KITCHEN GOSSIP By cuch DIXON SPECIAL DESSERT In the lyrics of the song Easter Parade theres line that goes could write sonnet about your Easter Bonnet Irving Berlin probably wasnt thinking about edible milllnery when he wrote the words but his senti ments will be echoed by anyone sampling slice of this luscious Easter Chapeau Cake Its twolayer cake with batter mixed in the bowl which means that the cake can be made in jig time and theres hardly any washing up to do afterwards thats what like about it Apricot nectar adds re freshing and flavorful note to the cake and frosting and provides an interesting complement to the apricot Jam filling To make the hat the unfrosted cake is placed on an inverted plate or cardboard round The crown and brim are then frosted and before the icing has chance to set it Is marked with fork to simulate straw hat As final touch the hat brim may be trimmed with tinted shredded coconut or few fresh flowers Now as the French sny voila you have centre piece that is decorative distinctive delicious and dif ferent EASTER CHAPEAU CAKE Yield One 8inch round zlayer cake 123 cups oncesifted allpurpose flour or cups oncesifted pastry flour 14 cups fine granulated sugar 12 teaspoon salt 13 cup soft shortening cup apricot nectar cup milk eggs 12 teaspoon vanilla Va teaspoon almond extract teaspoons baking powder 12 cup apricot jam Grease two 8inch round layercake pans and line in the bottom with greased waxed paper Preheat oven to 375 deg moderately hot Sift together into mixing bowl the allpurpose or pastry flour sugar and salt add shortening apricot nactar and milk Eeat with an electric mixerset at medium speed for minutes or with wooden spoon for 300 strokes Add eggs vanilla and almond extract sprinkle with baking powder Beat batter for minutes more on electric mixer or for 300 strokes with spoon Turn batter into prepared pans and spread evenly Bake In preheated oven 25 to 30 minutes Stand cakes in their pans on wire racks for 10 minutes then turn out cakes onto racks and peel off paper Allow cakes to cool completely Put cold cakes together with filling of apricot jam Place filled cake on 10 or 12inch inverted plate or round of cardboard covered with waxed paper the plate or cardboard becomes the brim of the hat Cover cake and hatbrim with the following Apricot 7Minute Frosting and then before the frosting sets mark it with fork to simulate straw hat Decorate the hatbrim with tinted shredded coconut or with few fresh flowers Apricot 7hllnute Frosting Yield Sufficient frosting to cover 2layer 8inch round cake and hatbrim egg whites 112 cups fine granulated sugar 13 cup apricot nectar 12 teaspoon vanilla teaspoon almond extract Yellow food coloring Combine egg whites sugar and apricot nectar in top of double boiler Place over boiling water and beat with an electric mixer set at high speed or with hand rotary beater until the frosting will stand in peaks about minutes with electric mixer minutes with hand rotary beater Remove from heat add vanilla and almond extract and continue to beat until the frosting is of spreading consistency Tint delicately with yellow food coloring ihe cigars at once They seemed MAYOR COOKE knock at your door any time during the next two weeks could be girl guide or brownie calling to ask ANN LANDERS The Tie That Binds Needs Legal Untying Dear Ann lm woman in my fills and have been separated from my husband for four years iNo children divorce is pending but my husband is an orncry pole cat and hes do ing everything in his power to slow things down in the hope lll get discouraged and give up My family feels it is wrong for me to go out with single men They say it doesnt look nice say woman whose di vorce is pending is not married and she should accept dates if she vanis to lm moral person and am not doing anyihing wrong All want is good company Sweat ing out divorce is depressing enough without living like re close Please give me your usual hroadminded advice so my family will get off my back FEELING VERY SINGLE Dear Feeling Very Single Sorry Toots youre still plenty married woman who values hcr reg uiation waits until she is legally unwound before she begins to step around YOURE THE BOSS Dcnr Ann Lenders Our son who is 16 had some buddies over last Sunday afternoon smelled peculiar odorlike burning inner tube It seemed in be coming from the recrea iion room where the boys were so went down to check was shocked to see three of the isyeareolds my son was not one of them smoking cig ars One kid looked little blue around the gills ordered the boys to put out very embarrassed put out the cigars and left shortly after lily son is furious with me He says the