ferric Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Walls Pubbsber Bnan Slaight General Manager WEDNESDAY APRIL II 1962 Paie iAtLast The Prime Minister Sets Federal The longawaited date of the federal clection is Monday June 18 Citizens were becoming somewhat impatient with the seemingly unnecessary delay in the announcement which Prime Min ister Diefenbaker made at long last yesterday afternoon He saved the elec tion date for the closing words of his statement to the Commons that he would ask GovernorGeneral Vanier for an early dissolution of the 24th parlia ment Cheers from both sides of the House indicated the relief of the mem bers who are eager to get on the hust lngs now and avoid long hot summer of campaigning which it was feared might happen as day by day went by with no announcement The Prime Minister came up with good though hardly valid excuse for changing his first date in mind Sept 12 to an earlier election Delaying tac tics and obstruction by the Opposition had made this impossible he declared with no effort made by the Liberals to proceed with the business of the House Liberal Leader Pearson said he Election Date was delighted that the contrived un certainty was at an end He scorned the suggestion that the Government with 203 members out of 265 seats couldnt get legislation through The Liberals were only doing their duty in opposition It must be concluded that the Prime Minister an astute politician judges the time must be right to go to the people now at this time rather than wait for September The battle will be fought on the Governments record since com ing into office in 1957 No really conten tious issue is on the horizon at the moment However both Conservatives and Liberals will have to face revit alized by labor blood CCF under its new guise of New Democratic Party with able Douglas former premier of Sas katchewan at the head Presently the House of Commons has 203 Conservatives 51 Liberals CCF vacancies no Social credit On the morning of June 19 there is certain to be some changes in those figures Residence For Nurses Best Ontario Health Minister Dymond should have enquired more thoroughly into the usefulness of nurses residences operated by hospitals before condemn ing all as having outlived their useful ness Mr Dymond is reported to have found common cause with New Democratic Party leader Donald MacDonald who contended in the Legislature that resi dences for nurses in training are one of the hidebound traditions which discour age young girls from entering the field Barries Royal Victoria Hospital has an outstanding residence for nurses where the trainees can eat sleep and study and where they enjoy the com panionship of other nurses The Minister of Health and Mr Mac Donald seem to overlook the fact that discipline is necessity in the life of nurse both as trainee and as gradu ate Their very work in caring for pa tients makes it imperative that they un derstand and can work under discipline And that discipline as to hours and times for study is in the interest of the trainees It is not harsh discipline but sufficient to instill into the students the fact that they must willingly follow orders And following orders is something that all workers must do until they reach the point where they are the ones who give the orders There is also the fact that young girls coming to strange city to learn ro fession are under better supervision an they would be in private homes or living in groups in apartments The nurses residence is really part of the educa tional experience which nurses undergo It is also fact that the ability of the hospital to provide wellkept nurses residence is of material assistance in securing student nurses Down Memory Lane 25 YEARS AGO SPORTS AND SORTS Barrie Examiner April 1937 Barrie Garrison won the Finiayson badmian trophy ending Oriilia Garrisons three year reign Three exBarrie boys in Allah Cup eastern playoffs Stan Part ridge with Trenton Flyers Emerson Rey noids and E111 Arnott with Port Coiborne Sailors Flt Lt Dave Harding former football great at Queens in jured in air crash near Camp Borden Craighurst resident in Barrie since 1920 Charles Frederick Christie native of Craighurst resident in Barrie since 1929 appointed manager of the new Arcade Store The new Imperial Theatre opened with the newest in sound and projection equipment Richard Gar rett was the ownermanager Agnew surpass opened shoe store in Barrie with Allan Cotty Tnoble as manager Zooming from Brantford where he was assistant manager in the main store of lthe chain Town Council sets tax rate at 50 mills again Group led by Alder Other Edit MOST DONT WANT DIVORCE San Francisco Chronicle recent survey oi unhappy husbands reveals that most of themdont want divorce in fact most dont know what they want