Enision of the Womens lastilt tutu Rev Harper acted as chairman Ken Smith presented the trophy to Mldr nel Harper captain on behali fSIMCOE COUNTY NEWS ELMVALE By ll TERRY LoaA socrAL EYENNG An enjoyable evening was held in the Orange llall Fri day when it tables of euchre were in progress winners were high score Mrs ing ieton Mrs McFadden Mrs Rowley and Russell lilcElv wa door prize Mrs Rit chie travelling prizes Mrs Hall and Airs Rowicy Wal lu Kitsemetry won box ol candy For seasons nigh Mrs Martin and Clarence Ritchie Lone hand Miss Edna hicQunrrie Lunch was sencd to conclude pleasant evening wF Burnstead recently purch ased lot west of the village on highway 92 and building operations have commenced on new home PRESBYTERIAN WATS Mrs McGuire and Mrs McGuire were hosleses or the March meeting of Elm vnle Presbyterian church wars Mrs Ritchie lEd in de votions Mrs Stephenson was leader in presenting the chapter Churches In Downtown Areas lrom the WMS study book She was assisted by Mrs Lorne Drysdnle Mrs Black Miss Richardson and Miss Elrick it was learned that many problems of dorm town churches are common such as lock of new members and interest in church Mrs Stephenson led in thought pmvnking discussion on how all could foster interest in the nork of the church President Mrs McGuire announced CGT ailiiiatinn service for March 29 invitations were received from Hillsdale and Allnndaie Mrs McLean gave the oiiertory prayer and Mrs Currie closed the meeting with prayer The hostesses assisted by the committee served afternoon tea when members enioyed the Snowclogged driveways mud chores are no problem lor the sensational new Scout With all wheels WhCo neuron Punk digging in for traction theScout can go 02 Pkg c2903 saint ggireggngllogdjmagng Pickuph fbox has FRENCHS scALLoPEn Ehcone LIevIo an mm mm smug or most POTATOES nErEIIoEIIr The Scout will do 101 jobs to save you money no lighben your loadme snowplowing and winching to hauling seed and fertilizer The rugged versatile scom is far ahead for comm IllIII STAMPS EXTRA all STAMPS an wttoCo Johannes retuv an fliggtgzoscgtgr 110 ch wheelbase and fingertip steering tritium wï¬gufltwflm scary mmwmpmm wacuumkh peasure to drive to town WHEELBARIOW BABY Rgï¬fgflugw $355me Tm Agenfl BJIEENWEXII sauna cHEEsE SARIIINES llllcE MARGARINE cussss om Coupon Exp Apr as In coupon Ian Apr as on Coupon Exp Apr ALTHOUGH THE SCOUT IS NOT YET AVAILABLE IN oANApA ORDER rooms AND INFORMATION MAY on OBTAINED mom In HART YOUR INTERNATIONAL DEALER NE Cellfl Pkfll all flulld Mi FOIY III wnh Cl¢hplu notion Ispiliuous Form 3mm SOGKS DUNLOP Dell Coupon Exp no 25 on Coupon Exp nor In Coupon Exp Apr can HART YOUR INTERNATIONAL DEALER iNE AND Cérraaas he opportunity to Isit with hirs McGuire CURLERS BANQUET successiul season at curling ended and banquet as held Wednesday air at the Logion Hall when over we sat down to bountiiul supper served by ladies the Canadian Le gion Auxiliary Following short program draw was made or tailorvmade suit and won by Mrs Malcolm Mb Ginnis Mrs Cooper has said lot on the north side oi Stone street and in the near luture through the cooperation ol the TorontoDominion Bank and Ernie Brown the village of Eimvale will open new parking lot This will be great service to customers at the store and also lor custom ers and stall when the new bank is completed Mr and Mrs Man ning and Mr and Mrs Spears attended the lunerai service Wednesday or George Thomp son of Orangevllleï¬ Miss Karen Thompson Tor onto spent the weekend with her mother Mrs Thompson and was guest at the Burns Jnrdan wedding Mrs Howard Hammer Tor onto spent the weekend with Mrs Ritchie Congratulations are extended to Mr and Mrs Donald Burns nee Ermaiene Jordan who were married April 14 by BARRIE HEATING FUELS Phone PA 6653 DOLLAR SAVING EN DURANCE is built rtzht into Lise new Inldstxr Line Never before so many practical money saving Improvement been altered in any new line 01 trucks Full depth rain from bumper to rear lprtngs just one example From the 1500 and 1700 to the 00 Ear Ics theyre Lilo most HIE god most economical medium honvy duty tmoko ever built dy Lanes and inthefie1d CLOVERLEAF Rev Decide at the Ang lican Church Mr and Mrs Edgar Beardl sail returned from Florida at the end oi the week alter threemonth holiday IVY By MRS WILiIER WILSON HONOR HOCKEY TEAM Saturday evening April it the community oi Ivy paid tribute to the boys at ivy School who won the trophy in the Essalnnislil School Hockey thanked th crest 0a behal oi key trophies oi