELEPHONES For mission Want Ads phone PA Iws lbc telephone LOCAL WEATHER Cloudy some sun some show era Low tonight as High to number to call for the Business marrow is For complete or Editorial Dch is PA 537 Uh aminrr tors 3SLAIN HOLD voum 19 95th YearNo 93 Not More Thsn per Copy28 Page Names Kept Secret During CrimeProbe third Mnflitrsll Blank was to be lenient with accused in Peterhorough gambling CLEO Feeley his partner ioseph hichrmott and former OPP officer Robert Wright of ap pealing recent conviction and lemonth sentences for obtain ing information Illcgslly from police officer Shrubbs lengthy account of his talks with Foeley was still TORONTO CF Another day of namedroppiog occupied the Ontario royal commission on crime Wednesday as It heard detailed evidence of gam blers claimed connections in places Some of the names were dropped in another sense At the insistence of Justice Roach the identities of many of the prominent figures appearing In Wednesdays testi manyI were withheld information emerged from the Constable Jack Shrubb of Petcrborougb former mem ber of the provincial gambling squad about convcr nations in loan with Vincent Fccley convicted gambler Chief Shrubb said Fcclcy testimony of Chief1 pollcc ALLAN STRINGER made his disclosures while at tamptlng to persuade him to 4arraoge fix with Ontario SHRUBB FOrdered gambling clubs Shrubb an anti gambling squad corporal at the time said Feeley told him Mr Blank member of the legislature would set Shrubb up with lucrative service station on Highway 400 if he cooperated with tho gam blers The gamblers had ar ranged with Magistrate Blank for dismissal of gambling case against the Orlllia Athletic Club Ct Another Magistrate Blank had been gotten to on one oc casion when Feeley was or rested To Leave Incomplete when the commis sion adjourned for the day QUOTES ANALYSIE Apart from the various Blanks names are known to the commission Shrubb quoted character anal ysis by Feeley ol two police of ficers whose names were re leased by the commission OPP inspector Allan Stringer of Peterborough was good fellow but would do anything for dollar Cronin then sergeant was taking money from every gambler In the province ness denied allegations in car ller testimony that he was sus pected by some feilowotflcers of passing tips to gamblers oi Impending raids The commission also heard earlier reports that Cronin now retired earneda small for tune for tlpolfs to gamblers Shrubb told the commission he was unable to report In writ ing to his superiors on his meet ings with leelcy because previ ous confidential reports had fal len into unauthorized hands School Girls Hair Rats Nest VANCOUVER CPlA cute lmysarold redhead said Wed nesday she was told to get out of suburban North Vancouver school and stay out until she altered her rats nest hairdo and changed her short skirt Despite the order of princi pal Siddon of Delbrook High School Tuesday Evelina liladiuk returned to school she said she had refused to change her dress or hair style and has the backing of her father second girl Wannie Parr 16 was also ordered out of her Grade 11 class Her mothEr Mrs Parr says she re turned with her hair down The rats nest is styling in which the hair is combed high above the head Evelina said In an Interview she had been warned for the last two weeks about her man ner of dress and hairstyling ller lather had received lot tar from the principal saying she had resisted all attempts to change and that if she came to school Tuesday without making the required changes she would be scuthome Her father Joe Madiuk had escorted her to school and she remained there Mr Siddon declined to com ment Will Investigate Oil Company Deal OTTAWA CF Service station retail practices by some oil companies should be coun tered through amendments to the Combines Investigation Act said report of the Restrictive Tr ad Practices Commission made public today Some arrangements cannot be economically justified in terms of benefit to the public it said They created cost increasing tendency There should be pro hibition of exclusive dealing and tying arrangements which are likely to lessen competition substantially tend to create monopoly or exclude competiv tors from market to signi ficant degree The report dealt with an in quiry into distribution and sale of automotive oils greases antifreeze additives tires bat teries accessories and related products public hearing here last September followed an investi gation into the situation started In 1953 Evidence before the comma sion from retail and supply