except they do know they dont want what they have Most of the trouble stems from the children Somehow many of you Amer lcan mothers assume that because you bore the child it should then dominate the rest of your married life which in this country is apt to be amazingly short You eventually antagonize the father disturb the child and Wind up with the child but no father for it nor husband for yourself The Barrie Examiner Authorized as rccond class mail Post Office Department Ottawa and or payment of postage in cash Daily Sundays and Statutory muddy excepted KENNETH WALLS enema BRIAN sharonr General Manager MePHBRSDN Managing Editor cancer wanna Business Manager mini WILSON novelnun Manner vonN HOLDER clrculnllon Manager subscription mo daily by carrier 50 weekly 91320 year Single copy Io By mall in Ontario 3100 year 3409 nx months 3250 three months $100 month Outside Ontoon saoo year Outside Canad $2000 you 0mm as union Avon Toronto street Montmi yer Member of tho Canldian Daily Newspaper Publt ilsherr Association The Canadian Prods and the Audit Bureau or circulations The Canadian Pros ll exclusively entitled in the use for republication of all news duotones 1n thin paper credited to it Dr The Associated Press or mentor andaim the local new published ihereln Ma CILhoart iias Welt Georgia Street Vancou joyed the free trade which man Murray Mills attempted to have the rate cut Dr William Coughlin Dean of the Faculty of Surgery St Louis University Missouri interviewed on visit home to Fios Township Dr Coughlin graduated from Barrie Collegiate and Trinity Medical College Toronto Barrie Colts won ORA semifinal rounc in junior hockey 65 in suddendeath game over Peterboro at Oshawa New Imperial Theatre featured James Cag ney in Great Guy Roxy had Shirley Temple in Dimples and Charlie Chan At The Race Track Capitol Theatre had Will Rogers in Ambassador Bill Thomas Lowe heads Barrie Conserv ative Association Trinity organist and choir director appointed to Holy Trinity Church Toronto Ralph Weay mouth is new secretary Barrie Business mens Club Horace Coles elected District Deputy Grand Warden for the IOOF Canadas population reached 11100000 mark Relief rolls showing steady dccline locally ors Views Whatever happened to that beautiful oldfashioned respect for the father when children tiptoed around the house for fear of disturbing him You destroy it by listening to too many Interfering busybodies who frightened you into forcing the husband to relin quish his fathers rights Now he is buddy companion friend to the child He is forced to participate in idiotic sports with the little boys to be at the beck and call of the little girls who are always going somewhere they shouldnt But when they need disciplining they run to you in tears crying Momma Get back to having man around the house If your children want playmate theyll get plenty at school Father is father and thats all thats necessary Thats enough for any family Now let Father rest hes earned it TRADING TOGETHER Christian Science Monitor 1f the American Civil War 100 years ago had resulted in divided nation neither of the economies could have en now embraces 50 states If the Western world even 10 years from now is to display thefull po tential of what free men can achieve for their own living standard and the bene fit of others then the common markets of America and Western Europe should cooperate rather than contend with each other Hell Never Get Rich in TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Wax In The Ears Normal Secretion By JOSEPH MOLNER 11 Dear Dr Molnar We are concerned over our fouryear old grandson because the doctor spends so much time cleaning wax out of his ears He says the boys ear canals are small What caused the wax7 And how can one prevent it How often should the ears be cleaned out MRS You dont want to prevent wax from forming it is nor mal secretion and is protec tion for the membrane of the outer ear canal However there are consider able individual differences ihe amount of wax varies So does the consistency in many people the wax dries readily crumbles and falls out in others it is more pasty or sticky small canal or one that is shaped angularly will Int give up the wax as easily And if the canal is irritated Jl some infection is there the amount of wax will increase As the canal fills up with wax It can cause sense of fullness sometimes itching and can in terfere with hearingalthough this does not imply deafness its just that the packed canal does not adrnlt as much sound QUEENS PARK Hobarts Clarifies Education Program By DON OEARN TORONTO The provinces radical new education program will be toucheandgo but it will G0 Premier Robarts in his port folio aa education minister clarified much of the back ground of the plan for the members