IITfll 11AM EXAMINER mmnn AYRIL 15 use SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS BEETON Mr and Mrs Brennand and lamily oi Kirkiield visited air and Mrs Bob Veldash during the weekend Mr and lira Wilfred Service were in Toronto Sunday to visit the lattera brother Henry Vestiake who is patient in Weatcm Hospital Toronto Mrs Cecil Reynolds Monday in Toronto lilr and Mrs Clubine Stouiivlllc were guests oI hire Wiggins Tuesday Mr and Mrs llutchlson Toronto visited lilr and liira Earl llammell Thursday Betty Hill daughter oI Mr and Mrs Hill is patient In Royal Victoria Hospital Enr no Mr and ltlrl Boyce Tor spent onto visited the latters sister Inn Rae Sunday Mrs George Giilham at Al liston spent few dnya dur ing the past week with Mr and Mrs Basil Thompson Mr an Mrs BI Neibler and Iamily visited Mr and Mn 31 Bull and family Sun day Several from town attended the auction sale on Saturday at the home oi Mr and Mr Harry Potter lottcnham hit and Mrs Cliiiord Hutch lson at Toronto spent Saturday with hlr and hire Earl Hnm mell 5T PAULS GUILD The Guild St Pauls Ang lican Church held meeting on Monday evening April at the home of Mrs Bayo ton with large number oi members preeent President Mn Boynlon presided Men here read the story ot the Anglican Church and scriptur reading by hlrs Hurst Mrs Cole gave talk on Histories oi Libraries Past and Present social hour allow ed with lunah served by lilra Boynton and Mrs Carleton an and hire Elwood Nichol Bruce Nichol Mr and hits Lloyd Nichol and Debbie at landed the funeral oi Mrs Nichol Barrie in Bradiord Sunday GILFORD Some memberl oi Gillord WI were at the summary day in Collier Street United Church hall Barrie Thursday alter noon Some Giltord people were guests at the curling banquet in Churchill hall Friday even Log The Union present ed their play in Guthrie hall Friday evening April The Plays will be given to Church Ill Hall Wednesday April 21 The local eunhre club met the home at Mr and Mrs Paul Russell Saturday evening April 14 Prile winners were Bin Keith Kell hirs Frank Todd Frank Todd and Jack Hughes Mr and Mrs Sherman Todd and Marjorie visited at Murray Warnicas Sunday OILFORD UNITED CHURCH WOMEN The April meeting of Gillnrd United Church VnmEn was held at the home at lira Norman Kirby Thursday April 12 at pm There were 30 at the meeting the largest attendance oI the new organization Meet ing opened with worship ser vice led by Mrs Frank Kell assisted by Mrs Sawyer and lilra Kell Committee reports were given by lilrs Nesbitt and Mrs Grenville Hughes Mrs George Nesbitt and him Bob Alla sang duet Topic oi the program taken by hits Neilly was Old and New Canadiansthe Rich Mixture and the thenin was how the church can as list new Canadians May meet ing will be held at the home oi Mrs Frank Keli Thursday May l0 at pm nll ladies welcome YOUNG PEOPLES UNION The Young People met at the home of llurray and Carol Graham Sunday evening April 15 with an attendance at 22 Eddie Russell read the Strip ture Brenda Allan was conven er lor the medium Those liv ing readinga were Evaleen Sawyer Murray Spence and Carol Graham Next meeting will be at Eddie Russells HUGE UNIVERSITY Mexicos National University claims the largtt enrolment in the world with 90000 students aroma By MES ALLEN MILLER Mn Jack Ellis in making satislactory recovery in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Mrs Neil hiorria and twin sons George and Gary lelt by It Canadian Friday to visit sister Mrs Morris who is very ill in Vancouver National league pivotivlloc key at present taking the at tention of sport tans has cur GRADE tailed the weekly Euchre crowd Ten tath this week and the