spokesmen said that some ser vice stations are restricted by oil companies in the brand of accessories they can other the public MINISTER WILL STUDY Justice Minister Fulton in statement accompanying the re port today said its recommen dations would receive careful study and consideration Three specific practices were under scrutiny One is called fullline forc ing under which supplier such as an oil company agrees to sell or lease commodity to the buyerin this case service stationon condition that full line of other items is accepted Another is called directed buying supplier agrees to sell or lease commodity on con dition that the buyer takes an other saies item from source specified by the seller The third arrangement is the marketaccess agreement under which an oil company would ob tain accessories for its service stations from selected sup plierin exchange for special commission on all such sales made to those service stations Police Rounding Up Students For PrePeron Suppdrt Action BUENDS AIBES Reuters Police began roundup of labor and leftwing student leaders to day after the armed forces de manded action by the Argentine government of PresidentJose Maria Guido against supporters of elldictator Juan Peron Downtown Buenns Aires was quiet despite the arrests which took place in the capital as well as inland cities Presidential secretary Alejan dro Barax told reporters some information on the arrests would be available from the overnmeot later The armed forces ultimatum which expired this morning was reported to have demanded that all elected provincial au orittes be replaced by federal administrators and that Peron ista deputies elected last month be prevented from taking their seats in provincial and federal legislatures It also insisted that ban be placed on all Pcronista activi ties in Argentina The secretaries of the three hranchesof the armed forces drove to Guidos residence sev eral hours after midnight fol lowing series of meetings with service chiefs The armed forces move ttnmed the clock back 20 days ago when the service chiefs ousted and imprisoned Guldos predecessor and close friend Arturo Frondizi because he refused to implement their antiPeronisla dictates lifr Siddons orders follow the release of parentteachers us sociation survey in which tbs majority of 2287 North Van couver parents favored stand ardized school dyess including on the anti gambling squad lnsp Stringer previous wit GARY ALEXANDER Mc Gorkell rides in car between two detectives last night in New Tomato after two boys were found dead on the sec ond floor of warehouse McCorkcli 19 shipper was charged with murder He was charged four hours after the bodies of Michael Atkinson and Ronald MacLeod were found following his re port to police CP Wire photo blouses cardigans or pullover sweaters ankle or knee length socks lcotards in cold weather oxfords loafers or saddle shoes and neutral lipstick Extreme hairstyling shccr fabrics short or tight skirts tight sweaters nylons high heels sandals nail polish and makeup other than lipstick were vetoed WONT PUBLIS Tomorrow Good Friday The Examiner will not be published Publication will resume Saturday April 21 OTTAWA tCPlMore than dozen items of announced gov ernment business died on the Commons agenda Wednesday when Parliament packed its bags for the June It general election The stillborn legislative plans included retirement of senators present and future at age 75 thus ending the present system of lifetime appointments other items include Establishment of an electoral boundariQs commission to re draw federal constituencies Extension for another year of the Freight Rates Reduction Act and provision of further 515000000 subsidy Amendment of the Post Office Boy Calls Santa Communist RCMP llcls Fulton Apologizes WINNIPEG CP police interview of in Winnipeg school boy has been termed mistake by the RCMP and Justice Min ister Fulton Alex Sandy Lamb 15 was questioned by an RCMP olficer at Vincent Massey High School Feb 19 about his political be liefs Mrs Mildred Lamb the boys mother said the halfhour in terview occurred month after the publication of letter from Alex in the Winnipeg Tribune The satirical letter attacking right wing viewpoint sug gested that Santa Claus was Communist because he distrib uted free gifts Quoting her son Mrs Lamb said the RCMP officer dressed in plain clothes bad branded her and her husband as sub versives WOULD BE BRANDED Alex was told the RCMP wouldrnake point of branding him security risk to any pros pective employer unless he iorsonk his parcnts