He agreed there could be criticisms He further agreed as some have said that if the government had waited details of the plan might have been further refined But the important thing he said was to get started If there had been further stuny and discussion the pro gram might never have got un derway And with these considerations in mind he had said Lets get going The threeway program or Rubarts plan as the mem bers are calling it will start pupils in Grade on one of three mainvroads of schooling academic commercial or voca Lionel GIVES DETAILS One great misunderstanding the premier quickly cleared away He said there seemed to be an impression that academic training would be sacrificed This wda not so Commercial and vocational students still would get substantially full academic training Their tech nical training would be second 311 Further he stressed the plan was still very much in the form flve stage Do not try to remove wax with match stick or anything of that sort Leaving aside the risk of damaging the ear that sort of effort merely tends to push most of the wax back in where it becomes hardened and packed 1f the wax is soft it can safe ly be washed out with warm water in rubber syringe if the wax is hard and stuck to the wall of the ear canal your doctor will have to remove it with instruments However sometimes wax can be softened before washing it out using sweet oil or one of the prepara tions on the market designed for that purpose Rapid and excessive forma tion of wax in the canal is often the sign of infection Not posi tive signbut check should be made With children once the wax has been cleaned out periodic syringing with warm water once every four to six months will frequently wax from becoming impacted in the canal And tip for adults who work in dusty environments and are bothered with excessive wax which appears in response to ir It would start in Grade this year Grade 10 next year and so on until Grade 13 But in planning the Grade in approach th experience in Grade would be used and the whole overall program would be so flmdbie that it could always be easily changed WHAT IT MEANS What does it all mean it means that there will be great expansion in technical ed ucation in the province Mr Robarts noted as one example of this expansion that Seaforth Godarlch Exeter and Clinton had combined to build com mon technical school This type of instruction had not been available to students in the area before There are 225 such projects underway in the province it means that our general ed ucation pattern will be more practical But it doesnt mean we are going to produce class of young men and Women who cant and wonlt read anything beyond blueprint They will still get domi nantly academic training And with the great atlontlon being paid to courses general Prob ably better one than ever bc fore The bulk of their technical training however wiiivstill be gained onihe job Mr Robarls agreed with Opposition Leader Wintermeyel that this would have to be so The gist of the whole program would seem to be that it is more praciical without chang ing principles This Neighborhood rltatlon by lhc dust Wearing light cotton plug in each ear to keep the dust out can be very helpful and will not interfere with hearing to any importanl dcgrcc either Dear Dr Molnar read your article on prostate operations and it is very true because In the fall of 1949 had such sur gery was so then and am go log on 02 now My doctor and surgeon both said it would odd years to my life and believe me know it has This letter ought to be of re assurance to worried sufferers of prostate trouble who have written about the gloomy and fanciful talcs told to them by misinformed calamity bowlers Why is it that some people so delight in trying Io frighten their friends with horrible pre dictions or terrifying stories whether true or not Dear Dr Molnar have salad dressing recipe that uses mineral oil to cut calories but have heard that daily and fre quent use of mineral oil can damage the intestines Is this true use about three table spoons of the dressing day MRS Mineral oil wont damage the intestines it can however in terfere with the absorption of some vitamins see no harm in such use of mineral oil so long as the user keeps that fact in mind in case of any signs of vitamin deficiency STUDY SCHOOLING NIAGARA FALLS Out Stamford district board of edu cation is sendlng its director McLeod on sixweek tour of Europe this spring to study education methods there OTTAWA REPORT Quebec Orchestra To Play In Moscow By PATRHK NICHDBDN WAWA No Soviet liyu Ihln airliners taking off from Montreals Dorval Airport on April is will mark milestone In Canadar cultural progress For aboard those airliners will be the first professional Cana dian symphony orchestra ever invited to