parents oi these kids know they smoke cigars once in while and dont mind He further expressed the opin ion that it is not my place to tell other peoples kids what they can or cannot do What do you say MRS DICTATOR Dear Mrs say you are right Mother If these 16year old kids are smoking cigars with the knowledge of their par cnts let them smoke In their own homes You not only have the rightbut the rcspansibiliiy to decide what will be per miiied in your home CREDIT RATING Jenr Ann Lnndcrs Youre nuts Your advice lo the 25 yearold bachelor lo marry the girlshes gem was ridicu lous This uycnrold dame ad mitted she was looking for se curity She wanted to know what the guy had in the bank what his credit rating was and if he had any bad debts As for her credentials she was bright attractive an excellent cook housekeeper and iaundress but she wouldnt let him move into her place and prove it Well bully for her No man in his right mind would marry woman so con cerned with his financial status You love person nota credit raiing Such cold mercenary female could not be warm loving companion Shes just on adding mnchine MPLS Dear Mpls People get mar ried for dumber reasons than Miss AddingtMachine of 1962 and hear from them all the lime The woman who write oom plain because the Great Lover or The Swell Dancer is ï¬re onsible undcpendable and oten alcoholic The men who write complain the Dresden Doll cant cook has no conception of how to handle money and is general slob woman who is warm and loving puts some of her warmth and love into making house home man who really cares gives his family security So dont try to sell me on that clapirap about loving person and not his credit rating Often credit rating is pretty good clue to other things Confidential to MUST KNOW Unless your girl friend is doc tor wouldnt take her medical advice Go to your family phy sician at once Your peace of mind is worth something isnt it NEWEST CONCEPT IN HOME MODERNIZING THEE ilTHOIVIE ESTIMATES WOHKMIINSHIP and sinsrrcnon THE BALL PLANING Mill 48 ANNE ST Add Some Bathroom Glamour We know your bathroom isnt this bad but with additions to the family you migbtneed second sink shower or the bathroom modernized Why not phone today and have was your plans with no obligation Visit Our Complete Display Rooms Added To Our Showroom And See The Products In Use GUARANTEED BARRI trained estimator dis PA 60902 for your support Although the caller may not be in wt form she will explain that she represents the Kempcn felt Division of the Girl Gulch of Canada and she is partici pating In fund raising pro jccl Proceeds from the drive will be used lo assist who have been chosen to rep resan this area in Great Bri rain on fivcwecks camping our of the UK to commence in July The girls are Linda Carrigan Elizabeth Macau icy and Brenda McMahon Mayor Les Cooke sets an up ample for all Barrio citizens as he is shown above pur chasing two chocolate bars from Brownie Susan Williams daughter of Aldennan Earle Williams and Mrs Williams of Steel Street With Susan is public relations secretory Mrs Robert Martin Mayor Cooke urges all citizens to support this project and his sentiments are why buy one when you can buy two The bars are clearly marked with Kempenfelt Division lnterna tional Fund Examiner Pho fol Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE FA 3241 EASTER MILLINERY COSTUME JEWELLERY upstairs ibrce guides of the district Honor BrideElect At Trousseau Tea Mrs Hilliard Merediih enter tained at imusseau its at her Maple Avenue residence in honor of her daughter Mildred Eleanor on Saturday no grandchildren of the hostess look pan Bob Walton opened the door in the callers and Miss Sandra Walton wearing while chiffon dress trimmed with pink rosebuds was in charge of the guest book The guests were received by Mrs Meredith wearing fig ured silk dress with corsago of yellow roses and Mrs Jose of Toronto moiher of the groom cowned in beige crepe jacket dress and corsage of Talisman roses The bride clccl was wearing dusly pink bengnline wilh Gardenia cor sage Mrs Wilbur Vallon sister of ihe bride and Miss Evelyn Kightley took care of he guests and directed them where the wedding and shower gifts were display ed The gifts were arranged by coworkers of the brideelect from Flcmmings Store They included Mrs Mervin Bowen Mrs Howard Priddle Mrs Bert Churchill and Mrs Grace Mur phy Miss Ednn Hardakcr and Mrs Thomas McLeod showed the beautiful gifts in lhc after noon and Miss Norma lice and Mrs Edward McArlhur In the evening The lea table was canlrcd with lovely arrangement of daffodils and while daisy mums flanked by candclbra Presiding in the afternoon was Mrs Bell