belieisl Mrs Lamb said she sent letter of complaint to Mr Ful ton In Vancouver Tuesday Mr Fulton was quoted as saying letter of apology has been sent to Mrs Lamb We received complaint he added We found an over zealous member of the force had stepped outside lice rou tine in having this in rview at an Later in Winnipeg RCMP Su perintendent Cruickshank said the boy was mistakenly in terviewed by junior officer This action was contrary to all our established policies he added and the interviewing of ficer had gone to the collegiate without permission The Lambs operate summer ¢amp near Kenora but live in Winnipeg in the winter Answering reporters ques tions she described herself as worker for peace and it was nobodys business but her own whether or not she was Communist Her sons letter published Jan 13 said tongueincheek it was an underhanded tactic for Santa Claus to give gifts away free his loathsome practice he wrote so contrary to the very spirit of free enterprise is so cialism which is as we all know indistinguishable from commu nism Act to eliminate for all publica tions the local delivery postage rates Provision for payment by fed eral Crown corporations of pro vincial sales tax Authorization for the governlt ment to purchase securities of the international Monetary Fund to help maintain stability in exchange markets Then there was the order pa pers provision for the regular Dozen Items Of Business Die OneAgenda OiHoiise sixsday deba on the budget which time not permit Tax changes made by the budget still will take effect but the next Parliament will have to introduce retroactive legisla tion if the budget proposals are to stand Left hanginggalso were pro posed tax and taritfmeasures to curb the flow of Canadian advertising dollars to foreign magazines licenses ustice Minister Oi Running Away From Duty OTTAWA CP Senator JeanFrancois Pooliut accused Justice Minister Fulton Wednes day of running away from his official duties as guardian of the law The accusation created sharp clash in the usually se rene Senate between the Quebec Liberal senator and Senator Wa Aseltine government House leader Senator Aseltine in an unus ual outburst of anger said that Senator Poullots charge is ab solutely unfounded The clash arose as result of question placed on the Sen ate order paper several weeks ago by Senator Pouliot In the question Senator Pouliot seeks information from the govern ment to support his contention that only the Parliament of Canada can graht divorces and Martha OHara widowisd tuner loundiand are illegal tawa Gold Mners Feared Dead cassa Gold Mine here tically to find the men was not known were ahve or dead It was the first rockburst in the mines amyear history and what exactly happened was mystery mine officials said The two drillers were work ing in remote corner of the mine onthe am to pm shift The rock fall was discovered by shift boss Bill Junttila and mine captain Gillespie on routine lsnpectl KIRKLAND LAKE Highways department official and two officers of construc lion firm have been charged eminent funds Charged are Tracy Swath psi engineer Liskeard area git of the allfare Construction Com Mrs OHares foreman pany and Alfred Harris mat divor by provincial courts which exist in all prov incea except Quebec and New Senator Aseltinc said Tuesday that Justice Minister Fulton is absent in Western Canada and that an answer could not be provided until his return to 0b KIRKLAND LAKE CPI Two men were trapped early today in rockburst deep in the Ma Miners were digging fran They were trapped in small tunnel below the 4200ltfoot level and it whether they day based Ion promises versus no Fraud Charges gressive Conservatives by 58 EFacsng Three to 25 Mr Wintermeyer rose to at tacklirst He waded into the government on its role during the celebratedbattle of the Bodies Found Living On Bed Where Accused Lad Worked TORONTO CP curly haired youth of is was arrested Wednesday night and charged with the capital murder of two little boys whose bodies were found in suburban furniture warehouse few hours earlier Charged in the deaths of Michael Atkinson and Run ald Machod was Gary Alexander McCorkell The chil dren disappeared around dinner time while playing llicCorkeil worked as ship per In the warehouse in New Toronto and reported finding the boys dead in the building The children apparently died of strangulation or asphyxia tion An autopsy was scheduled today Chief James lllacltey of the Metropolitan Toronto police do partment said he believed the boys were smothered and may have been indecentiy