perform in foreign capitala The 82 musicians of LOrchcs ire mphoninue de Montreal will ve flve concerts in Russia ai Moscow Kiev and Lcnln grad It will then fly to Austria to perform in Vienna long rcc ognlzed as major centre of opera and orchestral music and finally it will give two per formnnces in Paris before re turning in Canada This flight of melodious notes through the Iron Curtain is wci come evidence that man finds universal brotherhood in the arts despiio the erected by political ideologies it is also gracious return of thanks for the reccnt visit to Canada of the Red Arm Chorus whoso musical activ tics not even John Blrchcr could decry Crcdlt for the initiative in making this tour possible must be given lorgcly lo on honored patron of the arts in the prov ince of Quebec Mark Drouln That dcbnnair lawyer from Quo bcc City has for many years dedicated much of his time ability and wealth to furthering the culture of his native prov lnce TAKES ACTIVE PART He is president of Le Theatre du Nouveau Mondc director of the National Theatre School and governor of the Dominion Drama Festival lie is also nd viscr and attorney to thc Moni real Symphony Orchestra and in that capacity willtogethcr with his attractivewife Jeanne accompany the orchestra on its four of Russia Austria and France illc Honorable Mark Drouln Is better known In Ottawa as the speaker of tho Senate on office which he has discharged with dignity and ability through out the 2er and 24th Parliu mcnls of Canada that is to sa since October 1957 His parliamentary position prompted mc to ask him whether while in Moscow he will be speaker of the senate as well as adviser to the orches ira Will he for example meet Premier Nikita Khrush chev Will he as prominent supporter of the government al though currently on impartial speaker perhaps seek to blast hole through the iron Curtain by the sentimental notes of the Shustukovich First Symphonyt LADY LEADS ARTS No he tells me he does not expect to meet llir Khrushchev who will probably not utlend the Canadian concerts In Mos cow But the Russian govern ment will be officially repre sented in the audience by Ekat erina Furtscva the minister of cultural affairs who is the only woman in the praesidium of twelvecomparable to our cab inetwinch governs Russia The Montreal orchestra is di lected by young musician from India Zube Mehta whose father is chef dorchestre in Bombay Although only 24 years old Mehta has already won worldwide acclaim which is endorsed by managing direc tor ol the orchestra iii Pierre Belque who tells me simply flunk Mehta is genius His wife is the PolishScottish ringer Carmen Lasld of San kutoon Thi Russian gorernmcni or hurt to the Canadian orchestra is providing air transport from Canada to Russia and back as far in Vienna it will pay the performers of the Russian sal ary acalc whilst In that coun try and in other way be generous host But the trip has been made possiblt by financial grants from the ministry of cul tural affairs of Quebec prov lace and from the Canada Council and the Montreal Arts Council Large Yacht Brings $1150 LUNENBURG NS CPiA onceluxurious yacht purchased by on American millionaire for 3249000 in the 19205 has been auctioned off for mcrc smso following several years of legal wrangling Originally the Ramnllah the 94 foot racing schooner was well known along the Atlantic coast especially off Bermuda in thc late 1520 and early 19305 Moro than 10 years ago the late Capt Archibald Publicover of the La Have River commun lty of Dublin Shore NS pur chased the yacht For about six years she lay moored ncgicctcd at La Have wharf Four years ago the yacht was purchased by Island Trader imitcd Mervin Rhindcss company associate had her rc filted at Chester NS and later returned her to his home at La Have island The legal dispute began when McGrath of Sydney NS entered tentative agreement with the company to operate the yacht on charter Following an argument Mr McGrnlh filed suit against the yacht now named the island Queen for nonpayment of labor and ma terial Mysteriously Mr McGrath failed to make mandatory up pearancc at hearing of the suit in Halifax by the admiralty division of the Exchequer Court Efforts to locate him proved fu tile and he has not been heard from since in 1959 Sheriff Bourquo seized the vessel after she was iowod info the harbor here for debts owing other financial problems followed and tho and result was the auction block She was purchased for private use by Cmdr Herbert Smith of HMCS Cornwallis near Digby NS and Robert Purdy of Deep Brook in the Annapolis Basin area of western Nova Scotia BIBLE THOUGHT We were bold in our God in speak unto you the gospel Thessalonians 22 Too many of us are timid about speaking the gospel is it because we lack trust in our God