and in the even ing Mrs Clarke Displays of Spring flowers throughout be home added to the festive air Those had been arranged by Mrs Allan Cook Tea nssislanls were Miss Vio let Wade Mrs Donald Fish Miss Beatrice Reed and Mrs Allen Moore Gucsfs from out of city in addition to Mrs dose were Miss Jcan Pciiit and Mrs Walker both of Toronto cousv ins of the groom and Miss Hazel Smith and Miss Kay An sell friends of the bride from Toronto Miss erodith will marry John Lawrence Jose of Barrie and Toronto on Saturday Pick bouquet of flowers for your Spring hat or choose shapely straw preity print Whatever your dioioe new hat is beautiful way to top off your Easter outfit 398 to 1098 An oolledjon of this seasons single and multi stnand necklets earrings pins and bracelets large assort ment of colors to match or blend with your Easter wardrobe ELEGANT GLOVES your Spring fashions STORE HOURS Open Thursdny to pm CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY Sat 915 am to 530 pm 100 200 300 Cost sleeves in new shorter length make gloves on important accessory youll want aglove wardrobe of classic short ies or graceful long gloves time in easycane nylon come in sizm 6928 White and colors to match or blend with 200 293 THE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY APRIL ll 15 PEOPLE AND PLACES Phone Eileen Dixon or Audrey Couboo PA 56517 Notes Ire Island to cover the general mm In of the city district Wedding anniversaries birthday bridge panic and coming of parllu mum and vellen an all in of Later cat to ihe women reader of this pare Your help In lup poinr um new will be many appreciated Mrs Cain Burton Avcnuc and Miss Florence Sims Car oline Street were weekend suests at the residence of Rev and Mrs John NculonSmith of Perth INFORMAL RECEPTION An informal reception will be held at the home of Mrs Gray don Kohl Shnniy Bay Road lhls cvcning at oclock for outofciiy guests who will be attending reception at Coiling wood later in the evening Mrs Kohl associate grand conduclt tress of the Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star wrllbc guest of honor at tho Collinguood cvcnt Outofriiy guests will be present from Sudbury North Bay Burling ion and Kirkland Lakc Mrs Dixon ol Toronto was recent guest at ihe home of her brolhcrinlnw and sister Mr and Mrs Noble Cumberland Street Miss Jane Thompson Cum bcrland Street was recent guest at the home of hcr par Easter Tea Sale On Thursday Mrs Harold Drury was hos tess for the April meeting of ihe Evening Circle of the Unit ed Church During the business session plans were completed for an Easter Tea and Bake Sale to be held on April 157 from lo prn at the YMYWCA building 26 Owen St Business concluded everyone enjoyed interesting movies of local interest shown by Ernest Partridge The hostess served refresh ments assisied by Mrs Mour ice Partridge and Mrs Thomas audit enis lr and Mrs Thompson North Bay HOME FRO GERMANY Charrier of Socst guest of her par and Mrs pperlon Street Lt Charmer has returned to tho llcccc Squadron of the Eighth Canadian Hussars at Soesi lol Iowing completion of exams at Camp Bordon Following months holiday with her par ents Mrs Chorrier will return to Germany via TCA lelolr lincr on May Miss Lynnc Walls of Brank some Hall Toronto arrived in the city today to spend the Bus ter vacation with hcr parents Mr and Mrs Walls Theresa Sircel CARI PARTY Mrs Roy Yorke Donald St prior lo moving in Huntsvillep wos guest of honor at card party hosted by Mrs Vernon Cameron Thompson Street Party guests included Mrs William LOWE Mrs Coul ier Mrs Dobson Mrs Jory Miss Agnes Lavery Mn Cook Mrs Justin Mr and Mrs Barker attended the official opening of ihe Madnc Art Centre Exhibi tion held at ihe Toronlo Central Gallery Mrs Barker has two paintings hung ai ihe exhibi tion one winter landscape painted ai Springwntcr Park and the other spring flowers WOMENS VOICE The Voice of Women founded in Canada in 1960 to promote peace now lists some 6000 members ALLIANCE CHURCH Steel and Cook Si TONIGHT pm Evangelistic Meeting Rev Palmer of Belleville Ontario Everyone Welcome IF YOU HAVENT YET YOU SHOULD SHOP WALKERS COAT AND DRESS DEPART MENTS FOR YOUR EASTER OUTFIT SPRINGSPECIAL ACCESSORIES SMART HANDBAGS Smaller and more sophisticated in the col ors for Spring 62 plus black patent wide choice of clutch pouch tote satchel styles in vinyl plastiis and leather 298 to 2500 NYLONS Among the finest of nylons produced ex orasly for Walkers by one of the largat makers of nylons Seamlas micromesh last longer because theyre run resistant Seamless full stretch tops more comfort and good fit Light or meth beige tonesSinethoiI 100 pr PA soul so DUNLOP 5r WALKERS