assaulted LAKES FIVE HOURS Top homicide detectives and about to other officers swung into fivehour investigation when the slayings were re ported The bodies were on the second floor of the Roberts Furniture Limited warehouse The boys had been killed within sight of their homes on Lake shore Boulevard West The children were reported missing by their parents Mr and Mrs Charles Atkinson and Mr and Mrs Daniel Marlcod at pm Police and neighbors of thaparcnumade quick Meanwhile youth was seek ing help from the Lnkeshot Hospital next door to the ware house hospital orderly hur ried into the warehouse estab lished that the two boys were dead and called police Michael and Ronald were last seen alive at 345 pm when Mrs Mary Bruce Michaels mandmothcr gave them and four of their playmates some cookies James Sheffield who lives in the same apartment building as Michaels parents said he was looking out his window when he saw young man pounding on the rear door of the hospital SEES TWO RUNNING man came to the door theyitalked and then the man closed the door The youth just stood there as if lost and Hum the man came running around from the hospital and they both Ian to the warehouse The orderly Wilfred Sheehan told police he found the boys iullyclothed on the bed Police hit the quiet suburban area in full force The area around the brick warehouse was sealed off before many residents knew of the incident Chief Mackey said the dill dren often played together in the lane leading to the ware house and believed they were taken into the building altar curiousin led them to the ship ping room door There are two surviving chil housetobouss check without success dren in tho MacLeod family and one in the Atkinson family Say Medical Plan Maior Advance OTTAWA tCPlTho Liberal party today unveiled medical care plan which it said would entitle all residents of Canada to doctor and diagnostic serv ices Liberal Leader Pearson said the plan represented major social advance it was flexible and realistic and based on co operation with the provinces There will be the closest cosh sultation with the medical pro fession Mr Pearson said in statement if everyone joined the plan the cost of the federal treasury would be somewhat over 5200 000000 in the first year said pamphlet outlining the Lib eral program This will not mean any large burden on the economy because people and corpora tions are paying most of the costs in one way and another now In an expanding economy we can afford the extra costs for better health care Anyone whowisbed to make desk thumpingpunctuatad spir ited windup speeches Wednes Premier Robarlsand Liberal Leader Winterrneyer as the 26th Parliament of Ontario prorogued Both leaders look purely po litical tack Their pithy battle tions ended in noisy desk bangi when combined Lib an NewDemocratic Party vat of no confidence in the economists on sales tax plans He said the government nevergot off thegroun in trying to debunk ed oamost itemsup to $5 opposing highways department mu without destroying the govern cos mmts government was lost to the Pro his own arrangements would be free to do so Doctor services would be pro vided without charge to all chil dren up to age 16 to most re tired people and to the unem ployed For all others the plan will cover doctor bills above low annual cost There will be no charge to anyone who does not go to doctor Liberal action will take fear out of health costs said the pamphlet The maximum amount of doctor bills that any one will be required to pay will be small but it will be safe guard against unreasonable de mands for attention How these payments are made will be arranged in agree ment with the provinces They will be designed to cover rather less than half of the total cost of medical care The government would pay the rest of the cost from general revenue Leaders Speclk Members Thump ronomo CP Staccato Mr Wintcrmeyers next tar get was the governments great visio of northern devel opment the beginning of this ses sion vtbegovernment promised grandon development scheme Instanti it is investing $140iltlv ooo loss this year on northern highways ln 1r erencc to government legislation which Hydro strike he sat Sensible acliun ivould have evented 11thhour compulsory arbitration and this scar would not havebcen on the face of out no DE ENDS SPEAKER Mr Robarts launched his vcounter attack by defending Speaker William Murdoch Es sex Sqilth against charges that he favored the government benches in bi rulings Hi also debunked charges

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