allowing were prile thinners rnen Bill McFadden Ken well and McCann lad ies Irene Coleman Rita liar rison and Ida Holmes Mr and Mn Hector niro hull wire in Alliston with the Allan Gibson Sunday for erthday dinner Air and Mrs Maurice Miller spent Sunday with triends in Toronto BROILERS OR YOUNG HENS TO 14 rouno AVERAGE 45c GRAND WITH HAM OR POULTRY Ocean Spray Whole or Jlliild CRANBERRY SAUCE 27flozlim27t COOKED READY toSERVE SMOKED HAMS SHANK PORTION BUTT PORTION WHOLE HAMS Centre Cuts or Steaks 43¢ 53 issc 2791 HALE 159 Fresh Killed Genuine Spring IAM 79 Pofllrhoulï¬ Birloln Wing Red Build STEAKS or ROASTS lb 97¢ Eurnl all 3X Brand aunOPRIIIIL AII MIII Brown SIN niscoum ERS 45 SAUSAGE PATTIES SPECIAL SHOP THE BOYS DEPTI SEE THE THRIFT VALUES FOR EASTER SPRING SPORT COATS 1099 1299 WOOLLEN RAYON BLEND featuring popular checks Sim um and N34 tier 636 616 Lined No Cantu Cline Removed SHANK HAL DRESS SLACKS SIZES 2443 vaulted in ND blue brown and laden Been Worsted ï¬nish rayonnylon In Basket ROAST CROPS erw cuts IX Blind BEAUTIFUL BELLSHAPE POLISH SAUSAGE STRAWS AT BUDGET PRICES 499 599 CHIC CHARMING CLOCHE bellshape hats and trim pillbox styles are featured at Zellers in the seasons new bulky straws Flower and ribbon trims White black and dozens of springfresh colours BAkERY SPECIALS JANE PARKER RHUBARB PIE 24 ounce pie CANNED rooos SALE CHOICE CREAM GTVLE AP CORN INF tins for IOO Rep Ina an save 11 mums DISCOUNT 1r PRICE MART F0 TE YOUNGEST SMART SET TINYPRICED HATandBAG SET 99 FrancoAmerican Ran in agoaava 17o MACARONI 15floz ï¬ns $100 Aar Pinupple nu tin zoosave 11 GRAPEFRUIT DRINK 48floz tins $100 cholee Quality my on 21osAve 22a AP PEAS lOfloz tins $100 Ian Brand Reg it IlsaSAVE 1k PEACHES 520floz tins $100 Juno Parker SPANISH BAR CAKE Jane Parker VIENNA BREAD Jane Parker HOT CROSS BUNS Reg MAVE 10 each 29 Ron zaoaavs 4e 240 loaf 19 pkg of 33 188 OPEN THURSDAY NlGHT Till pm IN WHITE and PASTELS CHINSTBAP BONNET OF LACE and NYLON RUCHING ADJUSTABLE HEAD SIZES FOR AGES To ï¬x white awm Whit or Golound TOILET TISSUE pkaot4mns49 Calvin 15c Off EPEOIALI PINK VEI IIQUID tingsizaplasitcul99 Libbyls Dolp Brown in Tomato Sauce SPECIALI BAKED BEANS Ron SiloSAVE 4n FRESH FRUITS oml VEGETABLES mumnth Long omn No1 and SMART NEW cAsuALS GOODS SATISFACTORY BUY NOW AND PAY LATER ANDS BUTS OR YOUR MONEY CEEERFULLY REFUNDED OVELY FOR DRESSUP SIZES iGX Dan River cottons and allnylon dram in this hhriflpnic eti group Rayon taffeta 5111 With the nylon dress es Gram variety in pastel colourings Choose aow and alloeam ARNEL JACKET skel ched above featured in white with red or navy aka all white Sines IDIfl ARNEL SKIRT sketch ed above permanent pleats all around Black cherry bud hristow blue pisoanln 399 1018 ASK ABOUT ZELLERS CHARGE IT PLANS Convenient No Down Paymenl WE HAVE BARRIES lARGEST ASSORTMENL BASKETS ANp PRICED FROM 05 lo 299 ANADIANS or EASTER NOVELTIES SPARAGUS 29 Red Spanlah No1 Grade Jumbo Slu VI PINEAPPLES 389c Oniarlo Grown Fancy Grade controlled Aimosphlr APPLES MelNTOSH hallo bag 39¢ California Full of Juice Funny Grade lie tube ol men119 California No Siado Tender Sweet bunches 29 1H no SEW roen Vllll PlydEEIanaITullpa anthem Hymth many others Largo Elohim No Grade Vlrloul Bnloure CHRYSANTIIEMUMS1CEED 41199 not PIIM In Full Bloom Ma dd99 POTTED POLYANTIIUS IOUoz tins Orange Grnpn or Florida Fruit Punch Remtln fleBAVE II HlC BEVERAGES 3sa1oo BOKAR COFFEE SALE 1LB BAG SLB BAG 65 137 Rip 09¢ SAVE Run 09 SAVE 1B STORE HOURS WED 900 1200 Noon THURS OPEN pm CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY SAT 830 an pm MON TUESV900 am 600 pm it Sensual no Pelee In no Ad Gunnull Threuoh snarey April at 1952