LOL 50 Michael coertc ladies at the Womens institute and oil in th Arnold commended the boys and he and Clarence Hosearth presented each player with Harper enin Jaws the hockey team to show the boys appre elation to their coach and as sistant coach Michael Harper presented Clarence Haggard and Ron lloggarth presented Davis Arnold with small hoc CERIST CHURCH SERVICES The Blessing oi the palms lengue or the 156162 season nnd communion took place at Christ The evening began with al Church pot luck supper under the sup April 15 with large congre Sunl gation Good Friday senice will be at nrn and Easter Sunday service will be held at 1030 arn Please note Lh change of time for Easter Sun day service IN NORTHWEST FORCES Mr and Mrs Jack Wilson Barrie and Air and Mrs WtL mer Wilson attended the tuner al at their uncle Alexander Wilson in Tomato Saturday April it Alexander Wilson nos 95 born at Thornton was one of the last survivors ol the Riel Rebellion Joining the Northwest Field Forces 35th battalion in 18215 He was Jack Jennctl was at the member or the independent Richmond mil were Sunday GRAVE PREDICTION order at Foresters and all guests of Mr and tire hbme 01 and mm Fmd About45000 new cm Ornngamon With LOL 54 McQuay Bliss Bell Toronto and Bell Dunmille were weekend some with their parents Mr and Mrs Robert ilephis Windsor and Bell Walker Avin were recent guests with Mrs Sam Alien Sympathy is extended to Mrs Andrew McGlnnis in the death of her mother Mrs Richard Hoskin Oshawa Mr and Mrs Robert Muir Anderson Mr and Mrs Harry Tubman and family Elmvole were Sun day guests at Mr nines Strolh CROSSLAND By MRS SAM ALLEN TEE BARRIZ EXAMINER WEDNLSDAY APRIL UTOPIA By MRS WILLIAM GODOP Visitors with Mr and Mrs John Mason last week were lr and Mrs Sandy Dempster Mrs ti Dempstcr lr and Airs Neil Deinpeter and Bill Mr and Mrs Fred Ross on lamily visited with Mr and Mrs Clark Ross at Oro on Sunday ur and Mrs Exell um Aliss Karen Partridge spent Mr and Mrs Johnny Muir the weekend with Shirly Ross next Friday April 20 st eleven oclock Mr and Mrs Arnold iiuir were at Creemore last week to attend Ross Jnrdins sale Bob Jackson oi Toronto visit ed at Air and sire Borden Jennetts during the weekend Mr and hire Bill Ex and isiled hank Exell Fri day evening Saturday evening visitors wtlh nicCann inst Wednesday Mrs Robinson and Wesley were at the home at Mr and Mrs Vivian McCann last week and Mrsl There will be mmmunlnn lservice at the Anglican Church cer will be diagnosed this year the Canadian Cancer Society predicts All adults are urged to have an annual health check up and to support the society April campaign EXTRA KIT GREEN STAMPS Wm coupon Purchase at Coupon exp Apr EXTRA Dull GIIIN STAMPS With coupon km on Pair Foil Fuhlflned Seamless av smten Beauty Sheer NYLONS D3 Coupon Exp Apr 35 with Coupon Purchase or or on ex nn own9 Fratn OliANGE JDIOE ms coupon Exp Apr Witt Coupon Putchain om PIr Plain or worn union EXTRA Ill GREEN STAMPS lOBLNWS Gaston lnl mas FIOM cALIFoRIIIAI more watts HEADS FRESH cautlrtowen GARDEN FRESH Ron Plenum no mm Purchase cEtEIIv srAtIrson23 we sox Hts Pko tromny Continental WANT Pownsaso BNOOOLATES NIJMILIl with Coupon Purchase rwo tom Pkgr Aylmei Funey Frozen GREEN BEANS ms coupon tarp Apr 25 with coupon or Putcone with Coupon Purchase sax Jar TRuMPsr Instant toffee DI coupon Exp Apr 25 FIOM my 115an woke me MEN REM TREAT SUGAR SWEET PINEAPPLES new ester mu cutter Lissch mm mm cnIsP with Coupon Purchase Two aon caku cote PINK or Adult DIAL SOAP VICoupankpAprfl STORE HOURS to April 19 900 son 12 Noon OPEN THURS APRIL 19 900 am llL 900 pm CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY 5st April 2i 830 am pm Mon April 13 900 am pan Tues April 24 900 am pm IdatAw aunurv sees urn was 49 aunt tlï¬iliï¬lsï¬ 456 I302 GRADE MEDIUM Dex BLUEBELI 42 AT LEAST Two or Tfll mva was AVAflAILI let us can PDODDCE ALWAYS DEPENDABLE ALWAYS lDESlll 29° man an Am cannot LARGE SIZE 79° is 39 SWEETI With Coupon Purchase 9oz Tin JOHNSONS BABY POWDER DB Coupon Exp Am 25 With Coupon 54 Purchase Lax Tin LITTLE IEO KEN aoNELEss ONIGKEN D0 Coupon Elm Apr 15 With Coupon Purchase 169 cIlo ka IN SHELL Beaver Peanuts DII Coupon Brut Apr ms coupon Earp Apr D14 Coupon Exp Apr as With Coupon Purchau Two 9m Jars Raspberry tarStrawberry WETNEVS JAM ms coupon Exp Apr 25 won Coupon Purchase Im Pkg BETTY CROCKER HDMDGENIZED PIE onusr MIX mo Coupon taro Aor as sxm tum GREEN swan With Coupon Purchase Wm Coupon Pumhnae n23 Coupon 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